Flat Stanley has landed in the land of the Maple Leaf!!!
He started singing 'Oh Canada' when he came out of his enveloppe!!!
Tell Zach - I love his colouring on Flat Stanley (and so did my girls)! We are taking Flat Stanley down to Lake Ontario to take some pictures and a few other spots to send along with the postcard.
After that...he's off to Montr?, Qu?c!
Ah oui, bon voyage Monsieur Stanley!!!
I thought of a another spot I could send him if you're interested...the nation's capital??? Have a niece who would love to meet him if you're interested. But, I understand completely if he needs to get on his way. There are others who are waiting for his arrival. :)-->
I'll tell you what, why don't you send him to Montr?, Qu?c, then have him sent to that niece, and then SHE can send him on to New Mexico. It will put Flat Stanley in Rhode Island long about December or January, I think that's workable.
Cool, this is fun, I'll send our international ambassador of goodwill Stanley off as soon as he arrives....It will be interesting to see where he lands on his own.
Glad the kids liked the postcard, keep us posted where they all start coming in from....just sort of curious-- how many Flat Stanleys from Zach's class are floating around out there?
There are 20 students in Zach's class, so there are now 21 Flat Stanleys out there.
They got Flat Stanley's postcard from Arizona (thank you, WashingtonWeather!), and at least one from Maine (thanks, Shaz!) - sometimes it's a bit tricky getting information out of Zach - he IS a typical 2nd grader, after all.
And besides postcards from g-spotters, they've gotten 13 or 14 other postcards, and thats about it.
The photos just came back today, including an "on-location" pic of our man Flat. I can get them out tomorrow. I can't scan photos, so Steve, email me your mailing addy and I will send them to you via Priority mail, feel free to scan whatever onto Gspot and then Zach can have them for school, okey-dokey?
we will be in Arizona again late October, and will pick up some other "geographic" scene...sent the Red Rocks this time. We have lots of good stuff here in NM too...The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center is full of real interesting stuff too.
I never heard of Flat Stanly, how does it work? do you get him in an e-mail then send him on to 1 person only? Then you but a post card and then what. I wanna do it right. and am a little "I don't get it " challenged. someone send me instructions?
Dovey -- Here is what Steve! posted on page one of this thread. It explains everything.
quote: Okay, one of our children, Zach, the second grader, has a class project going on.
Every child in his class drew and colored Flat Stanley.
Flat Stanley was a (fictitious) boy that was flattened in a bookcase, and now travels the world.
Zach's assignment is to send Flat Stanley to someone in another city, state, or country, and that person will make an entry in Flat Stanley's passport (yes, he comes with a passport that has about 10 pages), then send a postcard back to Zach's classroom, and forward Flat Stanley to someone else in another city, state, or country, and then whoever has Flat Stanley after May 1, 2005 is supposed to mail him and his passport back to the class.
The kids have a lot of fun with it.
I saw Flat Stanley and immediately thought of the folks at Greasespot Cafe. There are people here that live in all parts of the world.
Would anyone be willing to host Flat Stanley for a short time, send a postcard to Zach's class, and then send Flat Stanley to his next host? He doesn't eat much - nothing, actually - and since he is flat and fits in a 4" x 6" envelope, doesn't take much space. The only expenses involved would be the cost of a postcard and postage for the postcard and to send Flat Stanley to his next destination.
I thought perhaps a good start might be someone in the UK or Australia or Canada. Trefor? A la Prochaine? Girl from Oz (if you're still around)?
Anyone that would enjoy participating, please send me an email at stevelwall99@yahoo.com. And thank you!
He comes to you via snail mail. You send a postcard to the school via snail mail, and send Flat off to his next destinaton the same way. :)-->
Thanks dmiller, Now I think I understand, Its amazing to me that SOME people think just cuz they get it I should get it but I didn't until I got you e-mail and one little sentence from you, that was not in the original thread, and Bingo I got it and want to help too. :)--> :D--> ;)-->
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Oh, by the way, mstar, yours was the first postcard to arrive in Zach's class, and were they all excited!
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A la prochaine
Flat Stanley has landed in the land of the Maple Leaf!!!
He started singing 'Oh Canada' when he came out of his enveloppe!!!
Tell Zach - I love his colouring on Flat Stanley (and so did my girls)! We are taking Flat Stanley down to Lake Ontario to take some pictures and a few other spots to send along with the postcard.
After that...he's off to Montr?, Qu?c!
Ah oui, bon voyage Monsieur Stanley!!!
