Ok, if you click on the website when it shows an error, then click on "The Gleaner" and look about 1/2 way down, you will see an article about a 'heady lady'. That is me.
Sorry if it doesnt work for you.
Anyway, my pic made the front page of the local newspaper. The article was about me and my hat collection (thanks again to LindaZ). The hat that she gave me is in the picture in the paper, though you cant see it in the internet article.
This is my pic that was on the front page, top right.<BR>My friend, ChattyKathy, and I are doing a vintage hat booth at the local antique show this weekend that benefits the Hospital Foundation (a good cause, heehee, not the BEST.) <!--graemlin::P--> That is why I was featured.<BR>I will try to write out the article later. Right now I have to go to the convention center & prepare our booth.<BR>Pray for Kathy's safe trip here. Thanks for all the cool comments. Rekilady, hats are cool and fun to wear, aren't they???
Hi y'all. I'm here at act2's beautiful home where we are preparing for this evening's gala (eek I have to dress formal).
I know act2 wanted to post the article, so when we get home tonight I'll copy and paste it here to make it easier for y'all (since it is a registered site).
We just got home from a high falutin' night of harp playing, champagne and formal dresses that could probably feed a small nation if sold. :)-->
Act2 knows all these socialites including a former mayor who happens to be the first female mayor in the city of Henderson that is her cousin. She was even asked to wear an antique watch valued at over $800 by an antique jeweler. But I noticed she gave it back at the end of the night.
As for me act2 forced me to wear a vintage hat that matched my outfit perfectly. But I want to know why rich folks don't sit down at parties. What's up with that! Which means I was standing up the whole night too. -->
We had a bet who could get outta those clothes and into our sweats first. Her husband distracted her so I won! :D-->
We are now well relaxed due to some Yellow Tail. A wine from Australia that was written up in one of those high falutin' articles and tastes like crap. So tomorrow night were gonna have some Blackstone.
We took some tonight and will more during the weekend. I am sure act2 will share em with y'all. But it is against my religion to have my picture taken. :D-->
Shellon, I guess it is obvious that ChattyKathy & I did not attend finishing school!!!!
But your points are valid and very understandable!!
Thanks for the FREE finishing school lessons.
Gotta run and go make some money off those vintage hats, and eat some ham/biscuits, and later broccoli soup and turnovers, along with delicious desserts.
It's so nice to see my Aunt Casey's hat being enjoyed and now making the charity circuit with you, Becky! She'd have been so pleased.
I'll have to print out the article and show it to my dad and mom. They were glad A. Casey's hat found a good home! I'm sure it's having much more fun than when it was stuck on a shelf in my coat closet!! :D-->
Shell, we both decided that we are glad we didn't go to finishing school. They may have had to redefine the school after us.
Linda, before Kathy came I gave her the option of sleeping in the Elvis room or the bedroom with the computer and Jacqueline (the mannequin that wears Mrs. Harding's dress). She chose Elvis over Jacqueline and the computer. However, upon arrival after taking her things into the Elvis room she decided she wanted to sleep with the computer and moved in with Jacqueline. And it just so happens that Aunt Casey's hat is on display in there. So Kathy is sleeping with the computer, Aunt Casey's hat and Jacqueline. To make this story even weirder she was quite refreshed even with little sleep due to the smoke alarms going off 4 times from 12:30 to 5:00 which was her sleep time. Funny thing is she asked my hubby in the middle of the night had she made her room too hot by closing the door and was it her fault the alarms were going off.
We are in agreement that this Brookstone is a finer wine, far superior to Yellow Tail. :)-->
Going back to my sleeping arrangements. Um...well why was I so refreshed this morning? Heck if I know. But I'm glad Becky is a heavy sleeper cause her hubby and I walked around the house most of the night trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Then finally said screw it let's just put the coffee on. Becky slept for 2 more hours. And I think I was more refreshed than she was. What's up with that? ;)-->
Today we did not become millionaires but there's always tomorrow. I did meet a bunch of kewl people. Becky is related to half of this town I think.
We were invited to a wild night on the town but was too tired to party. I was fresh out of my morning refresh by that time. So here we are drinking Brookstone at the Grease Spot Cafe.
Regarding Jacqueline: I asked someone that I'm in communication with had he read this thread and if so what did he think of our last posts. Reason being was because Becky and I were completely relaxed (if you get my drift) when we posted last night and I was wanting his feedback. He emailed me tonight and said maybe we should explain WHO Jacqueline is. I freaked until I could get to the thread and verify we told y'all she was a MANNEQUIN. And I quickly emailed him Becky's post mentioning WHO Jacqueline was. He replied apologetically (smiles).
So I go into the living room and mention this to Houston, Becky and their company. After the laughter subsided the stories of Jacqueline began.
