Zshot, it might be your profile. I helped a co-worker re=write his and now he's getting a lot more reponses. If you want to, pt me and we can talk about what seems to work best.
There are some others on here who have tried online dating, maybe they would like to join the pt and we can all swap advice and experiences.
Well, you can rewrite his profile all you want, it won't help the fact that he's so damn fugly!
bad steve
Actually, he's so darned goodlooking that he intimidates women. Shewt, he's almost enticing enough for me to switch teams!
I agree, Z, your profile may need a bit of work, because you seem a decent and likable enough guy, based on your writings. A woman's touch just may be what it needs!
I've started a thread or two about dating. Maybe you could look it up under my name. I've done the online dating thing and have stepped away from it for awhile. It can open up doors that you normally wouldn't have to meet people, but I've also learned that when you are dating divorced men, you eventually see the reason they're divorced. -->
Seriously, I wish you well in your endeavors, and if you'd like to chat about the subject, please feel free to PT me.
I did the internet dating thing. I really liked it. I met my hubby on the internet. My sister met her's on the internet, and my best friend met her boyfriend on it too. You just have to have a big BS meter in order to be able to do it well. Always listen to what people say to you and match it up with things they say later. If things aren't consistent, then bail. A lot of men will use the internet to get laid, and that's all they want.
I had only one bad incident in my internet dating. This guy and I meet for coffee. We have a great time talking and getting to know each other. He then says let's get out of here and go to my place. He played guitar, so I said yes against "my" rules. When we got there, he was good for about an hour, but then he wanted to kiss me. I asked him what he expected beyond that, and he said nothing. So I kissed him. He got frustrated and ended up telling me if I wasn't planning on having sex with him that it wouldn't work out. So I left. His loss. He lied and he was an arsehole.
I ALWAYS kept my cell phone with me. I told my friend or my sister where I was going, who I was with, what their number was, their info from the internet site. And I had them call me in the middle of the date to check on me. I also told them I would call them once I got home, and if I didn't call to get me some help.
NEVER have someone come to your house or go to their house until you have seen them at least a few times. It's always been a bad scenario.
If a guy bitches or complains about an ex wife or ex girlfriend, take it as a sign. Don't go there. This is a big one to remember.
Meet friends and family members if you can. It will tell you a lot about the person you are dating. My husband's co-workers praised him, and they were right... ;)-->
I tell him "go for it!" but I keep him pretty....um....busy
And I totally agree, WN! Keep your radar up and if you have kids, get their opinion of the person. I learned this after ignoring their opinions once, after that I introduced anyone I was thinking of dating to them....needless to say Steve! got their overwhelming thumbs-up!
WWJLA, thanks! I'm going to look under your name for those threads. I remember there was some really good information there. I'll be in touch! ;)-->
WN! Thanks for your stories. Sounds wonderfully romantic! Hopefully I'll have a happy ending like yours! :)-->
One thing I'm not compromising on this time is my family's approval of who I see. I really missed family gatherings, holidays and reunions while I was married and now that I'm back in the fold, so to speak, I realize how very important they are. No matter what I think of the person if they don't like my family or vice versa they are outta there!
Belle,,,,I tought you might find this interesting. I live out in the sticks so to speak, a couple years ago we just went to touchtone push button phones. Soon after this, an add came out in tha local paper and caused me to wonder if'n online datin didnt start way before the puter age.
It read: SHM seeks SHW who can sew, cook,harness a mule, bait a crappie hook; and don't mind staying barefoot in the summer and pregnant in the winter.
P.S. Must be able to carry firewood.
So, I have to tend wif you, profiles have alot to do with,it and Steve I gots to agree wif you too,,,,looks do play a role. Why' after I shaved my beard for the first time in over twenty years an got some new teeth , my boss even gave me a raise in order to pay for my new found date and I to go out. I found her on the internet too of all places. And to think three years ago I could barely turn on the computer.
Belle" I wish you and all best of luck in tha cyber datin scene, listen to ya heart. And like a poet once said : And new-made friendships- like new wine, age must mellow and refine.
