They are agressively confident, impatient, and strong willed. Analyticals, and Amiables call them pushy “SOB’s”. The work style of the Driver, is a leader who take’s charge. tells and gives orders and is into control. They are result driven creatures, who make fast desicions, and are only selective listeners, who do not like concensus desicions. These are folks who will go to a 30 minute meeting, and expect to be done in 20 minutes. Being on time, and getting things done quickly are paramount to them. Drivers feel that rules apply to all but themselves.
Expressives ----
Fun-loving, outgoing, and impulsive folks. They are dramatic in lifestyle, and love freedom. Analyticals, and Amiables call them crazy, and in need of drugs to calm them down. The work style of the Expressive person is high energy, usually disorganized (though seeing the “big picture” of things), and always having fun first. These folks make fast desicions, and not always based on facts, cause they are too busy having fun. They are never on time, since fun takes precedence. Expressives feel there are too many rules.
Analyticals ----
These folks appear shy, and seldom outgoing, since they are analyzers. They are perfectionists, who demand facts and documentation for everything. They love spread sheets, and any other document that can chart, explain, or refute -- all based upon documentation. They are cautious, accurate, and thinking things through, always asking questions, so as to have more documentation. Drivers, Expressives, and Amiables all consider them to be anal-retentive. Analyticals think that there are not enough rules, nor enough facts.
Amiables ----
These are friendly, warm, and patient folks, who are very people oriented. They will “go along, to get along”, showing a passive inclication towards the rest of the world. They are always co-operating, and team players. They are the “worker bees”, who if given just a small bit of praise, will work endlessly for that which will benefit all. Analyticals regard them as wimps, and Drivers and Expressives see them as “road kill”, though all 3 of these categories acknowledge that the “Amiable” is the one who will get the job done. Amiables hate rules. There should be no rules - since everyone should get along without them.
Despite these definitions, it was taught that all these folks work to make a complete organization, and if you are going to be able to work with others successfully, recognize yourself for what you are, and recognize others for what they are.
FYI --- I was a solid "amiable". :)--> I try to get along with everyone. Does it show? ;)-->
Expressive first with Driver a close second. I think, though, that the more I get rid of my TWIt thinking I'll probably move toward being Expressively Amiable. :D-->
quote: I do not even understand what ex70's houston is trying to say lol.
we have to have a plan rules and order or it will be all wrong!!
MJ --- I agree with ex70's completely. You're right about the plan part of it though. Without a plan, no one would know what is needed to be done -- but the "rules" that might be enforced by the driver, only impede us amiables, since they get in the way of our doing the job the best way we see fit. :)-->
The order part will fall into place, as the job goes smoothly, without a bunch of rules to follow.
quote: hah how funny this really teaches the difference but it doesnt explain the benefit of each personality.
The benefit of each category is as follows (think of this in terms of working for a company in an office, or working like I do - in a group home):
Driver --- provides leadership, makes hard decisions, and can take charge of a "fractious" bunch of workers. Drivers will see to it that results are arrived at, yet they have little to do with actually accomplishing them. They depend on the other 3 categories to "shoulder the burden".
Expressive -- adds levity to any situation, and takes the "work" out of it. Their high energy makes others want to do their best, and they can convincingly get others to do what will "be the best" for the orginazation. They see, and offer to co-workers the bigger picture, without all the structure offered by the driver. Drivers will go along with this, realizing that it does accomplish results -- though not as fast as they would like.
Analytical -- while boring, and introverted to drivers and expressives -- both realize that the analytical person happily pores over facts and figures to produce a "map" that will provide direction for them to follow.
The actual searching of documentation is something that neither driver, nor expressive are willing to do, so they count themselves lucky to have someone in their camp to do the "dirty work".
Amiables -- they couldn't care less about what type of person they work with, until one of their co-workers do something wrong. Amiables have a "chip" bag on their belt, and when a wrong by a co-worker is done, chip!, a chip is added to the bag. Since they "go along to get along", they rarely say anything, but they have that "chip bag", on their belt -- representing all past injustices done to them. They are more than willing to do any and all things, recognizing leadership, flamboyant ways of doing things, and even acknowledging the need for "facts and figures", but don't get in their way as they try to do their job. You'll get chipped!!
Drivers provide direction;
Expressives add the fun;
Analyticals provide info for all -- and;
Amiables do most of the work, and don't complain.
