Good morning. And this same picture minus the words is also a clue believe it or not for Rick's link. But I love this old picture so I was just looking for a reason to bring it here really. :) (came back and added another one cause I liked it)
Loved the songs posted by Rick and Sudo, but no real idea who did them. A problem with early recordings is that the voices always seem higher-pitched thatn they should. If I HAD to guess, I'd say Rick's tune was by a man named Antoine.
He was the brother of James and Edward Mead Johnson and the three of them founded the now famous Johnson & Johnson company noted initially for surgical dressings (lay folks know them for Band Aids) and antiseptics. But it was Robert Johnson who took the initiative. And lo and behold if he wasn't also a closet blues player. For a more comprehensive history click HERE! but it won't tell you the whole story by a long shot.
By now you guys all know about the famous Robert Johnson but you probably don't know that even though everyone assumed he was a poor Mississippi black man from the delta.. he was actually a quite prosperous white man appearing in black face in his off time from starting up the Johnson & Johnson Co. Everyone just assumed he was a black man.
Here's one of his songs I really like, though few know it was Robert Johnson that wrote and originally recorded it. This version (Click HERE! to listen) was actually performed by Tom Waite. Great stuff, huh?
You're welcome! I'm glad to see that YOU didn't listen to those rantings by Sushi. He's just jealous because I got the scoop on what the REAL story was. Uh, you believe me don't you??
Hmmmm.. must be my conversion program, then.. I bet you will be able to hear it as it was before I converted it.. Pretty good, too. Just click HERE! Pretty cool song, huh? That Robert Johnson.. what a bluze dude, huh?
I'm so confused! Or are you and Sushi messing with us?
This is the Robert Johnson that was said to have sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads of Hwy 61 & 49 in exchange for abilities in guitar playing.
Hey, change of subject please Sudo. Tonight I mentioned to Rick that I'd thought you brought us a link of Let My People Go but I can't locate it by search. Did you? And if you did can ya tell me where it is so I can bring it here again for Rick to hear. He couldn't believe he missed that link of yours and perhaps he didn't and I just thought you had.
Okay back to my prior confusion. :unsure:
And Sushi, I'm sorry but I don't like that song. :D :D
Sudo I found it! It was in this post below. Do you still have it to bring it back?
Sharon,<BR><BR> I saw The Pawnbroker. Very good movie. Rod Steiger was the consumate character actor even if he DID appear in some really bad films. Did you see his performance in The Chosen? Gawd.. I didn't know it was him until the credits rolled! I was thinking that they had cast an actual orthodox Jew to play his role! I was truely impressed. <BR><BR> I see from your posts that today is וֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה.... Yom Hashoah. I have a tune from a film you might be familiar with then as it concerns Nazis and WWII. This is a beautiful song is it not?? It might sink in what its about when you get to the words "fatherland". Good movie, too. Click <a href=>HERE!</a> And since the subject is Jews... here's one that rocks. Sorry.. didn't convert it for all you with dial-up because it just ROCKS in the original MP3!! Click <a href=>HERE!</a> I'm so glad I went and got myself some really good speakers for the computer! <BR><BR><BR><center>sudo</center>
And here's why I know it was in that post. :)
Sudo, I don't know the first one but the second is WONDERFUL. What a song, thank you very much!<BR><BR>We need not always weep and mourn,<BR>Let my people go,<BR>And wear these slavery chains forlorn,<BR>Let my people go.
:blink: LOL I think I do have a day like that Kathy. hee hee I meet with K's teacher this afternoon and might I say this woman is..............well I do this alot
And she does this alot :blink:
Then doctor appointment; been sick and need to get some input.
Then back to the school to meet with K's principal.
Oh and Kelly slept with her glasses so a lens popped out, so lets stop into the eye doc while we're about and see what they tell us.
Something else today. Oh yeah, gotta stop by dentist office and pick up prescription for meds, busted a tooth and can't get it pulled til infection gone uh huh.
But...... tomorrow is friday and we're gonna see Beauty and the Beast on stage, can't beat that can I?
Pop by my office. I'll pull that sucker for you meds or not. Hmmmph.. what kind of wimps need meds anyhow? Heck.. don't even need any numbing either.. just rip that sucker out with some channel locks. Cheaper that way. And who doesn't want to save a buck now-a-days??
and you doubt me? Man, that hurts. Give me a minute to get over it.... OK.. bettter now. I'm telling 'ya that dude was multi-talented. Started up Johnson and Johnson and played the blues like a madman. Of course, he did have to sell his soul to the Devil at that intersection but what the hey... sometimes you have to make hard choices on short notice. He was probably made a trustee down in Hell so its unlikely he's suffering too much.