Littlehawk....ya friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass!
PS ...Belle,,,,I agree wholeheartdly wif ya's on the family deal,,,,that same poet went onto write : Make new friends, but keep the old, those are silver, these are gold.
I met my wife on the internet. One difference with how we did it, as opposed to all the other "job interview" type dates I'd been on. We met face to face right away. Didn't spend a lot of time emailing or phone calling. So there weren't as many invented expectations to deal with when we met.
You're a great divorced guy! I'm sure Reikilady will say the same thing. Sometimes people are divorced because of their own faults or shortcomings, sometimes because of poor choices in a mate, sometimes, not even through any fault of their own.
If you ever date someone who tells you what their ex complained about, ("he doesn't listen, she spent all my money, he worked too much," etc.)pay very close attention. In a lot of cases, the ex knows more than you do.
My current beau knows that I'm recently divorced and out of a cult. He knows that I'm in therapy and we've talked about religion and church, etc., but I don't think he really gets how abusive the cult was and part of me thinks it doesn't really matter.
I'm getting better every day, happier than I can remember being in a very long time and I feel so much more in control of my life and emotions. I didn't pay much attention to the thread when it was posted because I couldn't relate, but now I can and wanted to go back and re-read what people wrote.
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Online dating has not been working out for me
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Zshot, it might be your profile. I helped a co-worker re=write his and now he's getting a lot more reponses. If you want to, pt me and we can talk about what seems to work best.
There are some others on here who have tried online dating, maybe they would like to join the pt and we can all swap advice and experiences.
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Well, you can rewrite his profile all you want, it won't help the fact that he's so damn fugly!
bad steve
Actually, he's so darned goodlooking that he intimidates women. Shewt, he's almost enticing enough for me to switch teams!
I agree, Z, your profile may need a bit of work, because you seem a decent and likable enough guy, based on your writings. A woman's touch just may be what it needs!
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Are you saying that my profile should have more than I am:
Lewd, crude and rude

As far as looks, I have pics posted with my cat. (I am hoping that people look at my kitty instead of me
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I've started a thread or two about dating. Maybe you could look it up under my name. I've done the online dating thing and have stepped away from it for awhile. It can open up doors that you normally wouldn't have to meet people, but I've also learned that when you are dating divorced men, you eventually see the reason they're divorced.
Seriously, I wish you well in your endeavors, and if you'd like to chat about the subject, please feel free to PT me.
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I did the internet dating thing. I really liked it. I met my hubby on the internet. My sister met her's on the internet, and my best friend met her boyfriend on it too. You just have to have a big BS meter in order to be able to do it well. Always listen to what people say to you and match it up with things they say later. If things aren't consistent, then bail. A lot of men will use the internet to get laid, and that's all they want.
I had only one bad incident in my internet dating. This guy and I meet for coffee. We have a great time talking and getting to know each other. He then says let's get out of here and go to my place. He played guitar, so I said yes against "my" rules. When we got there, he was good for about an hour, but then he wanted to kiss me. I asked him what he expected beyond that, and he said nothing. So I kissed him. He got frustrated and ended up telling me if I wasn't planning on having sex with him that it wouldn't work out. So I left. His loss. He lied and he was an arsehole.
I ALWAYS kept my cell phone with me. I told my friend or my sister where I was going, who I was with, what their number was, their info from the internet site. And I had them call me in the middle of the date to check on me. I also told them I would call them once I got home, and if I didn't call to get me some help.
NEVER have someone come to your house or go to their house until you have seen them at least a few times. It's always been a bad scenario.
If a guy bitches or complains about an ex wife or ex girlfriend, take it as a sign. Don't go there. This is a big one to remember.
Meet friends and family members if you can. It will tell you a lot about the person you are dating. My husband's co-workers praised him, and they were right...
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Does Cindy! (that's the Mrs! to you!!) know about this??


