Sudo ...yes I know George plays sax and clarinet with a band that does the great old standards.See what George posted about Stranger On The Shore.I got a charge out of George bringing it up
Thought I was the only one who knew the lyric rewrite ha ha
Actually, no. I don't think that there's even a tape recording anywhere. Well, now that I think of it, the photographer at last year's "Thanks God I'm not a Pig" roast took a couple of short video clips while we were playing. If you think you can use that, I'll try to e-mail it.
(This was in answer to Sudo's question on the previous page. Apparently, there were about four psts in the thirty seconds it took me to type this!)
What an active weekend here on the Nostalgia thread! I was going to be watching the Georgia vs Boise State football game on TV instead of posting here but last I checked, Georgia was leading 38-0 in the 3rd quarter. Not much to watch.
So how 'bout a new tune for you guys to guess?? This is one of my favorite movies though the only Acadamy Award it won was for special effects. The reason I haven't posted it before is that I could never find a music clip of what I'm about to post. But now that I have my combo DVD-VCR player, I transferred the movie to DVD and then loaded it on my computer.
OK.. if you didn't follow that, I understand :D-->. Here's what I want to tell you all about this clip you're about to hear... whenever I hear that song playing... I think about this scene in this movie. I suppose I'll always associate it that way. What I'm really wondering is... how many of you guys will recognize this right off and how many will have never seen this movie.
I'll also tell you this.. at about the 31-32 second mark, the image which is taking place on screen made a huge *HUGE* impression on me as a child. You hear the people screaming??? What a spectacle!! I shall never forget that feeling I got many years ago. Click HERE for the introduction :D--> and then HERE for the clip.
Remember the rules of the thread.. cryptic answers and have fun. I really do LOVE this movie and there's a Howard Hughes tie-in as well!!
You remember well and I can understand why that might be the only scene you remember. It's something!! I got up this morning pleased to see that the Ramblin' Wreck had beaten Auburn. Being an Ole Miss fan, I generally pull for SEC teams but 1)Georgia Tech *USED* to be in the SEC and 2)Auburn has a proven liar as head coach.
P.S. Kathy.. you might not have seen the movie but the star claimed to have been secretly married to Howard Hughes. But I recently saw The Aviator and she wasn't mentioned.
Got that in one note sudo. That is an unforgettable image-at least when you're 8 years old and seeing it for the first time on a grainy little b&w tv. It might not impress the jaded viewers of today, but the combination of that song and the image is pretty cool.
Years ago I was drawing a 'Bozo the Clown', comic book, and was paired with a writer who never failed to throw obscure cultural references into his books. This one scene feature a captured dinosaur in a circus, lifting a musician on a platform who is playing that song. I had to call him up to tell him I got it. Turns out that scene resonates with more boomers than I thought.
That movie was remade awhile back. I haven't seen it but if that scene isn't recreated, what's the point? Might as well leave King Kong off the empire state building.
I must tell you a story I relayed to a couple of you last night.
My neighbor came over yesterday all excited and said you must come over and let me tell you what just happened. Well to start with in the circle here she is known for being the whacky one so you swallow before she begins these stories usually.
She and two friends had just returned from shopping and a late lunch. When in a remote part of a parking lot they happened upon a female voice screaming and banging on something and could tell it was from within a trunk. My neighbor immediately dials 911 and gets a busy signal. To which she goes well we can handle this ourselves I guess.
So they approached the car that had the woman screaming in the trunk and they let her know they were out there but then the three women kept freaking out and talking at once about what shall be done when my neighbor told them to shut up because they couldn't hear what the trapped female was saying. Then the young lady tells them this I locked myself in here on accident. She proceeds to tell them she was angry with her mother who was in the restaurant eating and so she thought she'd hide from her. But she thought she had one of the pull chords in there so she could get out. But when the trunk closed and she began to look around she discovered there wasn't one (at this point I fear my laughter shall cause me to wet myself).
The voice from within the trunk tells them she can tell them how to get her out since they had no key. So they all three lean into the trunk and wait for her instructions (gawd to be watching this from the sidelines). There was a trick to opening this trunk without a key. So out she comes and all the women are happy and enter the restaurant where the mother and other folks are panicked thinking someone abducted her daughter. So with the attention of the patrons eating the story was repeated as the mother wept for joy that her daughter was safe. She'd had looked out in the parking lot and not seen her daughter so had no idea she was locked in the trunk.
They decided to have a follow up meal which included the three rescuers, the mother, daughter and younger brother. And as they stood there planning the time they'd meet here again the cashier said she'd like to be a part of the reunion as well.
Thought y'all may enjoy that. was stated it must have been a godsend that 911 was busy since they really weren't needed.