She had been given to Becky by her sister (here tonight) who still comes in and looks at her when visiting because she misses her quiet friend.
Houston said Jacqueline was just in pieces over their move here recently. So she was happy to have all her parts back in place again.
Earlier Becky's sister had told me while we were in here looking at her that she looked better in one of the hats here on display than she did. We both agreed she was beautifully made and Mrs. Harding's dress looked really good on her and it even matched the shade of the walls.
Becky said she had freaked people out before because she is so real looking and they didn't want her watching them while they slept.
I told them I knew I was known by some of y'all to be a little strange at times but this might top it. Cause I was either sleeping with a dead man (I don't recall what that is called but I don't suffer from it) or a mannequin (this is a tad too kinky for me) or a computer (now that one I'll plead the fifth on). They seemed to enjoy my dilemma quite a bit.
While she is a beautifully made mannequin I hope I don't have nightmares about this whole thing.
We had a wonderful show. Becky did pretty good, I broke even (cost of trip included) which was more than okay with me cause I came to hang with them, making money wasn't even secondary. This was a high class show though which became very clear to me when one of the women came in Saturday morning after having been there at the gala and placed 10,000 in cash down for a bracelet. Dang...can you imagine being able to do that!
Becky has retired for the evening but I know when she can she will post y'all some pictures.
Belle, thanks for your sweet words on page 1. And Mark, I will have pix as soon as the photog sends them to me. I thought I had some on my roll of film, but did not.
Never fear, we do have pix coming.!!!
Chatty made it home safely, and while she was driving in the rain, I got caught up with the laundry and other fun stuff.
Again, thanks to all of you for helping make our time together even more fun.
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ok Shellon I am trying it again.
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Ok, if you click on the website when it shows an error, then click on "The Gleaner" and look about 1/2 way down, you will see an article about a 'heady lady'. That is me.
Sorry if it doesnt work for you.
Anyway, my pic made the front page of the local newspaper. The article was about me and my hat collection (thanks again to LindaZ). The hat that she gave me is in the picture in the paper, though you cant see it in the internet article.
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LindaZ's hat in the bottom left corner
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Well -- I got in there just fine, but they asked me to register. I did, and then they didn't want to accept it.
Thanks for posting the pic!
"The hats we wear today, form our hair-style for tomorrow" Act2
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Great picture! I LOVE hats.
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wow !!!! i want to see the whole article
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This is my pic that was on the front page, top right.<BR>My friend, ChattyKathy, and I are doing a vintage hat booth at the local antique show this weekend that benefits the Hospital Foundation (a good cause, heehee, not the BEST.)
<!--graemlin::P--> That is why I was featured.<BR>I will try to write out the article later. Right now I have to go to the convention center & prepare our booth.<BR>Pray for Kathy's safe trip here. Thanks for all the cool comments. Rekilady, hats are cool and fun to wear, aren't they???
Edited by ModaustinLink to comment
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WOW! I'm so impressed and you look so nice. The hats are beautiful, too. Thanks for sharing with us!
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Hi y'all. I'm here at act2's beautiful home where we are preparing for this evening's gala (eek I have to dress formal).
I know act2 wanted to post the article, so when we get home tonight I'll copy and paste it here to make it easier for y'all (since it is a registered site).
Kentucky is beautiful by the way!
Bye for now!
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oh thank you !!!! i really didn't want act2 to type out the article
have a wonderful time gals !!!!!
have you been friends for a long time ?
where did you "safe trip" from kath ?
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We want pictures of the show!!!
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We just got home from a high falutin' night of harp playing, champagne and formal dresses that could probably feed a small nation if sold.
Act2 knows all these socialites including a former mayor who happens to be the first female mayor in the city of Henderson that is her cousin. She was even asked to wear an antique watch valued at over $800 by an antique jeweler. But I noticed she gave it back at the end of the night.
As for me act2 forced me to wear a vintage hat that matched my outfit perfectly. But I want to know why rich folks don't sit down at parties. What's up with that! Which means I was standing up the whole night too.
We had a bet who could get outta those clothes and into our sweats first. Her husband distracted her so I won!
We are now well relaxed due to some Yellow Tail. A wine from Australia that was written up in one of those high falutin' articles and tastes like crap. So tomorrow night were gonna have some Blackstone.
We hope to be rich by Sunday afternoon.
Okay that's all for now.
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excath, actually we met here on gsc and quickly became friends. This was our first face to face meeting though. Kinda kewl.
I live in a burb outside Columbus Ohio. We moved there a little over a year ago from outside of Chicago.
Hope you enjoy the article about Becky, she really is a dear heart.
