By all means --- send Flat Stanley my way if he would enjoy a tour of Duluth, and the North Shore of Lake Superior. After he has seen the sights here, I can send him to my brother in Texas who (free of charge) will give him a trans-atlantic flight in the Delta jet he is the pilot of.
Depending on where Evan (my brother) is headed, FS may come back from Milan, or Belgium. I'll get hold of him, but I am pretty sure Flat Stanley will be allowed on board, and will go "first class". ;)-->
My brother has done this sort of thing before. He and his son found a ballon released by some school kid as a "science project", with a note attached to it to "please let me know where this landed". It wasn't too far from out of state, so E decided to help it on it's way.
Evan flew the ballon with him to Germany, and gave it to a local friend of his there, who sent back the ballon to the address, with a note that it "landed" in Germany. :D-->
Several months later, E had some time off, and with my nephew, drove to the address from where the ballon came from. They confessed to the family where it was really found, but found out that the family was thrilled that they had actually received it back, and had gotten a postcard from Germany to boot.
My brother, and nephew were forgiven the "trick" they played, because the family that sent up the ballon, were by then avid pen-pals with the family in Germany that sent the ballon back to them. :)-->
Flat has been having a wonderful time up here in Maine. He even took a fast side-trip with us to CT for the weekend -- that guy sure gets around! The weather is cool (41 degrees) and sunny (visibility: 10 miles) at 7 a.m. this morning.
Tonight, I'll tell you about his adventures. ;)-->
He will be here until Wednesday, when he will be on his way to Canada to visit ?a prochaine.
This is so much fun watching. Can y'all post pictures of Stanley that you're sending? I always wait with anticipation to see what Stanley's up to and where he's headed next.
Lewiston/Auburn, Maine are actually a small city and a town that straddle the Androscoggin River in Maine -- Lewiston on one side, Auburn on the other. Like many inland cities, this one was built on a river for water power for its mills. You can see Great Falls from the bridge that spans the river, and many of the old mill buildings are still there, though many are now empty.
Just a few weeks ago was the annual Balloon Festival, where hot air balloons from all over the country come to float over the Androscoggin Valley. You can see many of them in the early morning or evening, when the air currents are best. We saw as many as twenty of them in the air at once, a beautiful sight.
Lewiston/Auburn's citizens have many people of French Canadian heritage, so you may see some signs in French as well as English. A dominant building on the Lewiston side is the Sts. Peter and Paul Church, a huge cathedral that holds services in both English and French.
Well, I don't know how long it will take for Flat Stanley to get to Canada - he should be there Monday, I think.
He's going to stay with A La Prochaine and family for a few days, and then he'll be coming down there to the WashNWear and DaddyHounDog family! So you should expect to see him in about a week!
And then I'll be asking you to send Flat Stanley along to WhiteDove in Kansas.
Yup, Flat is on his way at last. Figure him to arrive Monday or Tuesday, ?a. I also dropped a couple of postcards in the mail to the school, and will follow that up with a few photos early next week.
Aw, hounddog, I loved Sedona -- stayed for a week in a cabin around 1984, before it became a New Age mecca. Beautiful.
quote: Meebe them there evil Republicans sent him to 1600 Pennsyvania Ave, and he got deployed to Iraq
Before I knew that Stanley's trajectory was to be controlled, I was actually thinking of sending him to my nephew in Iraq. I thought it would have been a good touch of home for him and besides he knows quite a few people around the world for Stanley to make his rounds on.....maybe next time...
If I get Flat Stanley back with any time to spare, I'll send him back your way, or I'll send him directly to your nephew.
Or another thing I could do is find out if any of Zach's classmates has a Flat Stanley that wants to go to Iraq. Yeah, that's what I'll do, and I'll get back to you about it as soon as I can.
quote: Or another thing I could do is find out if any of Zach's classmates has a Flat Stanley that wants to go to Iraq. Yeah, that's what I'll do, and I'll get back to you about it as soon as I can
Cool, that'll work.
Before I knew the way this was set up I was very curious to see how far and where Flat Stanley would go on his own...
However its done,this should be quite a geography lesson for those kids.
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Yeah, I recently saw an article where Kansas was scientifically proven to be flatter than a pancake!
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Well not quite everything Steve!!! For the ladies:
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There ya go geography and science all in one place. Now who said the scarecrow didn't have a brain?
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Tee hee, White Dove!
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By all means --- send Flat Stanley my way if he would enjoy a tour of Duluth, and the North Shore of Lake Superior. After he has seen the sights here, I can send him to my brother in Texas who (free of charge) will give him a trans-atlantic flight in the Delta jet he is the pilot of.
Depending on where Evan (my brother) is headed, FS may come back from Milan, or Belgium. I'll get hold of him, but I am pretty sure Flat Stanley will be allowed on board, and will go "first class".
Is Flat's passport up to date?
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Dmiller, so kewl!
Wow, I've got quite a list of people that are waiting for Flat Stanley! He's really going to enjoy his travels!
And I've been told that he is "unbearably cute", too.
