I apologize for not getting back sooner. I saw Jim today. I asked him to post here about Stanley. He was right in the same room as his computer. I really thought he would have posted by now.
He had told me about a month ago that he had sent Stanley to Zshot.
A couple weeks ago I told him Stanley was reportedly not with Zshot yet. At that time Jim said that he had received Stanley back in the US mail, that the address he had been given for Zshot must have been inaccurate.
Today he said that he had sent Stanley a few days ago.
I have no idea what's really gone on. I'm just thankful WhiteDove was able to help salvage what can be saved of this project.
Word has it 'on the street' that if you ever want to see the real 'flat stanley' again, it will cost you 3,000,00 dollars( Australian currency), we will be in touch.
So now we know! He has the President's ear. Can you imgaine the party they'll have when FLAT gets back to the classroom? He'll be able to tell all kinds of stories! I just hope he isn't secretly tape recording any conversations.
And, WhiteDove, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was ready to cry for Zach and his class.
OE, I was just sitting there thinking it would be really cool for a kid to have his Flat Stanley attend the awards ceremony and lo and behold, they show Clint holding his daughter's Flat Stanley. I wonder if they got a picture of him toasting with some champagne. :D-->
WOO HOO!! Hurray! Z-shot, sounds like Flat Stanley is going to have a grand time in AZ. I hope you kick but+ in your tournament! Get a pic of Stanley helping you hold your trophy for us.
Shellon, I agree with you. It would be nice to at least hear from the last person to see Stanley alive regardless of what happened.
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I apologize for not getting back sooner. I saw Jim today. I asked him to post here about Stanley. He was right in the same room as his computer. I really thought he would have posted by now.
He had told me about a month ago that he had sent Stanley to Zshot.
A couple weeks ago I told him Stanley was reportedly not with Zshot yet. At that time Jim said that he had received Stanley back in the US mail, that the address he had been given for Zshot must have been inaccurate.
Today he said that he had sent Stanley a few days ago.
I have no idea what's really gone on. I'm just thankful WhiteDove was able to help salvage what can be saved of this project.
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check you PT
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Hi Bowtwi thanks for checking .
Z shot check your PT's
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Word has it 'on the street' that if you ever want to see the real 'flat stanley' again, it will cost you 3,000,00 dollars( Australian currency), we will be in touch.
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Word has it "on the street" We won't be forced to have to Hurt you, if ya just let Flat Go....
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I will never believe another photo again as long as I live!
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I knew he had been captured. GWB is tortureing him by pulling his arms off to reveil the location of ex-cult members.
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Word on the street is that Flat has been nominated for a high paying Cabinet job.
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So now we know! He has the President's ear. Can you imgaine the party they'll have when FLAT gets back to the classroom? He'll be able to tell all kinds of stories! I just hope he isn't secretly tape recording any conversations.
And, WhiteDove, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was ready to cry for Zach and his class.
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Belle, just so you know, that's a Flat Stanley from a different school.
And Krys, it *is* a legit photo.
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Wow Steve!! How many Presidents get to hold a Flat Stanley! Cool!!
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Just saw Flat Stanley on Entertainment Tonight with Clint Eastward. His daughter is doing the same project.
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So, where is Josh's flat stanley?
Did he turn up yet?
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Flat is missing the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon.
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Shellon no word on Zach's original but the transported ones should be arriving at their next stop any day now.
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Belle I was just happy to be able to help and that I by chance scanned him while he was here so we could replicate him.
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Excuse me, Zach's flat stanley.
Wrong kid, right stanley.
Thanks Dove
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OE, I was just sitting there thinking it would be really cool for a kid to have his Flat Stanley attend the awards ceremony and lo and behold, they show Clint holding his daughter's Flat Stanley. I wonder if they got a picture of him toasting with some champagne.
I'm glad Zach's Stanley is back out on the road.
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The "clone" of Flat Stanley has arrived here in Sourthern Arizona.
I am taking him to work so he can meet some real soldiers.
This weekend we are going up to Tempe, AZ for the state racquetball singles tournament. We will also stop off at a couple sights along the way.
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Wow, awesome!
Z, have I given you a forwarding address yet?
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The original Flat Stanley still didn't get mailed huh?
TWI remains in some people's lives and soul's when they can't find the balls to be honest.
This still pi$$es me off.
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Yea he is back on the road again....Z-man his passport should arrive today I think.
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WOO HOO!! Hurray! Z-shot, sounds like Flat Stanley is going to have a grand time in AZ. I hope you kick but+ in your tournament! Get a pic of Stanley helping you hold your trophy for us.
Shellon, I agree with you. It would be nice to at least hear from the last person to see Stanley alive regardless of what happened.
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