Having friends and neighbors that march to the beat of a different drummer makes life much more interesting, huh? Here's another clip.. you can hear one of the characters saying, "Give it a chance" as the crowd gets annoyed. Click HERE! I have the video of this scene I'll post once everyone gets a chance... and another short one that I think you'll all get a hoot out of.
Hiway29... re:"Got that in one note sudo. That is an unforgettable image-at least when you're 8 years old..." I obviously think so and I see I'm not the only one. But guess what?? The scene wasn't in the re-make. Nothing even close. There was a saxaphone player playing the song for a few frames and that was it. Sheesh!
Since I recognized the tune, I was able to glean enough from "Yahoo!" to learn what the movie was. I didn't see it (or its remake). I do remember a pictorial of the co-star in a gentleman's magazine about 20 years ago, though. She was quite fetching, though about 50 at the time. I could understand HH's attraction!
Well, 911 might have known that all vehicles post-1985 have a trunk-release mechanism inside the car by the driver's seat.
Then again, 911 might have dispatched emergency services. Emergency services don't come cheap where I live. So this "Godsend" may have saved those people a bunch of money.
And incidentally, the only football game that mattered to ME was Illinois's come-from-behind (down by 20 points midway through the third quarter) to beat Rutgers in overtime! Go Illini!
Well there was trick to opening the trunk which is how the girl got in there. However, had they not been able to do that my neighbor did say they were already planning to run into the restaurant. And there they would have found the mother along with the key.
But when I relayed that account last night one of the folks listening laughed so hard on that point that at the close that was still their reply 911 as busy.
It was indeed enjoyable to listen to the story because my neighbor takes side trips while telling stories and you have to bring her back. In that process I was already sitting on the edge of my chair and at times rather animated as I implored her to get to the end of the story and then come back and take me on the scenic tour.
And I've more respect for you personally than you have any idea of Brother Speed.
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Actually my brain hasn't been ready to go to that link and learn yet. I reckon you could have figured that out.
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TED Ferrell
Sudo ...yes I know George plays sax and clarinet with a band that does the great old standards.See what George posted about Stranger On The Shore.I got a charge out of George bringing it up
Thought I was the only one who knew the lyric rewrite ha ha
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Thank you Rick for fixin' it. And thank you again Sudo.
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Actually, no. I don't think that there's even a tape recording anywhere. Well, now that I think of it, the photographer at last year's "Thanks God I'm not a Pig" roast took a couple of short video clips while we were playing. If you think you can use that, I'll try to e-mail it.
(This was in answer to Sudo's question on the previous page. Apparently, there were about four psts in the thirty seconds it took me to type this!)
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What an active weekend here on the Nostalgia thread! I was going to be watching the Georgia vs Boise State football game on TV instead of posting here but last I checked, Georgia was leading 38-0 in the 3rd quarter. Not much to watch.
So how 'bout a new tune for you guys to guess?? This is one of my favorite movies though the only Acadamy Award it won was for special effects. The reason I haven't posted it before is that I could never find a music clip of what I'm about to post. But now that I have my combo DVD-VCR player, I transferred the movie to DVD and then loaded it on my computer.
OK.. if you didn't follow that, I understand
:D-->. Here's what I want to tell you all about this clip you're about to hear... whenever I hear that song playing... I think about this scene in this movie. I suppose I'll always associate it that way. What I'm really wondering is... how many of you guys will recognize this right off and how many will have never seen this movie.
I'll also tell you this.. at about the 31-32 second mark, the image which is taking place on screen made a huge *HUGE* impression on me as a child. You hear the people screaming??? What a spectacle!! I shall never forget that feeling I got many years ago. Click HERE for the introduction
:D--> and then HERE for the clip.
Remember the rules of the thread.. cryptic answers and have fun. I really do LOVE this movie and there's a Howard Hughes tie-in as well!!
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Now time to go watch (hopefully) Auburn get its butt beat!!!!
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If it's what I think it is, something rather large is holding up that piano player, and the stage she's playing on.
That's the only scene I remember about that movie. I couldn't tell you one other thing about it.
Georgia Tech's hanging in there so far, 17-14. Always like to see the ACC beat the SEC.
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I don't have any cryptic's on this one. I've heard it before I know.
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You remember well and I can understand why that might be the only scene you remember. It's something!! I got up this morning pleased to see that the Ramblin' Wreck had beaten Auburn. Being an Ole Miss fan, I generally pull for SEC teams but 1)Georgia Tech *USED* to be in the SEC and 2)Auburn has a proven liar as head coach.
P.S. Kathy.. you might not have seen the movie but the star claimed to have been secretly married to Howard Hughes. But I recently saw The Aviator and she wasn't mentioned.
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Good morning Sudo,
Thanks for the clue, let me think on that one a bit.
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Okay, I fess up to just having looked and found her and still not know the answer.
