The only way I know of to boost one's oxygen level in the blood is in a hyperbaric chamber. The atmosphere within can be regulated so that the patient breathes pure oxygen under several atmospheres of pressure. This supersaturates the hemoglobin to remove carbon monoxide and to treat certain bacterial diseases like tetnus and flesh eating staph. I suppose in a healthy person, there might be some short term lasting effects perceived as a boos of energy.
I don't doubt, however, that people will feel better and possibly be more energized...but that would come from the benefits of drinking distilled water.
The best way I know of to acquire and maintain a high energy level is to use distilled properly avoiding refined sugar (but I don't always do that - sometimes I just have to have my chocolate) and supplement a not so perfect diet with all the B vitamins together + some extra C just for good measure!
Hello Grizz. It has been a while hasn't it! Seems there are some hecklers in the back of the room this morning. They must be horse trainers. One of the twentieth centuries most famous horse trainers, Charles Whittingham, was quoted as saying that horse owners were a lot like mushrooms- one had to keep them in the dark and feed them horse ****. They seem like kindred spirits to him.
But in difference to this fine public establishment, perhaps their quips should be handled in hopes they'll come up with something a little more original.
Both links they want us to read were read by me a long time ago. The first admits he knows nothing about how oxygen is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Turns out he doesn't know much about the solubility of gasses in water either, let alone the matter of how fast or how slow various gasses dissolve or escape from water. If he knew Henry's Law he'd immediately know that if one takes out the other gasses (mostly nitrogen and sometimes carbon dioxide if it's well water, plus the pollutants if one lives in the city- like SO2, NOX, CO, and the like) the "solubility" of oxygen (ie. the maximum amount of it that water will hold for any given temperature at atmospheric pressure) becomes five times what it was. Hmmm, that's 75 ppm (or ml per liter- same thing, different units) in the case of distilled water at 32 F, hardly a matter to burp about. At least it's never caused me to burp and I've been ddrinking it now for a year and a half. Turns out that every cell that lines our inside river wants oxygen, beginning at the gums, tongue and roof of the mouth and ending at the exit into the toilet bowl. Suffice it to say that there is no gas there either and so it all gets used up somewhere along the way. Can't say that about soft drinks because the body wants to get rid of carbon dioxide not take it on. Why we've all drank so much Coke and Pepsi for so long is rather bizzare to think about. Why would we want to put into our bodies something it's doing it's best to get rid of? So much for horse trainer #1 and the horse droppings he wants to feed to all us mushrooms.
Ah, but the second link is more lethal because the "Amazing Randi" had the ear of the late Pope of the Church of Reason, Karl Sagan. Same horse droppings, just just packaged in a steril container acceptable to the Church of Reason (that has a vested interest in keeping everyone ignorant so they're not laughed out of office).
By the way, I have no affiliation with the Penta Water Company, nor own any of their stock. I mention them because their's is the only bottled water I've tested that has more than 15-20 ppm oxygen in it. There may be others that aren't on the grocery shelves around here. Suffice it to say that most grocery shelves have more bottled water on them than soda pop these days. I'll leave it to the hecklers to explain why this should not be and why everyone is dumb for buying the stuff. My guess is that at least some of the products add oxygen to their water (Penta Water does, as does Dissanti and Aquafina- although the latter two don't tell you they've done so, they just say on the label that there is no carbon dioxide added and so leave you to wonder what the pssst is when you unscrew the bottle cap) and the oxygen in the water will move one's health in a positive direction so that lots of folks come back to by more.
Anyway Grizz, I think oxygenated water is here to stay. It goes back to at least the late sixties or early seventies when a cancer surgeon in Germany did some tests on his patients using distilled water oxygenated to 50 ppm. It was even given a name, Pakdaman's Water- as if it were any different from any other distilled water oxygenated to 50 ppm. Anyway, he was impressed with the results as every one of his patients in the test group improved and every one in the control group declined as expected.
