I agree, George. Return to Mayberry was excellent. The one show of it's type that proves that maybe you can go home again.
The lame deputy you're thinking of was Jack Burns, as Warren, Kathy. He came on baord right after Barney left, as they probably felt they had to have another inept, goofy deputy.
I think he lasyed for episode before disappearing . It just didn't work.
Not that Jack Burns wasn't a good comedian-he was normally teamed with Avery Schreiber as Burns and Schrieber. They were best known for their taxi cab skits, (as seen on Ed Sullivan), with Burns the know it all passenger , and Schrieber the cab driver. They had a signature patter that I can't quite figure out how to translate here.
Anyway, it didn't work out on Andy griffith, and they never tried anothe wacky deputy. I've always felt they should keep trying as the show really started to go downhill around this time.
Barney would still make annual visits to Mayberry at least.Don Knotts was off making 'the Ghost and mr Chicken', and the like, but still returned to his Barney role. While they were always the highlight of the season, it just wasn't the same. One sad episode had him reunite with Thelma Lou ( who had lost her job on the show when there was no Barney to date).
Barney thinks he'll rekindle the romance but finds she's gone and got married. sob
They rectified that in the 'Return to Mayberry' movie, in a very moving, finally getting together story.
Oh-The difference between Gomer and Goober singing is that Gomer can really sing.
Goober does a better 'James Cagney', tho-judyjudyjudy.
The lame deputy you're thinking of was Jack Burns, as Warren, Kathy. He came on baord right after Barney left, as they probably felt they had to have another inept, goofy deputy.
I think he lasyed for episode before disappearing . It just didn't work.
Not that Jack Burns wasn't a good comedian-he was normally teamed with Avery Schreiber as Burns and Schrieber. They were best known for their taxi cab skits, (as seen on Ed Sullivan), with Burns the know it all passenger , and Schrieber the cab driver. They had a signature patter that I can't quite figure out how to translate here.
I can understand that cause no matter how fast you type the words I can only read them a certain speed. :D-->
Anyway, it didn't work out on Andy griffith, and they never tried anothe wacky deputy. I've always felt they should keep trying as the show really started to go downhill around this time.
Barney would still make annual visits to Mayberry at least.Don Knotts was off making 'the Ghost and mr Chicken', and the like, but still returned to his Barney role. While they were always the highlight of the season, it just wasn't the same. One sad episode had him reunite with Thelma Lou ( who had lost her job on the show when there was no Barney to date).
Barney thinks he'll rekindle the romance but finds she's gone and got married. sob
They rectified that in the 'Return to Mayberry' movie, in a very moving, finally getting together story.
You really did enjoy them didn't you! I loved Opie, he was so adorable. And I read somewhere years ago that Ron Howard grew interested in directing while doing that series. It tied somehow to one of the actors having an episode like a breakdown and Ron was fascinated with how the director worked with him to get him focused again. It was long ago and I may be killing the account but it's what I remember.
Oh-The difference between Gomer and Goober singing is that Gomer can really sing.
Goober does a better 'James Cagney', tho-judyjudyjudy.
The first time I heard THAT voice come out of Gomer's mouth it freaked me out. He has a very skilled voice without question.
You never heard Goober doing his Cary Grant imitation. With Gomer egging him on to do it again and again, it was really really funny. Had to have seen it I guess. Go on Goober, do it again!!
Hiway29.. was Warren really in only 4 episodes?? I remember that schtick that you and Steve! talked about so well. I also have to agree with you guys on Bonanza losing Pernell Roberts. Anyone remember Gunsmoke losing Dennis Weaver? I never DID take to Festus.
And while we're on the subject of Westerns, here's one that was a movie first. I apologize for the quality but the pickings are getting scarcer on the internet.. click HERE! The TV series, uh, wasn't highly acclaimed -->.
Sudo-Warren was only in a few episodes when they realized it just wasn't happening. I wouldn't swear to 4, but for some reason that sticks in my head. It surely wasn't many more than that, tho he was around for Barney's first return to Mayberry. A little research should give the definitive answer.
I used to mistake Festus for Howard Morris (Ernest T Bass). I was never a big Gunsmoke fan, but I did like Dennis Weaver as Chester with the one stiff leg.
Dang-that's the most familiar western theme ever and I'm having a brain freeze again trying to place it. I know I'm going to feel stupid when it comes to me.
ok-I just read the cast for every episode of Andy griffith during Warren's stint, and he was in 11 episodes before moving away. That's more than I thought, but is still less than half a season. I did re discover that he was supposedly Floyd's nephew, tho.
Speaking of Floyd, a gruesome yet fascinating aspect of the show was when Howard McNear( Floyd) had a stroke, and was paralyzed on his left side. He continued to do the Floyd role, but would only be shown standing behind or sitting in the barber chair, holding a scissor or comb in his right hand , as he couldn't move his left arm. I have to admit I get a morbid tendency to watch him in those episodes to see how they disguise his inability to move.
