I've been a Reiki Teacher/Master for ten years. It is a natural way of healing. It isn't a religion and it isn't faith healing. It's very soothing and relaxing. Essential Reiki by Diane Stein and many other books are good about Reiki. You may find them in your local new age shop or library.
The web has a lot of information on it and where you live there are probably a lot of teachers and practioners.
Reikilady--- that is SO COOL that you have been using/teaching Reiki for 10 years!
Its Definitly Not a Cult! Thats almost funny!Cults are self serving-- they want %of your income and your first born!
Reiki practioners (the kind that have been doing it for 10 yrs!)seem to want only to Love, grow in compassion and gratitude, heal themselves and assist others in their healing.........
sssooooo...2fortheroad-- check it out! Seek out those practictioners and teachers!! Its nice to surround yourself with people like that!
George -- with your being a big fan of the Orient, I would of thought you would give this a little more credence.
I would have categorized "pseudo sciences" as an "American phenomenon", utilizing information from other cultures -- for profit, and surprisingly -- you feel the same way, despite your affinity for "other cultures".
quote: Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a form of healing through manipulation of ki, the Japanese version of chi. Rei means spirit in Japanese, so reiki literally means spirit life force.
Guess the definition of the term gives the answer. ;)-->
I've been reikildy on the internet since the winter of 97'. I've tried other screen names and this is the one I like. When I first went into chat I was tall redhead and decided not to continue with that name. Reiki is a big part of my life. So George you have your ideas about it and I have mine. Someone asked and I didn't give the full monty on what it is about because I knew people would think it wasn't real. I didn't discuss it until someone asked. I am not about convincing people of anything.
Not all reiki people are sweet and wonderful either. I have been part of the movement to keep prices affordable for classes and to have students decided for themselves for works with Reiki better than other techniques.
No drugs, no long waits in the Dr.'s office sitting with half your clothes off for atleast 15 minutes before you get seen makes me think that reiki could be a good SUPPLEMENT to western medicine.
If nurses and licensed massage therapists can get CEU's for taking Reiki classes than it can't all be fake or of no benefit. Doctors are taking classes and using it also. It doesn't take the place of medical care, however, it sure can help.
I've seen people have little scaring from surgery and recover faster with Reiki sessions before and after surgery. It's amazing!
It is not for everyone and a person should investigate and learn about it before jumping in if they feel so inclined.
I do believe the thread was titled "Anyone into Reiki"./B]
"George -- with your being a big fan of the Orient, I would of thought you would give this a little more credence."
No, I like the culture, I LOVE the architecture, the people, the trains, I even like karaoke (a little), but I've found that Asians are amongst the most superstitious people on earth.
Chi (or Ki in Japanese) is one's supposed "life force". Even in greeting (in Japan) you'll often hear someone ask "O genki desu ka?" Sort of equialent to the American "How are you?", but literally means "How is your 'ki'" - your life force. There's tremendous emphasis on it, but damned little understanding. I even saw a Kabuki play where there was a young prince whose life was being threatened by assassins. To see how severe the threat was, his nurse would take his pulse to see if his "ki" was fading.
In ancient China it was forbidden to ever cut open a dead body, so there was little (if any) understanding of organs or ciruclatory systems and such. Yet the new-age, granola junkies laud all old chinese healing regimens as if they were written in stone by the hand of the Almighty. Acupuncture, herbal remedies (Rhinoceros horn and Tiger penis being some of the more esoteric comodities), Feng Shui, etc. is all given great credence by lots of folks who should damn well know better, IMHO.
In Japan they have auspicious numbers, days, foods, omens of all sorts, rituals of every description, and there no rhyme or reason to any of it. Add to that the two major religions that most everyone observes (Buddhism and Shintoism), and you end up spending an awful lot of time bowing, praying, clapping, burning incense, and generally just doing a lot of pointless stuff. I play along - to be polite - but I don't pay any mind to any of it.
All of this sort of stuff has been tested time and again. And in properly designed and blinded
studies they always fail.
But - like with any superstition - the true believer is not to be disuaded.