After publishing his findings he wondered why everyone in the world didn't drink oxygenated water and concluded that it was either too difficult to make or too difficult to sell. Only took thirty years or so to prove that it was not difficult to sell (as evidenced by all those grocery shelves) and I assure you it is not difficult to make.
Fact is that it is an extention of hyperbaric therapy to the realm of normal atmospheric pressure. Both will increase the plasma oxygen concentration and so help the loading and unloading of hemoglobin as well as myoglobin- the skeletal muscle's and heart muscle's equovalent of hemoglobin in the circulatory system (except myoglobin holds onto only one oxygen molecule rather than four- the first protein to have it's structure delineated- molecular weight 20,000.)
Anyway, the nay-sayers are quick to mention hemoglobin as the major mechanism for carrying oxygen from the lungs to each and every cell in the body. But they don't mention that the circulatory system is a closed system and every molecule of oxygen first has to get dissolved in water (in the lungs) before hemoglobin can grab onto it, and then has to get dissolved in water before it can leave the circulatory system and do any good.
The human body is 60% water and so we're all like a lake thriving with fish and other organisms as each cell within us lives and moves and does its thing. And if we add the oxygen that is the major part of the water molecule to all the other oxygen in the body, we are made up of 65% oxygen! Gives a whole new meaning to being full of hot air!
Hey Paw, the coffee was great this morning but I need some of that oxygenated water to go because all the oxygen is driven out of water in the making of coffee and my brain is telling me it could use more oxygen.
David, it's so good to see you posting here! I've missed your fascinating narratives and I've enjoyed reading what you've posted in this thread.
I once read that oxygenated water was good for fibromyalgia, but I dismissed it as a quack remedy someone was peddling. My doc wants me to do sleep studies because he thinks my condition is exacerbated by low oxygen levels as a result of sleep apnea. The thought of wearing one of those blasted sleep masks really turns me off, but if I could get more O2 pumping through the "river" of my body, maybe that would be a good thing!
Mainly I wanted to pop in and say welcome back to David. Don't be such a stranger!
Dave helped Fred fix up a simple oxygenating system using one of those "korny kegs" (like soda fountains use) and an oxygen tank (the current big one has lasted months).
In my opinion it's given me extra time here on earth.
I have kidney problems, like what killed Erma Bombeck, and drinking oxygenated water is making a difference.
I have used distilled water for my drinking and cooking water for years. The oxygenated water has an effect on top of the distilled water value.
Welcome back!! Don't let the naysayers get you down, bud. I enjoy reading the fringe elements' expositors. It keeps me focused on realizing that you can get otherwise intelligent individuals to believe any dang thing in the world!
You're probably a decent human being of at least normal intelligence so stick around, I say! Honest different perspectives are usually educational and good for diversity.
In a world where anecdotal or apochryphal evidence garners as much (or more!) credence as anything else we're guaranteed to spend an awful lot of time wandering down blind alleys and clearing out smoke from our nether regions.
What is the appeal of "alternative" medicine, herbal remedies, and quack medical devices anyway? Animosity towards supposed "evils" of modern medicine? Desperation? Anxiety from having an untreatable illness? All of the above? I really don't get it. I'd think we'd have all had our fill of unsubstantiated, wild-a$$ed claims by now.
I guess not...
And BTW David, though I can't think of a single thing we agree on, it is good to see you back.
Hello Krysilis. Glad you picked up on the benifits to the digestive system of oxygen. All those friendly aerobic bacteria that help in the digestion process have no way of getting oxygen from hemoglobin and the circulatory system and so have to get it from water or fruits and veggies as they arrive.
While I was on Horsescience it was reported that the plasma oxygen concentration in the portal vein increased 18% in the horses who were given the oxygenated water. Later I learned somewhat about the lymph system and it seems that the lymph system is twice the size of the circulatory system. But it seems that lymph therapy is used and therefore understood much more in Europe than in the USA.