Kathy, that western gent always seemed too old and odd for me, but supposedly he sure could jump like a rabbit.
thanks to George's clues, the film title is a cinch. Didn't know a tv show was made based on it. I always think of marlboro cigarettes when I hear it, the preferred smoke of the way-at least it seemed to be during the smoke infested twig leader meetings.
The character of Warren Ferguson (played by Jack Burns) was brought in to replace Barney Fife after Don Knotts left the show. Warren was referred to on occasion as Floyd the barber's nephew. Replacing the classic character of Barney Fife proved to be an impossible task, however. "Warren Ferguson" did not catch on with the viewers, and he was written out of the series after only appearing in 11 episodes. There was no explanation in any episode story line for Warren's departure; he simply stopped appearing.
I remember that he just disappeared and nobody ever mentioned him again. Kind of like Chuck Cunningham on "Happy Days." He was just gone.
whew-Im glad I got all my Warren info correct before the imdb file was posted.
Not only did Chuck disappear, but they went through 2 actors playing him.
He was mentioned every Christmas though, because the producers loved to re run the first season Christmas show that featured Fonzie spending Christmas with the Cunninghams. In the current wraparound, introducing the flashback, Fonzie refers to Richie's brother Chuck, home from college.
since Chuck was in the episode and couldn't be ignored.
Otherwise it was if he was never there.
The Cunningham house changed from the first season filmed episodes, to the shooting before a live audience set. The house we've come to know looks ridiculous when you try to logically pair the exterior shot with the interior stage set. That's because they kept the original exterior shot, which did match the original interior.
Speaking of leaving with no mention. It drove me nuts that Adam was treated like he was never there after Pernell Roberts left Bonanza. There was an explanation that he went to sea to travel around the world, which makes sense in that Ben was a former sea captain.
I remember wanting to put my foot through the screen in a later episode where Ben is showing someone a special tree where 'all his sons' carved their names , and it only showed Hoss and Joe. Even then it struck me that they had no respect for their audience, tho at the time , tv was not concerned with continuity the way it is now.
Hiway29 I've felt the same when a show drastically changed a character and spoke nothing of it.
Speaking of audiences, one of the reasons I'm a West Wing fan is because Sorkin didn't speak down but rather you had to watch up to capture the bounty of the subject matter. Wells has disappointed me on that point more times than not. But then he ain't Sorkin. There are countless sitcoms and mini-dramas that have come and gone that I've never heard of. Must be why this nostalgia stuff is more familiar. I paid a little more attention to TV back then.
Re:"I didn't either, until I checked IMDB. The tune was quite recognizable, though."
The IMDB is a great resource site isn't it?? I like to post tunes that may drive folks crazy like this one did for Hiway29... he KNEW he had heard it countless times but couldn't place it. Hee-hee! I love it.
Here's another one that may do the same. Click HERE!
Well, that tune is easy for me at least. It was the theme for a show that replaced another show that has been discussed here. It was used for years in the original show, as a kind of theme tune , then 'promoted' to main theme when the second show began. If that makes sense.
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Did you see the one where Aunt Bee learned how to fly? She showed some...uh...well let's say leg on that one.
Back to try this link, not sure it will work though...
...neato! It worked.
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Oh no I barely got use to this one
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Is that kind of like putting a bag over their head? ha ha ha ha ha
Okay I'm amusing myself here, what can I say! ha ha ha ha ha
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I agree, George. Return to Mayberry was excellent. The one show of it's type that proves that maybe you can go home again.
The lame deputy you're thinking of was Jack Burns, as Warren, Kathy. He came on baord right after Barney left, as they probably felt they had to have another inept, goofy deputy.
I think he lasyed for episode before disappearing . It just didn't work.
Not that Jack Burns wasn't a good comedian-he was normally teamed with Avery Schreiber as Burns and Schrieber. They were best known for their taxi cab skits, (as seen on Ed Sullivan), with Burns the know it all passenger , and Schrieber the cab driver. They had a signature patter that I can't quite figure out how to translate here.
Anyway, it didn't work out on Andy griffith, and they never tried anothe wacky deputy. I've always felt they should keep trying as the show really started to go downhill around this time.
Barney would still make annual visits to Mayberry at least.Don Knotts was off making 'the Ghost and mr Chicken', and the like, but still returned to his Barney role. While they were always the highlight of the season, it just wasn't the same. One sad episode had him reunite with Thelma Lou ( who had lost her job on the show when there was no Barney to date).
Barney thinks he'll rekindle the romance but finds she's gone and got married. sob
They rectified that in the 'Return to Mayberry' movie, in a very moving, finally getting together story.
Oh-The difference between Gomer and Goober singing is that Gomer can really sing.
Goober does a better 'James Cagney', tho-judyjudyjudy.
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Jack Burns lasted 4 episodes, I meant to say. sorry
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Jack Burns was that
"Huh?""Yes, already!"
guy, wasn't he?
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BTW, the nurse played by someone named "Chris"? Her full first name was "Christopher".
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THAT'S it, Steve. Maybe one needs to hear it, since it was all in the delivery. It made me laugh when i was 13, anyway.
