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Toilet Seat Positions


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While visiting a recent "innie" turned "outie" I learned of a deeply religious practice of putting the toilet seat cover down after each use. Supposedly, it is some TWI belief that puts pressure both on men and women to do something with it after each experience.

I can see putting the seat back down after we men do our thing. It could not be fun for the ladies sitting down without looking and getting your backside all wet. But putting the cover down also? I don't get it.

What say y'all? (Where did that come from?) wink2.gif;)-->

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Shouldn't give them ideas, but- why not super glue the toilet cover shut? That'd solve all the problems. People spend far too much time on the thing anyway. Staff would no longer have to "sign out" to make unceremonious trips to the pot. Nobody would have to clean the thing any more. They could easily trim a few more off the payroll..

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Steve!, I *think* Bob Eastwood is speaking tongue in cheek. wink2.gif;)-->

It's not a TWIt mandate, but it WAS the mandate of a particular TWIt. It's spiritually irresponsible to ignore his mandates, too. After all, stubbornness is as of the sin of witchcraft, so you just don't question the authority and rules of the head of the household. Here's why it's proper to always put the lid down on the toilet after finishing your business:

- It's not fair if he has to put the seat up to pee, but women don't have to do anything at all

- It's distateful to look down into the toilet bowl, especially if it needs to be cleaned

- If you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom you are certain of the seat position so there is no need to turn the lights on (unless you're male, then PLEASE turn on the light.

- Life is in the details and this is one of those things that keeps the house spiritually clean

I'm not advocating lid lifting responsibly, merely sharing the reasons I was told we had to do this in my house.

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Or- it COULD be "new light" from the "research" department.

"In Old Testament times, a common insult to the convening MOG was to leave the toilet cover up. This was tantamount to saying, 'may the toilet always bite you in the a**'"

More likely that some poor staffer took a fall in the latrine, and got stuck and could not get out. This prompted an emergency meeting with the staff and corps, and the quick issuance of the decree that all toilets were possessed, that the bottom of the bowl MUST be marked and avoided.

"Uncle" Howard would spin a yarn about how some worker in timbuctu got stuck in one in 1923, and it ended up costing the company millions even then for hospital bills and compensation, eventually bringing said company to financial ruin.

Ole Rose, grimacing with rabidly zealous approval, would make the declaration that all such plumbing estuchments be closed, and barred forever from the One True Household, along with stern reminders of the fate of those who refused to comply.

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But what I wonder is, do the bigwigs have to actually catch you in the act of leaving the cover in the up position? Or at your "inquisition" is "genuine spiritual suspicion" all that is necessary?

"Well, in Loy's days, we hadda catch you with your seat up. Now, we live by a higher standard. If we have even the REMOTEST idea that they are up, you're OUTA here".

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"Perhaps this new Hatbox toilet would help the situation, featuring a slow close toilet seat and an electronic "soft touch" actuation."

Yes I went to that site, and saw the picture.

Uh, Bonnie and I both had to look for a while, but yes, if you look at it long enough you can 'see' she is SITTING on a toilet.

Darn I hate that, if they want to show us a picture of a toilet they use a picture that takes a long time before you can focus on the toilet.


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I learned of a deeply religious practice of putting the toilet seat cover down after each use. Supposedly, it is some TWI belief that puts pressure both on men and women to do something with it after each experience.

Gives a new definition to *spiritualizing $h!t* icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

Personally -- if the toilet is INDOORS, and in working order, who cares?? icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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One of the food services I worked for long ago instructed us to finish our business, then close the lid, then use foot to flush, then wash hands and dry with paper towel, then use a clean towel to finish drying hands and open door...drop paper towel in bin as you went through the door...touch nothing until you returned to the kitchen.

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But what about the toilet paper? There have been several small wars started over which way to install the stuff in the holder contraption- some have it roll over the front, others INSIST that it MUST be installed to roll over the back and down the wall.

Wouldn't suprise me if they really got on somebody for installing it in reverse, inviting negative results. Worse yet would be the case if you installed it both ways in different bathrooms in the house. Gotta mean trouble- you'd be, well, "double- minded", and we know what that means..

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Bob, they'd probably just be inviting some real trouble installing one of the automatic jobs- only real "spiritually lazy" people would need it you know..

Besides, they'd probably have to go in debt to be able to purchase the thing.

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Ooooohhhh.....calling it "feng shui" would have immediately eliminated this rule from many households that I know of, unless they accused the spiritualists of copying the spiritual insight of these elite TWIts.

And, Mr. H, the toilet paper must ALWAYS roll down the front. How they he11 you can find the end of it if it rolls down the back against the wall, I have never figured out. And besides, if the lady is the one who uses the tp the most (as well, she SHOULD be), shouldn't SHE be able to make that rule? wink2.gif;)-->

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Heh heh heh. Well.. what can I say to that..

One of the very FEW times I saw Ophrah on TV- maybe twice- she was arguing vehemently that the roll MUST be posistioned so as to allow the paper to unroll out the back down the wall..

Might be a nice lady, but that was enough for me, heh heh.

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