Anyway, if a two hundred pound person is sixty percent water, then 120 pounds of that person is water. The normal oxygen concentration in the water fraction of the blood (the plasma) is 3 ppm. Looks like all the rest of the water in the body also averages 3 ppm oxygen. So if we drink a sixteen oz glass of water that is oxygenated to to 75 ppm and add it to the 120 pounds that is 3 ppm, the resulting concentration of the now 121 pounds of water is 3.6 ppm- a 20% increase to the intercellular, extracellular, lymph and blood stream oxygen concentration.
That's not much in terms of the amount carried by hemoglobin, but it is huge in the functioning of the body. The effeciency of hemoglobin loading in the lungs depends on the plasma oxygen concentration as well as the quality of the water in the body. And water quality is something everyone in the Cleveland area knows about because it wasn't all that long ago that one could walk on water without doing a miracle if they were walking at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River as it dumped into Lake Erie.
The problam of water quality in our bodies is that we don't drink enough well oxygenated water, don't exercise enough or breathe right (the lymph system depends on the diaphram for it's pump) and so the sewage water just stays with the fresh water and our inland lake becomes more and more polluted as the kidneys, liver, etc. start shutting down for lack of work to do, and all sorts of cancers start forming because cells are starved for oxygen for so long that they learn how to morph into critters that don't need oxygen and start chewing up all the cells that are too weak to defend themselves.
Anyway, the lymph system starts with Chyle in the small intestine and ends with the water being dumped into the blood stream at the lymph nodes. Maybe you're a medical doctor and know all this, but if not, there is a great site called with detailed dissertations on all kinds of things by qualified people. It has a search engine to type in what it is you want to investigate and if you type in liver, kidney, immune system, lungs, heart, circulatory system, etc., it's a college education in whatever area you want to persue- and all for no cost!
David - I taught high school biology for 20 years or so.
Aside from regular exercise, the best way I know of to move lymph more quickly is a theraputic full body massage.
The appointment of my first, the practitioner advised me to drink plenty of water for a day or two, which I did....but for aomost 3 days there was considerably darker urine than normal.
I think it's time to see if I can squeeze such a massage every once in a while from my disabiity "allowance."
I can't really be more specific, I'll see if this information really does answer my questions or not.
Seems forever, I've gotten excited about something 'natural' that is going to help this, take care of that, provide relief for this or that and of course it doesn't.
What I'm excited about is information that I can read and not have to take apart like medical terminology to try to understand.
Seems this is turning into a health food message board. Personally I find it interesting that all a new poster talks about is water while everyone else talks about what happened to them
Hey ex-70s, the beauty of this place is that you can start a discussion on any topic you like. People may join in if they like. And you can ignore any topics that don't interest you if you like.
By the way, David isn't a new poster; he just hasn't been posting lately. He's started discussions on twi, on horses, and even on chickens! He's a pretty versatile guy. :D-->
Hey Linda, when did I ever talk about chickens in this place? Paw tells me I never had a username and password here until this past weekend- and Waydale was long before my favorite chicken story happened. You wouldn't have been talking to Chuck or his wife lately would you?
Ah, lots of interesting stories happen over 61 years but I can't recall a one of them that had to do with chickens until the Chicken Flu romped through Japan and the far east about a year ago and played havoc with the chicken population.
Guess I'd better tell the story to see if it's the same as the one you remember.
We were getting fairly cranked up on the subject of oxygenated water and horses on the Horsescience web site when a gal from the Philipines who has Thoroughbreds posted that her racers had paid a lot of bills with their winnings- which she attributed to giving them oxygenated water.
She then went on to say that a friend who had chickens also gave oxygenated water to her laying hens but it was too expensive there to give to all the chickens. When the Chicken Flu hit all of her chickens died except the laying hens. Pretty dramatic report, I thought, in the midst of all the networks reporting every night on TV about the millions of chickens dying in the Far East.
Anyway, a lurker on the Horsescience site (for how long he lurked I don't know) just about ....ed his pants with outrage and burst onto the site with his vindictive. We were all stupid and he was brilliant, the gal from the Philipines was a liar, and he'd match credentials with anyone since he was a school teacher turned pharmicist.
