No worries Raf! It's not really your fault! Really!
I should have been like all the other smart folks and just butted out and stayed out! Noooooo....I had to look around some more...and when I found something pertinent....all the rest of the "regular posters" never made a sound...and that was the way to handle that one.
But nooooo - not me! I had to be stoopeder than stupid and vaaiiiiner than vain to suppose that anybody besides myself would want to look into some of the cracks "we" opened. I will keep my big mouth shut from now on. I have learned the lesson this time.
84's tag line is "the lessons repeat until they are learned". I have finally learned. I'm gone.
David, I don't understand why you're accusing Krys of arrogance, and why you're bringing up a misunderstanding that happened months ago and for which Krys already apologized to you. If anyone in this thread has demonstrated a willingness to hear your side of the story and the reasoning behind it, it's been Krys.
I've been criticized for defending you. Let me make it quite clear, both to the critics and to you, that I was never defending your sarcastic and snotty remarks. I was merely defending your right to voice what had turned out to be an unpopular opinion.
I don't like when that happens to anyone. Reminds me way too much of that other outfit I left. But so does the tendency to disparage anyone who disagrees with you, which you've done just as much as the most vociferous opponents to your ideas about oxygenated water.
I also stuck up for you because I know you, and at times what others saw as arrogance, I saw as your rather droll sense of humor. No more. I still like ya, but I don't have enough time in my day to try to convince people you're one of the good guys (which I know you are), while you're doing your best imitation of a stinkpot.
So I'm through with this thread, too. (Well, unless someone says something useful or interesting again...I confess I'll look in to see what's happening if it doesn't die a natural death.)
I've been criticized for defending you. Let me make it quite clear, both to the critics and to you, that I was never defending your sarcastic and snotty remarks. I was merely defending your right to voice what had turned out to be an unpopular opinion.
Nobody even disapproved of his voicing his opinion, much less threatened his right to do so.
I don't like when that happens to anyone. Reminds me way too much of that other outfit I left. But so does the tendency to disparage anyone who disagrees with you, which you've done just as much as the most vociferous opponents to your ideas about oxygenated water.
"That" didn't happen. Nobody disparaged David for disagreeing with them. Several disparaged him for his nastiness, which appeared without provocation in his second post and has continued throughout.
I've been criticized for defending you. Let me make it quite clear, both to the critics and to you, that I was never defending your sarcastic and snotty remarks. I was merely defending your right to voice what had turned out to be an unpopular opinion.
Amen, Linda. I defend that as well. This is an open forum, and I too defend David's right to say whatever he wants.
As for the stinkpot comment, I'm sorry, I don't think it's an imitation.
So I'm through with this thread, too. (Well, unless someone says something useful or interesting again...I confess I'll look in to see what's happening if it doesn't die a natural death.)
Linda Z, you may know that this thread almost died the other day, but it was no natural near death experience. (see Jonny Lingo's thread "What happened to my thread" in the event you don't know what happened and why).
Actually, what I liked about you when I first met you was not how many times you took PFAL but that you started a bible study in a junk yard- and you didn't have a white sheet on burning crosses in somebody's front yard.
The white sheet folks have many reasons why they need to remain anonomous, and no doubt they've come to think the habit is acceptable because they've experienced FEDGOV's "annonomous complaint" habit of the last half century or so- corporate governance at it's worst. As Chief Justice Brandise wrote way back when, "For good or for ill, the government is the preeminent teacher" and it teaches by it's example, not it's words or publications.
Fortunately the KKK like behavior of some on this thread and site is held in check by people that have real names and real faces standing among them. No doubt the cross burners hate that because even if their friends don't rat on them, just their standing among them carries the risk that they might if put to the test. Hey, maybe we're safe from actual hangings for a while.
As for your earlier comment about the thread being unpopular, that depends on one's definition of unpopular. If it's measured by the number of views or the post to view ratio, it's right up there at the top since it started six months ago- and last month, dispite the bashing and my returning the favor, there were over 1,600 views of the thread and the views per post went up from 17 to 19. Why some even learned about the abdominal lymph system, ant anatomy, hyperbarics and that Krys finally realized oxygen could be carried in the body by methods other than being bound by hemoglobin- a lesson hard won perhaps, but won nevertheless. There was a time when she thought hyperbarics was off subject!
