sharon, regarding that movie you nailed of mine. I may be nuts but I've never agreed with the take on the ending. I believe Anna (Ingrid Bergman) was in fact the Grand Duchess Anastasia and all three knew it to be so. Her grandmother the Dowager Empress (Helen Hayes) and her partner of a sort Bounin (Yul Brynner). I think she thanked her grandmother for restoring her life, the life of the daughter of the Tsar of Russia. But her love for Bounin and life with him uncomplicated by all of her future was more important than her heritage. Maybe I'm just "sweep you away on the white horse" mentally, but I believe it to the be true ending.
And I understand the real Anna Anderson was found by DNA to not be Anastasia.
now i'm off to my corner as i came in to your house and made my self a little to comftorable and other people have things to say
Is that last part a clue or are you thinking you're squeezing folks out of being able to talk. Because I've noticed to even be a part of this forum you have to want to talk and aren't shy about figuring out how to do it. :)-->
You're doing fine.
Well okay let me tell you something you do that I use to do when I first came here. I use to give the answer real quick then I noticed that others were just giving more clues which indicated they knew the tune or movie or whatnot but they weren't telling it outright. So like what I never figured out was who was the person that was suppose to go ahead and say okay we all know it so here it is. Me being the one with my hand raised in class going pick me pick me will at times grab the moment and tell the answer. Which is not to say you're doing that mind you, just talking about myself there. But I reckon that's the way these very kewl folks here use to do it before I came along.
If I'm wrong I'm expecting to be told also. In a nice way of course. Because I smack! ;)-->
Helen Hayes, Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, Anastasia....
It seems there's an effort to raise this room above the level of the ' Bowery Boys'. I'm afraid if it's above a nine year old comprehension level, I'm at a loss.
I did see Helen Hayes live once though.I grew up in Stratford , Connecticut, home of the most authentic Shakespeare Theater across the pond. Katherine hepburn used to act there when i was way too young, and she lived in a small house on the water near the theater.
Many other prominant actors such as Bert Lahr, played there also, but I'm recalling a school field trip to see Helen Hayes. It was a tradition for all the schools from miles around to do an annual trip there, but this year Helen Hayes did a one woman presentation of scenes from several Shakespeare plays.
I looked around at the half full theater full of youngsters, and wondered what she thought of playing to an audience of kids.
I knew she was great because my parents told me so. I didn't understand a word she said. I still can't follow Shakespeare plays.
I loved the theater though. Unfortunately it has fallen on disrepair due to lack of funding, and now sits there, still an impressive sight, until you get close and see the rotted wood, and broken stairways.
It's been a fun weekend around here for a change hasn't it?? I appreciate the compliments Kathy but I'm not really a sensitive 90's kind of guy . OK, I can cry during scenes at movies (I really turn on the faucet when dogs are involved) but I don't care for most "chick flicks".
Was Driving Miss Daisey a chick flick? If so I liked THAT one but the ones my wife likes?? Fried Green Tomatoes?? When Harry Met Sally? Steel Magnolias? Nope!~ Not my cup of tea. I got roped into watching The Notebook with her a while back on video and boy was THAT a bummer of a movie. When all is said and done, Kathy you have to remember one thing... men really are from Mars!! Hee-hee!
We have no hard and fast rules here and going on tangents can be fun. For practice shall we try to do things the way Kathy spelled out for us on this next one? I know some TV shows and movies are tough to answer in a cryptic manner without giving the whole thing away. But this next one was such a fun movie!
I don't know that its old enough to qualify for nostalgia but we bought the video when it came out and for awhile it was my kids favorite movie to watch. Those memories qualify it for me Click HERE! and even if you don't know it.. its fun music, no??
P.S. I can't understand a word in Shakespear movies either, Hiway29!! I have to have ENGLISH sub-titles!!
No, it was a real movie with actors and stuff.. BUT.. there was a cartoon spin-off so probably Hiway29 will know it. Remember the Beatles cartoons they did back about 1967?? They made Ringo really stupid in them.
P.S. My daughter is sitting upstairs with me and when I played the tune again... she yelled out the name after 2 seconds. :D-->
Helen Hayes, Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, Anastasia....
It seems there's an effort to raise this room above the level of the ' Bowery Boys'. I'm afraid if it's above a nine year old comprehension level, I'm at a loss
I'd disagree with your assessment of your comprehension level, but you stated it nicely. :)-->
I did see Helen Hayes live once though.I grew up in Stratford , Connecticut, home of the most authentic Shakespeare Theater across the pond. Katherine hepburn used to act there when i was way too young, and she lived in a small house on the water near the theater.
Many other prominant actors such as Bert Lahr, played there also, but I'm recalling a school field trip to see Helen Hayes. It was a tradition for all the schools from miles around to do an annual trip there, but this year Helen Hayes did a one woman presentation of scenes from several Shakespeare plays.
I looked around at the half full theater full of youngsters, and wondered what she thought of playing to an audience of kids.
I knew she was great because my parents told me so. I didn't understand a word she said. I still can't follow Shakespeare plays.
What fantastic memories. Thank you for sharing them. Helen Hayes in such a tiny package could demand your attention. And Katherine Hepburn will remain one of the greatest of all time.
Shakespeare held my interest but not all could I follow. -->
I loved the theater though. Unfortunately it has fallen on disrepair due to lack of funding, and now sits there, still an impressive sight, until you get close and see the rotted wood, and broken stairways.
I use to live in Philly where they had wonderful old theaters. With balconies elegant enough for paying just to sit there. They were magnificent.
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sharon, that doesn't ring a bell at all.
I watched the movie. Yup, great movie! Here's a quote. Anyone recognize it?
The poor have only one advantage; they know when they are loved for themselves.