We all have our ideas about things and it is silly to expect everyone to agree on everything. I don't have to like that people poo poo what has been an amazing experience for me. I don't agree 100% with any book I've read about Reiki.
I appreciate your input Cindy! and Dmiller. I have wondered why I've been active with Grease Spot and when these questions came up it made sense to me that's why I felt drawn to post some and be in chat sometimes.
I came here because of Oakspear and I've been staying because it's interesting.
Reikilady, thank you for your response. I was hoping you would reply. I did not say much in my first post because I expected most reponses to be less than complimentary.
I have been seeing a massage therapist/bodyworker for the last 2 years, with some pretty amazing results (in conjunction with conventional medicine...namely bi-lateral hip replacements). I credit regaining my life and mobility to the combination of both modalities. The surgery took me to one major place of recovery, and the bodywork has dramatically improved my healing and flexibility (physically, mentally, and spiritually) from that point on...
Having been involved in energy work from the receiving end for over 2 years, I have no doubt of the benefits (nor do I have any desire to try to convince or change anyone else's mind).
I am considering taking a class to learn Reiki, and was interested in any experiences anyone might have had with it, good, bad, or otherwise.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Is there anything in particular that I should look for in a teacher, Reikilady? Would love to discuss this more in depth with you at some point!
I wasn't actively trying to offend you, though I guess I did an adequate job in that regard.
I just have little patience for anything that has a rather "loose" basis in reality. You know, concrete, provable, reliable, reproduceable, results. As in, not just "I did it and I feel great" testimonials (which are a dime a dozen, regardless the regimen) but more like scientific, multiple, double-blind studies, published in peer-reviewed journals.
Of course then, I also feel the same way about Christianity or any other religion that touts "faith" over reason.
Rationality is for those who are fed up with religion, spirituality, or B.S. in general.
I'll take my reality full-strength if you don't mind...
Thanks George for your reply. Some of the studies they have done have not been correctly. I don't have written reports. I have testimonies. Research that isn't biased against Reiki or for Reiki is what is needed. However, I could not act like I was giving someone Reiki and not have it happen because of the nature of Reiki. It flows when people want it. It won't when people don't. It literally backs up in my wrist when people have enough of it.
George-- let me get this right--- 2fortheroad wrote wrote how reiki and bodywork dramatically improved her her healing and flexibility -- and you have the gaul (! is that a word?!) to say you have no patience for that!!
My client, Michelle, had about 4 or 5 sessions with me and her not very gullible husband insisted on being their, too! He would fall asleep and it was almost a two for 1 reiki session! He insisted on going with Michelle after the first Reiki session and actually had one himself. She is able to fight off colds better and cut back on her soda pop to 1 a day! She was drinking atleast a six pack a day.
George - The only "reality" I can base anything on is what I have personally experienced (loosely, or otherwise ;)--> ) I realize that my experiences do not constitute a double blind scientific study, BUT I have experienced steady, continued improvement, so, personally I have seen reproduceable results. I am absolutely fine with you believing what you choose to believe, and affording me the same privilege. There's no need that I can see for either of us to have the definitive RIGHT answer (I left that need behind when I left TWI!) Speaking of which, reiki and other types of energy work have been way more effective FOR ME than 12 years of TWI ever came close to.
Because I experienced something does not constitute proof for you, and because you haven't, does not constitute proof for me either.
Anyone else have any actual encounters with reiki or other types of energy work that they are willing to share (hopefully without too much ridicule...)
I opened Dmiller's link in his post up top here and saw this about the guy who started it up in the 1800's:
"Reiki is believed to have begun in Tibet several thousand years ago. Seers in the Orient studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies. Various healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system. Unfortunately, the original source itself was forgotten!!!
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, rediscovered the root system in the mid- to late 1800s. He began an extensive twenty-one-year study of the healing phenomena of history's greatest spiritual leaders. He also studied ancient sutras (Buddhist teachings written in Sanskrit). He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal life energy for healing.
Usui then underwent a metaphysical experience and became empowered to use these sounds and symbols to heal. He called this form of healing Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893.