Come to think about it, he may have been the guy who's site Satori gave the link to when this thread started. At least he said the same thing, namely that the only thing that would happen if one drank highly oxygenated water is that he or she would burp. Oops, wrong forum for belligerence if you were not the "owner" of the list, who had more than enough belligerance himself to last three lifetimes. So after a day or two of said owner sparing with him and demanding that he put up or shut up, he was banned from the list. (and I was banned too for daring to suggest that sometimes the most vocal adversaries become the best advocates if dealt with graciously. Sadly, the "owner" wasn't into grace, or even God for that matter, he thought science would save us, and so we parted ways.)
Anyway Linda, it this the chicken story you remember?
I should add the ofshoot of the story in that there's an old Rooster here that showed up a couple, three, years ago. We figure he was a fighting cock and someone dropped him alongside the road for dead. He's a real trip in his own right and sort of adopted the place as his own. It's a fine spread here and the preacher who allows me to use his shop and park my trailer here has a radio talk show. So after Old Rooster nursed himself back to health he mentioned on the radio that there was a rooster here that looked a little down in the mouth because he had no hens to look after. Don't ya know, next day two hens showed up, scared out of their minds at being in a strange place with no chicken coop, no friends, and no fense around them. Then they saw Old Rooster, said "Our hero", made a bee line for him, and the rest is history- except that the watch dog around here, who is rumored to have taken on mountain lions and grizzley bears in defense of the house (a poodle named Fluff) was very surprised to find that Old Rooster no longer ran away from him when he wanted to chase him off but rather went on the attack. Oh what a humbling experience for the Mighty Fluff!
Anyway, after hearing about laying hens benifiting from oxygenated water in the Philipines, I gave some to Old Rooster. He went after it like a monkey after a fig. A week or so later I tried giving him the normal well water and he looked at me as if to say, "don't try to pull that stunt on me, I want the good stuff." Since I don't speak chickenese, it's hard to tell if drinking the water for this year has done him any good. But it sure hasn't done him any harm either, nor have I heard him burp!
But Fluff, now that's a different story. He's an old dog, another good buddy of mine. But he'd been limping pretty badly on his right hind leg for a couple of years and Ernie had said there really was nothing that could be done, that it was arthritis, he'd been to the vet, etc.
So this past summer I was amazed when pastor's fourteen year old son, Matthew, came down to the shop with Fluff on a leash, prancing for all the world like he was three instead of twelve and just dying to get loose so he could delight in chasing chickens for a while. I asked Matthew what they'd done to get rid of the limp and a big smile came across his face as he said, I've been giving him your water!
Well, that report is bound to get the dander up in more than one on this site. But I really don't care about the nay-sayers. I do care about good health for animals and humans alike, and Fluff is the most dramatic example of the benificial effect of highly oxygenated water that I've seen to date. Such a simple solution to lots of ailments, and all for little cost and no downside that anybody knows of (I have the "no downside" on authority of a well known MD in general practice, and a well known MD that heads a world renouned hyperbaric medical unit in England, not to mention my own experience after drinking it regularly for a year and a half now, with only positive results, like joint aches gone, better neck mobility, more alertness, etc., all those little things that creap up on all of us as we age, even those, like me, who have enjoyed good health all my life).
And all this because Linda mentioned a chicken story!
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George Aar
The Amazing Randi has been dealing with the Penta Water folks for quite awhile now.
Just put "Penta Water" in the search engine here to see what he has to say:
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But hello, and enjoy your visit.
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Good to see you David,
:D--> its been much to long!
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The only way I know of to boost one's oxygen level in the blood is in a hyperbaric chamber. The atmosphere within can be regulated so that the patient breathes pure oxygen under several atmospheres of pressure. This supersaturates the hemoglobin to remove carbon monoxide and to treat certain bacterial diseases like tetnus and flesh eating staph. I suppose in a healthy person, there might be some short term lasting effects perceived as a boos of energy.
