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Got any Money Saving Tips?


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I'm working on a little project here. I'd like to collect some tips on budgeting, little things you do to save money. I'm especially interested in tips from those who have families.

Things like saving on food, entertainment, kids' expenses, school, any area of life where you've found a way to have or do something cheaper.

Thanks, y'all!

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Cindy! and I do a couple of things.

One thing we did was get a membership at a wholesale club, Costco. That saves *a lot* of money over what we would pay retail. And the Costco near us has a gas station which charges about 20 cents a gallon less than other stations.

Another thing we do is buy the Entertainment coupon book. That saves at least enough to pay for itself, so that alone makes it worth it. And then we save more on top of that.

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I would spend one or two days a month cooking alot of food .

then package it in individual sizes and put in freezer by plate or baggie. when your to tired to cook or the kids are home and whining for food you have it. It saves on pizza trips and fast food runs and junk food.

I buy large amounts on sale six boxes of kitty litter , saving twenty bucks. buy off season.. if ya can. short shirts go all year and buy those heavy sweaters in the spring sale they will last another three months till ya wear them.

I bought my kid a 400 dollar down coat in may of this year for 50 bucks, they have to get rid of the stuff!!

change the oil in your car when it is needed.

try store name products instead of name brands some are just as good!

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1) Groceries - yes, I cut coupons but also compare brandname to store name items at the price per volume for the best buy. Sometimes the coupons, even when doubled, are not a real bargain. And yes, buying in bulk usually is cheeper - especially with diapers! We also have a weekly "menu" and try not to make runs to the store for single items.

2) Pets - some of the meds, such as flea repellent, are less expensive on the web. Just make sure it's what your vet recommends.

3) Prescriptions - ask for generics always - don't always assume your pharmacist is going to fill your script with the least expensive med for you or your healthcare plan. Also, know what meds are or aren't covered by insurance.

4) Medical Expenses - always ask for an itemized bill and carefully review it before you pay. I work with medical audits in my regular job - you wouldn't believe what gets accidentally added to bills!

5) Auto repairs - We use Midas and other "chain" stores because they have more consumer protection. We've probably saved a couple $100 because we saved receipts of waranteed items that eventually had to be replaced.

6) Heating - Big subject in my neck of the woods this year! #2 heating oil is about $1.99/gal here in NH. We're installing a propane heater with a 99% efficency to zone heat the room we spend the most time in (we also have an open-concept house). The heater is about $500 but we have already figured how we can save that in just this year alone!

7) Entertaining - the library has FREE videos we can take out. We can also check out puzzles (great for the rug rat!) We use an entertainment coupon book. We try not to rent and found NetFlix didn't work for us (couldn't watch the movie & send it back fast enough for it to be a savings - and often the movies were scratched!) We download a lot of music off the internet and play games that are with the websites, rather than buying the games to install. We are switching to high-speed dial-up when I go on maternity leave in Feb '05 - which will be a $30/month saving over the cable internet we have. We get takeout a couple times a month - seldom eat in a restaurant so we don't have to leave a tip (and the kid can't act up).

8) Refinanced the mortgage - huge savings ($300/month) and our PMI dropped off in just the 2 years we were in the house because it appreciated in value almost 20%!

9) Child care - worked out an agreement with my boss for a 4-day work week after the baby is born until the summer, when hubby won't be teaching school and the rug rats can be watched by one of the grannies - for free!

10) Shop Consignment or Thrift Stores - especially for kids clothes. Kids outgrow clothes more than out-wear them. I've found high-end labels (Ralph Lauren, Baby Gap, etc.) at a fraction of the price. Get to know the owners and find out what day of the week they usually accept incoming clothing - shop the following day or late afternoon.

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Plus...Steve! and I buy our meat wholesale from a butcher. Even got a bit more savings because I called the owner and asked for his best price.

We also use Ebay a lot...got most of the kids school clothes that way. If you are careful about quality and pay attention to the feedback rating of sellers, you can buy almost ANYTHING on Ebay. I saved THOUSANDS on our wedding!!!

Also...I ask for discounts all the time...all they can say is "No" !

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If you have a "dollar cinema," go there! So what if you see the movie two weeks later than everybody else? And feed the kids BEFORE you go! You can probably feed a family of four a decent meal for the price of one large popcorn and a coupleof drinks at the theater.


P.S. Buying in bulk isn't always cheaper. Sometimes the tougher packaging required for a large size may cost more. I've often found that two half-gallons of orange juice cost less that a gallon. If your store lists cost per unit (ounce, pound, whatever) next to the price, that will tell you which is a better deal.