Oh.. I got the link back up .. just click HERE! but gots to tell you... most folks don't love that tune like you and I do, girl. Yeah.. it rocks after the first minute, huh? And while I'm posting tunes that ROCK.. click HERE! for another tune we both like but for some reason... isn't that popular. Go figure :unsure:
:blink: LOL I think I do have a day like that Kathy. hee hee I meet with K's teacher this afternoon and might I say this woman is..............well I do this alot
And she does this alot :blink:
Then doctor appointment; been sick and need to get some input.
Then back to the school to meet with K's principal.
Oh and Kelly slept with her glasses so a lens popped out, so lets stop into the eye doc while we're about and see what they tell us.
Something else today. Oh yeah, gotta stop by dentist office and pick up prescription for meds, busted a tooth and can't get it pulled til infection gone uh huh.
But...... tomorrow is friday and we're gonna see Beauty and the Beast on stage, can't beat that can I?
You cracked me up with your teacher description. So how did it go? Did she disappoint you?
I hope your doctor visit brought some information for you to proceed with. I did the same this week, I lie not (ask a couple of posters in this thread) and was told I needed to be kinder to myself in short. I have a tendency to live my life without doing what I should for me. I walk now on lunch break. But a hard answer as to what's wrong could not be found from her cursory exam. Good news I reckon. So tell us if you can, if not please email me (as she goes okay so you just want special treatment eh).
I don't even like back to school and principal in the same sentence.
And is your one eyed daughter a pair again? She kinda lives life full herself it appears. :P
I think you outta take Sudo up on his offer to visit his office but not for the reasons he suggested :blink: but rather to look at the view from his patient chair. Sudo I hope not a blunder on my part to boast of your office. It's just quite spectacular and I wanted to brag on ya.
Tomorrow brings something fun and restful if you just stay sat for a bit.
Looks like a normal Joisey intersection, Cath.
I spent a bit of time on the Philly side of Jersey when hubby was in the service but I can't really recall too many bad times but then I worked near where we lived and never took big roadways. And hubby most of the driving after we moved into Philly until my car was stolen from being parked around the corner and I just took the subway and walked with our baby in the backpack. And Philly has looong blocks. But I never had any fear of the subway and I rode it quite a lot heading up to the hospital to see a movie or such (you know how those military places are, multi-facilities). A funny moment while in the theater of a hospital (yeah I know you have to just hold on sometimes) was in Bethesda Naval Hospital. The doors opened and in flowed light with a voice going is the ambulance driver in here. Well needless to say the audience lost contact with the movie long enough to laugh and they weren't in there either.
and you <I>doubt</I> me? Man, that hurts. Give me a minute to get over it.... OK.. bettter now. I'm telling 'ya that dude was multi-talented. Started up Johnson and Johnson and played the blues like a madman. Of course, he <B><I>did</I></B> have to sell his soul to the Devil at that intersection but what the hey... sometimes you have to make hard choices on short notice. He was probably made a trustee down in Hell so its unlikely he's suffering too much.
I don't even know how to respond but you are so dang funny that I swear I reread ya a couple times just for the pure delight of it! And I think it's Directors now (new light ya know). :D
Oh.. I got the link back up .. just click <a href=><font color=red>HERE!</font></a> but gots to tell you... <I>most</I> folks don't love that tune like you and I do, girl. Yeah.. it rocks after the first minute, huh? And while I'm posting tunes that ROCK.. click <a href=><font color=red>HERE!</font></a> for another tune we both like but for some reason... isn't that popular. Go figure :unsure:
I'm in HEAVEN! I have listened to them both repeatedly since I logged in earlier and had no time to reply. Thank You! :wub:
LMAO yeah the teacher didn't disappoint. I seriously think there is something wrong with the woman. My menopausal stuff is MILD compared to her spaciness, orneriness and attitude.
The principal.......well, what shall I say? I like the woman, she me and lets just leave it kind. :unsure:
Sudo I'd love to pop into your office for this stupid tooth. They did as I believed they did and charged me the rent money to poke around, zap me with rays and give me script for antibio's for 10 days. And another for pain pills, just in case. It's broken, easy enough to take out if ya ask me, but they didn't.