There are the different personalities, and how they all (if taken as a whole), can benefit each other.
I'm primarily an analytical. I am a great follower, but can step into a "driver" mode if no one else is leading. I also have enough of a sense of humor to be slightly amiable, so I'm not completely anal retentive. I've learned to appreciate expressives, since true expressives are almost totally opposite of me, but I've learned not to expect them to follow rules or show up anywhere on time.(in general, not all the time! Don't hate me, y'all!)
An Paw or whoeveer thinks up them greeat names.......I apologize fer being irrregular.....I been busy wif tha mules. I am gona have to keep abreast thos I can see. Love ya's!
There is a test called True Colours. It is a personality test such as this one.. almost to a T ... tho' rather than give names to each personality, they give it a colour.
Here is a little blurpy from the first page of the test:
This test is based on Hippocrates' belief that their were 4 distinct personality types in the world...the Sanguine, the Choleric, the Phlegmatic and the Melancholic.
Much later, Carl Jung in his 1921 release of Psychological Types, describes these differences as a fundamental basis for understanding human beings.
Years later in the 50's ... Katherine C. Briggs and her daughter, Isable Briggs-Myers, developed their well known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Their theory basically states that what appears to be a random variation in human behaviour is actually quite orderly. As a result, they identified and characterized 16 different types of people.
Dr. David Keirsey has been refining the work of Myers-Briggs. He defines four different types of human beings. According to Dr. Keirsey, these four types of people are different in fundamental ways; they want different things, they have different motives, preferences, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses and urges. They think differently; they cognize, conceptualize, perceive, undertand, comprehend and cogitate differently.
These differences create natural barriers to interpersonal communications.
Dr. Kiersey observed that:
"Man's Pygmalion project has been to make all those near him just like him. Fortunately, this project is impossible. To sculpt the other into his own likeness fails before it begins. Remove the fangs of the lion and behold, a toothless lion, not a domestic cat. Attempts to change the spouse, offspring, or student or employee, can create a change, but the result is a scar - not a transformation."
That last paragraph reminded me of a cult I was a part of long, long ago.
I was tested in this manner years ago. Actually, questionnaires were given to several of my co-workers, and THEIR responses were used to determine my social style. I turned out to be an analytical-analytical, meaning I consider Spock to be impulsive! :)-->
I do tend to stick with things that work, rather than trying something new. I AM, however, a lot of fun at parties!
LISTEN UP!! Good, thank you for your cooperation and attention...
That was fun. I enjoy taking tests that I can not fail...
But I am feeling a bit timid about sharing my responses. As a matter of fact, After comparing my responses to the key to the interpretation, I need more facts about the following details:
1) I would love to hear what the whole body of Christ is as it relates to this test and
2) note their individual function in the church of God and how it relates to this test to see, if in fact, that
3) this test is a reliable indicator of the proper functioning of the body of Christ.
By the way, I would be willing to help out with the compilation efforts as long as someone else oversees this ardous process for if I get bogged down in all the details I will absolutly scream!!!
However, I do not want to rock the boat and will only do the work if someone else heads it up.
(just kidding, we'd be working on it until after Jesus comes back and then forget what we started anyway.) so lets just play instead!!
Rats! I have work to do....
If you havent guessed, I am Amiable expressive
But it would be more fun if someone I knew here played too.
Shell I tried to call you to ask what PT's means but could not reach you at the number I have. I hope I did not mix you up with someone else... -->
We met as WOWs and shared a t shirt that said,"this T shirt is not distracting" with our mutual friend and had a fun picnic complete with "ants" on the dining room floor. :D-->
Wanna play now?
(I just discovered the smileys and think they are as fun as the test!) -->
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Drivers ----
They are agressively confident, impatient, and strong willed. Analyticals, and Amiables call them pushy “SOB’s”. The work style of the Driver, is a leader who take’s charge. tells and gives orders and is into control. They are result driven creatures, who make fast desicions, and are only selective listeners, who do not like concensus desicions. These are folks who will go to a 30 minute meeting, and expect to be done in 20 minutes. Being on time, and getting things done quickly are paramount to them. Drivers feel that rules apply to all but themselves.
Expressives ----
Fun-loving, outgoing, and impulsive folks. They are dramatic in lifestyle, and love freedom. Analyticals, and Amiables call them crazy, and in need of drugs to calm them down. The work style of the Expressive person is high energy, usually disorganized (though seeing the “big picture” of things), and always having fun first. These folks make fast desicions, and not always based on facts, cause they are too busy having fun. They are never on time, since fun takes precedence. Expressives feel there are too many rules.
