much to little time....I have to say....
to hawk: Ya SEES what happens when we try to have a roast without ya doncha???? Nobody can make a decent campfire or prepare a meal without your cast iron utensils .. Entertainment was subdddued without the pear juice and the biscuts and gravey were sadly lacking without your homemade sausage....the kids missed corey ...
As for your injuries...Gosh I am sorry that you were hurt...I hope that you are feeling better...I gotta say though, I am not sure...but, I think that the weinie roast mightta been a little safer.
To Mike: our benevolent dictator...another outstanding weinie roast ...I thank you...the park is some of the most beautiful country that I have ever seen...the fall colors reflected in the glassy lake at dawn with the mists swirling round....the spectacular chasms and waterfall...the deer walking at ease through the campsight...the squrrels eating from our hands...the raccoons begging at the porch (did you know that they don`t like maters?)...the crickets at night around the campfire....Another unmitigated success...I thank you for your efforts to keep us on track and your persistance to overcome the obsticals...pick a spot and they WILL come eh?
I am awully glad that you brought Cam...I think that the teenagers are having even more fun than the adults...and have their own anual mini weinie roast thing isn`t just about the it?
to Tom: So wonderfull to see you again...absolutely fabulous sausage and peppers...Mark thanks you for the left overs and is greatfull that SOMEONE thought about for providing the coffee....the bottomless pot....we would have been sharing my meager supply 0of instant Your encouragement ...your comfort was deeply apreciated...conscerning my presence and imput. My deepest hopes that you will bring reikilady with you next year.
to ahat: so wonderfull to see you...and catch up...what vibrance your presence brings...and thank GOD for your spacious van to transport the weary hikers kids were so apreciative of the grapes n nanners... I hope nobody ELSE wanted any my crew devoured them ravenously:-) Many thanks for hustling around and feeding us when we arrived 24 hours late and starving because we had been sitting on the side of the road all morning with a broken fan belt...I was in tears I was so stressed and hungry ...but you rounded up the troops...loved us up and fed us..I was so gratefull...felt so loved and cared someone lifted a huge burden....I felt say thanks for the *coney*
to Sudo: lol...The stew was FABULOUS once again...I was so gratefull when I rolled in ravenously hungry to have a bowl set in front of usual you were the life of the party....there is never a point where you don`t have us laughing...Poor fellow...getting your messages a day late and showing up for breakfast before anyone was I hope that it was worth waiting for....I hope as well that your dear family will consider joining us next year...I am here to say...though not quite in hawks league;-) you make a mighty mean fire with your blow drier!
to wwjla: What a delightfull pleasure to meet (AND corrupt your innocence muahahaha) you...What a peacefull ...comforting soul you are...balanced and kind...boundless patience. You are a living breathing example to the fact that not ALL grease spotters (or weinie roasters) are hardened anti ministry cynics;-)
My children adored you.. your ever present patience with such a rambunctious crew was amazing...I was so afraid that they would drive you (and everybody else for that matter) nuts with their antics...but you never treated them like they were obnoxious brats or glared at me for bringing this destructive force to our peace....thankyou... and thankyou for their dear lady, are welcome to burn pop corn at our campfire anytime...((((big hug)))
Bow...I hope that you and the princess are were sorely missed...zoreta carried the princesses shoes that she wanted to return for half a day .... I am so sorry that yo missed this year ...I know that one of you must have been seriously ill for you to miss...seeing as how you didn`t let a life threatening car wreck stop you last year...please check in when you can as we are conscerned. of the and zena were truly missed this year....
Shellon...Jard....oen...paw...your missing presense was hopes that we will get to see you folks next year...
Maybe... we will just have to arrainge an *unoficial* roast in the spring...
Well, they didn't have any of that "fahr breathing juice" you make to pour on the wood, dear Hawk! (hope you heal up fast, darlin!)
So glad you all had such a wonderful time. The pics look great - - nice to see all your weenie faces again - - especially our AHAT (hey girl, miss ya!). And welcome into the weenie fold to WWJLA. Hope to meet you next year.
