Aren't visions like this supposed to warn us of the future, not remind us of recent history?
Maybe God didn't program Oral's revelation receptors with four digits to compensate for the millenium. So when he realised his mistake he just turned Oral's RRs back a couple of years. That must be it! ;)-->
Somehow I get the feeling that I am the only one laughing here.
I have my own visions , dreams and nightmares to be concerned about, I think most people probably do --I just dont go on TV , exalt them as messages of the Lord, or coerce people into a certain type of behaviour because of them
I tried reading the ZZZzzzzzzzzzz file..I didn't make it through.
I know alot of people that have apocalyptic thoughts, dreams, nightmares 'visions' these days since 9/11 especially the religiously disposed of almost any culture, tribe or religion, some of them are interesting some of them are pure cheese and hokey.
Oral never did anything for me and I always saw him as a TV Used Car Salesman Preacher, last I remember he was supposed to be 'called home to The Lord' about 15-20 years ago which I guess didnt work.
Maybe he had a'vision', or it was a daydream or maybe he needs meds, who knows?
One things for sure I got my own things to think about and (so they tell me) God will speak to me first ;)-->
"Interesting. I'm reading it now and haven't formed an opinion yet."
To be honest I haven't formed an opinion on it yet either. I gather that this is not supposed to be the same thing as 9/11. Something in the future.
But the one point that they make in all of this is that we are not really preaching the gospel and that the time to do so is short. I always remember something that Gloria Copeland once said. In quotes but paraphrased as best I can remember it. "I believe the time is short and Jesus is coming in my life. But even if I'm wrong, this is still the only life I have."
I was able to watch this earlier than on TV, because Kenneth Copeland Ministries sent a free DVD to those churches who he conciders partners with him.
[edited to remove some glaring mistakes, may be others]
Well, hum, yesterday I was readin it and was on page 10 of 35 and suddenly there was a loud BOOM and the computer shut down and all the lights went out and I ran outside to see what had happened and everyone's house on just our side of the street had lost power and they said it would be off for about 5 hours. So, we grabbed the neighbor, jumped into the car, and went to the movies and saw Ladder 49, which was an excellent movie, by the way.
a 900 foot tall Human Being would weigh in about 27,000 lbs. That would be heavy weight champion of the world status.
Be approx 75 stories in height. Lite weight skyscraper.
size 1050 Stetson
a 5400 inch waist
size 1800 Nike (& ya know what they say about shoe size)
That must have been quite a view to behold.
And if this viewing included audio, the decibel level of a face to face conversation with such a large individual would cause instant perforation of eardrum. A telepathic communication would most like cause smoke to stream from the ears.
Remember the last time Oral R pulled a stunt: He spent days (or was it weeks) fasting in a tower unti he collected so much money or he would die.....Did he ever collect that money? Did he eat crow? I am leary of men who prophesy. Let's just get real.
I saw Oral Roberts on tbn last night talking with Benny Hinn. He was talking about the same thing. I ended up turning it off after 5 minutes and going to sleep!
I read the whole thing, and trust me, you aren't missing much. They even had time for a quick demonstration of "give me money and you'll get twice back."
Boring, if I hear a "big bang" over NYC I'll let you know....
I'd rather talk about the other Copland (well done, Danny, you noticed that Aaron spelled his name differently). My favorite piece, the lesser-known "Duo for Flute and Piano." The last movement won me $500 toward college once, for my choreography and performance, a looong time ago!
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he lied. i'm ready
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Interesting. I'm reading it now and haven't formed an opinion yet.
Here is the link if anyone else wants to read it:
Wake up Call by Oral Roberts
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So what's OR's track record for accurate prophesy?
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like i could give a .... i'm sorry.... i know i sound unchristian at times.... but i gotta tell you.... i'm not
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Did it start snowing when he put gas in his car?
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I think the vision is a few years too late.
Aren't visions like this supposed to warn us of the future, not remind us of recent history?
Maybe God didn't program Oral's revelation receptors with four digits to compensate for the millenium. So when he realised his mistake he just turned Oral's RRs back a couple of years. That must be it!
Somehow I get the feeling that I am the only one laughing here.
Whoa! heavy revy.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Yeah, this is like getting your friends to bet on a videotaped football game, only not quite as funny.
