Koko Taylor was at our local Blue's Festival last year, I believe. She is awesome. BTW, our festival is usually Father's Day weekend, so I was always able to attend even when living in Memphis. It is a free concert and is located in a park at the river's edge amongst giant shade trees, with a lovely sunset from the Ohio River. I wish I could remember the names that were there this year.
We have John James Audubon State Park located here with cabins. If any of you are interested, I could get more info on the park or the blues fest. Of course we also have a FREE bluegrass fest in August, that is great. They celebrated 20 years this year.
Shameless plug for my hometown, I know. But they are BOTH great festivals. B)
I'm working but my mind is too dang active and I just had to come back and share something with y'all.
As those close to me realize all too well I work diligently at self-esteem issues. But one thing that just struck me here in my work environment was how these folks seem very willing to share their observations of my abilities openly with me and others that would have any interest in knowing. This is something you seldom see in a work environment as I suspect employers are hesitant to kudos their employees for concern they'll ask for a raise. And this is only a side thought actually because what I was going for was how my time in twi for a greater portion was in fear of my performance and knowing all too well you may be told this morning all is well but this evening be used as an example of what not to do. I've felt that stare from supposed peers more than once. In my circle of intimate friends I expect and receive blunt honesty regarding their thoughts pertaining to me. Some of you that post on this thread are part of that group of friends and I just wanted to state it out loud how thankful I am for that.
Okay I must return to work but just needed to get that off my chest.
(now Geo who better get his butt back here does shock me :o with his honesty on occasion)
Re:"As those close to me realize all too well I work diligently at self-esteem issues. But one thing that just struck me here in my work environment was how these folks seem very willing to share their observations of my abilities openly with me and others that would have any interest in knowing.."
I'm glad you brought this up yourself as I have been hesitant to bring up my concerns with your performance on this thread. You need to post more tunes, Kathy, plain and simple. You know. And we ALL know. That you've posted very very few songs since demonstrating that you can indeed post them. Some folks don't know how. You do. All we've been getting posted lately is the dull drivel that I have been throwing up at the last minute. If it weren't for Bluzeman's tunes, we'd have nothing interesting at all which brings me back to YOU!!
It's about time you get cracking and post some tunes so I don't drive everyone away. Chop chop Kathy. Let's see some tunes or you'll single-handedly kill this thread. Yes. It'll be YOUR fault if the thread dies because you didn't do more posting of tunes. You don't believe me? Huh? You want PROOF or something?? OK.. You asked for it.. Here's an example of all you're getting out of me ... Click HERE! and name the performer and tune. It's bona-fide Nostalgia® material, I tell ya', because its over 20 years old. And... it's kinda' bluzey. kinda'... but is THIS what we want on this thread I ask you???
I won't go in to the WHOLE story here, but I got a call tis evening from an elderly lady. Looking for her husband. She was trying to dial his cell phone number but for some reason, every time she called it, it rang into my home phone. She sounded very worried because he was late for dinner and she couldn't get in touch with him.
This went for about 5 or 6 calls total, over a couple hours. She was sounding more and more worried each time she would call. and get me and not her husband. So I called her back(I have caller ID) and asked her if she would like me to call his cell phone and see what happens, if it rings to my line or what. Well, THEN I found out that she had got a call earlier that he had gone to the hospital, and later the hospital had called to tell her that he was being sent home. Long story short, I called the cell phone number she gave me and got in touch with him, explained the situation and told him to give her a call and let her know he's ok.
Called her back less than 5 minutes later, he had called and said he was coming home, and she was just SO thankful...I said well God bless you ma'am, glad everying is ok...have a good eveing.
OK, end of story. But, the whole thing made me think of THIS song.
I'm glad Rick named him because I flat out didn't know who it was.
And I tell ya what Mister. Had I been treated so sweetly while being challenged in The Way who knows I might of stayed around a bit longer....NOT! :blink:
You're fun Sudo! :)
And here is a theme for a show I truly enjoyed but don't ask me to remember whole episodes cause I just can't remember that stuff anymore.
You know what act2, you really do have a wonderful community there. I could fall in love with that town.
So did I just invite myself...... :D
heehee... well I guess you did invite yourself down..... do you prefer blues or bluegrass???
Rick, I love that song also. I saw this fine lady perform at the Executive Inn in Owensboro, KY a number of years ago. What a great song and a fantastic, smooth voice.
