I'm ... considering where to begin, where to begin ... I need a quiet place to park, this is as good as any ...
Here's a good spot. Evil doctrine doesn't have to be mixed with good doctrine to be believed Mick. You know that. Why? Because some people like evil doctrine, they like evil, they like bad and they don't like good. Defined as you will, those things generally, it's true. Every once in awhile as I go along thinking that everyone in the world is pretty much the same and we're all gooduns underneath the wrapper, I meet someone that proves to me, shows to me, unequivocally, that we all aren't. That some people are on a different path and are warmed by darkness, not sunshine and posies and butterflies and holding hands by the fire. And even as recent as a few weeks ago, I was reminded that when you step into the darkness you'd better keep your hat on straight because people in that world see you like a wolf sees a duckling - lunch. So you absolutely don't play poker in that world because you won't win, you're not bad enough. Regardless of how evil your thoughts can go, they don't go where these other people's play. So it's better not to even get in to it with them. Unless you're completely ready, right here and now, to deal with it, which is only going to end badly no matter how you slice it.
So on that one point right off I have to disagree with you Mick. There are people who like pain as much as you like pleasure and who live every day with a razor running down the center of their brain. And they like it.
Seth is right. The title of this thread isn't exactly a news flash.
I also object to "like the rest of us." Wierwille would have had to crawl up and out from under some seriously subterranean rock to be like the rest of us, on average.
Don't know if he had razor brain though. socks can speak to that.
Well, that settles it then. I'll do the razor brains, Mick will do the **** for brains, (did I spell that right? ) Satori you can do everything else, and Tom can bring the cocoa.
I don't know about anyone else but I feel a real case of clarity coming on, given that I'm about to fully realize not only what a gullible fool I've been but also that I'm comparable to a leaky diaper in a crowded crib. It's like a two-fer...get one piece of **** and any second one of the same or lower price FREE. (with coupon, while supplies last)
Don't put me in the same box as VPW I have always tried to be nice to others and I'm not a pervert, but alot of what he taught even if plagurized was right on. I'm not a big fan of his but he wasn't always right or wrong just like the rest of us. Let he who Cast the first stone. And BTW I am not one of those Weirwille-iets either. He will have to answer to God one day same as everyone, no one is all bad or all good.
Song slowly exhales a stream of smoke from an ice cold bong like ascending from 70 feet below the oceans surface with a lung full of compressed air following the smallest bubble to the surface without an inhale~~~ or sumthing like that~~~
dmiller...flashbacks, huh? What was mixed in that stuff you did...???? ;)-->
Song...I've got a Shaman's Journey CD around here somewhere...if I can figure out how to get the music from there to here, I'll post some tracks for your listening enjoyment. There really is nothing like music designed to take one to the depths of one's soul...especially when following that elusive bubble... :D-->
If you started at a 70' depth and ascended to the surface, you could make it if you exhaled slowly enough (dont rush to the surface or use your BCD as an elevator or you will get the bends)because the air volume expands as you get nearer the surface. However, if you hold your breath...your lungs will overinflate causing damage for the same reason.
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Tom Strange
are you ABSOLUTly sure about that mick?
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there is not one ever person i met that i know does not have occassion to flatulus or something like that
Weirwille was NOT a peice o de s h i t >>>
that is totally underestimating his life~~~
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Oh my goodness.
Like the rest of us?
I'm ... considering where to begin, where to begin ... I need a quiet place to park, this is as good as any ...
Here's a good spot. Evil doctrine doesn't have to be mixed with good doctrine to be believed Mick. You know that. Why? Because some people like evil doctrine, they like evil, they like bad and they don't like good. Defined as you will, those things generally, it's true. Every once in awhile as I go along thinking that everyone in the world is pretty much the same and we're all gooduns underneath the wrapper, I meet someone that proves to me, shows to me, unequivocally, that we all aren't. That some people are on a different path and are warmed by darkness, not sunshine and posies and butterflies and holding hands by the fire. And even as recent as a few weeks ago, I was reminded that when you step into the darkness you'd better keep your hat on straight because people in that world see you like a wolf sees a duckling - lunch. So you absolutely don't play poker in that world because you won't win, you're not bad enough. Regardless of how evil your thoughts can go, they don't go where these other people's play. So it's better not to even get in to it with them. Unless you're completely ready, right here and now, to deal with it, which is only going to end badly no matter how you slice it.