Oak, Rascal, Dr. Sudo, Mikey - - glad you held down the fort and weenie traditions - - someone had to roast some goat (or another critter) while Hawk was healing up.
And a half dozen pics of Mikey AWAKE????? Will wonders never cease :)-->
One of the reasons (IMHO) that we are now on the third (or "THRID as some would spell it :P-->) annual weenie roast is that we don't have an agenda or any planning other than where to meet. We just show up with food and drink and do whatever we want, which is eat, drink, and TALK!!!!
The Weenies are together almost constantly for two days, which gives us plenty of time to have real conversations, rather than just small talk. We can compare our Way and post-Way experiences, viewpoints, spiritual journeys.
The natural beauty of the park itself was worth the price of admission as well. Although my calves are still recovering from the two hikes to the falls, I wouldn't have missed them for anything (including scrambling back up on wet stoines in the dark). Rascal and I both got to "mother" each other ("be careful, Oak" - "stop and rest Rascal" :D-->) As the group started up after our second trek, I lingered behind to spend a solitary moment drinking in the energy and communing with the divine, standing with my arms spread and eyes closed atop a big rock, when I opened my eyes there was Herbal joining in the experience! More of the divine packed into that moment than twenty years of twigs!
Yes inspite of an ever decreasing amount of sleep I did manage to stay awake the whole time and had a wonderful time :)-->
I think what makes the roast's so special is that each of us brought our unique selves there and each contributed their part to making it a wonderful event. It is truely wonderful to be able to hang out with folks who are accepting of where we are on our journey.
to all the weenies who made it and to those who couldn't, see ya next year :)-->
Rascal and I both got to "mother" each other("be careful, Oak" - "stop and rest Rascal" :D-->)
You mean...
People got together and actually encouraged one another to take care of themselves?????
That just cannot be allowed to continue! Where's a twig leader when ya need one? -->
quote:As the group started up after our second trek, I lingered behind to spend a solitary moment drinking in the energy and communing with the divine, standing with my arms spread and eyes closed atop a big rock, when I opened my eyes there was Herbal joining in the experience!
As big a cynic as I am... I gotta tell this story...
I am an asthmatic...and realised half way out of the gorge I was without my inhaler, and in danger of having a serious attack before reaching the end of the lungs were closing pretty fast...was getting a bit nervous....n mike grabs me n starts prayin...n oak is there too...dunno who else...several...was starting to get mind you...I have very little confidence in healing matter...cause MIKE n others did... n guess what? the spasms stopped...inside of two miniutes I was able to walk and breath!!!!
Lol...I kept thinkin...I just don`t BELIEVE ...I mean I almost bristled when mike did
see thats the thing about weinie roasts be you christian or agnostic...cynic or not...apreciative of twi or angry ....... it just doesn`t matter...I think that it`s something that you gotta be there to *get*
We're fine, but it's been a wild few days here. First I was sick, like a sinus infection/sleepy jag. I posted we were leaving Friday night and went back to sleep. I got up later that night to head out, but the princess had developed an earache that made her scream out loud.
I thought I posted then that we were going to wait til morning to leave if she was better. I don't see that post. Meanwhile, my computer I had just bought last winter has crashed, so I didn't even know my post wasn't there til now, when I brought in my laptop that was packed in the van for the weekend...
Took Annie to the doc today and holy moly, puddin and pie! She may have perforated her eardrum - they can't tell yet for all the pus and inflammation in there. I pray it's just infected, of course. She was given a note to return to school Thursday IF she feels up to it and has no fever. (She's had no fever all day today.)
We've been living off s'mores and other camping delights. I had made a double batch of tuna noodle salad - we're actually sick of it and it's one of our favorites! We have a ton of individual juice boxes and Sunny D...
I'm all for that unofficial roast in the spring!!!
Awww poor ((((Annie)))) Gosh thanks for checkin in bow, I am so glad that you guys are home and safe...