Kelly's eyes...........hee hee hee The the tooth fairy told me that when she was in her room to pay the bounty for another treasure, that Kelly had taken her glasses off on her own for a change. yahoooo! I thought she'd finally done it! Well, this morning, she came out with one lens stuck to her back and the frame bent against her leg. hee hee hee Thankfully we'd not yet donated her last pair to the Lions club, so she was able to see while I dropped by her doctors office so that the lady there could tell me she couldn't fix them. Another lady comes in tomorrow that is good at it, she said, so I left them in her torture, er, care.
The doctors annual feminine stuff where they violate all parts of the female body and set up more violation with other facilities. :blink:
Tomorrow Kelly has an overnight friend and we're all going to the theater to see Beauty and the Beast after some Italian supper. ahhhhhhhhh
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Man, that's cool, and I have heard it, but can't place it.
The version of "broom" that I posted was by the original. He went down to the crossroads...made his deal with the devil....
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I'll let someone else name the artist but I love him!
Sudo :o I'm not gonna say a word! :D
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Good morning. And this same picture minus the words is also a clue believe it or not for Rick's link. But I love this old picture so I was just looking for a reason to bring it here really. :) (came back and added another one cause I liked it)
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Ya know what Girl? I have this thread on automatic email notification and it tickles me to receive your g'morning both here and there.
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Loved the songs posted by Rick and Sudo, but no real idea who did them. A problem with early recordings is that the voices always seem higher-pitched thatn they should. If I HAD to guess, I'd say Rick's tune was by a man named Antoine.
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As it tickles me to see yours! :D
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Robert Johnson....
He was the brother of James and Edward Mead Johnson and the three of them founded the now famous Johnson & Johnson company noted initially for surgical dressings (lay folks know them for Band Aids) and antiseptics. But it was Robert Johnson who took the initiative. And lo and behold if he wasn't also a closet blues player. For a more comprehensive history click HERE! but it won't tell you the whole story by a long shot.
By now you guys all know about the famous Robert Johnson but you probably don't know that even though everyone assumed he was a poor Mississippi black man from the delta.. he was actually a quite prosperous white man appearing in black face in his off time from starting up the Johnson & Johnson Co. Everyone just assumed he was a black man.
Here's one of his songs I really like, though few know it was Robert Johnson that wrote and originally recorded it. This version (Click HERE! to listen) was actually performed by Tom Waite. Great stuff, huh?
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Unless you're putting us on, I think you're mixing up your history a bit, Sudo. :P
Robert WOOD Johnson was one of the co-founders of Johnson & Johnson.
Robert Johnson WAS a poor black man from the delta as evidenced by this photographic material
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That's an amazing story Sudo. Thank you.
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You're welcome! I'm glad to see that YOU didn't listen to those rantings by Sushi. He's just jealous because I got the scoop on what the REAL story was. Uh, you believe me don't you??
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And btw, it's Tom Waits.
P.S. I can download the song, but it won't play in musicmatch. Tried Whimdows Media Player, won't do it there either. :(
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Hmmmm.. must be my conversion program, then.. I bet you will be able to hear it as it was before I converted it.. Pretty good, too. Just click HERE! Pretty cool song, huh? That Robert Johnson.. what a bluze dude, huh?
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Gee, sounds awfully familiar, Sudo. :P
But, you didn't include the intro to the song. It's just as, if not funnier, than the song.
(edited for punctuation)
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I'm so confused! Or are you and Sushi messing with us?
This is the Robert Johnson that was said to have sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads of Hwy 61 & 49 in exchange for abilities in guitar playing.
Hey, change of subject please Sudo. Tonight I mentioned to Rick that I'd thought you brought us a link of Let My People Go but I can't locate it by search. Did you? And if you did can ya tell me where it is so I can bring it here again for Rick to hear. He couldn't believe he missed that link of yours and perhaps he didn't and I just thought you had.
Okay back to my prior confusion. :unsure:
And Sushi, I'm sorry but I don't like that song. :D :D
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What I meant by that was, I had posted it about a week ago.
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Well Sushi, okay so I like your song some. :D
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Good Morning and I hope no one has a day ahead like this one:
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Sudo I found it! It was in this post below. Do you still have it to bring it back?
And here's why I know it was in that post. :)
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:blink: LOL I think I do have a day like that Kathy. hee hee I meet with K's teacher this afternoon and might I say this woman is..............well I do this alot
And she does this alot :blink:
Then doctor appointment; been sick and need to get some input.
Then back to the school to meet with K's principal.