I don't doubt, however, that people will feel better and possibly be more energized...but that would come from the benefits of drinking distilled water.
The best way I know of to acquire and maintain a high energy level is to use distilled properly avoiding refined sugar (but I don't always do that - sometimes I just have to have my chocolate) and supplement a not so perfect diet with all the B vitamins together + some extra C just for good measure!
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David Anderson
Hello Grizz. It has been a while hasn't it! Seems there are some hecklers in the back of the room this morning. They must be horse trainers. One of the twentieth centuries most famous horse trainers, Charles Whittingham, was quoted as saying that horse owners were a lot like mushrooms- one had to keep them in the dark and feed them horse ****. They seem like kindred spirits to him.
But in difference to this fine public establishment, perhaps their quips should be handled in hopes they'll come up with something a little more original.
Both links they want us to read were read by me a long time ago. The first admits he knows nothing about how oxygen is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Turns out he doesn't know much about the solubility of gasses in water either, let alone the matter of how fast or how slow various gasses dissolve or escape from water. If he knew Henry's Law he'd immediately know that if one takes out the other gasses (mostly nitrogen and sometimes carbon dioxide if it's well water, plus the pollutants if one lives in the city- like SO2, NOX, CO, and the like) the "solubility" of oxygen (ie. the maximum amount of it that water will hold for any given temperature at atmospheric pressure) becomes five times what it was. Hmmm, that's 75 ppm (or ml per liter- same thing, different units) in the case of distilled water at 32 F, hardly a matter to burp about. At least it's never caused me to burp and I've been ddrinking it now for a year and a half. Turns out that every cell that lines our inside river wants oxygen, beginning at the gums, tongue and roof of the mouth and ending at the exit into the toilet bowl. Suffice it to say that there is no gas there either and so it all gets used up somewhere along the way. Can't say that about soft drinks because the body wants to get rid of carbon dioxide not take it on. Why we've all drank so much Coke and Pepsi for so long is rather bizzare to think about. Why would we want to put into our bodies something it's doing it's best to get rid of? So much for horse trainer #1 and the horse droppings he wants to feed to all us mushrooms.
Ah, but the second link is more lethal because the "Amazing Randi" had the ear of the late Pope of the Church of Reason, Karl Sagan. Same horse droppings, just just packaged in a steril container acceptable to the Church of Reason (that has a vested interest in keeping everyone ignorant so they're not laughed out of office).
By the way, I have no affiliation with the Penta Water Company, nor own any of their stock. I mention them because their's is the only bottled water I've tested that has more than 15-20 ppm oxygen in it. There may be others that aren't on the grocery shelves around here. Suffice it to say that most grocery shelves have more bottled water on them than soda pop these days. I'll leave it to the hecklers to explain why this should not be and why everyone is dumb for buying the stuff. My guess is that at least some of the products add oxygen to their water (Penta Water does, as does Dissanti and Aquafina- although the latter two don't tell you they've done so, they just say on the label that there is no carbon dioxide added and so leave you to wonder what the pssst is when you unscrew the bottle cap) and the oxygen in the water will move one's health in a positive direction so that lots of folks come back to by more.
Anyway Grizz, I think oxygenated water is here to stay. It goes back to at least the late sixties or early seventies when a cancer surgeon in Germany did some tests on his patients using distilled water oxygenated to 50 ppm. It was even given a name, Pakdaman's Water- as if it were any different from any other distilled water oxygenated to 50 ppm. Anyway, he was impressed with the results as every one of his patients in the test group improved and every one in the control group declined as expected.
After publishing his findings he wondered why everyone in the world didn't drink oxygenated water and concluded that it was either too difficult to make or too difficult to sell. Only took thirty years or so to prove that it was not difficult to sell (as evidenced by all those grocery shelves) and I assure you it is not difficult to make.