I thought of a another spot I could send him if you're interested...the nation's capital??? Have a niece who would love to meet him if you're interested. But, I understand completely if he needs to get on his way. There are others who are waiting for his arrival.
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Oh WHEW! I am sooo relieved he made it!!
I did not want to be the last one to have seen him. I did not want to have to take the stand and testify....
You made my night, ?a!
(obsessing way too much over a paper doll)
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A la prochaine
Right before I tucked Stan into his bed, he told me he enjoyed his stay with you and thought Maine was a gorgeous place.
(shhhhhh!!! I don't think he thinks he's paper)
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A la - that is good news!
I'll tell you what, why don't you send him to Montr?, Qu?c, then have him sent to that niece, and then SHE can send him on to New Mexico. It will put Flat Stanley in Rhode Island long about December or January, I think that's workable.
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Mstar - News Flash!!!
Zach's teacher sent along - ANOTHER FLAT STANLEY!
He will be on his way to you early this afternoon, and you can send him on his way to Iraq!
This new Flat Stanley will be a lot more free-wheeling right from the start than the other Flat Stanley.
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Cool, this is fun, I'll send our international ambassador of goodwill Stanley off as soon as he arrives....It will be interesting to see where he lands on his own.
Glad the kids liked the postcard, keep us posted where they all start coming in from....just sort of curious-- how many Flat Stanleys from Zach's class are floating around out there?
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There are 20 students in Zach's class, so there are now 21 Flat Stanleys out there.
They got Flat Stanley's postcard from Arizona (thank you, WashingtonWeather!), and at least one from Maine (thanks, Shaz!) - sometimes it's a bit tricky getting information out of Zach - he IS a typical 2nd grader, after all.
And besides postcards from g-spotters, they've gotten 13 or 14 other postcards, and thats about it.
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The photos just came back today, including an "on-location" pic of our man Flat. I can get them out tomorrow. I can't scan photos, so Steve, email me your mailing addy and I will send them to you via Priority mail, feel free to scan whatever onto Gspot and then Zach can have them for school, okey-dokey?
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Sure, that'll work! Kewl, Shaz!
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Okay, I just heard from Zach's teacher.
First, make sure that you mention Zach's name in the postcards you send.
Second - I was wrong about the number of postcards they've gotten. Again, getting info from Zach can be tricky.
They've gotten 3 altogether - one from Massachusetts, one from Maine - and one from Wisconsin.
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we will be in Arizona again late October, and will pick up some other "geographic" scene...sent the Red Rocks this time. We have lots of good stuff here in NM too...The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center is full of real interesting stuff too.
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A la prochaine
Flat Stanley is off to Montr? tomorrow!!!
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I never heard of Flat Stanly, how does it work? do you get him in an e-mail then send him on to 1 person only? Then you but a post card and then what. I wanna do it right. and am a little "I don't get it " challenged. someone send me instructions?
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Dovey -- Here is what Steve! posted on page one of this thread. It explains everything.
He comes to you via snail mail. You send a postcard to the school via snail mail, and send Flat off to his next destinaton the same way.
BTW -- How are ya doing??
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Dear Sisterdove
You might want to read Steve's first post on this thread pg 1 that should answer your questions.
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Thanks dmiller, Now I think I understand, Its amazing to me that SOME people think just cuz they get it I should get it but I didn't until I got you e-mail and one little sentence from you, that was not in the original thread, and Bingo I got it and want to help too.
Your the best buddy, Love Dovey
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A la prochaine
I sent a couple of pictures along with the postcard of Stanley holding some Canadian Flags...in front of Lake Ontario.
I hope Zach enjoy's them!
I spoke to my niece last night and she's all hyped about our little cardboard-boy's arrival!!
Bon Voyage mon petit ami!
Canada Post...do you job!
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WyteDuv -- awww shucks!! (where is the "kicking-a-dirt-clod gif when ya need one!?)
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(Humming along with Dovey) --
I once was lost, but now I found ....
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Dovey -
I'll make sure that you get on the list for a visit from Flat Stanley.
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I love you guy's and say HEY to Cindy for me?
Love Dovey
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So where's Flat Stanley now?
A la Prochaine, did he make it to Montreal?
Mstar1, have you received Flat Stanley #2 yet?
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A la prochaine
Flat Stanley arrived in Montr?, Qu?c yesterday and spent a wonderful day on the McGill University campus.
On Saturday he will be once again on his way. This time to the nation's capital, Ottawa.
After that his next destination will to visit Washington Weather.
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