Oh and Kelly slept with her glasses so a lens popped out, so lets stop into the eye doc while we're about and see what they tell us.
Something else today. Oh yeah, gotta stop by dentist office and pick up prescription for meds, busted a tooth and can't get it pulled til infection gone uh huh.
But...... tomorrow is friday and we're gonna see Beauty and the Beast on stage, can't beat that can I?
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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Looks like a normal Joisey intersection, Cath.
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Pop by my office. I'll pull that sucker for you meds or not. Hmmmph.. what kind of wimps need meds anyhow? Heck.. don't even need any numbing either.. just rip that sucker out with some channel locks. Cheaper that way. And who doesn't want to save a buck now-a-days??
Kathy... that picture you posted of a young Robert Johnson... Don't you see the resemblance?? It's so obvious! Here I am serving you "Truth On A Silver Platter ©"
and you doubt me? Man, that hurts. Give me a minute to get over it.... OK.. bettter now. I'm telling 'ya that dude was multi-talented. Started up Johnson and Johnson and played the blues like a madman. Of course, he did have to sell his soul to the Devil at that intersection but what the hey... sometimes you have to make hard choices on short notice. He was probably made a trustee down in Hell so its unlikely he's suffering too much.
Oh.. I got the link back up .. just click HERE! but gots to tell you... most folks don't love that tune like you and I do, girl. Yeah.. it rocks after the first minute, huh? And while I'm posting tunes that ROCK.. click HERE! for another tune we both like but for some reason... isn't that popular. Go figure :unsure:
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Sudo, be right there. :)
You cracked me up with your teacher description. So how did it go? Did she disappoint you?
I hope your doctor visit brought some information for you to proceed with. I did the same this week, I lie not (ask a couple of posters in this thread) and was told I needed to be kinder to myself in short. I have a tendency to live my life without doing what I should for me. I walk now on lunch break. But a hard answer as to what's wrong could not be found from her cursory exam. Good news I reckon. So tell us if you can, if not please email me (as she goes okay so you just want special treatment eh).
I don't even like back to school and principal in the same sentence.
And is your one eyed daughter a pair again? She kinda lives life full herself it appears. :P
I think you outta take Sudo up on his offer to visit his office but not for the reasons he suggested :blink: but rather to look at the view from his patient chair. Sudo I hope not a blunder on my part to boast of your office. It's just quite spectacular and I wanted to brag on ya.
Tomorrow brings something fun and restful if you just stay sat for a bit.
I spent a bit of time on the Philly side of Jersey when hubby was in the service but I can't really recall too many bad times but then I worked near where we lived and never took big roadways. And hubby most of the driving after we moved into Philly until my car was stolen from being parked around the corner and I just took the subway and walked with our baby in the backpack. And Philly has looong blocks. But I never had any fear of the subway and I rode it quite a lot heading up to the hospital to see a movie or such (you know how those military places are, multi-facilities). A funny moment while in the theater of a hospital (yeah I know you have to just hold on sometimes) was in Bethesda Naval Hospital. The doors opened and in flowed light with a voice going is the ambulance driver in here. Well needless to say the audience lost contact with the movie long enough to laugh and they weren't in there either.
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LMAO yeah the teacher didn't disappoint. I seriously think there is something wrong with the woman. My menopausal stuff is MILD compared to her spaciness, orneriness and attitude.
The principal.......well, what shall I say? I like the woman, she me and lets just leave it kind. :unsure:
Sudo I'd love to pop into your office for this stupid tooth. They did as I believed they did and charged me the rent money to poke around, zap me with rays and give me script for antibio's for 10 days. And another for pain pills, just in case. It's broken, easy enough to take out if ya ask me, but they didn't.
Kelly's eyes...........hee hee hee The the tooth fairy told me that when she was in her room to pay the bounty for another treasure, that Kelly had taken her glasses off on her own for a change. yahoooo! I thought she'd finally done it! Well, this morning, she came out with one lens stuck to her back and the frame bent against her leg. hee hee hee Thankfully we'd not yet donated her last pair to the Lions club, so she was able to see while I dropped by her doctors office so that the lady there could tell me she couldn't fix them. Another lady comes in tomorrow that is good at it, she said, so I left them in her torture, er, care.
The doctors annual feminine stuff where they violate all parts of the female body and set up more violation with other facilities. :blink:
Tomorrow Kelly has an overnight friend and we're all going to the theater to see Beauty and the Beast after some Italian supper. ahhhhhhhhh
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