First, he calls it 'fearless'. I know that only perfect love casts out fear. [No mention of Jesus Christ in the video, by the way]. Then, he 'wows' innocent people on the street with 'magic', which some of it is not a 'trick' at all but a spiritual manipulation (you would have to watch it yourself to see that), reminiscent of the Advanced class info regarding 'faith healers'. I noticed that he plays his tricks on the emotional types and less educated great for the spirits. They always prey on minds that are less disciplined to the Word. Then, third, he travels the U.S. cuz they are not familiar with devil spirit activities, spiritually, so, it really astounds us. But, later in the video he goes to Haiti and says "Well, to these people, magic is the same as voodoo." and one guy is filmed saying he is has seen people fly around and therefore magic is nothing new to him. Of course! David's magic is the same as voodoo cuz its the same devil spirits that are operating David as they do in Voodoo.
As far as perfect love casting out fear so that David is representing 'fearless'...well, I don't see him at hospitals taking out people's woes, ya know? He's doing tricks is all. He's inciting a crowd to believe in him. And he is going all over the world to do it. Just watch the video (e.g. he's getting (building) a following, internationally). He's building a following and its not for money. Well, then, what is it for?
Its not that I am obsessed with this...:)--> But, I DO pay attention to what's happening. I have to minister to folks sometimes about this kind of thing.
It seems like the whole world has already accepted the 'gay' what are those devil spirits now turning their attention to?
Much of David Blaine's street magic can be explained by psychological factors, gimmicks, and good editing. You'll notice that he doesn't do that street magic on live TV, it's all pre-recorded. That should tell you a lot in itself.
I must've posted this on the wrong site. No one here seems to have the least concern on this topic. And NO, I didn't post anything 'tongue in cheek' as someone mentioned. I thought this was a mature site but I guess I'm wrong again.
quote:I must've posted this on the wrong site. No one here seems to have the least concern on this topic. And NO, I didn't post anything 'tongue in cheek' as someone mentioned. I thought this was a mature site but I guess I'm wrong again.
Umm, this is not a "Christian" site if that's where you're going. It's a site of ex-members of an obscure and non-mainstream Christian group. A group, BTW, that did not believe in the relevance of the Book of Revelation to present-day believers.
Did you lurch around for awhile to get the general feel of the forums before you posted? You appear to have registered over 6 months ago. I would think that if you've been reading the forums for that long, you'd know what to expect.
There was nothing in your question indicating that you wanted a serious, biblical answer. That leaves it open to our somewhat cynical sense of humor.
So, if you want a serious answer, you might want to rephrase the question, or ask it on the Doctrinal thread. Something like "Does anyone literally believe in The Beast in the Book of Revelation"?
Lol... you might have gotten a more serious response in the doctrinal section ... that is generally where the *more mature* folks hang out these days .....
I thought it was the other way around, Garth. But I could be wrong!
If that's not the correct answer then I choose that pet psychic lady on the animal planet.
But seriously, Joe - Joe Block, right? - does it matter and is it our place to judge? What makes you think THE Beast is around today? Do you still subscribe to TWIt logic that there is always a Beast waiting to rise up in every generation?
If you are really concerned about Revelations, then everyone is right that the Doctrinal section might be more up your alley. Sorry we've disappointed you, but perhaps more information in your post would let people know what you're talking about.
Now you've done it! You've gone and run JoeBeliever off the thread!! BAD GREASESPOTTERS!!!!!
I believe in devil spirts making people float around! Did you see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?? Man, those guys were operating spirits right and left! They were walking on tree tops and doing quadruple somersaults while Kung Foo kicking and stuff. Can't tell ME they weren't all chock FULL of 4 star devil spirts!!!
And this David Blaine guy?? No doubt he's a "seed" boy if you know what I mean ;)-->. I'll tell you something else, too! Ashlee Simpson wasn't caught lip synching on Saturday Night Live. She was ACTUALLY DOING THE SINGING!! Only you couldn't see her lips move. Freaky! She is possessed!! You just ignore all those rank unbeliever infidel heathen types here, Joebeliever. You and me, bud.. we'll set 'em straight!
sudo (daring ANYONE to tell him people won't believe A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!)
