Dmiller, the second sentence is an outcome of the first. To elaborate, only cause I want to, I had heard about Greasespot and The Way International from Oak. Oak took me out to Chicago in April when Cindy! and Steve! got married and after meeting some of the people of the cafe, I began to post a little.
Since I'm not a former member of The Way and not a christian, there are many posts I leave alone. I am not a debater by nature.
quote: Dmiller, the second sentence is an outcome of the first. To elaborate, only cause I want to, I had heard about Greasespot and The Way International from Oak.
Reikilady -- We (I) am glad you're here, whichever road (and I do mean whichever) led you to this "Chicago". :)-->
(Oak can tell you about the "many roads to Chicago", if you don't already know.)
It depends on what you use a chiropractor for! He or she is not going to rid your teeth of cavities, although some claim almost as much.
Many years ago I had a problem with my right arm. There was some pain in the upper back, but I kept dropping things...especially when washing dishes at the sink.
To shut up one of my friends, I did consult her chiropractor, and the discomfort gradually subsided. It took about a month of active treatment but I regained full function and after about 4 months of maintenance the problem never returned.
Reikilady, I'm glad you're here. You add something positive to this place.
I don't go in for many "alternative" type treatments, but I can see why reiki would be beneficial. I believe that when anyone touches anyone else with the intent to love and heal, something good happens. I wouldn't go so far as to ascribe intent to the energy that passes between people, as if it's a sentient being (like I read on one reiki site), but I absolutely believe such energy exists.
To the skeptics among us, haven't you ever met anyone whose very touch was soothing? Call it "energy" or call it whatever you like, I am convinced people give off something that affects other people. When the motive behind the touch is loving or intended to help, it only stands to reason that it could be conducive or supplemental to healing processes.
I remember VPW talking once about how people need to be touched and urging us to lovingly touch elderly people, especially, because they tend to have less human contact and don't get hugged, stroked, held, etc., as much as they might have in the past. I believe he was right.
I have fibromyalgia. Lately it's been a lot better, but in the summer of 2003, it was really bad--my muscles hurt every day, from my neck all the way down my legs. I asked my old gradeschool friend I was vacationing with to rub my back. Now, Chuck seldom had rubbed anyone's back, and his technique was a little clumsy, but after he finished, I felt so much better. I don't think it's because he knew how to manipulate my painful muscles. I think it's because he loves me and wanted me to feel better.
Love is a powerful force in this life. It's not just something we feel emotionally, but one that I'm certain has physical effects, as well.
Whether or not I agree with reiki's proponents' explanations for why reiki can help people, it certainly makes sense to me why it would, for the reasons I've said above.
Anytime anyone does anything out of love and kindness, I believe there is a benefit to the recipient of that love and kindness, as well as to the giver.
So hats off to you, Reikilady! I think it's a good thing you're doing. There are plenty of people in this world who wish to do harm to others. Anything we can do to offset the evil and the negatives is a plus in my book!
Reiki - I'll be honest - I know very little about it but thought it sounded like "hooky-pook-ism" to me. Rated up there with people who believe in crystals and use Ouija boards....
However, I work with someone who practices reiki - or whatever you call it. I didn't know that about her until the other day when she gave me the most wonderful, relaxing, soothing shoulder/neck rub. I had been working some nasty hours under a lot of pressure, and as some of you may know, I am getting "great with child" (30 weeks pregnant). She did something behind me that I couldn't see - not touching me. I thought she was flexing her fingers - but after she was done and I had profusely thanked her for making me feel so wonderful, a co-worker started telling me how this lady is into reiki.
The 'Way brain' side of me said, "Oh, no!"
However, my neck, shoulders and parts that were feeling so much better than they had since I could remember said to 'Way brain', "Shut the #^@& UP!"
I don't care - it works. I wasn't a believer before and if anyone had said, "Hey, you ought to try this!" I'd have said, "No, thanks."