I never thought I`d say be thankfull for being sick...but if you hadn`t delayed a day because of feeling`d a been stuck deep in the mountains with a very sick little girl...I am glad that you were where annie could get treatment.
Your presence was missed.....we will reserve a log for you round the next campfire for sure.
Abby had a bug bite or allergic reaction to something over the weekend and awoke monday am with severe itchy rash and swollen face... miserable... that was scarey enough to deal with while camping....
There wouldn`t have even been a store to buy pain reliever not to mention a physician within an hours drive ...had you needed to deal with that ear infection at the campout.
Give annie a hug and tell her that there will be many weinie roasts to come....and we will see her then. ...though as much trouble as you guys seem to have the week prior to preparing for one...I am concerned that this may be a dangerous we need to change the name or something...
Ok ok ...all of you waygb types n rascal haters...sigh....time to laugh and gloat....rascal is getting her just deserts and comeupance ...a punishment...for defying twi traditions...sigh.
Some of my kids have come down with a viscious rash and it is spreading like wildfire to the guess is one of the boys threw some poison ivey or oak on the campfire....auuuuugh
Lol...good thing the weinie roast is worth all of this....
Going to the doctor this morning to find the best way to treat an army of children.....prayers and well wishes apreciated.....sigh
Hey Cathy so sorry to hear of yer kids rash(es) :(-->
While to downside to poison ivy is a rash, the upside to is is next time they'll remember what those pesky plants look like. :)-->
Cam had a bit of a spot on his arm and I got a small touch of it from gathering firewood but it's already fading and I hope your kid's rash does the same just as quickly.
I doubt it came from stuff thrown in the fire as that would have caused bronchial problems so I'm guessing it might of gotten on their clothes somehow and then spread from there to the rug in the rv or the blanket (it's an oil based irritant if I'm not mistaken).
Next year I'll bring some of my special soap which while not guarenteed to stop the rash has a proven track record of easing the symptoms.
Sure sorry to hear anout the kids. All of us parents have been there with miserable kids. I for one, did not come down with anything but a case of 'sorry it was so short'. Uh, I'm talking about the roast.
One thing that goes through my mind at these things is the fact that we all will probably be seeing plenty of each other in the future so we'd best realize it and enjoy it. You see, as we all get older, we'll tend to hop in the car and travel more and more. That's what old folks do, you know. My parents are hardly at home anymore it seems.
I certainly enjoyed our foray into the wilds of middle-east Tennessee and plan on doing it again next year. Here's a couple of more pics of wildlife we saw.. as stated before.. I found out that racoons don't like 'maters..
We really had a great time. Even though I was there for a longer period of time than last year, it seemed to go by a lot faster this year. maybe cuz I didn't have MY tribe with me.
Hawk, Paw, Oen, Ttessa, Bow, Shell, Jard, You certainly were missed!!
As for next years locale, the only consensus we have come to so far is to find a place that is a little more convenient to the interstate. I'd like to keep it in TN due to custody/travel issues, but I'm sure not everyone feels that way.
rascal, have you tried some Solarcaine (or any other benzocaine OTC product) to help stop the pain and itching? Also, oatmeal lightly wetted and caked over the rash will help it dry out and heal.
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rascal 37 posts
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Sudo is using the hair dryer to keep the fire going! I'm not sure whose idea that was
The guys look old because we are
:D--> - and the women always look young and beautiful, no matter what their birth certificates say.
Names with the "official" pics:
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thanks oak
what nice pictures of nice people
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rascal much to little time....I have to say....
to hawk: Ya SEES what happens when we try to have a roast without ya doncha???? Nobody can make a decent campfire or prepare a meal without your cast iron utensils .. Entertainment was subdddued without the pear juice and the biscuts and gravey were sadly lacking without your homemade sausage....the kids missed corey ...
As for your injuries...Gosh I am sorry that you were hurt...I hope that you are feeling better...I gotta say though, I am not sure...but, I think that the weinie roast mightta been a little safer.