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hehehe....sure I do!!!
and if he can find the energy,
I tell him "go for it!" but I keep him pretty....um....busy
And I totally agree, WN! Keep your radar up and if you have kids, get their opinion of the person. I learned this after ignoring their opinions once, after that I introduced anyone I was thinking of dating to them....needless to say Steve! got their overwhelming thumbs-up!
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So Belle,
this thread rings a bell, eh
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Heh heh heh, Song!
:D--> Yes it does!
WWJLA, thanks! I'm going to look under your name for those threads. I remember there was some really good information there. I'll be in touch!
WN! Thanks for your stories. Sounds wonderfully romantic! Hopefully I'll have a happy ending like yours!
One thing I'm not compromising on this time is my family's approval of who I see. I really missed family gatherings, holidays and reunions while I was married and now that I'm back in the fold, so to speak, I realize how very important they are. No matter what I think of the person if they don't like my family or vice versa they are outta there!
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Belle,,,,I tought you might find this interesting. I live out in the sticks so to speak, a couple years ago we just went to touchtone push button phones. Soon after this, an add came out in tha local paper and caused me to wonder if'n online datin didnt start way before the puter age.
It read: SHM seeks SHW who can sew, cook,harness a mule, bait a crappie hook; and don't mind staying barefoot in the summer and pregnant in the winter.
P.S. Must be able to carry firewood.
So, I have to tend wif you, profiles have alot to do with,it and Steve I gots to agree wif you too,,,,looks do play a role. Why' after I shaved my beard for the first time in over twenty years an got some new teeth , my boss even gave me a raise in order to pay for my new found date and I to go out. I found her on the internet too of all places. And to think three years ago I could barely turn on the computer.
Belle" I wish you and all best of luck in tha cyber datin scene, listen to ya heart. And like a poet once said : And new-made friendships- like new wine, age must mellow and refine.
Littlehawk....ya friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass!
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PS ...Belle,,,,I agree wholeheartdly wif ya's on the family deal,,,,that same poet went onto write : Make new friends, but keep the old, those are silver, these are gold.
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Are you saying that you can turn on more than the computer now?
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Reikilady, ya wanna chime in here?
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Belle, Hawk is an eligible single guy; he cured me of a sinus infection with his pear juice, so I can definitely recommend him
I hadn't heard that he had shaved though
He's entertaining fer sure!
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You can send the check to the usual P.O. box
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I met my wife on the internet. One difference with how we did it, as opposed to all the other "job interview" type dates I'd been on. We met face to face right away. Didn't spend a lot of time emailing or phone calling. So there weren't as many invented expectations to deal with when we met.
That's what worked for us. Your mileage may vary.
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You're a great divorced guy! I'm sure Reikilady will say the same thing. Sometimes people are divorced because of their own faults or shortcomings, sometimes because of poor choices in a mate, sometimes, not even through any fault of their own.
If you ever date someone who tells you what their ex complained about, ("he doesn't listen, she spent all my money, he worked too much," etc.)pay very close attention. In a lot of cases, the ex knows more than you do.
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Belle --
I assume you had posted on the thread - here's the only other post by you that I could find with the word "Dating" in it: http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=9...00014#221100014
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Oak and Littlehawk, please check your pts.
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I'll try waterbuffalo....I am not very puter literate.
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Was this the thread you were talking about?
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THANKS SO MUCH, Y'ALL!!! I've enjoyed reading the threads you've directed me to and I found the one I was looking for!
ex-way vs. nbw
This topic can be found at:
http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=971605702&f=4996070212&m=8456094535 ]Archived Discussion://http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=...ived Discussion://http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=...ived Discussion
My current beau knows that I'm recently divorced and out of a cult. He knows that I'm in therapy and we've talked about religion and church, etc., but I don't think he really gets how abusive the cult was and part of me thinks it doesn't really matter.
I'm getting better every day, happier than I can remember being in a very long time and I feel so much more in control of my life and emotions. I didn't pay much attention to the thread when it was posted because I couldn't relate, but now I can and wanted to go back and re-read what people wrote.
Thanks a bunch!
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