Is it me?? Or does that sound a lot like VPW who had special knowledge of truths forgotten since the 1st century?? Who had a metaphysical experience (read snow on gas pumps out of a clear sky) and now teaches it to others??? I wonder how much Doctor Usui charged for "the class"??? :D-->
I have no problem with your beliefs. People derive comfort from believing that gods and angels are protecting them. Some even get comfort believing their gods are bringing misery upon their enemies and/or infidels. Why would I have a problem with your believing you can channel healing as long as you aren't depriving them of medical care?
I choose to take a rational approach and don't accept things that can't be proven empirically. That means I don't get the comforts of religion. :(-->. It may also mean I don't get suckered into believing something that just ain't true. :)-->
Posted by Sudo: Is it me?? Or does that sound a lot like VPW who had special knowledge of truths forgotten since the 1st century?? Who had a metaphysical experience (read snow on gas pumps out of a clear sky) and now teaches it to others??? I wonder how much Doctor Usui charged for "the class??
Well, let's consider a few differences...
No Sunday Night Service (mandatory attendance in 250 mile radius), with additional mandatory purchase of SNS tape, and mandatory attendance at fellowship 2-3 times a week where said Sunday teaching will be regurgitated and re-taught ad infinitum. No mandatory magazine subscription (one per each adult member of household), complete with more regurgitated teachings 2-3 time weekly. No 6 month disciple program, no 4 year in-residence abuse program,
no mandatory 10% tithe before the healing energy gods will even spit in your direction...just a few off the top of my head.
Any chance we could back to the original topic, namely: Anyone Into Reiki? (Not how many of you would like to debunk something you've never even investigated until the question was posed)...
"He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal life energy for healing."
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i don't know i've heard about it. seems like another goddang cult. but isn't everything
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I've been a Reiki Teacher/Master for ten years. It is a natural way of healing. It isn't a religion and it isn't faith healing. It's very soothing and relaxing. Essential Reiki by Diane Stein and many other books are good about Reiki. You may find them in your local new age shop or library.
The web has a lot of information on it and where you live there are probably a lot of teachers and practioners.
Ex, it is not a cult.
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Reikilady--- that is SO COOL that you have been using/teaching Reiki for 10 years!
Its Definitly Not a Cult! Thats almost funny!Cults are self serving-- they want %of your income and your first born!
Reiki practioners (the kind that have been doing it for 10 yrs!)seem to want only to Love, grow in compassion and gratitude, heal themselves and assist others in their healing.........
sssooooo...2fortheroad-- check it out! Seek out those practictioners and teachers!! Its nice to surround yourself with people like that!
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I always did wonder what the "Reiki" of Reikilady meant.
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Here is a REIKI LINK, and though this may not be the best link (since I know nothing about it all), this one seems to be pretty descriptive.
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George Aar
Well, not being a real fan, I let Mr. Carroll do the talking:
Like homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and assorted other pseudo-sciences, I find it hard to work up much enthsuiasm for any of it.
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Tom Strange
Do you have to listen to that music by Kitaro? I always fall asleep when I listen to that music...
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George -- with your being a big fan of the Orient, I would of thought you would give this a little more credence.
I would have categorized "pseudo sciences" as an "American phenomenon", utilizing information from other cultures -- for profit, and surprisingly -- you feel the same way, despite your affinity for "other cultures".
Guess the definition of the term gives the answer.
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I've been reikildy on the internet since the winter of 97'. I've tried other screen names and this is the one I like. When I first went into chat I was tall redhead and decided not to continue with that name. Reiki is a big part of my life. So George you have your ideas about it and I have mine. Someone asked and I didn't give the full monty on what it is about because I knew people would think it wasn't real. I didn't discuss it until someone asked. I am not about convincing people of anything.
Not all reiki people are sweet and wonderful either. I have been part of the movement to keep prices affordable for classes and to have students decided for themselves for works with Reiki better than other techniques.
No drugs, no long waits in the Dr.'s office sitting with half your clothes off for atleast 15 minutes before you get seen makes me think that reiki could be a good SUPPLEMENT to western medicine.