To Mike: our benevolent dictator...another outstanding weinie roast ...I thank you...the park is some of the most beautiful country that I have ever seen...the fall colors reflected in the glassy lake at dawn with the mists swirling round....the spectacular chasms and waterfall...the deer walking at ease through the campsight...the squrrels eating from our hands...the raccoons begging at the porch (did you know that they don`t like maters?)...the crickets at night around the campfire....Another unmitigated success...I thank you for your efforts to keep us on track and your persistance to overcome the obsticals...pick a spot and they WILL come eh?
I am awully glad that you brought Cam...I think that the teenagers are having even more fun than the adults...and have their own anual mini weinie roast thing isn`t just about the it?
to Tom: So wonderfull to see you again...absolutely fabulous sausage and peppers...Mark thanks you for the left overs and is greatfull that SOMEONE thought about for providing the coffee....the bottomless pot....we would have been sharing my meager supply 0of instant Your encouragement ...your comfort was deeply apreciated...conscerning my presence and imput. My deepest hopes that you will bring reikilady with you next year.
to ahat: so wonderfull to see you...and catch up...what vibrance your presence brings...and thank GOD for your spacious van to transport the weary hikers kids were so apreciative of the grapes n nanners... I hope nobody ELSE wanted any my crew devoured them ravenously:-) Many thanks for hustling around and feeding us when we arrived 24 hours late and starving because we had been sitting on the side of the road all morning with a broken fan belt...I was in tears I was so stressed and hungry ...but you rounded up the troops...loved us up and fed us..I was so gratefull...felt so loved and cared someone lifted a huge burden....I felt say thanks for the *coney*
to Sudo: lol...The stew was FABULOUS once again...I was so gratefull when I rolled in ravenously hungry to have a bowl set in front of usual you were the life of the party....there is never a point where you don`t have us laughing...Poor fellow...getting your messages a day late and showing up for breakfast before anyone was I hope that it was worth waiting for....I hope as well that your dear family will consider joining us next year...I am here to say...though not quite in hawks league;-) you make a mighty mean fire with your blow drier!
to wwjla: What a delightfull pleasure to meet (AND corrupt your innocence muahahaha) you...What a peacefull ...comforting soul you are...balanced and kind...boundless patience. You are a living breathing example to the fact that not ALL grease spotters (or weinie roasters) are hardened anti ministry cynics;-)
My children adored you.. your ever present patience with such a rambunctious crew was amazing...I was so afraid that they would drive you (and everybody else for that matter) nuts with their antics...but you never treated them like they were obnoxious brats or glared at me for bringing this destructive force to our peace....thankyou... and thankyou for their dear lady, are welcome to burn pop corn at our campfire anytime...((((big hug)))
Bow...I hope that you and the princess are were sorely missed...zoreta carried the princesses shoes that she wanted to return for half a day .... I am so sorry that yo missed this year ...I know that one of you must have been seriously ill for you to miss...seeing as how you didn`t let a life threatening car wreck stop you last year...please check in when you can as we are conscerned. of the and zena were truly missed this year....
Shellon...Jard....oen...paw...your missing presense was hopes that we will get to see you folks next year...
Maybe... we will just have to arrainge an *unoficial* roast in the spring...
More thoughts to follow....
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Well, they didn't have any of that "fahr breathing juice" you make to pour on the wood, dear Hawk! (hope you heal up fast, darlin!)
So glad you all had such a wonderful time. The pics look great - - nice to see all your weenie faces again - - especially our AHAT (hey girl, miss ya!). And welcome into the weenie fold to WWJLA. Hope to meet you next year.
Oak, Rascal, Dr. Sudo, Mikey - - glad you held down the fort and weenie traditions - - someone had to roast some goat (or another critter) while Hawk was healing up.
And a half dozen pics of Mikey AWAKE????? Will wonders never cease
XOXOX to you all -
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One of the reasons (IMHO) that we are now on the third (or "THRID as some would spell it
:P-->) annual weenie roast is that we don't have an agenda or any planning other than where to meet. We just show up with food and drink and do whatever we want, which is eat, drink, and TALK!!!!