So on that one point right off I have to disagree with you Mick. There are people who like pain as much as you like pleasure and who live every day with a razor running down the center of their brain. And they like it.
What do you think?
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"Poker"...metaphorically speaking.
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Do they really have razors in their brains?
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Tom Strange
geez socksie... you weren't supposed to tell about us sitting together, holding hands, by that Amazing fire!
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Seth R.
Oh, no. The cat is out of the bag now!
BTW, wrong section, probly be better in the "About The Way" section.
I hope you're feeling better now mick.
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That depends Satori, on what you mean by "razors" and "brains". Did you want to talk about it?
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I can't see that fire anymore, Tom. Is it still there? (good to see you though!)
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No. I don't.
Seth is right. The title of this thread isn't exactly a news flash.
I also object to "like the rest of us." Wierwille would have had to crawl up and out from under some seriously subterranean rock to be like the rest of us, on average.
Don't know if he had razor brain though. socks can speak to that.
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Well, that settles it then. I'll do the razor brains, Mick will do the **** for brains, (did I spell that right? ) Satori you can do everything else, and Tom can bring the cocoa.
I don't know about anyone else but I feel a real case of clarity coming on, given that I'm about to fully realize not only what a gullible fool I've been but also that I'm comparable to a leaky diaper in a crowded crib. It's like a two-fer...get one piece of **** and any second one of the same or lower price FREE. (with coupon, while supplies last)
Don't tell me there ain't no god.
Time for sleep.
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Ok let the person with out sin cast the first stone.
Lets all remember that this has been a place of healing and letting all the hurt out.
For me that was 25 yrs ago. Hell its taken me this long to look back without projectile vomiting.
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We're not stoning Wierwille, ex70s. We're celebrating his legacy, such as it is.
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Cranial Gillettus...a nasty kind of cutting edge. Owie ow ow.
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Don't put me in the same box as VPW I have always tried to be nice to others and I'm not a pervert, but alot of what he taught even if plagurized was right on. I'm not a big fan of his but he wasn't always right or wrong just like the rest of us. Let he who Cast the first stone. And BTW I am not one of those Weirwille-iets either. He will have to answer to God one day same as everyone, no one is all bad or all good.
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Didn't Paul in one of the Timothy epistles mention some evil that some folks had done?
And he was hardly without sin now, was he?
Back to the stone throwing!
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stone throwing
hey man don't bogart that bong man
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I don't have the bong...I've got the wine filled hookah...
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Is a hookah the same thing as a water pipe? If it is maybe I could join you in the enjoyment of your wine filled hookah sans cannabis.
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One toke over the line, sweet Jesus
One toke over the line.
Went downtown .........
Woops -- a flashback!
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Song slowly exhales a stream of smoke from an ice cold bong like ascending from 70 feet below the oceans surface with a lung full of compressed air following the smallest bubble to the surface without an inhale~~~ or sumthing like that~~~
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dmiller...flashbacks, huh? What was mixed in that stuff you did...????
Song...I've got a Shaman's Journey CD around here somewhere...if I can figure out how to get the music from there to here, I'll post some tracks for your listening enjoyment. There really is nothing like music designed to take one to the depths of one's soul...especially when following that elusive bubble...
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If you started at a 70' depth and ascended to the surface, you could make it if you exhaled slowly enough (dont rush to the surface or use your BCD as an elevator or you will get the bends)because the air volume expands as you get nearer the surface. However, if you hold your breath...your lungs will overinflate causing damage for the same reason.
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