So please forgive me if I take a stick and poke at a white sheet every once in a while to see if there's a real person under it and not a robot. You may be comfortable with annonimity, I am not. For every legitimate reason for it there are a thousand illegitimate ones. I happen to find the sujbect of adding oxygen to water to be quite interesting, simple to do, with potentially profound results from it to be found. I can take the cheep shots, and give them out as well- it's what happens when people want to hide their identity and still presume they have an equal right to freedom of speech. No telling how many folks from the anti KKK groups get in for free to the action simply because it's a way to submarine everything they don't like- just put on a white sheet and pretend- "law enforcement" is great at doing that, and appears to be doing it more frequently, and more objectionably, as the nation and it's people become more lawless at all levels. What used to be common decency isn't very common any more.
Fortunately the KKK like behavior of some on this thread and site is held in check by people that have real names and real faces standing among them. No doubt the cross burners hate that because even if their friends don't rat on them, just their standing among them carries the risk that they might if put to the test. Hey, maybe we're safe from actual hangings for a while.
As for your earlier comment about the thread being unpopular, that depends on one's definition of unpopular.
So please forgive me if I take a stick and poke at a white sheet every once in a while to see if there's a real person under it and not a robot. You may be comfortable with annonimity, I am not. For every legitimate reason for it there are a thousand illegitimate ones.
A) By one person's standard of 'popular', threads consisting of a lot of people
suggesting one delusional one get professional help are far more popular than this one.
Relevance of popularity? Obviously it's not "content", else this one would lag far
behind those, by virtue of number of posts and number of reads.
B) You think it's like the KKK here?
Posted on any NORMAL messageboards anytime?
Walked outside recently?
C) The exact reason we have anonymous moderators was already given. We had mods not
anonymous for a while, but that didn't work.
Pawtucket answered your question 7/5/05, 3:24am
So you want names and numbers?
Well, previously posters moderated and we found that people would take them to task
about their moderating and then about their postings.
The anonymity allows moderators to post freely and the moderate. I have no intention to
reveal their identities. This system works very well. And I feel that the flow works
better since the moderators have come on board. They owe NOTHING for the privilege.
They DESERVE to be able to do what they want at GS when they are not moderating without
having to hassle with posters that won't afford them their privacy.
The moderators are doing an excellent job, in my opinion. The communication level is
much better. The moderators are who you can thank for GS continuing, I would not be able
to do it by myself.
So David, you have had your thread back for over a day, why not pick up where you
left off, instead trying to get our phone numbers?
So, instead of positing an anonymous conspiracy, consider that you were given the
actual reason, and consider whether you'd like to get over yourself. You do not have
a Constitutional right to dictate how the GSC operates. (Neither do I.)
If you don't like something, appeal to the powers-that-be. Don't like the answer you
get? Either get over it, or move on. No one is forcing you to eat here.
The internet is a big place. Don't like one messageboard? Find another.
Ahhhhh. Now St. David is likening the anonymous posters to the KKK. Tell us, Dave, is this the kind of ((cough)) 'godly obedience' that you give your 'boss, Jesus Christ'?. -->
For every legitimate reason for it there are a thousand illegitimate ones.
Interesting that he doesn't give any of us any valid samples of his thousand reasons. And he totally disregards all valid reasons for people's anonymity. Never mind the fact that the facts/information stated is totally irrelevant to the identity of the stater.
You're right Oak. A certain someone here has apparently had his oxygen feeding tube pinched. ... And here I thought that David was averse to going to hospitals. :-
BTW, and I'm sorry for returning to the thread, but Penta water has not been available in the "Whole Foods" chain of stores in my area for some time now. At least not the past three weeks that I checked.
I think it might be a supply and (lack of) demand thing.