The Weenies are together almost constantly for two days, which gives us plenty of time to have real conversations, rather than just small talk. We can compare our Way and post-Way experiences, viewpoints, spiritual journeys.
The natural beauty of the park itself was worth the price of admission as well. Although my calves are still recovering from the two hikes to the falls, I wouldn't have missed them for anything (including scrambling back up on wet stoines in the dark
). Rascal and I both got to "mother" each other ("be careful, Oak" - "stop and rest Rascal"
:D-->) As the group started up after our second trek, I lingered behind to spend a solitary moment drinking in the energy and communing with the divine, standing with my arms spread and eyes closed atop a big rock, when I opened my eyes there was Herbal joining in the experience! More of the divine packed into that moment than twenty years of twigs!
Start planning now for Weenie Roast IV
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Yes inspite of an ever decreasing amount of sleep I did manage to stay awake the whole time and had a wonderful time
I think what makes the roast's so special is that each of us brought our unique selves there and each contributed their part to making it a wonderful event. It is truely wonderful to be able to hang out with folks who are accepting of where we are on our journey.
to all the weenies who made it and to those who couldn't, see ya next year
and yes I am already planning the next one
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You mean...
People got together and actually encouraged one another to take care of themselves?????
That just cannot be allowed to continue! Where's a twig leader when ya need one?
Wow! Goosebumps!
Oak, I'm gonna PT ya here in a second.
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Oh n Sudo you left the cord to your roaster ...I have it if you can tell me how to return it...
One of the best thing about being the last to leave get to take home the leftovers ..I am still enjoying the remnants of stew :-) yummie!
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Yeah and cool waters...guess what?
As big a cynic as I am... I gotta tell this story...
I am an asthmatic...and realised half way out of the gorge I was without my inhaler, and in danger of having a serious attack before reaching the end of the lungs were closing pretty fast...was getting a bit nervous....n mike grabs me n starts prayin...n oak is there too...dunno who else...several...was starting to get mind you...I have very little confidence in healing matter...cause MIKE n others did... n guess what? the spasms stopped...inside of two miniutes I was able to walk and breath!!!!
Lol...I kept thinkin...I just don`t BELIEVE ...I mean I almost bristled when mike did
see thats the thing about weinie roasts be you christian or agnostic...cynic or not...apreciative of twi or angry ....... it just doesn`t matter...I think that it`s something that you gotta be there to *get*
Thanks was a privelege as always....
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Awesome, rascal. TYVM for sharing this.
I'm soooooooo looking forward to next year!
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We're fine, but it's been a wild few days here. First I was sick, like a sinus infection/sleepy jag. I posted we were leaving Friday night and went back to sleep. I got up later that night to head out, but the princess had developed an earache that made her scream out loud.
I thought I posted then that we were going to wait til morning to leave if she was better. I don't see that post. Meanwhile, my computer I had just bought last winter has crashed, so I didn't even know my post wasn't there til now, when I brought in my laptop that was packed in the van for the weekend...
Took Annie to the doc today and holy moly, puddin and pie! She may have perforated her eardrum - they can't tell yet for all the pus and inflammation in there. I pray it's just infected, of course. She was given a note to return to school Thursday IF she feels up to it and has no fever. (She's had no fever all day today.)
We've been living off s'mores and other camping delights. I had made a double batch of tuna noodle salad - we're actually sick of it and it's one of our favorites! We have a ton of individual juice boxes and Sunny D...
I'm all for that unofficial roast in the spring!!!
I'm so sorry to have missed y'all.
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Awww poor ((((Annie)))) Gosh thanks for checkin in bow, I am so glad that you guys are home and safe...
I never thought I`d say be thankfull for being sick...but if you hadn`t delayed a day because of feeling`d a been stuck deep in the mountains with a very sick little girl...I am glad that you were where annie could get treatment.