Thanks for the positive feedback and true to life experiences. The year before I became a Reiki teacher there was an assignment in psychology class to write about an article. I found an article about babies doing much better with touch and how they need it to thrive. Ex, I can't begin to totally understand what has happened to you and your family. The one good thing that came from my molestations and rape was that I have empathy for those that have been through such things. I can't take the sting out of such things for others, I can only just be and continue to heal these issues.
I wouldn't be the person I am today without the awful stuff that happend in the past. While I'm not a therapist, many clients and friends say that what happens when they talk to me supports their healing.
Since this came up on another thread, maybe it's worth another look.
Do some "practitioners" of reiki work the hospital circuit? Are they trained to shame patients when they request pain medication?
If there is anything legitimate about reiki (I share George & Sudo's skepticism), I'd think true practitioners would be deeply offended by the sort of quackery excathedra's family experienced at the hands of a so-called practitioner.
I was in a hospital recently. The patient was in extraordinary discomfort, and morphine was provided. I'm fairly certain it was more effective than reiki. His pain was not imaginary, therefore most likely NOT responsive to an imaginary therapy.
No question, some things do respond to touch and suggestion, and people are helped by the encouragement implicit in another's positive intentions. It's a version of the placebo effect. Placebos don't always work. If they did, they wouldn't be placebos, would they?
I do a little Reiki. Not like ReikiLady who teaches and has been doing it for 10 years.
Some people swear by it. Not me-- but I am more of a 'hands on person". BUT--- My hands do get incredibly warm when doing it--- now what effect that has on the person on my massage table I don't have a clue....but they generally feel better!!
Placebos are GOOD things!! What works!! Give me placebos any day...let my brain do the work!!!
Actually --- I have seen 'energy work' or 'imaginary therapy' as Satori puts it work as well as meds....(EFT --- ya ya ya -- I know --silly as shi...!!)
That person who did bedside Reiki was NOT professional-- incredibly insensitive--- should NOT have done but I gotta tell ya--- there was a part of me that might have undersood why she did it.
Come on Satori---- 'trained to shame patients when they request pain medication" How about an over enthuesiastic practioner--- at the wrong place.....wrong time....
While in TWI I remember being sooooo Pasionate ...sooooo Believing I had something to offer ...soooooo BOLD in presenting it (most likely at the WRONG times) I did stupid insensitive stuff--- even at a funeral...and to a dying ones family.
Thank you Satori for your bravery in asking a hard question and asking it so well! I, too, have been wondering this, and I've hoped that our own Reiki lady would have some input. It wasn't appropriate for her to do so a week ago, but perhaps this is a good time for those of us who want to understand to receive her feedback.
The cable company does not practice "magic," which is what Reiki seems to be.
New age theatrics or fundamentalist faith healing, it's the same thing. You pay for the show, which means the practitioners put on a show to get paid.
The very first thing to look at when exposing a fraud is the evidence they provide. If it's mostly anecdotal - meaning, examples of people who were "helped," rather than scientific studies published in reputable (disinterested, 3rd party, neutral) journals, it's most likely BS.
The use of anecdotal evidence is the oldest trick in the book. Wierwille used it constantly, by the way. The law of averages will always give you a few lucky examples, unless you're passing cyanide off as youth elixir. Even then, somebody's gonna survive and say it was the best thing they ever did.
Your cost for two simultaneous initiations - re-initiation and full certification as a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and initiation as a Gayatri Reiki Practitioner - is only $99 (plus shipping & handling cost for mailing your Course Certificate and including a 159 page electronic download Course Manual and Full Reiki Certification). Completion of this Distant Empowerment Session and Course will allow you to enroll in our Level 2 eCourse, The Manifestation Process, and learn the secrets and techniques to become a powerful manifestor capable of fulfilling your most cherished desires.
Ring any bells?
Now this is not to say every "practitioner" is purposely defrauding their subjects. Just as we believed, with considerable zeal, that our Advanced Class techniques were tried and true, reiki lady and 2life may be earnestly convinced the reiki works. But wishing doesn't make it so.