A week or so ago I bought some oranges and made some fresh orange juice to see how much oxygen was in the juice. Looks like about 17-18 ppm. Don't know how long the oranges were on the shelf or what the oxygen content would be with oranges picked right off the tree, but it's bound to be higher.
What started this little investigation was the fact that I can buy frozen concentrate for 89 cents that makes 48 ounces of juice (about a day's supply of water if you don't like drinking water by itself). Buying the juice istelf costs a lot more and has zero oxygen content because of the pasturization process.
So I bought some frozen concentrate, used 75 ppm oxygenated water to mix with it, and never had better tasting orange juice in my life. Just another reason to make your own oxygenated water.
Mr. Anderson says... "So please forgive me if I take a stick and poke at a white sheet once in awhile to see if there's a real person under it and not a robot. You may be comfortable with annonimity, I am not"
I'll bet that you're no fun at all at a halloween party. Besides, how do I know that your name is really David Anderson...for all I know, your real name could be Alomar Chomolungma.
Hey Raf, did you mean that? I've been waiting with baited breath for your report on your findings.
A gal from Atlanta stopped by yesterday on her way back home from visiting family in Michigan and left with a corny keg, oxygen regulator, hose and fittings to make oxygen saturated water. All she needs now is an oxygen bottle so you'd better hurry if you want to be the first from GSC to actually make their own Pneuma Water.
But not to worry, the corny keg was filled with cold, distilled, water under 60 psig oxygen pressure so you have a little time until it is consumed. What with a husband and two kids, it may take all of three days til she needs more (assuming their liquid intake is 3# per day each and they drink only Pneuma Water.)
Oh, and in difference to you and your comments about burping, I tapped and drank a 16 ounce glass of the water as fast as I could a while back to see if I'd burp. The water was as close to freezing as I could get it so theoretically it contained four times 75 ppm oxygen when it came out of the tap or 300 ppm. And I must confess that I did burp. Well, it wasn't really a burp as we know them- more like a tiny complaint rather than Mt. St. Helens going off- not to be compared to what would happen had I been able to chug a 16 oz. bottle of cold, just opened, soda pop in the same amount of time (which I doubt I could even do). But there you have it, an admission of my being wrong about the possibility of burping.
Actually, when I started this thread I had in mind the old addage, "Give a man a pair of shoes and he'll need shoes again. Teach a man how to make a pair of shoes and he'll always have shoes." I just didn't know I'd need a flack jacket in the classroom!
Now Raf, "it" can be such a non-descriptive, subjective term..
But I'm dissapointed. How can a thread about oxygenated water get 621 replies, and 10910 views, when one about yellow water only gets 20 replies and 179 views? Its just plain tragic..
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Raf 72 posts
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He doubts we even took PFAL?
Why is anyone even paying attention to this anymore?
Krys: I'm sorry.
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No worries Raf! It's not really your fault! Really!
I should have been like all the other smart folks and just butted out and stayed out! Noooooo....I had to look around some more...and when I found something pertinent....all the rest of the "regular posters" never made a sound...and that was the way to handle that one.
But nooooo - not me! I had to be stoopeder than stupid and vaaiiiiner than vain to suppose that anybody besides myself would want to look into some of the cracks "we" opened. I will keep my big mouth shut from now on. I have learned the lesson this time.
84's tag line is "the lessons repeat until they are learned". I have finally learned. I'm gone.
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Linda Z
David, I don't understand why you're accusing Krys of arrogance, and why you're bringing up a misunderstanding that happened months ago and for which Krys already apologized to you. If anyone in this thread has demonstrated a willingness to hear your side of the story and the reasoning behind it, it's been Krys.
I've been criticized for defending you. Let me make it quite clear, both to the critics and to you, that I was never defending your sarcastic and snotty remarks. I was merely defending your right to voice what had turned out to be an unpopular opinion.
I don't like when that happens to anyone. Reminds me way too much of that other outfit I left. But so does the tendency to disparage anyone who disagrees with you, which you've done just as much as the most vociferous opponents to your ideas about oxygenated water.
