Re:" I read she was only allowed to wear pants so many episodes."
No kidding? I guess you don't even remember the tight pants that we guys do, huh? And to think she's about to turn 70. Actually, I was never enamored with her because she always seemed so.. whiney. Both on Dick Van Dyke AND her own show. Can't you hear her even now responding to a criticism by her boss? "Miiiiiister Graaaaaaant!!!!!"
Re:"...but I'm sincerely hoping to avoid a debate on whether he was a Communist or not."
I stumped you.. I stumped you.. Nah nah nah na naaaaah nah! You're gonna' feel really embarrassed when you realize who this is, I think I can guarantee you. This man was an intellectual as well as an entertainer. It's revealing to me how it didn't bother him at all to perform Negro spirituals and gospel songs. That's how things were in the 30's and 40's and he didn't even BEGIN to think he was denigrating himself. It was part of our American culture and he was comfortable with it.
He's probably most famous for the following song.. Click HERE! But he could also perform songs of his beloved U.S.S.R. and his adored politician.. get this... Josef Stalin.. Click HERE! And you know what? I don't even begrudge him about his political leanings because in his mind.. Communism offered the best prospect for blacks at that time in our history.
Now.. need some more hints?? Hee-hee! I'm sooooo bad
Kathy, Re:" I read she was only allowed to wear pants so many episodes." No kidding? I guess you don't even remember the tight pants that we guys do, huh? And to think she's about to turn 70. Actually, I was never enamored with her because she always seemed so.. whiney. Both on Dick Van Dyke AND her own show. Can't you hear her even now responding to a criticism by her boss? "Miiiiiister Graaaaaaant!!!!!"
I liked Dick Van Dyke better than MTM. I liked the whole cast of DVD. She was more flustered I thought but I reckon you could say whiney at times. But I liked her, she was fun. :) And I remember the pants, it was those pants I was talking about, she was limited in how many times she could wear them for some modest woman thingee as best I can remember. Different world than the one today and what is okay to show on tv. (gawd I'm sounding like someone's mother)
This is early for tomorrow morning. I didn't change the name because it says the name in it. I liked the show (the theme is too much though). Did anyone else? cartoon theme
I like the rag time piano in the 2nd one! Nice tune but.. I don't know the cartoon. There used to be so many and I had to have known 'em all at one point.
Re:".. but I'll be away today so before I leave I'll post something."
I'll be in and out. Summertime stuff. Kids to haul. Summer produce to drool over in the stores (there's some really sweet cantalope this year) and cooking to do in the kitchen.
I said you would be embarrassed so tell me if I was wrong in my fortune telling abilities. The singer was none other than the muti-talented Paul Robeson. Surely you've seen The Emperor Jones or the 1936 version of Showboat, no? He would be noteworthy if that had been ALL that he had done. Click on a bio HERE! Look at his intellectual acheivments. OK, I disagree with his politics but things were bad for blacks back then. Heck, I probably disagree with your politics, too. Big deal. I like and admire Paul Robeson.
Geez-I thought of Paul Robeson, but didn't know he sang, so I figured it was someone else.
Shows me I need to learn more about Paul Robeson. Thanks for the link.
I'm embarressed to say the only version of Showboat I've ever sat through was a community stage production in Solvang, CA.
A couple of other factoids concerning Mary Tyler Moores pants. Kathy was quite right that the network limited how often she wore them. The rule of thumb was one scene 'per episode'. If she was wearing pants in scene one, when Rob came home from the office later that day she was to be in a dress. Amazing.
I read an interview with MTM , where she said the network was most concerned about 'undercupping'-a term I had never known before. In other words, she could wear pants as long as they didn't look TOO good.
Of Course! The Ant and the Aardvark from Pink Panther !
An aardvark that talks like Joey Bishop. Now THAT'S creative casting.
Did I do good or what? What a voice he had. And he didn't think singing in Negro dialect was demeaning.. and this was a pretty progressive man. In other words.. he was confident in his own mind of who he was. Here's another one.. Click HERE!
And here's one that should take you guys back to the 1960's... and the cold war... the race to space... Sputnik... Does any of this sound familiar? Click HERE!
A couple of other factoids concerning Mary Tyler Moores pants. Kathy was quite right that the network limited how often she wore them. The rule of thumb was one scene 'per episode'. If she was wearing pants in scene one, when Rob came home from the office later that day she was to be in a dress. Amazing.
I read an interview with MTM , where she said the network was most concerned about 'undercupping'-a term I had never known before. In other words, she could wear pants as long as they didn't look TOO good.
Of Course! The Ant and the Aardvark from Pink Panther !
An aardvark that talks like Joey Bishop. Now THAT'S creative casting.