MAgicians rely on distration and slight of hand--the so called mindreading is done from body language clues and usually a shill in the audience. Nothing freaky or supernatural just the old "a sucker is born every minute."
Of course if you obcess about "magicians" etc then it is much easier for the real "Beast " whoever or whatever he/she may be to creep on in.
"Joe B: just because you can't spot the trick, it must be spirit manipulation?"
Oakspear ~ We don't see much by way of spiritual power in this country. But, other countries experience it on a regular basis. You might not have ever been out of Nebraska or maybe you have, I don't know. But, I have rubbed shoulders with international students while in college. And the African students had plenty to talk about. They were so serious about life....why? Because in the Congo or Zaire where they were from they were used to seeing spiritual things. Did you know that they still have 'witch doctors' in their tribes there? And these witch doctors get their respect from others by the 'tricks' they display. And NO...they don't check out books on Magic from the local library, they operate devil spirits to do these 'tricks'. Or should I say more accurately that the devil spirits operate them (?) to do these 'tricks'. It is not about 'sleight of hand' or looking closely enough to spot the is about devil spirits operating. Like it or not, the truth is about the Devil and his host of devil spirits. David Blaine is trying to normalize devil spirit power in this country as it has been normalized in other countries. The danger of this is that people start seeing that power as sensational and God's power as boring. Then we start seeing people going to Ouija boards and Tarot cards and Wicca as their source of power instead of the true God and souls get lost in the mix. Understand better, now?
quote:...they operate devil spirits to do these 'tricks'. Or should I say more accurately that the devil spirits operate them (?) to do these 'tricks'. It is not about 'sleight of hand' or looking closely enough to spot the is about devil spirits operating.
Anybody can learn how to do David Blaine's magic "tricks". It doesn't take a debbul spurt to do them. Some of his magic tricks can be found on (Got $7.95 to buy the e-book?)
At the risk of losing any shred of credibility I may have here --- I agree with Joe Believer 100%, unequivocally.
I find it amazing that anyone here can so easily dismiss the "debbil spirit influence", that hounds each and every one of us daily.
I hit the Prayer Forum regularly. What are those requests all about, if not DELIVERANCE?? And if deliverance is needed, the various problems are most certainly not caused by God, but rather by an enemy that wishes to see both you and I in the "ditch of life", and no 4-wheel drive to get us out of it.
I am also amazed that there are several (if not many folks here), who profess no knowledge, or belief in a Heavanly entity, who will show up regularly in the Prayer Forum --- asking for help from an entity, that they claim not to believe in.
To anyone who does not believe in the spirit world -- I feel sorry for you. It is sooooo evident, and so prolific, you really do have to be blind to not see it -- regardless of what docvic taught. What he taught was certifiably (sp?) plagiaristic, but -- what he plagiarized had some truth to it.
I have heard a lot about what is happening in other parts of the world, where the Gospel is being preached, and results reminiscent of Acts are being done on a daily basis.
I, for one, have no clue as to who the beast is. Nor do I care. The only thing that matters to me is who is the Promised Messiah, and that He came, and "delivered" as promised. Why are we not seeing that today, here, in America, in communities of need, in times of trouble, etc., --- making it seem that our prayers are worthless?
Yea -- this belongs in the Doctrinal Forum, but I'm glad it is here, so more folks can peruse what is being said.
Dunno. Don't want to go the "lack of believing route", but you know what?? In this case, that could very well be the reason. Guess we will all find out at the Bema, eh?
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He gets my vote if he can make himself "disappear".
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First, he calls it 'fearless'. I know that only perfect love casts out fear. [No mention of Jesus Christ in the video, by the way]. Then, he 'wows' innocent people on the street with 'magic', which some of it is not a 'trick' at all but a spiritual manipulation (you would have to watch it yourself to see that), reminiscent of the Advanced class info regarding 'faith healers'. I noticed that he plays his tricks on the emotional types and less educated great for the spirits. They always prey on minds that are less disciplined to the Word. Then, third, he travels the U.S. cuz they are not familiar with devil spirit activities, spiritually, so, it really astounds us. But, later in the video he goes to Haiti and says "Well, to these people, magic is the same as voodoo." and one guy is filmed saying he is has seen people fly around and therefore magic is nothing new to him. Of course! David's magic is the same as voodoo cuz its the same devil spirits that are operating David as they do in Voodoo.