If nurses and licensed massage therapists can get CEU's for taking Reiki classes than it can't all be fake or of no benefit. Doctors are taking classes and using it also. It doesn't take the place of medical care, however, it sure can help.
I've seen people have little scaring from surgery and recover faster with Reiki sessions before and after surgery. It's amazing!
It is not for everyone and a person should investigate and learn about it before jumping in if they feel so inclined.
I do believe the thread was titled "Anyone into Reiki"./B]
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George Aar
"George -- with your being a big fan of the Orient, I would of thought you would give this a little more credence."
No, I like the culture, I LOVE the architecture, the people, the trains, I even like karaoke (a little), but I've found that Asians are amongst the most superstitious people on earth.
Chi (or Ki in Japanese) is one's supposed "life force". Even in greeting (in Japan) you'll often hear someone ask "O genki desu ka?" Sort of equialent to the American "How are you?", but literally means "How is your 'ki'" - your life force. There's tremendous emphasis on it, but damned little understanding. I even saw a Kabuki play where there was a young prince whose life was being threatened by assassins. To see how severe the threat was, his nurse would take his pulse to see if his "ki" was fading.
In ancient China it was forbidden to ever cut open a dead body, so there was little (if any) understanding of organs or ciruclatory systems and such. Yet the new-age, granola junkies laud all old chinese healing regimens as if they were written in stone by the hand of the Almighty. Acupuncture, herbal remedies (Rhinoceros horn and Tiger penis being some of the more esoteric comodities), Feng Shui, etc. is all given great credence by lots of folks who should damn well know better, IMHO.
In Japan they have auspicious numbers, days, foods, omens of all sorts, rituals of every description, and there no rhyme or reason to any of it. Add to that the two major religions that most everyone observes (Buddhism and Shintoism), and you end up spending an awful lot of time bowing, praying, clapping, burning incense, and generally just doing a lot of pointless stuff. I play along - to be polite - but I don't pay any mind to any of it.
All of this sort of stuff has been tested time and again. And in properly designed and blinded
studies they always fail.
But - like with any superstition - the true believer is not to be disuaded.
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Geo -- I was just curious, that's all. Hey -- whenever you post something long like this, you give us all a chance to learn something new!
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Reikilady, thanks for posting info on this it sounds like something worth learning about.
So glad that most of us can respect each others beliefs while still holding our own.
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We all have our ideas about things and it is silly to expect everyone to agree on everything. I don't have to like that people poo poo what has been an amazing experience for me. I don't agree 100% with any book I've read about Reiki.
I appreciate your input Cindy! and Dmiller. I have wondered why I've been active with Grease Spot and when these questions came up it made sense to me that's why I felt drawn to post some and be in chat sometimes.
I came here because of Oakspear and I've been staying because it's interesting.
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Reikilady, thank you for your response. I was hoping you would reply. I did not say much in my first post because I expected most reponses to be less than complimentary.
I have been seeing a massage therapist/bodyworker for the last 2 years, with some pretty amazing results (in conjunction with conventional medicine...namely bi-lateral hip replacements). I credit regaining my life and mobility to the combination of both modalities. The surgery took me to one major place of recovery, and the bodywork has dramatically improved my healing and flexibility (physically, mentally, and spiritually) from that point on...
Having been involved in energy work from the receiving end for over 2 years, I have no doubt of the benefits (nor do I have any desire to try to convince or change anyone else's mind).
I am considering taking a class to learn Reiki, and was interested in any experiences anyone might have had with it, good, bad, or otherwise.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Is there anything in particular that I should look for in a teacher, Reikilady? Would love to discuss this more in depth with you at some point!
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George Aar
I wasn't actively trying to offend you, though I guess I did an adequate job in that regard.
I just have little patience for anything that has a rather "loose" basis in reality. You know, concrete, provable, reliable, reproduceable, results. As in, not just "I did it and I feel great" testimonials (which are a dime a dozen, regardless the regimen) but more like scientific, multiple, double-blind studies, published in peer-reviewed journals.
Of course then, I also feel the same way about Christianity or any other religion that touts "faith" over reason.