Analyticals ----
These folks appear shy, and seldom outgoing, since they are analyzers. They are perfectionists, who demand facts and documentation for everything. They love spread sheets, and any other document that can chart, explain, or refute -- all based upon documentation. They are cautious, accurate, and thinking things through, always asking questions, so as to have more documentation. Drivers, Expressives, and Amiables all consider them to be anal-retentive. Analyticals think that there are not enough rules, nor enough facts.
Amiables ----
These are friendly, warm, and patient folks, who are very people oriented. They will “go along, to get along”, showing a passive inclication towards the rest of the world. They are always co-operating, and team players. They are the “worker bees”, who if given just a small bit of praise, will work endlessly for that which will benefit all. Analyticals regard them as wimps, and Drivers and Expressives see them as “road kill”, though all 3 of these categories acknowledge that the “Amiable” is the one who will get the job done. Amiables hate rules. There should be no rules - since everyone should get along without them.
Despite these definitions, it was taught that all these folks work to make a complete organization, and if you are going to be able to work with others successfully, recognize yourself for what you are, and recognize others for what they are.
FYI --- I was a solid "amiable".
:)--> I try to get along with everyone. Does it show?
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So --- how do you all rate?
As I said --- there is no right or wrong.
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I am amiable with driver being a very very close second. I guess that makes me passive agressive, eh?
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Heck, can I take a little bit from them all?
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I'm an Expressive Driver.
Expressive first with Driver a close second. I think, though, that the more I get rid of my TWIt thinking I'll probably move toward being Expressively Amiable.
That's what I was pre-TWIt brain.
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I'm an Amiable
The thing about hating rules is VERY true. Don't tell me the rules and expect me to move. Just let me do my job and every gets done.
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I am analytical with driver being a close second .
lol this is so true !
I do not even understand what ex70's houston is trying to say lol.
we have to have a plan rules and order or it will be all wrong!!
hah how funny this really teaches the difference but it doesnt explain the benefit of each personality.
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Probably- Analytic and amiable more than the others.
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According to this, I am analytically amiable.
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I am definitely an expressive. Although, I have some amiable characteristics also. I can't stand the pushy drivers or the aloof analyticals.
The four main characters of Star Trek were patterned from these personality types.
Kirk: Driver
Spock: Analytical
Bones: Expressive
Scotty: Amiable
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MJ --- I agree with ex70's completely. You're right about the plan part of it though. Without a plan, no one would know what is needed to be done -- but the "rules" that might be enforced by the driver, only impede us amiables, since they get in the way of our doing the job the best way we see fit.
The order part will fall into place, as the job goes smoothly, without a bunch of rules to follow.
The benefit of each category is as follows (think of this in terms of working for a company in an office, or working like I do - in a group home):
Driver --- provides leadership, makes hard decisions, and can take charge of a "fractious" bunch of workers. Drivers will see to it that results are arrived at, yet they have little to do with actually accomplishing them. They depend on the other 3 categories to "shoulder the burden".
Expressive -- adds levity to any situation, and takes the "work" out of it. Their high energy makes others want to do their best, and they can convincingly get others to do what will "be the best" for the orginazation. They see, and offer to co-workers the bigger picture, without all the structure offered by the driver. Drivers will go along with this, realizing that it does accomplish results -- though not as fast as they would like.
Analytical -- while boring, and introverted to drivers and expressives -- both realize that the analytical person happily pores over facts and figures to produce a "map" that will provide direction for them to follow.
The actual searching of documentation is something that neither driver, nor expressive are willing to do, so they count themselves lucky to have someone in their camp to do the "dirty work".
Amiables -- they couldn't care less about what type of person they work with, until one of their co-workers do something wrong. Amiables have a "chip" bag on their belt, and when a wrong by a co-worker is done, chip!, a chip is added to the bag. Since they "go along to get along", they rarely say anything, but they have that "chip bag", on their belt -- representing all past injustices done to them. They are more than willing to do any and all things, recognizing leadership, flamboyant ways of doing things, and even acknowledging the need for "facts and figures", but don't get in their way as they try to do their job. You'll get chipped!!
