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The Nostalgia Thread


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Long time no see, girl. Did it take Bluzeman posting on the Nostalgia thread that brought you back to us? And you're living in Florida now? You might had mentioned that but I guess I didn't remember. OK.. I'll post one. Click HERE! for a tune that was first a big hit in the 30's (I think) and then the theme for a movie.. and then the theme for the TV show... which wasn't really that good. But the movie?? I LOVED it. I cut the clip off at when the words started because obviously that would have given it away.. I can post the whole tune later! SUDO

coolwink.gif Yes, we've been here about 16 months. It takes adjusting even if I lived here most of my life.

Who is Bluzeman? :P :B)

I don't know the second but is this too obvious a clue? laszlo.gif

Hi Chatster!!

You need to break out those red cowboy boots and do some of this:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I dusted them off the other day... :( ...but it sure is good to think of you and the fun we had while I was wearing those dang boots.

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Hey Chatty!!!!!! How are you??????

Hubby and I just got home from Lexington where we saw the KY Wildcats (football) game yesterday. IT WAS FUN!!!!!!

Isaiah is now 15 months old. We are going to Book Babies, a book=reading, that lasts till May on Wednesdays. That should be interesting.

Welcome back to GS..... let me buy you a cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Precious One, you would think you might be a bit miffed at me for falling off the face of the earth in many ways, yet you are as gracious as ever you were. I have thought of you often, but that doesn't count much in the book of care towards each other. I have peeked in at your posts now and then though and have prayed with you when there was a need.

Give that awesome man of yours a hug for me.

I cannot believe how big Isaiah has gotten, and how adorable the way you are involved with his life. What memories you are paving.

Is your mom well? Please hug her for me also and tell her I miss our chats.

May I have a coke versus coffee and can we share it on your couch? ;)

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This is the Nostalgia thread, after all, so a bit of reminiscing is ok??? :rolleyes:

We are mostly ok. Isaiah's mom, dad, and brother are sick so he is spending the nite with us. I just got him to sleep in his crib. He is an absolute doll baby.

I will pass the word on and give the hug to hubby.

It is hard not to be gracious toward you, my dear!!!

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Debbie & Stephen just returned from a scub@ diving trip. They are doing well.

P@ula is coming around more and more.

MA read the Losing the Way book and was quite astounded as most of us were and are, I guess.

Judy's family is growing by leaps and bounds.

Ms Cleo is still alive, 95 now, I think.

I will be going to AR again this year when the antique show is going on. Sarah will be 8.

OK, enough of reminiscing.

Back to the topic at hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey SUDO!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I knew when I offered that coffee that you didn't drink coffee. Somewhere in my mind, I knew it, but said it anyway. Ok, let's have a coke. The couch is still where it was last time you were here, but we have lots of toys and a toy box in the way now!!!!!!!!!

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This is the Nostalgia thread, after all, so a bit of reminiscing is ok??? :rolleyes:

We are mostly ok. Isaiah's mom, dad, and brother are sick so he is spending the nite with us. I just got him to sleep in his crib. He is an absolute doll baby.

I will pass the word on and give the hug to hubby.

It is hard not to be gracious toward you, my dear!!!

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Debbie & Stephen just returned from a scub@ diving trip. They are doing well.

P@ula is coming around more and more.

MA read the Losing the Way book and was quite astounded as most of us were and are, I guess.

Judy's family is growing by leaps and bounds.

Ms Cleo is still alive, 95 now, I think.

I will be going to AR again this year when the antique show is going on. Sarah will be 8.

OK, enough of reminiscing.

Back to the topic at hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey SUDO!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I knew when I offered that coffee that you didn't drink coffee. Somewhere in my mind, I knew it, but said it anyway. Ok, let's have a coke. The couch is still where it was last time you were here, but we have lots of toys and a toy box in the way now!!!!!!!!!

What a delightful update on folks that you know are dear to me. I suspect even those here, who do not know them, would enjoy the read, simply because of your delivery.

I hope Isaiah remains free of their illness, and that they heal up quick as possible. I bet your hubby and that little youngin' are buddies.

(and I was drinking my morning coffee while (you) our beauty was resting a bit more) ;)


Thank you for letting us catch up on things that are nostalgic for us. :)

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Re:"Sudo, Thank you for letting us catch up on things that are nostalgic for us."

Anytime there's some interest I'll be glad to help out. Looks like Rick would help out too. Heck.. YOU used to post songs as well. Here's the full version that I had edited for posting.. its really pretty good. If you like nostalgia, that is. Click HERE!. Folks belong here if they like that kind of music.


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Chatty, Re:"Sudo, Thank you for letting us catch up on things that are nostalgic for us." Anytime there's some interest I'll be glad to help out. Looks like Rick would help out too. Heck.. YOU used to post songs as well. Here's the full version that I had edited for posting.. its really pretty good. If you like nostalgia, that is. Click HERE!. Folks belong here if they like that kind of music.


Listening to it now, and I reckon I belong, cause I'm smiling away. I'm not quite ready to post links again, and unless things have changed, I remember how to do it. :) It's nice being here Sudo.
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  • 3 weeks later...

That theme was from the Abbott and Costello TV show, which I'm surprised George has never seen.

It ran for 2 seasons in the 50's. Jerry Seinfeld has referred to it as an inspiration for his series.

Bud and Lou played 'themselves', living in a NY apartment building. They were always out of work, and several shows revolved around them trying to pay the rent. A bizarre cast of characters, including pseudo Stooge Joe Besser as a little boy named Stinky , and lovely Hillary Brooke were regulars. Their landlord, the amazing Sidney Fields, also played a number of other roles -often a relative of Fields, who Bud and Lou are sent to see for a job.

They often worked their old radio routines into the show, including of course, "who's on first".

Oh, and I wasn't surprised that George didn't see it in the 50's. It was rerun forever, back in the day when local channels ran old shows. I've noticed there isn't much of that anymore.

Edited by hiway29
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Who's old enough to remember this? I just happened to be thinking about it today when I say a another electric shaver commercial on TV. I wonder if its on YouTube I mused. Sure enough there it was after a simple search. The internet is great, huh? I know they ran this commercial (sometimes with modification) every Christmas time for YEARS!!


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Yep. The Norelco Santa commercial. There were a lot of cute commercials back then. What was the one where there was a winter forest scene, birds and fawns gleeful, when a man comes up to a tree with a saw? Everything stops, and he starts playing "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" on the saw?


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You remember it well. They don't make 'em like that any longer. I wonder what Hiway 29 would think about the state of the art at the time. It seemed to have made quite an impression on those old enough to remember it. There again... didn't CBS run this for several years as well?


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