Any rational person, taking a cold look, has to arrive at the same conclusion - if any of these things really "worked," they wouldn't be fringe movements. They would quickly become the accepted form of treatment. You can't argue with real reliable results.
A "warm feeling?" I can think of a lot of ways to get a warm feeling, not all of them so healthy.
The cable company does not practice "magic," which is what Reiki seems to be
Of course I'm aware of that satori, I just wanted to make a point that not everyone in a field is as they should be.
I think most are and the few who are not mess it up for the others, once they leave a bad taste.
But the cable company provides a legitimate service. They don't come into your home and try to convince you there's something on your screen.
This is a cult board. Reiki has cult-like tendencies, and we're only talking about it because someone intruded into excathedra's father's hospital room to sell some reiki, and the consequences were unfortunate. Shaming is a big part of cult intimidation, by the way. TWI is a virtual lifestyle built around the cycle of shaming and absolution.
By the way, no matter how bad the cable guy, the signal still comes through the cable.
No matter how good the reiki practitioner, it's hard to tell exactly what is being practiced.
I had a very good experience with it in another state while visiting a friend and have thought about finding someone in my area.
I have tried many forms of "alternative healing" with good results. A good friend has made ointments for me from her herb garden that I have used with better results than I was getting from the prescriptions.
I see a chiropractor that keeps me pain free and has restored the range of motion in several joints. I keep going back because he gets results. I wasn't getting results from the medical docs. Just meds to manage the pain. I would rather be rid of the pain than have to manage it. I go where I get results.
Nobody will fault you for that, however there are a lot of people who convinced themselves of the "results" in their lives, only to realize they'd been overly generous in their assessment, not wanting to let God, or "the Teacher," down. Eventually they realized those results were less than real. Some of us are here at Greasespot.
2life says the placebo effect is real. It is. If that's what it is, shop around for the cheapest one that will work for you, if that's all it is.
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Dmiller, the second sentence is an outcome of the first. To elaborate, only cause I want to, I had heard about Greasespot and The Way International from Oak. Oak took me out to Chicago in April when Cindy! and Steve! got married and after meeting some of the people of the cafe, I began to post a little.
Since I'm not a former member of The Way and not a christian, there are many posts I leave alone. I am not a debater by nature.
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Reikilady -- We (I) am glad you're here, whichever road (and I do mean whichever) led you to this "Chicago".
(Oak can tell you about the "many roads to Chicago", if you don't already know.)
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Seth R.
George don't lump Chiropractic in the list of pseudo sciences. It worked for me, and I was in terrible pain.
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It depends on what you use a chiropractor for! He or she is not going to rid your teeth of cavities, although some claim almost as much.
Many years ago I had a problem with my right arm. There was some pain in the upper back, but I kept dropping things...especially when washing dishes at the sink.
To shut up one of my friends, I did consult her chiropractor, and the discomfort gradually subsided. It took about a month of active treatment but I regained full function and after about 4 months of maintenance the problem never returned.
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Linda Z
Reikilady, I'm glad you're here. You add something positive to this place.
I don't go in for many "alternative" type treatments, but I can see why reiki would be beneficial. I believe that when anyone touches anyone else with the intent to love and heal, something good happens. I wouldn't go so far as to ascribe intent to the energy that passes between people, as if it's a sentient being (like I read on one reiki site), but I absolutely believe such energy exists.
To the skeptics among us, haven't you ever met anyone whose very touch was soothing? Call it "energy" or call it whatever you like, I am convinced people give off something that affects other people. When the motive behind the touch is loving or intended to help, it only stands to reason that it could be conducive or supplemental to healing processes.
I remember VPW talking once about how people need to be touched and urging us to lovingly touch elderly people, especially, because they tend to have less human contact and don't get hugged, stroked, held, etc., as much as they might have in the past. I believe he was right.
