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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
Sorry if this breaks up the sentiment, but it does remind me of one of my favorite exchanges from "The Simpsons":

MARGE: "Homer, I miss the children."

HOMER: "You lie!"

MARGE: "Well...I feel bad about NOT missing them."

Actually, that's my sentiments. I was never one to ponder the empty nest syndrome, just enjoy it.

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Do you think it's because I haven't been posting lately, that we have slipped into second place here? :biglaugh:

Well, we can't have that now, can we! :nono5:

So, in order to get ourselves back into first place, I've decided to post my selection of the day. It's sure to put us back on top!

Now, this one is different. I got to thinking of this one, with all the mention of snow earlier. Thought, maybe some of you are taking those long awaited holidays to hot and sensuous places! :love3:

Just click HERE and you'll enjoy a trip there without having to put out all that money! :biglaugh:

OH... if you're reading this... Jonny Lingo... this one is dedicated to you bro'!

Edited by A la prochaine
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I see you at least posted something for Valentine's Day. Here it is late in the evening (for ME anyways) and I haven't posted diddly squat! And you know?? I've gots bunches I could have posted. Umph umph umph. I've got two.. the same song.. Who did this one (click HERE!) and MORE IMPORTANTLY..WHO was he singing to?

And Item #2. Click HERE! It's the 1930's. My parents are in elementary school... who's the crooner?

sudo (better late than never)
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Ted, was "it ain't over till it's over" a clue for Sudo's 30's crooner? I know I should know if it is or not but I googled and found a singer for that full song but couldn't find Sudo's song.

So did I just try to fit 4 cassettes into a 4 track recorder again? :rolleyes:

Happy Valentines Day to ya!

All rest well this eve……

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No one knows the crooner??

And I would have thought THAT would have been easier than knowing that Alfalfa was singing to Darla. 'Ya just never know. So here's a hint.. ANOTHER song by said crooner. And not just any song. But one that I remember fondly from the late 50's during a talent show at my elementary school. Mrs. Pickens' 3rd grade class sang this and did all the body language of the various animals involved. I had no idea it was an old song.

He was about my age then though he's been gone for a long time now. Rick might recognize the link.. click HERE!

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  wasway said:
Greetings from the land of THE Sunshine (Alligators, Mosquitos, Snakes, BIG Bugs, Killer Bees, and THE newest edition to THE indiginous population, THE Monitor Lizard, too)


Um, I hope you ain't walking near this tree down there. :blink:

  Sushi said:
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie................"

Kathy, I was RIGHT????? :biglaugh:

I should have never questioned you. :biglaugh:

I love the movie Moonstruck because of the family around the kitchen table and that song you just quoted from reminds me of that movie for some reason.

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