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I have my own visions , dreams and nightmares to be concerned about, I think most people probably do --I just dont go on TV , exalt them as messages of the Lord, or coerce people into a certain type of behaviour because of them
I tried reading the ZZZzzzzzzzzzz file..I didn't make it through.
I know alot of people that have apocalyptic thoughts, dreams, nightmares 'visions' these days since 9/11 especially the religiously disposed of almost any culture, tribe or religion, some of them are interesting some of them are pure cheese and hokey.
Oral never did anything for me and I always saw him as a TV Used Car Salesman Preacher, last I remember he was supposed to be 'called home to The Lord' about 15-20 years ago which I guess didnt work.
Maybe he had a'vision', or it was a daydream or maybe he needs meds, who knows?
One things for sure I got my own things to think about and (so they tell me) God will speak to me first
If he does it for you -knock yourself out
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"Interesting. I'm reading it now and haven't formed an opinion yet."
To be honest I haven't formed an opinion on it yet either. I gather that this is not supposed to be the same thing as 9/11. Something in the future.
But the one point that they make in all of this is that we are not really preaching the gospel and that the time to do so is short. I always remember something that Gloria Copeland once said. In quotes but paraphrased as best I can remember it. "I believe the time is short and Jesus is coming in my life. But even if I'm wrong, this is still the only life I have."
I was able to watch this earlier than on TV, because Kenneth Copeland Ministries sent a free DVD to those churches who he conciders partners with him.
[edited to remove some glaring mistakes, may be others]
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Well, hum, yesterday I was readin it and was on page 10 of 35 and suddenly there was a loud BOOM and the computer shut down and all the lights went out and I ran outside to see what had happened and everyone's house on just our side of the street had lost power and they said it would be off for about 5 hours. So, we grabbed the neighbor, jumped into the car, and went to the movies and saw Ladder 49, which was an excellent movie, by the way.
Was this prophetic, do ya think???
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I finished it and am not sure what to make of it. The wave part was interesting, but the rest I'm not sure about
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I was hoping you meant the works of Aaron Copeland.
There's something about the eyes...
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Yeah, Satorii - to heck with that Kenny the "anti-Copeland"- Aaron is the true Copland.
I never tire of the thundering timpanii filled opening to "Billy the Kid", or the original chamber orchestral version of "Appalachian Spring"...
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Will the real Copeland please stand.
Who's the real wolf in wool.
(whoops, i thot this was a caption gig)
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Isn't this the same Oral Roberts that said a 900-foot Jesus told him to come up with several million dollars or face eternity in heaven?
And isn't this the same Copland who says Jesus is about 6' 4" lives on a planet called Heaven and says woman is a word that means womb-man?
Just checking.
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Oral was the one def59.
Dunno 'bout KC
dig this:
a 900 foot tall Human Being would weigh in about 27,000 lbs. That would be heavy weight champion of the world status.
Be approx 75 stories in height. Lite weight skyscraper.
size 1050 Stetson
a 5400 inch waist
size 1800 Nike (& ya know what they say about shoe size)
That must have been quite a view to behold.
And if this viewing included audio, the decibel level of a face to face conversation with such a large individual would cause instant perforation of eardrum. A telepathic communication would most like cause smoke to stream from the ears.
rather silly eh
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What's with the picture of Bela Lugosi?
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Remember the last time Oral R pulled a stunt: He spent days (or was it weeks) fasting in a tower unti he collected so much money or he would die.....Did he ever collect that money? Did he eat crow? I am leary of men who prophesy. Let's just get real.
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I hope he came up with the money. Otherwise we might see him for all eternity.
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I saw Oral Roberts on tbn last night talking with Benny Hinn. He was talking about the same thing. I ended up turning it off after 5 minutes and going to sleep!
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A gambler gave him the money.
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Dear mstar,
I read the whole thing, and trust me, you aren't missing much. They even had time for a quick demonstration of "give me money and you'll get twice back."
Boring, if I hear a "big bang" over NYC I'll let you know....
I'd rather talk about the other Copland (well done, Danny, you noticed that Aaron spelled his name differently). My favorite piece, the lesser-known "Duo for Flute and Piano." The last movement won me $500 toward college once, for my choreography and performance, a looong time ago!
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Too bad God didn't "call him home".
I'm soooo over all that.
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