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My brother has done this sort of thing before. He and his son found a ballon released by some school kid as a "science project", with a note attached to it to "please let me know where this landed". It wasn't too far from out of state, so E decided to help it on it's way.
Evan flew the ballon with him to Germany, and gave it to a local friend of his there, who sent back the ballon to the address, with a note that it "landed" in Germany.
Several months later, E had some time off, and with my nephew, drove to the address from where the ballon came from. They confessed to the family where it was really found, but found out that the family was thrilled that they had actually received it back, and had gotten a postcard from Germany to boot.
My brother, and nephew were forgiven the "trick" they played, because the family that sent up the ballon, were by then avid pen-pals with the family in Germany that sent the ballon back to them.
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Flat has been having a wonderful time up here in Maine. He even took a fast side-trip with us to CT for the weekend -- that guy sure gets around! The weather is cool (41 degrees) and sunny (visibility: 10 miles) at 7 a.m. this morning.
Tonight, I'll tell you about his adventures.
He will be here until Wednesday, when he will be on his way to Canada to visit ?a prochaine.
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A la prochaine
We can't wait!!!
My girls will love having the little guy around!
Waiting with much anticipation!!!
Yoooo hooooo Stanley...where are you????
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This is so much fun watching. Can y'all post pictures of Stanley that you're sending? I always wait with anticipation to see what Stanley's up to and where he's headed next.
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Okay, some picture URL's. (Sorry, I don't have a digital camera.)
Lewiston, Maine At the "thumbnail index" on the left, click to view Great Falls, Railroad Park, and City Buildings.
Lewiston/Auburn walking tour Check out the Auburn Library, and Bates College.
Lewiston/Auburn, Maine are actually a small city and a town that straddle the Androscoggin River in Maine -- Lewiston on one side, Auburn on the other. Like many inland cities, this one was built on a river for water power for its mills. You can see Great Falls from the bridge that spans the river, and many of the old mill buildings are still there, though many are now empty.
Just a few weeks ago was the annual Balloon Festival, where hot air balloons from all over the country come to float over the Androscoggin Valley. You can see many of them in the early morning or evening, when the air currents are best. We saw as many as twenty of them in the air at once, a beautiful sight.
Lewiston/Auburn's citizens have many people of French Canadian heritage, so you may see some signs in French as well as English. A dominant building on the Lewiston side is the Sts. Peter and Paul Church, a huge cathedral that holds services in both English and French.
There you have it!
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What a beautiful town, Shaz! I love all the architecture and historical details on the walking tour. I'm sure Stanley had a great time!
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We are waiting with baited pen...
Actually Steve, picked up a postcard in Sedona, AZ last week and am gonna mail it any pics of the Red Rocks.
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Well, I don't know how long it will take for Flat Stanley to get to Canada - he should be there Monday, I think.
He's going to stay with A La Prochaine and family for a few days, and then he'll be coming down there to the WashNWear and DaddyHounDog family! So you should expect to see him in about a week!
And then I'll be asking you to send Flat Stanley along to WhiteDove in Kansas.
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Yup, Flat is on his way at last. Figure him to arrive Monday or Tuesday, ?a. I also dropped a couple of postcards in the mail to the school, and will follow that up with a few photos early next week.
Aw, hounddog, I loved Sedona -- stayed for a week in a cabin around 1984, before it became a New Age mecca. Beautiful.
Thanks, Steve, we had fun!
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A la prochaine
Not here yet...
We'll see what mr. postman brings tomorrow!
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Well, just keep me posted!
Here's the list of g-spotters that will be getting Flat Stanley, and the order they should be receiving him (unless something changes):
A La Prochaine
Jim Martin
Radar O'Reilly
Tom Strange
and then Pawtucket knows who to forward it to.
Let me know if you aren't on the list but want to be!
Figure about 3 days to a week from one person to the next.
I will contact each person in turn with addresses as the time comes closer.
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A la prochaine
No sign of Flat boy yet... !!!
I'll let you know as soon as he arrives!
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steve, did the yougun' get the post card from AZ yet? I think I mailed it last the school.
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oh no -- you don't think he's been kidnapped, do you?

Meebe them there evil Republicans sent him to 1600 Pennsyvania Ave, and he got deployed to Iraq
Flat Stanley, where are you?
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Before I knew that Stanley's trajectory was to be controlled, I was actually thinking of sending him to my nephew in Iraq. I thought it would have been a good touch of home for him and besides he knows quite a few people around the world for Stanley to make his rounds on.....maybe next time...
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Gosh, mstar, NOW ya tell me!
If I get Flat Stanley back with any time to spare, I'll send him back your way, or I'll send him directly to your nephew.
Or another thing I could do is find out if any of Zach's classmates has a Flat Stanley that wants to go to Iraq. Yeah, that's what I'll do, and I'll get back to you about it as soon as I can.
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DaddyHoundog/WashingtonWeather - I'll ask Zach tonight when I see him, and I'll let you know.
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Cool, that'll work.
Before I knew the way this was set up I was very curious to see how far and where Flat Stanley would go on his own...
However its done,this should be quite a geography lesson for those kids.
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