I also stuck up for you because I know you, and at times what others saw as arrogance, I saw as your rather droll sense of humor. No more. I still like ya, but I don't have enough time in my day to try to convince people you're one of the good guys (which I know you are), while you're doing your best imitation of a stinkpot.
So I'm through with this thread, too. (Well, unless someone says something useful or interesting again...I confess I'll look in to see what's happening if it doesn't die a natural death.)
And by the way. I took PFAL. Lots of times.
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Amen, Linda. I defend that as well. This is an open forum, and I too defend David's right to say whatever he wants.
As for the stinkpot comment, I'm sorry, I don't think it's an imitation.
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David Anderson
Linda Z, you may know that this thread almost died the other day, but it was no natural near death experience. (see Jonny Lingo's thread "What happened to my thread" in the event you don't know what happened and why).
Actually, what I liked about you when I first met you was not how many times you took PFAL but that you started a bible study in a junk yard- and you didn't have a white sheet on burning crosses in somebody's front yard.
The white sheet folks have many reasons why they need to remain anonomous, and no doubt they've come to think the habit is acceptable because they've experienced FEDGOV's "annonomous complaint" habit of the last half century or so- corporate governance at it's worst. As Chief Justice Brandise wrote way back when, "For good or for ill, the government is the preeminent teacher" and it teaches by it's example, not it's words or publications.
Fortunately the KKK like behavior of some on this thread and site is held in check by people that have real names and real faces standing among them. No doubt the cross burners hate that because even if their friends don't rat on them, just their standing among them carries the risk that they might if put to the test. Hey, maybe we're safe from actual hangings for a while.
As for your earlier comment about the thread being unpopular, that depends on one's definition of unpopular. If it's measured by the number of views or the post to view ratio, it's right up there at the top since it started six months ago- and last month, dispite the bashing and my returning the favor, there were over 1,600 views of the thread and the views per post went up from 17 to 19. Why some even learned about the abdominal lymph system, ant anatomy, hyperbarics and that Krys finally realized oxygen could be carried in the body by methods other than being bound by hemoglobin- a lesson hard won perhaps, but won nevertheless. There was a time when she thought hyperbarics was off subject!
So please forgive me if I take a stick and poke at a white sheet every once in a while to see if there's a real person under it and not a robot. You may be comfortable with annonimity, I am not. For every legitimate reason for it there are a thousand illegitimate ones. I happen to find the sujbect of adding oxygen to water to be quite interesting, simple to do, with potentially profound results from it to be found. I can take the cheep shots, and give them out as well- it's what happens when people want to hide their identity and still presume they have an equal right to freedom of speech. No telling how many folks from the anti KKK groups get in for free to the action simply because it's a way to submarine everything they don't like- just put on a white sheet and pretend- "law enforcement" is great at doing that, and appears to be doing it more frequently, and more objectionably, as the nation and it's people become more lawless at all levels. What used to be common decency isn't very common any more.
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Seems like there's LESS oxygen getting to a certain brain lately.
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And your posts are a prime example of that, ( * )
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A) By one person's standard of 'popular', threads consisting of a lot of people
suggesting one delusional one get professional help are far more popular than this one.
Relevance of popularity? Obviously it's not "content", else this one would lag far
behind those, by virtue of number of posts and number of reads.
B) You think it's like the KKK here?
Posted on any NORMAL messageboards anytime?
Walked outside recently?
C) The exact reason we have anonymous moderators was already given. We had mods not
anonymous for a while, but that didn't work.
Pawtucket answered your question 7/5/05, 3:24am
So, instead of positing an anonymous conspiracy, consider that you were given the
actual reason, and consider whether you'd like to get over yourself. You do not have
a Constitutional right to dictate how the GSC operates. (Neither do I.)
If you don't like something, appeal to the powers-that-be. Don't like the answer you
get? Either get over it, or move on. No one is forcing you to eat here.
The internet is a big place. Don't like one messageboard? Find another.
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Ahhhhh. Now St. David is likening the anonymous posters to the KKK. Tell us, Dave, is this the kind of ((cough)) 'godly obedience' that you give your 'boss, Jesus Christ'?.
