Wahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. My cousins were there over the summer and had a wonderful time! They said "those Israeli's are crazy!" But in a good way. :)-->
Note: Because there are fewer tourists, you may get flooded with souvenier vendors. Most of their stuff is not worth much. The best deals on good arts and crafts can be found in Tel Aviv. An exception might be T Shirts or sweat shirts you can't get anywhere else.
You must get a picture of yourself on a camel.
The wine they sell at Cana of Galilee is really bad.
You can find internet cafes in Jerusalem and Tiberias and log on to Greasespot and fill us in on your trip.
The food is great on those tour pacages.
Rev Cummins had an article in the way ragazine (mid '80s) regarding the true location of golgatha and the tomb, if you find that before you leave and go looking where he says it is, you might find it. Although the British site in their garden is really interesting.
I'll tell you how to do it but it may seem overwhelming but just keep reading because I have a solution at the end...
You upload the pics to an http server like what your internet service provider Cox. net gives you just for using their services. Yep.. but first you have to know the address where to upload them (like http://members.cox.net/valerie52 or however they have it setup) then you use Internet Explorer and in the address line you type in: ftp://members.cox.net/valerie52 and you will be taken to your own private area. Oh, you'll have to enter the password but after you are there, you can copy and drag to your space.
Then, say, you've uploaded the pic redsea.jpg to that area, you post a note here and in the note you make it display the pic by including somewhere in the note.. {img src=http://members.cox.net/valerie52/redsea.jpg} only use the ""signs instead of the "{" and "}" signs I used in the example.
Now.. if that's as clear as mud.. just e-mail me the pics (sudo2u@gmail.com) and I'll post 'em fer 'ya, doll!
I wish there was a way that my labels would stick to the pictures...
#1 Holocaust Memorial, the origional one
#2 Torn Torah's in the Museum
#3 Bloody Torah that a Rabbi was trying to protect, they gunned him down :(-->
#4 same picture different lighting
#5 Nazi tugging on mans beard in camp
#6 Women were forced to do heavy labor also agaisnt Torah. The Nazi's did everything they could against Torah to disgrace and humiliate the people before they eventually killed them.
#7 Yisak Goldstein praying that this never happens again.
#8 Dome of the Rock.
#9 Dome of the Spirits.
Some believe that this is the site where the Holy of Holies was when the Temple was present. The Muslims have built this over it.
They do not like Jews or Christians being near it or having their picture taken with it.
We were able to get in, everbody else there was Muslim.
# 10 I am standing by Dome of Sprits I am facing West
# 11 Dome of Spirits I am facing East where Yashua will though the gates that the Muslims have closed up!!
# 12 Notice all the Muslims, We were the only non-muslims there.
# 13 Here is Muslims digging up under the Temple area looking for SOMETHING. Look at the grafitti....
#14 I did not use my flash for obvious reasons, it was a dark place, and look at this good picture of the sandbags they are filling up.
Valerie....you still look sweet as ever....am glad ya had a great trip to tha Holy Land, I went there several years ago wif me Mom, who is a devout Baptist, and had a great time as well,. Even brought back some Dead Sea water and sand , along wif some miniture wooden camels. I had a great time camel ridin' even tho they are'nt like mules! Great pic's and thanks fer sharing by way of Sudo,,, he makes a mean stew also!
The last picture is the cave of Tamuz, where the pagans would have sex with virgins at SUN rise, and later would sacrifice the babies and color eggs with the blood. :(-->
This was before David came and booted them out.
Christianity has adopted alot of stuff from paganism! :o-->
Can anyone explain how I can get my pictures from my computor to this web-site on this page?
I have many more wonderful pictures I would love to share with you all! :)-->
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Wahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. My cousins were there over the summer and had a wonderful time! They said "those Israeli's are crazy!" But in a good way.
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Have a wonderful time and yes, I will pray. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos :-)
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Have a great time!
You and your family will be in my prayers.
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Sounds like a wonderful trip!
Be safe, and return safely.
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Are Cannon's, or Rebels allowed on flights??
You have a good trip,
:)--> and yes -- I'll pray for the safety of your flight.
Have a great time. Am looking forward to the photos.
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Well... you already know how to duck if you have too,
;)--> I'll pray you don't have to.
You have a great time and get tons of good pix.
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Valerie, please check you pts
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Research Geek
Note: Because there are fewer tourists, you may get flooded with souvenier vendors. Most of their stuff is not worth much. The best deals on good arts and crafts can be found in Tel Aviv. An exception might be T Shirts or sweat shirts you can't get anywhere else.
You must get a picture of yourself on a camel.
The wine they sell at Cana of Galilee is really bad.
You can find internet cafes in Jerusalem and Tiberias and log on to Greasespot and fill us in on your trip.