Hey you! It's always so nice to see your smile and that hat LindaZ gave you.
You know how at home y'all make me feel. And I'd no more than pulled out of your drive and already wanted to return. :)
Blues would be my choice although I grew up around bluegrass so that sure is home for me as well. Which does hubby prefer by the way or did you say that and I spaced it.
Especially loves the OLD country music....as in Hank, Sr., Lefty Frizzell, Porter, Scruggs, Wilburn Bros., George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn, Little Jimmy Dickens, and a bunch of entertainers that I cant remember. He watches RFD-TV when he is home.
Thanks for the nice compliment. We do try to make guests feel welcome in our home. Hubby is a very good host, if I say so myself!!! ;)
I am signing off. Going to make a key lime cheesecake for our guests this weekend. YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could I wonder if he had a preference. I tell ya what with a dadgum television as big as a truck and that sound he has going on we sure did have fun that night watching live from Nashville didn't we?
And another theme song for y'all. And I have to admit I was hooked for a couple years on this show. HERE
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I've seen some of your weekend shared in Open in that music thread but can ya come give us some goodies also?
And your story of y'all jamming together was fine!
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I swear I just saw a snowflake. :unsure:
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Isn't that a little white-out on your glasses??
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Kathy, you sniffing the white out again?
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West Side Story was definetly a classic Sudo! Good tune!
Ah, speaking of "Classics" :)
Just so happens I have that in my collection Ted! Click HERE!
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Hey you guys I swear I saw this
And I had to go smell this
just to see what it was like and dang but if that stuff ain't got a kick to it. :blink:
Okay so you gave Ted his request BUT women have the blues to you know. :huh:
It's a great song Rick, thanks!
For you. :D
Q1: How can you tell if a blonde's been using the computer?
A: There's white-out on the screen.
Q2: How can you tell if another blonde's been using the computer?
A: There's writing on the white-out.
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Well, of COURSE women have the blues! And so I have a couple blues tunes for the women here too! :)
These are all by Koko Taylor...if you have never heard of her, your in for a treat! She does basic 12 bar blues and she's AWSOME!
Click HERE, HERE, and HERE!
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Most awesome! You know I've loved her since you turned me on to her. I think you may have gained a brownie point or two on that dude! :)
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Koko Taylor was at our local Blue's Festival last year, I believe. She is awesome. BTW, our festival is usually Father's Day weekend, so I was always able to attend even when living in Memphis. It is a free concert and is located in a park at the river's edge amongst giant shade trees, with a lovely sunset from the Ohio River. I wish I could remember the names that were there this year.
We have John James Audubon State Park located here with cabins. If any of you are interested, I could get more info on the park or the blues fest. Of course we also have a FREE bluegrass fest in August, that is great. They celebrated 20 years this year.
Shameless plug for my hometown, I know. But they are BOTH great festivals. B)
I have attended both MANY times.
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Hmmm, another reason to head your way. ;)
She comes from deep within doesn't she!
You know what act2, you really do have a wonderful community there. I could fall in love with that town.
So did I just invite myself...... :D
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You know I really shouldn't be the last and the first to post here. :(
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Good morning Kathy. It's good to see your post here this morning (and last night). You are the alpha and omega of the Nostalgia Thread.
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Wow! I think that is kind of cool. :)
Well it felt good to pretend when I just saw your reply in my inbox as I snuck a quick look from work. Thanks for the warm and fuzzy this morning.
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I'm working but my mind is too dang active and I just had to come back and share something with y'all.
As those close to me realize all too well I work diligently at self-esteem issues. But one thing that just struck me here in my work environment was how these folks seem very willing to share their observations of my abilities openly with me and others that would have any interest in knowing. This is something you seldom see in a work environment as I suspect employers are hesitant to kudos their employees for concern they'll ask for a raise. And this is only a side thought actually because what I was going for was how my time in twi for a greater portion was in fear of my performance and knowing all too well you may be told this morning all is well but this evening be used as an example of what not to do. I've felt that stare from supposed peers more than once. In my circle of intimate friends I expect and receive blunt honesty regarding their thoughts pertaining to me. Some of you that post on this thread are part of that group of friends and I just wanted to state it out loud how thankful I am for that.
Okay I must return to work but just needed to get that off my chest.