Interesting that he doesn't give any of us any valid samples of his thousand reasons. And he totally disregards all valid reasons for people's anonymity. Never mind the fact that the facts/information stated is totally irrelevant to the identity of the stater.
You're right Oak. A certain someone here has apparently had his oxygen feeding tube pinched. ... And here I thought that David was averse to going to hospitals. :-
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Hey Garth P. Is your real name Garth P? Hmm. Nice job hiding your identity.
Signed, Rafael Olmeda
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Tumbleweed Kid
BTW, and I'm sorry for returning to the thread, but Penta water has not been available in the "Whole Foods" chain of stores in my area for some time now. At least not the past three weeks that I checked.
I think it might be a supply and (lack of) demand thing.
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A) the latest updates took out the hidden text option.
B) I figured that by being so obvious, maybe I can convince Dave that its not really me.
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David Anderson
A week or so ago I bought some oranges and made some fresh orange juice to see how much oxygen was in the juice. Looks like about 17-18 ppm. Don't know how long the oranges were on the shelf or what the oxygen content would be with oranges picked right off the tree, but it's bound to be higher.
What started this little investigation was the fact that I can buy frozen concentrate for 89 cents that makes 48 ounces of juice (about a day's supply of water if you don't like drinking water by itself). Buying the juice istelf costs a lot more and has zero oxygen content because of the pasturization process.
So I bought some frozen concentrate, used 75 ppm oxygenated water to mix with it, and never had better tasting orange juice in my life. Just another reason to make your own oxygenated water.
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Sounds good. Maybe I'll try it.
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Mr. Anderson says... "So please forgive me if I take a stick and poke at a white sheet once in awhile to see if there's a real person under it and not a robot. You may be comfortable with annonimity, I am not"
I'll bet that you're no fun at all at a halloween party. Besides, how do I know that your name is really David Anderson...for all I know, your real name could be Alomar Chomolungma.
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David Anderson
Raf said,
Hey Raf, did you mean that? I've been waiting with baited breath for your report on your findings.
A gal from Atlanta stopped by yesterday on her way back home from visiting family in Michigan and left with a corny keg, oxygen regulator, hose and fittings to make oxygen saturated water. All she needs now is an oxygen bottle so you'd better hurry if you want to be the first from GSC to actually make their own Pneuma Water.
But not to worry, the corny keg was filled with cold, distilled, water under 60 psig oxygen pressure so you have a little time until it is consumed. What with a husband and two kids, it may take all of three days til she needs more (assuming their liquid intake is 3# per day each and they drink only Pneuma Water.)
Oh, and in difference to you and your comments about burping, I tapped and drank a 16 ounce glass of the water as fast as I could a while back to see if I'd burp. The water was as close to freezing as I could get it so theoretically it contained four times 75 ppm oxygen when it came out of the tap or 300 ppm. And I must confess that I did burp. Well, it wasn't really a burp as we know them- more like a tiny complaint rather than Mt. St. Helens going off- not to be compared to what would happen had I been able to chug a 16 oz. bottle of cold, just opened, soda pop in the same amount of time (which I doubt I could even do). But there you have it, an admission of my being wrong about the possibility of burping.
Actually, when I started this thread I had in mind the old addage, "Give a man a pair of shoes and he'll need shoes again. Teach a man how to make a pair of shoes and he'll always have shoes." I just didn't know I'd need a flack jacket in the classroom!
Best wishes,
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Mom! He's baaaaaaaaaack!
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Tom Strange
do they have oxygenated root beer? is that what makes it fizz when you open it?
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Let it die already.
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Tom Strange
...let what die?
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Now Raf, "it" can be such a non-descriptive, subjective term..
But I'm dissapointed. How can a thread about oxygenated water get 621 replies, and 10910 views, when one about yellow water only gets 20 replies and 179 views? Its just plain tragic..
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It's your own damn fault you need a flak jacket!
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Tom Strange
how have we (all the living things on this planet) managed to live all this time without this amazing water?
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