Drivers provide direction;
Expressives add the fun;
Analyticals provide info for all -- and;
Amiables do most of the work, and don't complain.
There are the different personalities, and how they all (if taken as a whole), can benefit each other.
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I'm primarily an analytical. I am a great follower, but can step into a "driver" mode if no one else is leading. I also have enough of a sense of humor to be slightly amiable, so I'm not completely anal retentive. I've learned to appreciate expressives, since true expressives are almost totally opposite of me, but I've learned not to expect them to follow rules or show up anywhere on time.(in general, not all the time! Don't hate me, y'all!)
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I,m a thinkin ya needs to bring a fiddle down next to Knob Creek an do some pukin' an pluckin wif' tha kido an I
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An Paw or whoeveer thinks up them greeat names.......I apologize fer being irrregular.....I been busy wif tha mules. I am gona have to keep abreast thos I can see. Love ya's!
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A la prochaine
Mr. Music Man,
Expressive/Amiable for me.
There is a test called True Colours. It is a personality test such as this one.. almost to a T ... tho' rather than give names to each personality, they give it a colour.
Here is a little blurpy from the first page of the test:
This test is based on Hippocrates' belief that their were 4 distinct personality types in the world...the Sanguine, the Choleric, the Phlegmatic and the Melancholic.
Much later, Carl Jung in his 1921 release of Psychological Types, describes these differences as a fundamental basis for understanding human beings.
Years later in the 50's ... Katherine C. Briggs and her daughter, Isable Briggs-Myers, developed their well known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Their theory basically states that what appears to be a random variation in human behaviour is actually quite orderly. As a result, they identified and characterized 16 different types of people.
Dr. David Keirsey has been refining the work of Myers-Briggs. He defines four different types of human beings. According to Dr. Keirsey, these four types of people are different in fundamental ways; they want different things, they have different motives, preferences, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses and urges. They think differently; they cognize, conceptualize, perceive, undertand, comprehend and cogitate differently.
These differences create natural barriers to interpersonal communications.
Dr. Kiersey observed that:
"Man's Pygmalion project has been to make all those near him just like him. Fortunately, this project is impossible. To sculpt the other into his own likeness fails before it begins. Remove the fangs of the lion and behold, a toothless lion, not a domestic cat. Attempts to change the spouse, offspring, or student or employee, can create a change, but the result is a scar - not a transformation."
That last paragraph reminded me of a cult I was a part of long, long ago.
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wwjla -- "anal retentive" was the word the teacher used -- I don't think it was part of the original study!!

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LittleHawk -- I would be proud to come and pick fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar, whatever, while you drown some worms at Knob Creek!
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I was tested in this manner years ago. Actually, questionnaires were given to several of my co-workers, and THEIR responses were used to determine my social style. I turned out to be an analytical-analytical, meaning I consider Spock to be impulsive!
I do tend to stick with things that work, rather than trying something new. I AM, however, a lot of fun at parties!
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What are the personality reviews of those who fly bomber jets?
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Hmmm. Good question. "Drivers" perhaps?
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Or maybe --- since they are delivering a "payload", one might call them "Expressives".
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LISTEN UP!! Good, thank you for your cooperation and attention...
That was fun. I enjoy taking tests that I can not fail...
But I am feeling a bit timid about sharing my responses. As a matter of fact, After comparing my responses to the key to the interpretation, I need more facts about the following details:
1) I would love to hear what the whole body of Christ is as it relates to this test and
2) note their individual function in the church of God and how it relates to this test to see, if in fact, that
3) this test is a reliable indicator of the proper functioning of the body of Christ.
By the way, I would be willing to help out with the compilation efforts as long as someone else oversees this ardous process for if I get bogged down in all the details I will absolutly scream!!!
However, I do not want to rock the boat and will only do the work if someone else heads it up.
(just kidding, we'd be working on it until after Jesus comes back and then forget what we started anyway.) so lets just play instead!!
Rats! I have work to do....
If you havent guessed, I am Amiable expressive
But it would be more fun if someone I knew here played too.
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Shell I tried to call you to ask what PT's means but could not reach you at the number I have. I hope I did not mix you up with someone else...
We met as WOWs and shared a t shirt that said,"this T shirt is not distracting" with our mutual friend and had a fun picnic complete with "ants" on the dining room floor.
Wanna play now?
(I just discovered the smileys and think they are as fun as the test!)
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Please check your private message board, ok?
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