I have fibromyalgia. Lately it's been a lot better, but in the summer of 2003, it was really bad--my muscles hurt every day, from my neck all the way down my legs. I asked my old gradeschool friend I was vacationing with to rub my back. Now, Chuck seldom had rubbed anyone's back, and his technique was a little clumsy, but after he finished, I felt so much better. I don't think it's because he knew how to manipulate my painful muscles. I think it's because he loves me and wanted me to feel better.
Love is a powerful force in this life. It's not just something we feel emotionally, but one that I'm certain has physical effects, as well.
Whether or not I agree with reiki's proponents' explanations for why reiki can help people, it certainly makes sense to me why it would, for the reasons I've said above.
Anytime anyone does anything out of love and kindness, I believe there is a benefit to the recipient of that love and kindness, as well as to the giver.
So hats off to you, Reikilady! I think it's a good thing you're doing. There are plenty of people in this world who wish to do harm to others. Anything we can do to offset the evil and the negatives is a plus in my book!
Edited by Linda ZLink to comment
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Amen. That was wonderful. Reiki Lady -- I am sglad you are here also!
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i feel like crying
my mom was a battered wife for years and yearsone time she went to the dentist and he lovingly? kindly stroked her cheek. she broke down and sobbed and couldn't stop
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ps. i 'm sorry i can't help saying this
if only vp practiced what he preached
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I'm glad you're here too Reikilady, you do add much to these forums.
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Reiki - I'll be honest - I know very little about it but thought it sounded like "hooky-pook-ism" to me. Rated up there with people who believe in crystals and use Ouija boards....
However, I work with someone who practices reiki - or whatever you call it. I didn't know that about her until the other day when she gave me the most wonderful, relaxing, soothing shoulder/neck rub. I had been working some nasty hours under a lot of pressure, and as some of you may know, I am getting "great with child" (30 weeks pregnant). She did something behind me that I couldn't see - not touching me. I thought she was flexing her fingers - but after she was done and I had profusely thanked her for making me feel so wonderful, a co-worker started telling me how this lady is into reiki.
The 'Way brain' side of me said, "Oh, no!"
However, my neck, shoulders and parts that were feeling so much better than they had since I could remember said to 'Way brain', "Shut the #^@& UP!"
I don't care - it works. I wasn't a believer before and if anyone had said, "Hey, you ought to try this!" I'd have said, "No, thanks."
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Thanks for the positive feedback and true to life experiences. The year before I became a Reiki teacher there was an assignment in psychology class to write about an article. I found an article about babies doing much better with touch and how they need it to thrive. Ex, I can't begin to totally understand what has happened to you and your family. The one good thing that came from my molestations and rape was that I have empathy for those that have been through such things. I can't take the sting out of such things for others, I can only just be and continue to heal these issues.
I wouldn't be the person I am today without the awful stuff that happend in the past. While I'm not a therapist, many clients and friends say that what happens when they talk to me supports their healing.
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Since this came up on another thread, maybe it's worth another look.
Do some "practitioners" of reiki work the hospital circuit? Are they trained to shame patients when they request pain medication?
If there is anything legitimate about reiki (I share George & Sudo's skepticism), I'd think true practitioners would be deeply offended by the sort of quackery excathedra's family experienced at the hands of a so-called practitioner.
I was in a hospital recently. The patient was in extraordinary discomfort, and morphine was provided. I'm fairly certain it was more effective than reiki. His pain was not imaginary, therefore most likely NOT responsive to an imaginary therapy.
No question, some things do respond to touch and suggestion, and people are helped by the encouragement implicit in another's positive intentions. It's a version of the placebo effect. Placebos don't always work. If they did, they wouldn't be placebos, would they?
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I do a little Reiki. Not like ReikiLady who teaches and has been doing it for 10 years.
Some people swear by it. Not me-- but I am more of a 'hands on person". BUT--- My hands do get incredibly warm when doing it--- now what effect that has on the person on my massage table I don't have a clue....but they generally feel better!!