Rationality is for those who are fed up with religion, spirituality, or B.S. in general.
I'll take my reality full-strength if you don't mind...
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Thanks George for your reply. Some of the studies they have done have not been correctly. I don't have written reports. I have testimonies. Research that isn't biased against Reiki or for Reiki is what is needed. However, I could not act like I was giving someone Reiki and not have it happen because of the nature of Reiki. It flows when people want it. It won't when people don't. It literally backs up in my wrist when people have enough of it.
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George-- let me get this right--- 2fortheroad wrote wrote how reiki and bodywork dramatically improved her her healing and flexibility -- and you have the gaul (! is that a word?!) to say you have no patience for that!!
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My client, Michelle, had about 4 or 5 sessions with me and her not very gullible husband insisted on being their, too! He would fall asleep and it was almost a two for 1 reiki session! He insisted on going with Michelle after the first Reiki session and actually had one himself. She is able to fight off colds better and cut back on her soda pop to 1 a day! She was drinking atleast a six pack a day.
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George - The only "reality" I can base anything on is what I have personally experienced (loosely, or otherwise
;)--> ) I realize that my experiences do not constitute a double blind scientific study, BUT I have experienced steady, continued improvement, so, personally I have seen reproduceable results. I am absolutely fine with you believing what you choose to believe, and affording me the same privilege. There's no need that I can see for either of us to have the definitive RIGHT answer (I left that need behind when I left TWI!) Speaking of which, reiki and other types of energy work have been way more effective FOR ME than 12 years of TWI ever came close to.
Because I experienced something does not constitute proof for you, and because you haven't, does not constitute proof for me either.
Anyone else have any actual encounters with reiki or other types of energy work that they are willing to share (hopefully without too much ridicule...)
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Hey 2fer!
I opened Dmiller's link in his post up top here and saw this about the guy who started it up in the 1800's:
"Reiki is believed to have begun in Tibet several thousand years ago. Seers in the Orient studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies. Various healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system. Unfortunately, the original source itself was forgotten!!!
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, rediscovered the root system in the mid- to late 1800s. He began an extensive twenty-one-year study of the healing phenomena of history's greatest spiritual leaders. He also studied ancient sutras (Buddhist teachings written in Sanskrit). He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal life energy for healing.
Usui then underwent a metaphysical experience and became empowered to use these sounds and symbols to heal. He called this form of healing Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893.
Is it me?? Or does that sound a lot like VPW who had special knowledge of truths forgotten since the 1st century?? Who had a metaphysical experience (read snow on gas pumps out of a clear sky) and now teaches it to others??? I wonder how much Doctor Usui charged for "the class"???
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I have no problem with your beliefs. People derive comfort from believing that gods and angels are protecting them. Some even get comfort believing their gods are bringing misery upon their enemies and/or infidels. Why would I have a problem with your believing you can channel healing as long as you aren't depriving them of medical care?
I choose to take a rational approach and don't accept things that can't be proven empirically. That means I don't get the comforts of religion.
:(-->. It may also mean I don't get suckered into believing something that just ain't true.
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Posted by Sudo: Is it me?? Or does that sound a lot like VPW who had special knowledge of truths forgotten since the 1st century?? Who had a metaphysical experience (read snow on gas pumps out of a clear sky) and now teaches it to others??? I wonder how much Doctor Usui charged for "the class??
Well, let's consider a few differences...
No Sunday Night Service (mandatory attendance in 250 mile radius), with additional mandatory purchase of SNS tape, and mandatory attendance at fellowship 2-3 times a week where said Sunday teaching will be regurgitated and re-taught ad infinitum. No mandatory magazine subscription (one per each adult member of household), complete with more regurgitated teachings 2-3 time weekly. No 6 month disciple program, no 4 year in-residence abuse program,
no mandatory 10% tithe before the healing energy gods will even spit in your direction...just a few off the top of my head.
Any chance we could back to the original topic, namely: Anyone Into Reiki? (Not how many of you would like to debunk something you've never even investigated until the question was posed)...
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"He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal life energy for healing."
This is practiced in Kabbalah as well.
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