We had a parent-teacher conference with Zachary's teacher last night. Thought ya'll would like to know that they have all the postcards sent from all the Flat Stanlies in the class on a wall near the classroom door. Steve and I noticed that MOST of them were from Zach's Flat Stanley(s).
They had gotten three more postcards THAT DAY...two of em from GS'rs. It was soooo fun to see!!! (we shoulda taken pixs with our cell phones, but didn't think of it at the time)
:)--> :)--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->Sorry to take so long to let all GS'er know that his Royal Flatness hath arrived in sunny California on NOVEMBER 19 (my oldest daughter's Birthday) eeeyyyhhaa -->woo woo. I would have posted before this but had to have another epidural 5 needles this time instead of 1 which knocked the $hit out of me and been bedriddan since that day, but this is the first time I've been able to get up at 4:am to boot and the pain has lessoned enought for me to sit up, so I am!
Anyway Stanley just loves Calif. He said it was nice to be warm again and would like to stay and have Thanksgiving with our family, Then I shall send him on to Florida to meet Raf.
He's having the time of his life traveling al over the place and say's thank you to everyone he has visited. ;)-->
So Raf be ready cuz he's excited about goin to another warm? state. :D--> :)-->
And thanks to my bro. Dove for the delightful gifts. Also do I get to keep the pamplets or send them to Raf. I read them and would like to keep them, they are WONDERFUL :D--> --> -->.xxxooo :D--> :)--> WILED FLATNESS YOU MAKE MY HEART SING, YOUR EVERYTHING WILED THING
Dovey the booklets I sent were for you to keep. The info for flat THAT WAS IN HIS ENVELOPE hiS passport and directions you need to send along with him to Raf.
2 1/2 inches of snow here today I should have sent myself along with Flat!!!
Steve I sent Flat in a box with some things for my sisterdove that was what she was asking about. Dovey everything in the box not relating to Flat Stanley is yours to keep.
Raf, Flat is on his way to you as we speak. I sure hope its warm in Florida cuz Flat loves the warmth and didn't really want to leave us, but I told him that Fl. is sunny too.
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Flat has left the building... er Kansas and is flying the the friendly skies of DoveAir to the sunny skies of California...
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Will Flat be eating sweet potato casserole in California or joining all the others on the roads and in the air this year to a new destination?
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Belle, that's a real good question.
Flat Stanley *should* have made it to California by now.
And from there he's going to sunny Fort Lauderdale.
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We had a parent-teacher conference with Zachary's teacher last night. Thought ya'll would like to know that they have all the postcards sent from all the Flat Stanlies in the class on a wall near the classroom door. Steve and I noticed that MOST of them were from Zach's Flat Stanley(s).
They had gotten three more postcards THAT DAY...two of em from GS'rs. It was soooo fun to see!!! (we shoulda taken pixs with our cell phones, but didn't think of it at the time)
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Woo Hoo! Way to go GSpotters!
I can't help it! I'm addicted to hearing about Flat Stanley's adventures!
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The 2 new ones from GSers were from Pueblo, New Mexico and Albuquerque, New Mexico - thanks, Lianne!
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Tom Strange
so Stanley hasn't even made it to Raf yet?
...gee... I hope he gets here by Christmas!
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Anyway Stanley just loves Calif. He said it was nice to be warm again and would like to stay and have Thanksgiving with our family, Then I shall send him on to Florida to meet Raf.
He's having the time of his life traveling al over the place and say's thank you to everyone he has visited.
So Raf be ready cuz he's excited about goin to another warm? state.
And thanks to my bro. Dove for the delightful gifts. Also do I get to keep the pamplets or send them to Raf. I read them and would like to keep them, they are WONDERFUL
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Send them along to Raf, please! But make photocopies if you'd like.
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Dovey the booklets I sent were for you to keep. The info for flat THAT WAS IN HIS ENVELOPE hiS passport and directions you need to send along with him to Raf.
2 1/2 inches of snow here today I should have sent myself along with Flat!!!
Steve I sent Flat in a box with some things for my sisterdove that was what she was asking about. Dovey everything in the box not relating to Flat Stanley is yours to keep.
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Whoops! okay, sorry about that! mistaken assumption on my part!
I hereby retract my previous post:
.ekil d'uoy fi seipocotohp ekam tuB !esaelp ,faR ot gnola meht dneS
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Soon, soon, soon. I love it when the plan works!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raf, you'll see Stanley soonest. Love ya, Dovey
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I agree that is great fun to hear about where Flat Stanley goes. It's always nice at parent teacher conferences to get some kudos about your child!
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Ha! Flat better pack a winter coat! It's gettin' cold up here in Minnesota -- and tonight the snow is starting to fly.
He might need snow-shoes, or cross-country skiis, to get outta here!
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jim martin/ jimextwi
Well When he gets here he is going to have to get a few jackets and cold weather boots!
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I sure hope it is nice wheather in Florida, cuz thats where Flat Stanley goes next.
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Raf, Flat is on his way to you as we speak. I sure hope its warm in Florida cuz Flat loves the warmth and didn't really want to leave us, but I told him that Fl. is sunny too.
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Raf, did you get Stanley yet? you should have it by now.
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Will Flat be spending Christmas in Sunny FL with Raf?
:)--> Inquiring minds want to know!
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I just discovered this thread. We did something similar for my husband's cousin's nephew, or something like that, but it wasn't called Flat Stanley.
Pleaseplease let him come and visit me, too! My children would really love it!
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Flat Stanley wants to be up here in Maine for a white Christmas.
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Well, niKa, I'll get you on the list, and OE, Flat Stanley might not make it out to you until January.
Right now he's between California and Florida, then he's going to Missouri.
It all depends on how much Flat Stanley enjoys those two places.
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