The food is great on those tour pacages.
Rev Cummins had an article in the way ragazine (mid '80s) regarding the true location of golgatha and the tomb, if you find that before you leave and go looking where he says it is, you might find it. Although the British site in their garden is really interesting.
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Valerie sitting at Southern Wall inJ erusalem Oct 2004
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jim martin/ jimextwi
So you back?
If I had known sooner I would have asked you to bring some of the dirt back so I could spread it on Ellen's grave.
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Oh Jim,
I could have!!
I brought back Brimstone from Gomorah, and salt chunks from the dead sea.....
I am trying to post pictures!!
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I am trying sooooo hard to post pictures!!
Someone help!!
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I'll tell you how to do it but it may seem overwhelming but just keep reading because I have a solution at the end...
You upload the pics to an http server like what your internet service provider Cox. net gives you just for using their services. Yep.. but first you have to know the address where to upload them (like http://members.cox.net/valerie52 or however they have it setup) then you use Internet Explorer and in the address line you type in: ftp://members.cox.net/valerie52 and you will be taken to your own private area. Oh, you'll have to enter the password but after you are there, you can copy and drag to your space.
Then, say, you've uploaded the pic redsea.jpg to that area, you post a note here and in the note you make it display the pic by including somewhere in the note.. {img src=http://members.cox.net/valerie52/redsea.jpg} only use the ""signs instead of the "{" and "}" signs I used in the example.
Now.. if that's as clear as mud.. just e-mail me the pics (sudo2u@gmail.com) and I'll post 'em fer 'ya, doll!
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Valerie chose door number 3 and just sent me the pics. I'm posting them in order received and will leave it up to Valerie to explain..
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Oh Dear!!
I thought I had labeled all the pictures....
#1 is the southern side of the Wetern Wall
#2 is Mt Olives at AM when we arrived
#3 Filthy Arab quarters over old Israelite Tombs zoomed in
#4 Arab quarters from the City of David
#5 Russian Church next to Mt Olives
#6 facing south with Bouganvillia that grows very well over there
#7 Bulge in South wall zoomed in
#8 With Cemetary in background
#9 With Cemetary in background
More to come...
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... and here are "the more" that Valerie promised. Again, even though she did label the pics, I had to rename them to upload them and post them so..
I'll, again, let her tell us what they are.
Number 1:
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Thank you Sudo.
I wish there was a way that my labels would stick to the pictures...
#1 Holocaust Memorial, the origional one
#2 Torn Torah's in the Museum
#3 Bloody Torah that a Rabbi was trying to protect, they gunned him down
#4 same picture different lighting
#5 Nazi tugging on mans beard in camp
#6 Women were forced to do heavy labor also agaisnt Torah. The Nazi's did everything they could against Torah to disgrace and humiliate the people before they eventually killed them.
#7 Yisak Goldstein praying that this never happens again.
#8 Dome of the Rock.
#9 Dome of the Spirits.
Some believe that this is the site where the Holy of Holies was when the Temple was present. The Muslims have built this over it.
They do not like Jews or Christians being near it or having their picture taken with it.
We were able to get in, everbody else there was Muslim.
# 10 I am standing by Dome of Sprits I am facing West
# 11 Dome of Spirits I am facing East where Yashua will though the gates that the Muslims have closed up!!
# 12 Notice all the Muslims, We were the only non-muslims there.
# 13 Here is Muslims digging up under the Temple area looking for SOMETHING. Look at the grafitti....
#14 I did not use my flash for obvious reasons, it was a dark place, and look at this good picture of the sandbags they are filling up.
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Hokay.. yet another one
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Valerie....you still look sweet as ever....am glad ya had a great trip to tha Holy Land, I went there several years ago wif me Mom, who is a devout Baptist, and had a great time as well,. Even brought back some Dead Sea water and sand , along wif some miniture wooden camels. I had a great time camel ridin' even tho they are'nt like mules! Great pic's and thanks fer sharing by way of Sudo,,, he makes a mean stew also!
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The last picture is the cave of Tamuz, where the pagans would have sex with virgins at SUN rise, and later would sacrifice the babies and color eggs with the blood.
This was before David came and booted them out.
Christianity has adopted alot of stuff from paganism!
Can anyone explain how I can get my pictures from my computor to this web-site on this page?
I have many more wonderful pictures I would love to share with you all!
Thanks a BUNCH if you can!!
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Those are AMAZING pictures!!!!!!
Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!!
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Well I figured out to post pictures, FINALLY!!!! but I cannot shrink them to the size that GS wants.
how long is this going to take me?
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I LOVE seeing the pics, Valerie! Thank you for sharing them and thanks, Sudo for posting them for us to enjoy!
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