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Actually...that's Cary Grant.
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You never heard Goober doing his Cary Grant imitation. With Gomer egging him on to do it again and again, it was really really funny. Had to have seen it I guess. Go on Goober, do it again!!
Hiway29.. was Warren really in only 4 episodes?? I remember that schtick that you and Steve! talked about so well. I also have to agree with you guys on Bonanza losing Pernell Roberts. Anyone remember Gunsmoke losing Dennis Weaver? I never DID take to Festus.
And while we're on the subject of Westerns, here's one that was a movie first. I apologize for the quality but the pickings are getting scarcer on the internet.. click HERE! The TV series, uh, wasn't highly acclaimed
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you are absolutely right George-it was cary grant-just had a mind freeze there.
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Sudo-Warren was only in a few episodes when they realized it just wasn't happening. I wouldn't swear to 4, but for some reason that sticks in my head. It surely wasn't many more than that, tho he was around for Barney's first return to Mayberry. A little research should give the definitive answer.
I used to mistake Festus for Howard Morris (Ernest T Bass). I was never a big Gunsmoke fan, but I did like Dennis Weaver as Chester with the one stiff leg.
Dang-that's the most familiar western theme ever and I'm having a brain freeze again trying to place it. I know I'm going to feel stupid when it comes to me.
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I think I know it but not quite ready to do a clue. But I will, I promise.
In the meantime this is a caricature of an old western known gentlemen. Look familiar to anyone?
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ok-I just read the cast for every episode of Andy griffith during Warren's stint, and he was in 11 episodes before moving away. That's more than I thought, but is still less than half a season. I did re discover that he was supposedly Floyd's nephew, tho.
Speaking of Floyd, a gruesome yet fascinating aspect of the show was when Howard McNear( Floyd) had a stroke, and was paralyzed on his left side. He continued to do the Floyd role, but would only be shown standing behind or sitting in the barber chair, holding a scissor or comb in his right hand , as he couldn't move his left arm. I have to admit I get a morbid tendency to watch him in those episodes to see how they disguise his inability to move.
Kathy, that western gent always seemed too old and odd for me, but supposedly he sure could jump like a rabbit.
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Maybe had something to do with his hair color.
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I believe the Western was "The Stupendous Six" or "The Exquisite Eight" (or something in between).
And I KNOW it was Goober doing the impression. It just wasn't a James Cagney impression (as hiway admitted).
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thanks to George's clues, the film title is a cinch. Didn't know a tv show was made based on it. I always think of marlboro cigarettes when I hear it, the preferred smoke of the way-at least it seemed to be during the smoke infested twig leader meetings.
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Didn't know that ever was a tv series.
Here's the low-down on Warren from imdb:
I remember that he just disappeared and nobody ever mentioned him again. Kind of like Chuck Cunningham on "Happy Days." He was just gone.
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whew-Im glad I got all my Warren info correct before the imdb file was posted.
Not only did Chuck disappear, but they went through 2 actors playing him.
He was mentioned every Christmas though, because the producers loved to re run the first season Christmas show that featured Fonzie spending Christmas with the Cunninghams. In the current wraparound, introducing the flashback, Fonzie refers to Richie's brother Chuck, home from college.
since Chuck was in the episode and couldn't be ignored.
Otherwise it was if he was never there.
The Cunningham house changed from the first season filmed episodes, to the shooting before a live audience set. The house we've come to know looks ridiculous when you try to logically pair the exterior shot with the interior stage set. That's because they kept the original exterior shot, which did match the original interior.
Speaking of leaving with no mention. It drove me nuts that Adam was treated like he was never there after Pernell Roberts left Bonanza. There was an explanation that he went to sea to travel around the world, which makes sense in that Ben was a former sea captain.
I remember wanting to put my foot through the screen in a later episode where Ben is showing someone a special tree where 'all his sons' carved their names , and it only showed Hoss and Joe. Even then it struck me that they had no respect for their audience, tho at the time , tv was not concerned with continuity the way it is now.
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I didn't either, until I checked IMDB. The tune was quite recognizable, though.
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Hiway29 I've felt the same when a show drastically changed a character and spoke nothing of it.
Speaking of audiences, one of the reasons I'm a West Wing fan is because Sorkin didn't speak down but rather you had to watch up to capture the bounty of the subject matter. Wells has disappointed me on that point more times than not. But then he ain't Sorkin. There are countless sitcoms and mini-dramas that have come and gone that I've never heard of. Must be why this nostalgia stuff is more familiar. I paid a little more attention to TV back then.
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Re:"I didn't either, until I checked IMDB. The tune was quite recognizable, though."
The IMDB is a great resource site isn't it?? I like to post tunes that may drive folks crazy like this one did for Hiway29... he KNEW he had heard it countless times but couldn't place it. Hee-hee! I love it.
Here's another one that may do the same. Click HERE!
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Well, that tune is easy for me at least. It was the theme for a show that replaced another show that has been discussed here. It was used for years in the original show, as a kind of theme tune , then 'promoted' to main theme when the second show began. If that makes sense.
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