(now Geo who better get his butt back here does shock me :o with his honesty on occasion)
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Re:"As those close to me realize all too well I work diligently at self-esteem issues. But one thing that just struck me here in my work environment was how these folks seem very willing to share their observations of my abilities openly with me and others that would have any interest in knowing.."
I'm glad you brought this up yourself as I have been hesitant to bring up my concerns with your performance on this thread. You need to post more tunes, Kathy, plain and simple. You know. And we ALL know. That you've posted very very few songs since demonstrating that you can indeed post them. Some folks don't know how. You do. All we've been getting posted lately is the dull drivel that I have been throwing up at the last minute. If it weren't for Bluzeman's tunes, we'd have nothing interesting at all which brings me back to YOU!!
It's about time you get cracking and post some tunes so I don't drive everyone away. Chop chop Kathy. Let's see some tunes or you'll single-handedly kill this thread. Yes. It'll be YOUR fault if the thread dies because you didn't do more posting of tunes. You don't believe me? Huh? You want PROOF or something?? OK.. You asked for it.. Here's an example of all you're getting out of me ... Click HERE! and name the performer and tune. It's bona-fide Nostalgia® material, I tell ya', because its over 20 years old. And... it's kinda' bluzey. kinda'... but is THIS what we want on this thread I ask you???
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Well this will have to do until I can listen and attend to you proper like from home:
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Killer tune Sudo! Never would have taken you for a Randy Newman fan though.
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I won't go in to the WHOLE story here, but I got a call tis evening from an elderly lady. Looking for her husband. She was trying to dial his cell phone number but for some reason, every time she called it, it rang into my home phone. She sounded very worried because he was late for dinner and she couldn't get in touch with him.
This went for about 5 or 6 calls total, over a couple hours. She was sounding more and more worried each time she would call. and get me and not her husband. So I called her back(I have caller ID) and asked her if she would like me to call his cell phone and see what happens, if it rings to my line or what. Well, THEN I found out that she had got a call earlier that he had gone to the hospital, and later the hospital had called to tell her that he was being sent home. Long story short, I called the cell phone number she gave me and got in touch with him, explained the situation and told him to give her a call and let her know he's ok.
Called her back less than 5 minutes later, he had called and said he was coming home, and she was just SO thankful...I said well God bless you ma'am, glad everying is ok...have a good eveing.
OK, end of story. But, the whole thing made me think of THIS song.
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I'm glad Rick named him because I flat out didn't know who it was.
And I tell ya what Mister. Had I been treated so sweetly while being challenged in The Way who knows I might of stayed around a bit longer....NOT! :blink:
You're fun Sudo! :)
And here is a theme for a show I truly enjoyed but don't ask me to remember whole episodes cause I just can't remember that stuff anymore.
Thank you for sharing that with us and what comfort you brought that woman. And that song.......well you already know how much I love that dang song!
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'ChattyKathy said'
You know what act2, you really do have a wonderful community there. I could fall in love with that town.
So did I just invite myself...... :D
heehee... well I guess you did invite yourself down..... do you prefer blues or bluegrass???
Rick, I love that song also. I saw this fine lady perform at the Executive Inn in Owensboro, KY a number of years ago. What a great song and a fantastic, smooth voice.
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Hey you! It's always so nice to see your smile and that hat LindaZ gave you.
You know how at home y'all make me feel. And I'd no more than pulled out of your drive and already wanted to return. :)
Blues would be my choice although I grew up around bluegrass so that sure is home for me as well. Which does hubby prefer by the way or did you say that and I spaced it.
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And here's the theme for the reference to Sudo and grits HERE
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Hubby loves all music except rap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Especially loves the OLD country music....as in Hank, Sr., Lefty Frizzell, Porter, Scruggs, Wilburn Bros., George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn, Little Jimmy Dickens, and a bunch of entertainers that I cant remember. He watches RFD-TV when he is home.
Thanks for the nice compliment. We do try to make guests feel welcome in our home. Hubby is a very good host, if I say so myself!!! ;)
I am signing off. Going to make a key lime cheesecake for our guests this weekend. YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by act2Link to comment
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How could I wonder if he had a preference. I tell ya what with a dadgum television as big as a truck and that sound he has going on we sure did have fun that night watching live from Nashville didn't we?
And another theme song for y'all. And I have to admit I was hooked for a couple years on this show. HERE
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