Fact is that it is an extention of hyperbaric therapy to the realm of normal atmospheric pressure. Both will increase the plasma oxygen concentration and so help the loading and unloading of hemoglobin as well as myoglobin- the skeletal muscle's and heart muscle's equovalent of hemoglobin in the circulatory system (except myoglobin holds onto only one oxygen molecule rather than four- the first protein to have it's structure delineated- molecular weight 20,000.)
Anyway, the nay-sayers are quick to mention hemoglobin as the major mechanism for carrying oxygen from the lungs to each and every cell in the body. But they don't mention that the circulatory system is a closed system and every molecule of oxygen first has to get dissolved in water (in the lungs) before hemoglobin can grab onto it, and then has to get dissolved in water before it can leave the circulatory system and do any good.
The human body is 60% water and so we're all like a lake thriving with fish and other organisms as each cell within us lives and moves and does its thing. And if we add the oxygen that is the major part of the water molecule to all the other oxygen in the body, we are made up of 65% oxygen! Gives a whole new meaning to being full of hot air!
Hey Paw, the coffee was great this morning but I need some of that oxygenated water to go because all the oxygen is driven out of water in the making of coffee and my brain is telling me it could use more oxygen.
Here's looking at ya.
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Linda Z
David, it's so good to see you posting here! I've missed your fascinating narratives and I've enjoyed reading what you've posted in this thread.
I once read that oxygenated water was good for fibromyalgia, but I dismissed it as a quack remedy someone was peddling. My doc wants me to do sleep studies because he thinks my condition is exacerbated by low oxygen levels as a result of sleep apnea. The thought of wearing one of those blasted sleep masks really turns me off, but if I could get more O2 pumping through the "river" of my body, maybe that would be a good thing!
Mainly I wanted to pop in and say welcome back to David. Don't be such a stranger!
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Yes, don't be any stranger!
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lol..yes..."any stranger" would never do...
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Kit Sober
Dave helped Fred fix up a simple oxygenating system using one of those "korny kegs" (like soda fountains use) and an oxygen tank (the current big one has lasted months).
In my opinion it's given me extra time here on earth.
I have kidney problems, like what killed Erma Bombeck, and drinking oxygenated water is making a difference.
I have used distilled water for my drinking and cooking water for years. The oxygenated water has an effect on top of the distilled water value.
Thank you for this, too, Dave.
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Welcome back!! Don't let the naysayers get you down, bud. I enjoy reading the fringe elements' expositors. It keeps me focused on realizing that you can get otherwise intelligent individuals to believe any dang thing in the world!
You're probably a decent human being of at least normal intelligence so stick around, I say! Honest different perspectives are usually educational and good for diversity.
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George Aar
Here's a blurb from Dr. Barrett's site (I'm sure he's just another Godless, unrepentant skeptical bastard):
In a world where anecdotal or apochryphal evidence garners as much (or more!) credence as anything else we're guaranteed to spend an awful lot of time wandering down blind alleys and clearing out smoke from our nether regions.
What is the appeal of "alternative" medicine, herbal remedies, and quack medical devices anyway? Animosity towards supposed "evils" of modern medicine? Desperation? Anxiety from having an untreatable illness? All of the above? I really don't get it. I'd think we'd have all had our fill of unsubstantiated, wild-a$$ed claims by now.
I guess not...
And BTW David, though I can't think of a single thing we agree on, it is good to see you back.
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Once coffee is made, can it be oxygenated??
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hi david of long posts
and ? go on ?who decides the nonsense ? and lies even ? (in other words, i don't know what you were implying)
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I apologize David. I never thought about immediate benefit to the gut. If it is well oxygenated, the rest of the body can use what it does not need.
I will re-think on the plasma levels. Perhaps this is something has a value I didn't consider being so narrow minded as I am.
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David Anderson
Hello Krysilis. Glad you picked up on the benifits to the digestive system of oxygen. All those friendly aerobic bacteria that help in the digestion process have no way of getting oxygen from hemoglobin and the circulatory system and so have to get it from water or fruits and veggies as they arrive.