It appears so doesn't it? Then without further a-do. I've got one for only the very best folks at naming old TV shows from their theme songs because I don't see how ANYONE would remember this one. Actually, I bet more than a few of us WATCHED the show its just that the tune is so, uh, generic. Sounds a little like a soap opera or movie drama doesn't it? It's actually the ending to the show.. Click HERE! and have a stab at it. If it doesn't sound at all familiar to you and you know there is no way any kind of hints would help then click on the intro below that has the words and tells you the show and what it is all about. This show ran on TV from 1955-1960 so for some, that was too early but I used to love watching it. Even at that young age I could imagine that happening to our family! Click HERE!
My family watched it. I'd heard the music but had to google to find out. Then I confirmed it by listening to your second link. I was too young to remember anything but a voice hidden, perhaps behind a curtain that is about the only thing besides the faint memory of the music I remember. Very nice Sudo!
Sushi I started a posta and walked away and hit post, let me go over your posts I missed in-between.
What is a posta? :blink:
I can't hear anything? Is it just me?
This is just going to keep adding to the post, rats, but anyway, I am lmao over what you wrote.
Sorry Sudo, the dude just had it going this morning so he got more applauds.
Then I guess I have to post another? Dang! I have to post TWO in one day? Maybe we ought to allow some more discussion on the last one? I'm open. Actually, I DO have another one I'd like to post but first...
Did *ANYONE* know the last one from that ending I posted? If so.. You're Da' MAN!!
Yeah, Sudo-I always wished someone would give me a million dollars. Ah, the things I would do....
Guess the point of the five year long series was that (duh) money doesn't always buy happiness....but it sure helps! I'd love to be Queen for a day!
That show lasted five years, during a time when a million would have gone a long, long way. Some yutz is trying to recreate the fantesy with "Windfall", which is turning out to be a bad soap opera.
I watched that show in reruns, (I'm MUCH too young to have been there the first time)
In retrospect, and I understand it was a different world back then, but you'd think the million bucks could have been spread around to a minority now and then.
I was 8 when it ended and don't remember much myself. But my growing up didn't have the same type things of today. We were family neighborhoods and took care of our own when I was a kid growing up in Miami. There were many opportunities for unskilled labors should they need work. I'm speaking not too shy of 50 years ago. A minority given a million bucks wouldn't have the same meaning to me then that it does now. We didn't have folks of differences not being a part of the community. You can put that together by where I grew up I suspect.
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Re:" I read she was only allowed to wear pants so many episodes."
No kidding? I guess you don't even remember the tight pants that we guys do, huh? And to think she's about to turn 70. Actually, I was never enamored with her because she always seemed so.. whiney. Both on Dick Van Dyke AND her own show. Can't you hear her even now responding to a criticism by her boss? "Miiiiiister Graaaaaaant!!!!!"
Re:"...but I'm sincerely hoping to avoid a debate on whether he was a Communist or not."
I stumped you.. I stumped you.. Nah nah nah na naaaaah nah!
You're gonna' feel really embarrassed when you realize who this is, I think I can guarantee you. This man was an intellectual as well as an entertainer. It's revealing to me how it didn't bother him at all to perform Negro spirituals and gospel songs. That's how things were in the 30's and 40's and he didn't even BEGIN to think he was denigrating himself. It was part of our American culture and he was comfortable with it.
He's probably most famous for the following song.. Click HERE! But he could also perform songs of his beloved U.S.S.R. and his adored politician.. get this... Josef Stalin.. Click HERE! And you know what? I don't even begrudge him about his political leanings because in his mind.. Communism offered the best prospect for blacks at that time in our history.
Now.. need some more hints?? Hee-hee! I'm sooooo bad
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I definately remember the 1st, but the second doesn't sound familiar.
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I'll wait a little while longer before adding another clue but I'll be away today so before I leave I'll post something.
Also sorry I couldn't talk yesterday, I was to the wall at work, maybe we can tonight. Email me when you can please.
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You've got me stumped , Sudo, but curious.
Roger Ramjet was a nice little cartoon. The production budget was slim, but if any cartoon can be said to succeed on sheer enthusiasm, that was it.
I know I know the second theme, but can't place the name, which will bug me until I can think of it.
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I like the rag time piano in the 2nd one! Nice tune but.. I don't know the cartoon. There used to be so many and I had to have known 'em all at one point.
Re:".. but I'll be away today so before I leave I'll post something."
I'll be in and out. Summertime stuff. Kids to haul. Summer produce to drool over in the stores (there's some really sweet cantalope this year) and cooking to do in the kitchen.
I said you would be embarrassed so tell me if I was wrong in my fortune telling abilities. The singer was none other than the muti-talented Paul Robeson. Surely you've seen The Emperor Jones or the 1936 version of Showboat, no? He would be noteworthy if that had been ALL that he had done. Click on a bio HERE! Look at his intellectual acheivments. OK, I disagree with his politics but things were bad for blacks back then. Heck, I probably disagree with your politics, too. Big deal. I like and admire Paul Robeson.
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Your closing was an excellent clue in itself.
I do love weekends, even if busy with things of life. :)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This will give it away but I'm leaving now.