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ahh Ingrid Bergman in Anastasia.. Yul Brenner was in it as well.
as for mine, think of my hero
Johnny Fontane was based on this.
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From Here To Eternity , of course.
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Pirate, you got something I didn't, and still didn't even with more clues.
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sharon, regarding that movie you nailed of mine. I may be nuts but I've never agreed with the take on the ending. I believe Anna (Ingrid Bergman) was in fact the Grand Duchess Anastasia and all three knew it to be so. Her grandmother the Dowager Empress (Helen Hayes) and her partner of a sort Bounin (Yul Brynner). I think she thanked her grandmother for restoring her life, the life of the daughter of the Tsar of Russia. But her love for Bounin and life with him uncomplicated by all of her future was more important than her heritage. Maybe I'm just "sweep you away on the white horse" mentally, but I believe it to the be true ending.
And I understand the real Anna Anderson was found by DNA to not be Anastasia.
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I still think Rhett and Scarlett got back together, so don't worry I am such the "White Horse and handsome stranger" kind of girl..
geeze when I got married the 2nd time I did it at the Plaza in NY. because of Eloise
romance is a Wonderful thing..
and Pirate of course you are correct.
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sharon, shhhh....don't tell anyone but Sudo is pretty close to our hearts on that stuff also you know....but shhhh don't tell anyone.
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Hey Sharon, Meet Kathy...Kathy, Meet Sharon!
Too cool! You two have hit it off...this is really great!
The more, the merrier!
:)--> Happy to have you both here!
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Hi Rick, long time no talk dude.
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oh course he is with his beautiful song for Carol
bet he even remember's their anniversary
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Yup, and buys her flowers for no reason at all.
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What a
she's a very lucky lady and i'm certain he's a lucky man..course if he found my song i'd really praise him..
now i'm off to my corner as i came in to your house and made my self a little to comftorable and other people have things to say
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Well, flowers to ALL the lady's here! Love to all of you!
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Rick, well dude are you wanting us to talk nice about you also?
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Is that last part a clue or are you thinking you're squeezing folks out of being able to talk. Because I've noticed to even be a part of this forum you have to want to talk and aren't shy about figuring out how to do it.
You're doing fine.
Well okay let me tell you something you do that I use to do when I first came here. I use to give the answer real quick then I noticed that others were just giving more clues which indicated they knew the tune or movie or whatnot but they weren't telling it outright. So like what I never figured out was who was the person that was suppose to go ahead and say okay we all know it so here it is. Me being the one with my hand raised in class going pick me pick me will at times grab the moment and tell the answer. Which is not to say you're doing that mind you, just talking about myself there. But I reckon that's the way these very kewl folks here use to do it before I came along.
If I'm wrong I'm expecting to be told also. In a nice way of course. Because I smack!
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Helen Hayes, Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, Anastasia....
It seems there's an effort to raise this room above the level of the ' Bowery Boys'. I'm afraid if it's above a nine year old comprehension level, I'm at a loss.
I did see Helen Hayes live once though.I grew up in Stratford , Connecticut, home of the most authentic Shakespeare Theater across the pond. Katherine hepburn used to act there when i was way too young, and she lived in a small house on the water near the theater.
Many other prominant actors such as Bert Lahr, played there also, but I'm recalling a school field trip to see Helen Hayes. It was a tradition for all the schools from miles around to do an annual trip there, but this year Helen Hayes did a one woman presentation of scenes from several Shakespeare plays.
I looked around at the half full theater full of youngsters, and wondered what she thought of playing to an audience of kids.
I knew she was great because my parents told me so. I didn't understand a word she said. I still can't follow Shakespeare plays.
I loved the theater though. Unfortunately it has fallen on disrepair due to lack of funding, and now sits there, still an impressive sight, until you get close and see the rotted wood, and broken stairways.
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Hey guys...
It's been a fun weekend around here for a change hasn't it?? I appreciate the compliments Kathy but I'm not really a sensitive 90's kind of guy
. OK, I can cry during scenes at movies (I really turn on the faucet when dogs are involved) but I don't care for most "chick flicks".
Was Driving Miss Daisey a chick flick? If so I liked THAT one but the ones my wife likes?? Fried Green Tomatoes?? When Harry Met Sally? Steel Magnolias? Nope!~ Not my cup of tea. I got roped into watching The Notebook with her a while back on video and boy was THAT a bummer of a movie. When all is said and done, Kathy you have to remember one thing... men really are from Mars!! Hee-hee!
We have no hard and fast rules here and going on tangents can be fun. For practice shall we try to do things the way Kathy spelled out for us on this next one? I know some TV shows and movies are tough to answer in a cryptic manner without giving the whole thing away. But this next one was such a fun movie!
I don't know that its old enough to qualify for nostalgia but we bought the video when it came out and for awhile it was my kids favorite movie to watch. Those memories qualify it for me
Click HERE! and even if you don't know it.. its fun music, no??
P.S. I can't understand a word in Shakespear movies either, Hiway29!! I have to have ENGLISH sub-titles!!
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I really don't know, but I have a guess. Was it a cartoon movie?
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No, it was a real movie with actors and stuff.. BUT.. there was a cartoon spin-off so probably Hiway29 will know it. Remember the Beatles cartoons they did back about 1967?? They made Ringo really stupid in them.
P.S. My daughter is sitting upstairs with me and when I played the tune again... she yelled out the name after 2 seconds.
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Well, I know what it is now, thanks to Sharon's pictures. That was a good clue sharon!
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Sharon's clue hits the bullseye.
The cartoon version was NOT very good, IMO.
I do have a soft spot for the old Beatle cartoons tho. Not that they were any better.
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sharon, that is one of the best clues I've ever seen!
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