As far as perfect love casting out fear so that David is representing 'fearless'...well, I don't see him at hospitals taking out people's woes, ya know? He's doing tricks is all. He's inciting a crowd to believe in him. And he is going all over the world to do it. Just watch the video (e.g. he's getting (building) a following, internationally). He's building a following and its not for money. Well, then, what is it for?
Its not that I am obsessed with this...
:)--> But, I DO pay attention to what's happening. I have to minister to folks sometimes about this kind of thing.
It seems like the whole world has already accepted the 'gay' what are those devil spirits now turning their attention to?
Hmmmm, makes me wonder, ya know?
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We're voting for who we think is the beast? - the guy in the Book of Revelation?
Joe B: just because you can't spot the trick, it must be spirit manipulation?
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I believe I heard Teresa Heinz Kerry referred to as "the beast", though it's somewhat depreciated by now.
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Hahahahaaaa, you so funny, rev. mother excathy.
Much of David Blaine's street magic can be explained by psychological factors, gimmicks, and good editing. You'll notice that he doesn't do that street magic on live TV, it's all pre-recorded. That should tell you a lot in itself.
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George Aar
"i don't know maybe the home shopping network"
I'm concerned that they might try to revive "The Ice Capades". Oh, the humanity!
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geo., you're screwed... you put it out in the senses realm
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I must've posted this on the wrong site. No one here seems to have the least concern on this topic. And NO, I didn't post anything 'tongue in cheek' as someone mentioned. I thought this was a mature site but I guess I'm wrong again.
God Bless
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Umm, this is not a "Christian" site if that's where you're going. It's a site of ex-members of an obscure and non-mainstream Christian group. A group, BTW, that did not believe in the relevance of the Book of Revelation to present-day believers.
Did you lurch around for awhile to get the general feel of the forums before you posted? You appear to have registered over 6 months ago. I would think that if you've been reading the forums for that long, you'd know what to expect.
There was nothing in your question indicating that you wanted a serious, biblical answer. That leaves it open to our somewhat cynical sense of humor.
So, if you want a serious answer, you might want to rephrase the question, or ask it on the Doctrinal thread. Something like "Does anyone literally believe in The Beast in the Book of Revelation"?
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Lol... you might have gotten a more serious response in the doctrinal section ... that is generally where the *more mature* folks hang out these days .....
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And it's considered poor form to insult other posters just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for.
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Ok, ok, ok. Here is the answer that Joe Believer seeks as to Who the BEAST Shalt Be:
George Dubya Bush
and the False Prophet is:
Hillary Clinton
There ya are. ... Never even suspected as such, didja?
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I thought it was the other way around, Garth. But I could be wrong!
If that's not the correct answer then I choose that pet psychic lady on the animal planet.
But seriously, Joe - Joe Block, right? - does it matter and is it our place to judge? What makes you think THE Beast is around today? Do you still subscribe to TWIt logic that there is always a Beast waiting to rise up in every generation?
If you are really concerned about Revelations, then everyone is right that the Doctrinal section might be more up your alley. Sorry we've disappointed you, but perhaps more information in your post would let people know what you're talking about.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Any car I've ever owned since 1985 has been called "The Beast".
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Aw guys...
Now you've done it! You've gone and run JoeBeliever off the thread!! BAD GREASESPOTTERS!!!!!
I believe in devil spirts making people float around! Did you see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?? Man, those guys were operating spirits right and left! They were walking on tree tops and doing quadruple somersaults while Kung Foo kicking and stuff. Can't tell ME they weren't all chock FULL of 4 star devil spirts!!!
And this David Blaine guy?? No doubt he's a "seed" boy if you know what I mean
;)-->. I'll tell you something else, too! Ashlee Simpson wasn't caught lip synching on Saturday Night Live. She was ACTUALLY DOING THE SINGING!! Only you couldn't see her lips move. Freaky! She is possessed!! You just ignore all those rank unbeliever infidel heathen types here, Joebeliever. You and me, bud.. we'll set 'em straight!