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Geez-I thought of Paul Robeson, but didn't know he sang, so I figured it was someone else.
Shows me I need to learn more about Paul Robeson. Thanks for the link.
I'm embarressed to say the only version of Showboat I've ever sat through was a community stage production in Solvang, CA.
A couple of other factoids concerning Mary Tyler Moores pants. Kathy was quite right that the network limited how often she wore them. The rule of thumb was one scene 'per episode'. If she was wearing pants in scene one, when Rob came home from the office later that day she was to be in a dress. Amazing.
I read an interview with MTM , where she said the network was most concerned about 'undercupping'-a term I had never known before. In other words, she could wear pants as long as they didn't look TOO good.
Of Course! The Ant and the Aardvark from Pink Panther !
An aardvark that talks like Joey Bishop. Now THAT'S creative casting.
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Did I do good or what? What a voice he had. And he didn't think singing in Negro dialect was demeaning.. and this was a pretty progressive man. In other words.. he was confident in his own mind of who he was. Here's another one.. Click HERE!
And here's one that should take you guys back to the 1960's... and the cold war... the race to space... Sputnik... Does any of this sound familiar? Click HERE!
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Telstar by the Tornados. I believe the Ventures also did a recording of it.
Trivia time...the Tornados were the first British group to have a record hit number one on the charts. (From Ask Mr. Music)
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Thanks for the extra tidbits on MTM's pants. :)
And yup on the cartoon link. I enjoyed it.
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The version of Telstar that Sudo posted was the Ventures version. I like the Tornado's version (the original) better.
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Is everything guessed now?
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Re:"Is everything guessed now?"
It appears so doesn't it? Then without further a-do. I've got one for only the very best folks at naming old TV shows from their theme songs because I don't see how ANYONE would remember this one. Actually, I bet more than a few of us WATCHED the show its just that the tune is so, uh, generic. Sounds a little like a soap opera or movie drama doesn't it? It's actually the ending to the show.. Click HERE! and have a stab at it. If it doesn't sound at all familiar to you and you know there is no way any kind of hints would help then click on the intro below that has the words and tells you the show and what it is all about. This show ran on TV from 1955-1960 so for some, that was too early but I used to love watching it. Even at that young age I could imagine that happening to our family! Click HERE!
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Of course not, Kathy, BECAUSE............
This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started posting on it,
Not knowing what it was,
And they'll just keep on posting on it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started posting on it,
Not knowing what it was,
And they'll just keep on posting on it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started posting on it,
Not knowing what it was,
And they'll just keep on posting on it forever just because...........
(yet another one for Rick)
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I used to watch the show too, Sudo. I also remember thinking how cool it would have been for that to happen. Actually, I still DO.
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My family watched it. I'd heard the music but had to google to find out. Then I confirmed it by listening to your second link. I was too young to remember anything but a voice hidden, perhaps behind a curtain that is about the only thing besides the faint memory of the music I remember. Very nice Sudo!
I started a posta and walked away and hit post, let me go over your posts I missed in-between.
What is a posta? :blink:
I can't hear anything? Is it just me?
This is just going to keep adding to the post, rats, but anyway, I am lmao over what you wrote.

Sorry Sudo, the dude just had it going this morning so he got more applauds.
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I will be away so can't listen when you fix your link (I assume not me) but will listen when I return.
Love those lines. hahaha
You be the man though. hahahahahahaha
(Rick still has nicer hair)
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Re:"Sudo,..You be the man though. hahahahahahaha"
Then I guess I have to post another? Dang! I have to post TWO in one day? Maybe we ought to allow some more discussion on the last one? I'm open. Actually, I DO have another one I'd like to post but first...
Did *ANYONE* know the last one from that ending I posted? If so.. You're Da' MAN!!
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Yeah, Sudo-I always wished someone would give me a million dollars. Ah, the things I would do....
Guess the point of the five year long series was that (duh) money doesn't always buy happiness....but it sure helps!
I'd love to be Queen for a day!
That show lasted five years, during a time when a million would have gone a long, long way. Some yutz is trying to recreate the fantesy with "Windfall", which is turning out to be a bad soap opera.
How do you remember this stuff......
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So was he sitting in a chair that had sides on it and hid him or was it a curtain he was behind?
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I watched that show in reruns, (I'm MUCH too young to have been there the first time)
In retrospect, and I understand it was a different world back then, but you'd think the million bucks could have been spread around to a minority now and then.
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I was 8 when it ended and don't remember much myself. But my growing up didn't have the same type things of today. We were family neighborhoods and took care of our own when I was a kid growing up in Miami. There were many opportunities for unskilled labors should they need work. I'm speaking not too shy of 50 years ago. A minority given a million bucks wouldn't have the same meaning to me then that it does now. We didn't have folks of differences not being a part of the community. You can put that together by where I grew up I suspect.
Can anyone hear Sushi's link?
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No, I can't.
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