Flat Stanley has arrived in sunny Fort Lauderdale (and it really is sunny, and cool). I took him to "Old Fort Lauderdale," our historic district, this morning. Our historic district consists of about five or six houses built between 1900-1920.
Some history.
Anyway, we're going postcard shopping later and then he's headed for Tampa.
Raf will be sending Flat Stanley to Jim Miller, who will be sending him to ZShot, who will be sending him to you, Mr. Miller.
I spoke with Raf yesterday. He said that Flat Stanley's having a great time in Flauderdale. He also said that Flat Stanley is *terrible* at Karaoke - he can't hit the high notes very well. As a matter of fact, Flat Stanley pretty much stays silent, which doesn't work so well with Karaoke. Of course, Flat Stanley is not very offended by that - he is a realist, even if he's not real.
I am not sure if this posted before as the computer hickuped!
I am thinking that raf is sending me the flat stanley! Please make sure that Stanley has warm gear Raf! Afterall it is only reaching 15 degrees here tonight!
All of the kids are wanting to meet Stanley and hopefuly some of them will have there photo taken with him!
Come to think of it since this is the former Mule Capitol of the world better make sure he has some good boots also!
Raf, So glad to here Stanly got to you safe and sound and warm weather which he just loves. Wrap him real cozy if you are sending him to a cold state he likes to be warm. We had temps. in the 80's here.
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Flat Stanley has arrived in sunny Fort Lauderdale (and it really is sunny, and cool). I took him to "Old Fort Lauderdale," our historic district, this morning. Our historic district consists of about five or six houses built between 1900-1920.
Some history.
Anyway, we're going postcard shopping later and then he's headed for Tampa.
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Raf -- you're sending Flat to Tampa? Guess the schedule changed, and if so, that's ok.
Flat might get here in time for the John Beargrease Sled Dog Race (a 500 mile "marathon") for those who run sled dogs.
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Raf will be sending Flat Stanley to Jim Miller, who will be sending him to ZShot, who will be sending him to you, Mr. Miller.
I spoke with Raf yesterday. He said that Flat Stanley's having a great time in Flauderdale. He also said that Flat Stanley is *terrible* at Karaoke - he can't hit the high notes very well. As a matter of fact, Flat Stanley pretty much stays silent, which doesn't work so well with Karaoke. Of course, Flat Stanley is not very offended by that - he is a realist, even if he's not real.
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jim martin/ jimextwi
I am not sure if this posted before as the computer hickuped!
I am thinking that raf is sending me the flat stanley! Please make sure that Stanley has warm gear Raf! Afterall it is only reaching 15 degrees here tonight!
All of the kids are wanting to meet Stanley and hopefuly some of them will have there photo taken with him!
Come to think of it since this is the former Mule Capitol of the world better make sure he has some good boots also!
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Tom Strange
...and I'm only two after Radar!
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Raf, So glad to here Stanly got to you safe and sound and warm weather which he just loves. Wrap him real cozy if you are sending him to a cold state he likes to be warm. We had temps. in the 80's here.
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jim martin/ jimextwi
ok where is Stanley now as he sure has not arrived here! Maybe he got held up in the snow area of the mid west!
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He's heading to you in a couple of days. Sorry it took so long.
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Did he at least have fun, Raf? Get to drink lots of eggnog? What did he have for Christmas dinner???
Do tell!! We want to know!
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jim martin/ jimextwi
Well make sure you dress Stanley warm cause he is going to need it here ! btw should i secure a place for him at the new years festivities?
Come to think of it does he have appropriate dress clothing or am i going to have to take him shopping when he gets here ?
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Jim -- Flat will need warm clothes here too. 7 inches of new snow, has followed -20 degree weather.
I think he is coming here after you send him to Zshot, right??
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Flat Stanley never gets too cold, that's one of the wonderful things about being flat, and made of paper.
I think he would love to attend new year's festivities no matter where he is.
Yes, he goes to ZShot next, in Arizona, to shake off the chill for a bit, then on to Minnesota.
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Well, I think it's gonna be springtime by the time he gets here. I can't wait to take a picture of him sipping an umbrella drink by the pool.
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Oh Where, Oh Where did Flat Stanley spend New Year's Eve? Did all the girls kiss him for luck?
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Well, I would imagine he spent NYE in Missouri. At least, I haven't heard otherwise.
Jim Martin, have you gotten Flat Stanley yet?
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jim martin/ jimextwi
No I have not seen Stanley Yet ! Maybe he got held up in the postal system!
Raf did he leave ok?
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Has Stanly decided to "homestead" someplace?
Is he in a witness protection program?
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Yeah! Where is he?
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Well, Jim hasn't let me know that Flat Stanley has arrived in Missouri, so I'm assuming that he is lost in the postal system.
Jim will probably receive him in 2015.
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OH NO! Should we put out an APB on him?
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Maybe he went to Washington DC for the inawwwgrration.
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He was DEFINITELY sent.
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Did the postcard arrive? I swear they were both mailed weeks ago.
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