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We took some tonight and will more during the weekend. I am sure act2 will share em with y'all. But it is against my religion to have my picture taken.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Shellon, I guess it is obvious that ChattyKathy & I did not attend finishing school!!!!
But your points are valid and very understandable!!
Thanks for the FREE finishing school lessons.
Gotta run and go make some money off those vintage hats, and eat some ham/biscuits, and later broccoli soup and turnovers, along with delicious desserts.
Bye for now.
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She knows way too much about the food they are gonna have available.
Bye y'all, see ya tonight.
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Linda Z
Sounds like you two are having a great time!
It's so nice to see my Aunt Casey's hat being enjoyed and now making the charity circuit with you, Becky! She'd have been so pleased.
I'll have to print out the article and show it to my dad and mom. They were glad A. Casey's hat found a good home! I'm sure it's having much more fun than when it was stuck on a shelf in my coat closet!!
Enjoy, ladies!
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Shell, we both decided that we are glad we didn't go to finishing school. They may have had to redefine the school after us.
Linda, before Kathy came I gave her the option of sleeping in the Elvis room or the bedroom with the computer and Jacqueline (the mannequin that wears Mrs. Harding's dress). She chose Elvis over Jacqueline and the computer. However, upon arrival after taking her things into the Elvis room she decided she wanted to sleep with the computer and moved in with Jacqueline. And it just so happens that Aunt Casey's hat is on display in there. So Kathy is sleeping with the computer, Aunt Casey's hat and Jacqueline. To make this story even weirder she was quite refreshed even with little sleep due to the smoke alarms going off 4 times from 12:30 to 5:00 which was her sleep time. Funny thing is she asked my hubby in the middle of the night had she made her room too hot by closing the door and was it her fault the alarms were going off.
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What did she just say?
We are in agreement that this Brookstone is a finer wine, far superior to Yellow Tail.
Going back to my sleeping arrangements. Um...well why was I so refreshed this morning? Heck if I know. But I'm glad Becky is a heavy sleeper cause her hubby and I walked around the house most of the night trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Then finally said screw it let's just put the coffee on. Becky slept for 2 more hours. And I think I was more refreshed than she was. What's up with that?
Today we did not become millionaires but there's always tomorrow. I did meet a bunch of kewl people. Becky is related to half of this town I think.
We were invited to a wild night on the town but was too tired to party. I was fresh out of my morning refresh by that time. So here we are drinking Brookstone at the Grease Spot Cafe.
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Regarding Jacqueline: I asked someone that I'm in communication with had he read this thread and if so what did he think of our last posts. Reason being was because Becky and I were completely relaxed (if you get my drift) when we posted last night and I was wanting his feedback. He emailed me tonight and said maybe we should explain WHO Jacqueline is. I freaked until I could get to the thread and verify we told y'all she was a MANNEQUIN. And I quickly emailed him Becky's post mentioning WHO Jacqueline was. He replied apologetically (smiles).
So I go into the living room and mention this to Houston, Becky and their company. After the laughter subsided the stories of Jacqueline began.
She had been given to Becky by her sister (here tonight) who still comes in and looks at her when visiting because she misses her quiet friend.
Houston said Jacqueline was just in pieces over their move here recently. So she was happy to have all her parts back in place again.
Earlier Becky's sister had told me while we were in here looking at her that she looked better in one of the hats here on display than she did. We both agreed she was beautifully made and Mrs. Harding's dress looked really good on her and it even matched the shade of the walls.
Becky said she had freaked people out before because she is so real looking and they didn't want her watching them while they slept.
I told them I knew I was known by some of y'all to be a little strange at times but this might top it. Cause I was either sleeping with a dead man (I don't recall what that is called but I don't suffer from it) or a mannequin (this is a tad too kinky for me) or a computer (now that one I'll plead the fifth on). They seemed to enjoy my dilemma quite a bit.
While she is a beautifully made mannequin I hope I don't have nightmares about this whole thing.
We had a wonderful show. Becky did pretty good, I broke even (cost of trip included) which was more than okay with me cause I came to hang with them, making money wasn't even secondary. This was a high class show though which became very clear to me when one of the women came in Saturday morning after having been there at the gala and placed 10,000 in cash down for a bracelet. Dang...can you imagine being able to do that!
Becky has retired for the evening but I know when she can she will post y'all some pictures.
As for me, I head back home in the morning.
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Belle, thanks for your sweet words on page 1. And Mark, I will have pix as soon as the photog sends them to me. I thought I had some on my roll of film, but did not.
Never fear, we do have pix coming.!!!
Chatty made it home safely, and while she was driving in the rain, I got caught up with the laundry and other fun stuff.
Again, thanks to all of you for helping make our time together even more fun.
Where is the Black Stone??????
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