Placebos are GOOD things!! What works!! Give me placebos any day...let my brain do the work!!!
Actually --- I have seen 'energy work' or 'imaginary therapy' as Satori puts it work as well as meds....(EFT --- ya ya ya -- I know --silly as shi...!!)
That person who did bedside Reiki was NOT professional-- incredibly insensitive--- should NOT have done but I gotta tell ya--- there was a part of me that might have undersood why she did it.
Come on Satori---- 'trained to shame patients when they request pain medication" How about an over enthuesiastic practioner--- at the wrong place.....wrong time....
While in TWI I remember being sooooo Pasionate ...sooooo Believing I had something to offer ...soooooo BOLD in presenting it (most likely at the WRONG times) I did stupid insensitive stuff--- even at a funeral...and to a dying ones family.
( I sorta miss the passion though...)
NO.... she should not have done that----
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Thank you Satori for your bravery in asking a hard question and asking it so well! I, too, have been wondering this, and I've hoped that our own Reiki lady would have some input. It wasn't appropriate for her to do so a week ago, but perhaps this is a good time for those of us who want to understand to receive her feedback.
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Amen! One practitioner need not ruin it for all.
I recently had the 'cable guy from hell' here. After requesting someone else, a really good, polite guy showed up and did an excellent job.
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The cable company does not practice "magic," which is what Reiki seems to be.
New age theatrics or fundamentalist faith healing, it's the same thing. You pay for the show, which means the practitioners put on a show to get paid.
The very first thing to look at when exposing a fraud is the evidence they provide. If it's mostly anecdotal - meaning, examples of people who were "helped," rather than scientific studies published in reputable (disinterested, 3rd party, neutral) journals, it's most likely BS.
The use of anecdotal evidence is the oldest trick in the book. Wierwille used it constantly, by the way. The law of averages will always give you a few lucky examples, unless you're passing cyanide off as youth elixir. Even then, somebody's gonna survive and say it was the best thing they ever did.
Ring any bells?Now this is not to say every "practitioner" is purposely defrauding their subjects. Just as we believed, with considerable zeal, that our Advanced Class techniques were tried and true, reiki lady and 2life may be earnestly convinced the reiki works. But wishing doesn't make it so.
Any rational person, taking a cold look, has to arrive at the same conclusion - if any of these things really "worked," they wouldn't be fringe movements. They would quickly become the accepted form of treatment. You can't argue with real reliable results.
A "warm feeling?" I can think of a lot of ways to get a warm feeling, not all of them so healthy.
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Of course I'm aware of that satori, I just wanted to make a point that not everyone in a field is as they should be.
I think most are and the few who are not mess it up for the others, once they leave a bad taste.
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This is a cult board. Reiki has cult-like tendencies, and we're only talking about it because someone intruded into excathedra's father's hospital room to sell some reiki, and the consequences were unfortunate. Shaming is a big part of cult intimidation, by the way. TWI is a virtual lifestyle built around the cycle of shaming and absolution.
By the way, no matter how bad the cable guy, the signal still comes through the cable.
No matter how good the reiki practitioner, it's hard to tell exactly what is being practiced.
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Never mind
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Come back when you can think of a better example, okay?
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uh huh sure, I'll do that LOL
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Scout Finch
How do I find a person who does reiki?
I had a very good experience with it in another state while visiting a friend and have thought about finding someone in my area.
I have tried many forms of "alternative healing" with good results. A good friend has made ointments for me from her herb garden that I have used with better results than I was getting from the prescriptions.
I see a chiropractor that keeps me pain free and has restored the range of motion in several joints. I keep going back because he gets results. I wasn't getting results from the medical docs. Just meds to manage the pain. I would rather be rid of the pain than have to manage it. I go where I get results.
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2life says the placebo effect is real. It is. If that's what it is, shop around for the cheapest one that will work for you, if that's all it is.
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