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If you want to save money, lol don`t HAVE kids, they are an ever present money drain....course personally, I can`t think of anything BETTER to spend on, nor greater investment for our money and our love:-)

To have the money to do the things we like, we shop at warehouse places like Sams...

We watch the sale adds....when there are sales on meat we buy 50 pounds and put it in the extra freezer.

Tuna....when it is on sale....50 cans...

Shampoo is on sale...we buy the shelf out...

All clothes we buy are usually garage sale items....2nd hand stores..

Rarely do we pay retail for things....unless it is a birthday or something.

The kiddoes earn their own money but refuse to spend it at the store....they know with a little dilligance that they can find the item they want at a yard sale for a fraction the cost, or they watch the papers for sales....they also peruse the swap n shop sights and mags....

My older kids buy their big ticket items like paintball guns n computers games off of ebay.

Oh, and we usually all try to pick the same activity so that there isn`t a lot of gas burned running to different games and practices....for instance, we all do karate together....but if one kid wants to do a different activity...we find a car pool...like I have a friend that will take my daughter to piano lessons with her daughter if I just bring her out to the hiway....my daughter in return, babysits for the lady at a highly discounted rate....

When my daughter wanted to participate in shakespere at the college, another Mom picked her up on the way into town, and I in return watched her younger children so that she and her daughter could focus on the production....thus saving 100s of dollars in gas during the month of preparation ...pre planning saves a lot of money.

Edited by rascal
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Oh yeah, the extra freezer.

Cindy! and I got one last year, and it is a tremendous time and money saver.

Like Cindy! said, we go to a butcher. We get a month's worth of meat at a time, and it usually only costs around $150 - and that's including steaks and porkchops and roasts and ribs and whole chickens and on and on.

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Does your town have a co-op? they have all kind of savings for a family.

We used to buy a Cow and split it between three familys, excellent meat I would have otherwise not been able to afford. Not a live cow a dead cow for meat.

get a cat they keep the feet warm on cold nites, save on the sock and wash bill.

I used tofu alot with my family it is cheaper sstill today and keeps longer and you can make it taste like whatever you cook it with.

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When possible, buy things of quality.

This could save you in the long run by not having large repair bills and/or you wont need to replace it to soon.

Maintaince on your car and house can save you money as well. It's cheaper to maintain a car or house than to repair it. Make sure the insulation at you home is good. Insulate your water pipes and water heater.

When possible, try to spend with long range planning in mind.

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I used to have these bits of advice I would give to people, but then I stopped. I figured I would keep the advice to myself. No one ever gave me any money for my silence, though, so my answer would have to be no, I never got any money saving tips.

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I have stashes.

I save quarters in my car and in a little wallet in the house....it's just automatic now to put them there....I had well over $100 to spend recently when I was broke. It's a good thing.

I also have envelopes.

I label each one for what I need the money for...one for Las Vegas....one for the dentist...one for whatever else I need to save for. Once the money goes in, I never take it out...they're under my mattress icon_wink.gif;)-->. When I've saved the lot, I lick the envelopes and wait for the need to come by to use them.

A friend of mine took my advice and what she does to save is...when people give her 20's- they all go for rent. When people give her 50's they go in the dentist envelope. When people give her 100's they go in a coffee can in the freezer for savings. (We are in a mostly all cash business, so, it's not unusual to get a handful of big bills in a week).

I've paid off my credit cards and refuse to use them except for emergencies.

I always shop sales...I always buy local artwork when I'm travelling, nomatter the cost. I never go to Walmart. I try to eat organic.

Doing those things ^^^^^^^^^^ is great preventive medicine and will save you $$$ in the longrun.

Make stashes...buy a safe.

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Saving money on entertainment...

Play board and card games instead of electronic/vidio/computer games.

When growing up my family played alot of board and card games. This is cheap entertainment and it helps with family bonding.

My Uncle and I still enjoy playing chess.

While I was stationed in Germany, I played spades with other soldiers. That was lots of fun. We would get a rack of beer and play cards all night.

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Amen on board games! So many love-ly memories. (Scrabble was one of the best loved.)

And Most Important: those things the Lord does to keep the budget intact.

icon_smile.gif:)--> He got me a job where I get one great meal a day. (It's my main meal of the day when there's no one to cook for/eat with.)

icon_smile.gif:)--> He keeps me working and hopeful.

icon_smile.gif:)--> Received a black leather coat from a fellowworker -- His mother had been carrying it around for years and sent it to him (It's not the cheap import kind. This is 3/4 length Really Great). . .of course neither he nor his wife could wear it.

icon_smile.gif:)--> So many things attributable only to the merciful and loving hand of the Lord.

One friend was talking about some of the many things the Lord had done for him just yesterday, and an interesting thing is that they were all one-shot things so to speak (like the coat). Things you couldn't repeat and were obviously only from Him.