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Got that in one note sudo. That is an unforgettable image-at least when you're 8 years old and seeing it for the first time on a grainy little b&w tv. It might not impress the jaded viewers of today, but the combination of that song and the image is pretty cool.
Years ago I was drawing a 'Bozo the Clown', comic book, and was paired with a writer who never failed to throw obscure cultural references into his books. This one scene feature a captured dinosaur in a circus, lifting a musician on a platform who is playing that song. I had to call him up to tell him I got it. Turns out that scene resonates with more boomers than I thought.
That movie was remade awhile back. I haven't seen it but if that scene isn't recreated, what's the point? Might as well leave King Kong off the empire state building.
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I must tell you a story I relayed to a couple of you last night.
My neighbor came over yesterday all excited and said you must come over and let me tell you what just happened. Well to start with in the circle here she is known for being the whacky one so you swallow before she begins these stories usually.
She and two friends had just returned from shopping and a late lunch. When in a remote part of a parking lot they happened upon a female voice screaming and banging on something and could tell it was from within a trunk. My neighbor immediately dials 911 and gets a busy signal. To which she goes well we can handle this ourselves I guess.
So they approached the car that had the woman screaming in the trunk and they let her know they were out there but then the three women kept freaking out and talking at once about what shall be done when my neighbor told them to shut up because they couldn't hear what the trapped female was saying. Then the young lady tells them this I locked myself in here on accident. She proceeds to tell them she was angry with her mother who was in the restaurant eating and so she thought she'd hide from her. But she thought she had one of the pull chords in there so she could get out. But when the trunk closed and she began to look around she discovered there wasn't one (at this point I fear my laughter shall cause me to wet myself).
The voice from within the trunk tells them she can tell them how to get her out since they had no key. So they all three lean into the trunk and wait for her instructions (gawd to be watching this from the sidelines). There was a trick to opening this trunk without a key. So out she comes and all the women are happy and enter the restaurant where the mother and other folks are panicked thinking someone abducted her daughter. So with the attention of the patrons eating the story was repeated as the mother wept for joy that her daughter was safe. She'd had looked out in the parking lot and not seen her daughter so had no idea she was locked in the trunk.
They decided to have a follow up meal which included the three rescuers, the mother, daughter and younger brother. And as they stood there planning the time they'd meet here again the cashier said she'd like to be a part of the reunion as well.
Thought y'all may enjoy that. was stated it must have been a godsend that 911 was busy since they really weren't needed.
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Having friends and neighbors that march to the beat of a different drummer makes life much more interesting, huh? Here's another clip.. you can hear one of the characters saying, "Give it a chance" as the crowd gets annoyed. Click HERE! I have the video of this scene I'll post once everyone gets a chance... and another short one that I think you'll all get a hoot out of.
Hiway29... re:"Got that in one note sudo. That is an unforgettable image-at least when you're 8 years old..." I obviously think so and I see I'm not the only one. But guess what?? The scene wasn't in the re-make. Nothing even close. There was a saxaphone player playing the song for a few frames and that was it. Sheesh!
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Since I recognized the tune, I was able to glean enough from "Yahoo!" to learn what the movie was. I didn't see it (or its remake). I do remember a pictorial of the co-star in a gentleman's magazine about 20 years ago, though. She was quite fetching, though about 50 at the time. I could understand HH's attraction!
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Brother Speed
Well, 911 might have known that all vehicles post-1985 have a trunk-release mechanism inside the car by the driver's seat.
Then again, 911 might have dispatched emergency services. Emergency services don't come cheap where I live. So this "Godsend" may have saved those people a bunch of money.
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That's assuming the by-standers could get into the car. If the car was locked, was there some OTHER trick to opening the trunk?
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And incidentally, the only football game that mattered to ME was Illinois's come-from-behind (down by 20 points midway through the third quarter) to beat Rutgers in overtime! Go Illini!
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Brother Speed
Right George,
I don't know of any tricks outside of the vehicle.
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Hi Brother Speed, welcome to Nostalgia.
Well there was trick to opening the trunk which is how the girl got in there. However, had they not been able to do that my neighbor did say they were already planning to run into the restaurant. And there they would have found the mother along with the key.
But when I relayed that account last night one of the folks listening laughed so hard on that point that at the close that was still their reply 911 as busy.
Sudo, I'll click on it now.
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I just have no idea.
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Brother Speed
Sorry Chatty,
I got so hung up on the seriosness of the scene that I overlooked 911 as busy.
That's hilarious.
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It was indeed enjoyable to listen to the story because my neighbor takes side trips while telling stories and you have to bring her back. In that process I was already sitting on the edge of my chair and at times rather animated as I implored her to get to the end of the story and then come back and take me on the scenic tour.
And I've more respect for you personally than you have any idea of Brother Speed.
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A Summer Place...Forgot all about that. I've got it on the "Nighttide" album by the Mystic Moods Orchestra.
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