Your presence was missed.....we will reserve a log for you round the next campfire for sure.
Abby had a bug bite or allergic reaction to something over the weekend and awoke monday am with severe itchy rash and swollen face... miserable... that was scarey enough to deal with while camping....
There wouldn`t have even been a store to buy pain reliever not to mention a physician within an hours drive ...had you needed to deal with that ear infection at the campout.
Give annie a hug and tell her that there will be many weinie roasts to come....and we will see her then. ...though as much trouble as you guys seem to have the week prior to preparing for one...I am concerned that this may be a dangerous we need to change the name or something...
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Ok ok ...all of you waygb types n rascal haters...sigh....time to laugh and gloat....rascal is getting her just deserts and comeupance ...a punishment...for defying twi traditions...sigh.
Some of my kids have come down with a viscious rash and it is spreading like wildfire to the guess is one of the boys threw some poison ivey or oak on the campfire....auuuuugh
Lol...good thing the weinie roast is worth all of this....
Going to the doctor this morning to find the best way to treat an army of children.....prayers and well wishes apreciated.....sigh
Hope nobody else is suffering.
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Hey Cathy so sorry to hear of yer kids rash(es)
While to downside to poison ivy is a rash, the upside to is is next time they'll remember what those pesky plants look like.
Cam had a bit of a spot on his arm and I got a small touch of it from gathering firewood but it's already fading and I hope your kid's rash does the same just as quickly.
I doubt it came from stuff thrown in the fire as that would have caused bronchial problems so I'm guessing it might of gotten on their clothes somehow and then spread from there to the rug in the rv or the blanket (it's an oil based irritant if I'm not mistaken).
Next year I'll bring some of my special soap which while not guarenteed to stop the rash has a proven track record of easing the symptoms.
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Oh yeah
asfar as the twi stuff is concerned I defy any of theose ****-faces to spend as much time in the woods as we did and not come down with it too
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Yup, it's oil-based and it spreads fast!!
Dishsoap is a good way to help combat it - if you think you may have come into contact with poison ivy, wash the affected areas with dish soap.
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That's not me flexing in the orange shirt, I'm showing my BIG ORANGE pride that the VOLS tromped the dawgs!!!!!
My hairdryer still smells like smoke!!!!
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****-faces ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i'm sorry rascal about your kiddies
and bowtwi and sweet little bow
ahat i love you
it's so nice to hear about your times together
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Sure sorry to hear anout the kids. All of us parents have been there with miserable kids. I for one, did not come down with anything but a case of 'sorry it was so short'. Uh, I'm talking about the roast.
One thing that goes through my mind at these things is the fact that we all will probably be seeing plenty of each other in the future so we'd best realize it and enjoy it. You see, as we all get older, we'll tend to hop in the car and travel more and more. That's what old folks do, you know. My parents are hardly at home anymore it seems.
I certainly enjoyed our foray into the wilds of middle-east Tennessee and plan on doing it again next year. Here's a couple of more pics of wildlife we saw.. as stated before.. I found out that racoons don't like 'maters..
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then don't mate in their presence
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so - you scoped out the map - - where are you going to meet next time.
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Ummm haven't quite decided yet but it's somewhere between here n there
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We really had a great time. Even though I was there for a longer period of time than last year, it seemed to go by a lot faster this year. maybe cuz I didn't have MY tribe with me.
Hawk, Paw, Oen, Ttessa, Bow, Shell, Jard, You certainly were missed!!
As for next years locale, the only consensus we have come to so far is to find a place that is a little more convenient to the interstate. I'd like to keep it in TN due to custody/travel issues, but I'm sure not everyone feels that way.
Ex...............Love you too girl!!!!!
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Tee hee ExC!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
rascal, have you tried some Solarcaine (or any other benzocaine OTC product) to help stop the pain and itching? Also, oatmeal lightly wetted and caked over the rash will help it dry out and heal.
Here's a site that you may find helpful.
I'm praying for you, your children and your mare.
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