Praying with you and for you for good success,


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First I do the coupon thing. I remember being in line in the check out line in the SafeWay in Reston VA. The guy behind me was SO ....ED OFF that I was going thru my coupons with the clerk. At the end, after the clerk said that I had saved $45 dollars, I turned to the guy in back of me and said "I am sorry that you had to wait, but $45 dollars was worth it. He looked at me and said "NO S H I T." I learned a big lesson that way.

I also do the Entertainment Coupon book. The first thing my friends and I do is to swap out the coupons we like and dislike with each other. The second thing I do is pull out all of the coupons I know I WILL NEVER USE and give them to people I know will use them I have friends that have 5 year old twins. I am diabetic, so I know right off the bat that every ice cream or dessert type place----needs to go to them, along with the bowling and kids type places.

I also have a gas credit card for the cheapest gas company here in the Carolinas. I ONLY fill up my gas there. It gives me rewards as well as helps me regulate my gas $

One of my best friends here in town is a Chiropractor. I watch her pets when she goes out of town in exchange for chiropractic care and first class nutritional supplements. I have also done "pet sitting" for my dentist, hair dresser, etc. Since I am a volunteer for a pet rescue association, that fulfills my inner need to work with animals and my more immediate need of having my teeth cleaned.

As far as entertainment events for kids and families. This past weekend my office sponsored our annual "Parade of Paws" fundraiser for a local animal shelter. A number of my friends brought their kids out to help do the 2 mile walk with a number of dogs that were up for adoption. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. The adults knew that it was teaching the kids invaluable lessons, and helping the adoption cause.

I work from home. I turn around all of my used fax paper and use it on the other side, " a ream saved is a ream earned!~!"

I have a large garden in my back yard. I grow tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, squash, beans, luffah, cucumbers and every kind of herb you can imagine. Last night was our first hard freeze, so it is time to till and work the garden area. I have had finally pick them all and face reality, it is now winter. For me, my garden has been the cheapest and most profitable form of therapy. I would grow my garden even if it was only stupid weeds....but thank God, it has all been edible since May!


Oh yeah.....AND TURN OUT THE LIGHTS!!!!!

Belle, check out tightwadgazette.com

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Great, great stuff! Some of these things I've done or heard about, some of it's new.

Lest anyone accuse me of starting a thread and then abandoning it, here's a couple of things I've learned over the years.

When you clip coupons, wait 2-3 weeks from the time they come out in the Sunday paper. Many people rush right out and use them, and then the items go on sale. Manufacturers do that to develope customer loyalty, so if you watch prices, you can catch items on sale and use coupons.

I buy a six pack of 20-oz bottled sodas and save the bottles, then I get a 2 liter of soda (often store brand or on sale) and refill the smaller bottles. You can get at least 3 20 oz. bottles out of a 2 liter for less than the price of a single 20 oz soda. Of course, you can always drink water, too.

Although I try not to eat out too much, I find that often getting a kids meal at fast food places fills me up fine. Plus the toys I get from them endear me to children I might meet along the way. (Right, Rascal? icon_smile.gif:)-->)

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I have a *coupon* wallet, and I work out my menu and monthly needs in advance. I keep the wallet in my car, especially on the weekends. I tend to do my large shopping and grocery shopping REALLY REALLY early on Saturday or Sunday am.

Some people think it is *too much work,* I think of it as *Celebrity Poker*!!!!

I make it a game to win as much as I can back from the system. On the other hand, if I loose an occasional hand......so.......S C R E W EM!!!


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There are always coupons on line for many major stores. If you register with the places your frequent - they'll send you an email with their special offers.

Target, Borders, Bath & Body Works have discounts and coupons almost all the time. Know when they have their annual or semi-annual sales. too.

Melitta has their HQ's in Clearwater and opens their warehouse up to the public the first weekend in November - every year. I only found out about it a couple of years ago - but I buy a years supply of coffee and filters when they have the sale.

I found out that there are many companies that open their warehouses up once or twice a year. A lot of times, you can find out through your kids' school. We have a fundraising company here in Tampa that does a warehouse sale the first week in December - they advertise it through the schools who have used them for their fundraisers - usually the faculty gets the info. All the wrapping paper, candy, stocking-stuffers, etc. are about 1/4 to 1/3 of the price the catalog lists them for.

If you use make-up from a department store counter - only buy it when they have their bonuses - usually 3 or 4 times a year.

But - don't deny yourself the things you really want that you can afford. Every now and then, go to the Godiva store and spend $3.50 on a chocolate covered strawberry! Heck, I know I've clipped enough coupons to make up for it!

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