While I was on Horsescience it was reported that the plasma oxygen concentration in the portal vein increased 18% in the horses who were given the oxygenated water. Later I learned somewhat about the lymph system and it seems that the lymph system is twice the size of the circulatory system. But it seems that lymph therapy is used and therefore understood much more in Europe than in the USA.
Anyway, if a two hundred pound person is sixty percent water, then 120 pounds of that person is water. The normal oxygen concentration in the water fraction of the blood (the plasma) is 3 ppm. Looks like all the rest of the water in the body also averages 3 ppm oxygen. So if we drink a sixteen oz glass of water that is oxygenated to to 75 ppm and add it to the 120 pounds that is 3 ppm, the resulting concentration of the now 121 pounds of water is 3.6 ppm- a 20% increase to the intercellular, extracellular, lymph and blood stream oxygen concentration.
That's not much in terms of the amount carried by hemoglobin, but it is huge in the functioning of the body. The effeciency of hemoglobin loading in the lungs depends on the plasma oxygen concentration as well as the quality of the water in the body. And water quality is something everyone in the Cleveland area knows about because it wasn't all that long ago that one could walk on water without doing a miracle if they were walking at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River as it dumped into Lake Erie.
The problam of water quality in our bodies is that we don't drink enough well oxygenated water, don't exercise enough or breathe right (the lymph system depends on the diaphram for it's pump) and so the sewage water just stays with the fresh water and our inland lake becomes more and more polluted as the kidneys, liver, etc. start shutting down for lack of work to do, and all sorts of cancers start forming because cells are starved for oxygen for so long that they learn how to morph into critters that don't need oxygen and start chewing up all the cells that are too weak to defend themselves.
Anyway, the lymph system starts with Chyle in the small intestine and ends with the water being dumped into the blood stream at the lymph nodes. Maybe you're a medical doctor and know all this, but if not, there is a great site called with detailed dissertations on all kinds of things by qualified people. It has a search engine to type in what it is you want to investigate and if you type in liver, kidney, immune system, lungs, heart, circulatory system, etc., it's a college education in whatever area you want to persue- and all for no cost!
Bye for now.
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David - I taught high school biology for 20 years or so.
Aside from regular exercise, the best way I know of to move lymph more quickly is a theraputic full body massage.
The appointment of my first, the practitioner advised me to drink plenty of water for a day or two, which I did....but for aomost 3 days there was considerably darker urine than normal.
I think it's time to see if I can squeeze such a massage every once in a while from my disabiity "allowance."
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Very interesting. This might be some answers to things I've wondered about for 20 years!
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Would you care to be more specific, Shell? What kinds of things?
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I can't really be more specific, I'll see if this information really does answer my questions or not.
Seems forever, I've gotten excited about something 'natural' that is going to help this, take care of that, provide relief for this or that and of course it doesn't.
What I'm excited about is information that I can read and not have to take apart like medical terminology to try to understand.
Maybe? Finally?
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Seems this is turning into a health food message board. Personally I find it interesting that all a new poster talks about is water while everyone else talks about what happened to them
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Ok, so tell us what YOU want ex70's
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Linda Z
Hey ex-70s, the beauty of this place is that you can start a discussion on any topic you like. People may join in if they like. And you can ignore any topics that don't interest you if you like.
By the way, David isn't a new poster; he just hasn't been posting lately. He's started discussions on twi, on horses, and even on chickens! He's a pretty versatile guy.
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David Anderson
Hey Linda, when did I ever talk about chickens in this place? Paw tells me I never had a username and password here until this past weekend- and Waydale was long before my favorite chicken story happened. You wouldn't have been talking to Chuck or his wife lately would you?
Ah, lots of interesting stories happen over 61 years but I can't recall a one of them that had to do with chickens until the Chicken Flu romped through Japan and the far east about a year ago and played havoc with the chicken population.
Guess I'd better tell the story to see if it's the same as the one you remember.
We were getting fairly cranked up on the subject of oxygenated water and horses on the Horsescience web site when a gal from the Philipines who has Thoroughbreds posted that her racers had paid a lot of bills with their winnings- which she attributed to giving them oxygenated water.