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MAgicians rely on distration and slight of hand--the so called mindreading is done from body language clues and usually a shill in the audience. Nothing freaky or supernatural just the old "a sucker is born every minute."
Of course if you obcess about "magicians" etc then it is much easier for the real "Beast " whoever or whatever he/she may be to creep on in.
Distraction and sleight of hand doncha know!
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wasn't there a magician who walked through a brick wall by his devil spirits rearranging his energy or something
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I think that was David Copperfield.
Actually, the most astounding miracle he ever performed was catching Claudia Schiffer.
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"Joe B: just because you can't spot the trick, it must be spirit manipulation?"
Oakspear ~ We don't see much by way of spiritual power in this country. But, other countries experience it on a regular basis. You might not have ever been out of Nebraska or maybe you have, I don't know. But, I have rubbed shoulders with international students while in college. And the African students had plenty to talk about. They were so serious about life....why? Because in the Congo or Zaire where they were from they were used to seeing spiritual things. Did you know that they still have 'witch doctors' in their tribes there? And these witch doctors get their respect from others by the 'tricks' they display. And NO...they don't check out books on Magic from the local library, they operate devil spirits to do these 'tricks'. Or should I say more accurately that the devil spirits operate them (?) to do these 'tricks'. It is not about 'sleight of hand' or looking closely enough to spot the is about devil spirits operating. Like it or not, the truth is about the Devil and his host of devil spirits. David Blaine is trying to normalize devil spirit power in this country as it has been normalized in other countries. The danger of this is that people start seeing that power as sensational and God's power as boring. Then we start seeing people going to Ouija boards and Tarot cards and Wicca as their source of power instead of the true God and souls get lost in the mix. Understand better, now?
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What The Hay
Anybody can learn how to do David Blaine's magic "tricks". It doesn't take a debbul spurt to do them. Some of his magic tricks can be found on (Got $7.95 to buy the e-book?)
David Blaines Magic
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At the risk of losing any shred of credibility I may have here --- I agree with Joe Believer 100%, unequivocally.
I find it amazing that anyone here can so easily dismiss the "debbil spirit influence", that hounds each and every one of us daily.
I hit the Prayer Forum regularly. What are those requests all about, if not DELIVERANCE?? And if deliverance is needed, the various problems are most certainly not caused by God, but rather by an enemy that wishes to see both you and I in the "ditch of life", and no 4-wheel drive to get us out of it.
I am also amazed that there are several (if not many folks here), who profess no knowledge, or belief in a Heavanly entity, who will show up regularly in the Prayer Forum --- asking for help from an entity, that they claim not to believe in.
To anyone who does not believe in the spirit world -- I feel sorry for you. It is sooooo evident, and so prolific, you really do have to be blind to not see it -- regardless of what docvic taught. What he taught was certifiably (sp?) plagiaristic, but -- what he plagiarized had some truth to it.
I have heard a lot about what is happening in other parts of the world, where the Gospel is being preached, and results reminiscent of Acts are being done on a daily basis.
I, for one, have no clue as to who the beast is. Nor do I care. The only thing that matters to me is who is the Promised Messiah, and that He came, and "delivered" as promised. Why are we not seeing that today, here, in America, in communities of need, in times of trouble, etc., --- making it seem that our prayers are worthless?
Yea -- this belongs in the Doctrinal Forum, but I'm glad it is here, so more folks can peruse what is being said.
Dunno. Don't want to go the "lack of believing route", but you know what?? In this case, that could very well be the reason. Guess we will all find out at the Bema, eh?
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And a PS to this --- You show up in the prayer room --- I'll still pray for your requests. Don't care what you think, how you believe, etc.
You have needs, God has answers. Plain, and simple.
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Yo Joe!
So it must be debil spirits because you knew some african guys that had seen stuff in the motha'land and they told you it was debil spirits?
Seems you didn't really answer Oak's question.
My vote goes to David Blaine for the guy who probably hears the phrase "Holy ****" more than anyone else.
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