She then went on to say that a friend who had chickens also gave oxygenated water to her laying hens but it was too expensive there to give to all the chickens. When the Chicken Flu hit all of her chickens died except the laying hens. Pretty dramatic report, I thought, in the midst of all the networks reporting every night on TV about the millions of chickens dying in the Far East.
Anyway, a lurker on the Horsescience site (for how long he lurked I don't know) just about ....ed his pants with outrage and burst onto the site with his vindictive. We were all stupid and he was brilliant, the gal from the Philipines was a liar, and he'd match credentials with anyone since he was a school teacher turned pharmicist.
Come to think about it, he may have been the guy who's site Satori gave the link to when this thread started. At least he said the same thing, namely that the only thing that would happen if one drank highly oxygenated water is that he or she would burp. Oops, wrong forum for belligerence if you were not the "owner" of the list, who had more than enough belligerance himself to last three lifetimes. So after a day or two of said owner sparing with him and demanding that he put up or shut up, he was banned from the list. (and I was banned too for daring to suggest that sometimes the most vocal adversaries become the best advocates if dealt with graciously. Sadly, the "owner" wasn't into grace, or even God for that matter, he thought science would save us, and so we parted ways.)
Anyway Linda, it this the chicken story you remember?
I should add the ofshoot of the story in that there's an old Rooster here that showed up a couple, three, years ago. We figure he was a fighting cock and someone dropped him alongside the road for dead. He's a real trip in his own right and sort of adopted the place as his own. It's a fine spread here and the preacher who allows me to use his shop and park my trailer here has a radio talk show. So after Old Rooster nursed himself back to health he mentioned on the radio that there was a rooster here that looked a little down in the mouth because he had no hens to look after. Don't ya know, next day two hens showed up, scared out of their minds at being in a strange place with no chicken coop, no friends, and no fense around them. Then they saw Old Rooster, said "Our hero", made a bee line for him, and the rest is history- except that the watch dog around here, who is rumored to have taken on mountain lions and grizzley bears in defense of the house (a poodle named Fluff) was very surprised to find that Old Rooster no longer ran away from him when he wanted to chase him off but rather went on the attack. Oh what a humbling experience for the Mighty Fluff!
Anyway, after hearing about laying hens benifiting from oxygenated water in the Philipines, I gave some to Old Rooster. He went after it like a monkey after a fig. A week or so later I tried giving him the normal well water and he looked at me as if to say, "don't try to pull that stunt on me, I want the good stuff." Since I don't speak chickenese, it's hard to tell if drinking the water for this year has done him any good. But it sure hasn't done him any harm either, nor have I heard him burp!
But Fluff, now that's a different story. He's an old dog, another good buddy of mine. But he'd been limping pretty badly on his right hind leg for a couple of years and Ernie had said there really was nothing that could be done, that it was arthritis, he'd been to the vet, etc.
So this past summer I was amazed when pastor's fourteen year old son, Matthew, came down to the shop with Fluff on a leash, prancing for all the world like he was three instead of twelve and just dying to get loose so he could delight in chasing chickens for a while. I asked Matthew what they'd done to get rid of the limp and a big smile came across his face as he said, I've been giving him your water!
Well, that report is bound to get the dander up in more than one on this site. But I really don't care about the nay-sayers. I do care about good health for animals and humans alike, and Fluff is the most dramatic example of the benificial effect of highly oxygenated water that I've seen to date. Such a simple solution to lots of ailments, and all for little cost and no downside that anybody knows of (I have the "no downside" on authority of a well known MD in general practice, and a well known MD that heads a world renouned hyperbaric medical unit in England, not to mention my own experience after drinking it regularly for a year and a half now, with only positive results, like joint aches gone, better neck mobility, more alertness, etc., all those little things that creap up on all of us as we age, even those, like me, who have enjoyed good health all my life).
And all this because Linda mentioned a chicken story!
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