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oooohhhhh, man.... I got to see Aerosmith last fall. Perry started out wearing a long duster-style coat, vest, shirt, etc. - by the time the concert was over he was - you guessed it - bare chested. That alone was worth the price of admission! He's got the best chest - yum!



Have we de-railed this thread?

So sorry....

(not!) :)

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He's really nice to look at when he's playing ain't he? :)

Yummy picture.


I like that although for the first half minute or so I wasn't too sure but the more it went on the more I realized I was enjoying it. :)

Is Scrubs a movie I've missed?

I'll be away for awhile if y'all come back.

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Scrubs isn't a movie, it's a TV series. You can get the dvd's now, so you don't have to wade through the commercials. It's a little bit lighter than MASH, but nonetheless, just as funny.

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Lookie here!

It's Chas! Yeah.. I remember when she and Mathman met, too. Has it really been 6 years?? OK.. here's a low quality (so it'll download fast fer ya'll) favorite of mine. You can have your Superman songs of today but they can't compete with the emotions, IMO. Click HERE! and groove out.

Hey George!! That's not a slap-ball-chain they're doing is it?? :blink:

sudo (betting only REAL oldies fans will know it)
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I'm not much for TV but I'll look for that. I loved Mash. The song, was it then a group think or was it suited to one actor? Or was it just a song that worked for the show? :rolleyes:


I've heard of the movie that came from and it sounded pretty spectacular, but I don't believe I've seen it or I'd remember. Did you record that from a movie you were watching?

If I don't reply it was because I headed off.

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Abi and I liked the music for the show so much I bought the soundtrack for it. You don't have to be a fan of the show to appreciate the music. There's also an acoustic version of Overkill by Men at Work's Colin Hay (who also appeared in the show, performing the song). I happen to like the acoustic version better than the original.

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Anne Murray - I love her music! She's from New Brunswick and you hear about her or hear her music about everywhere you go. We honeymooned there (Yes, Sudo - it's going to be six years in August!) and had no idea that she was still popular... I guess liking her music is sort of a guilty pleasure of mine.... :)

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Not only is the music good, but the Busby Berkeley movies that featured that song and many others, are truly mind boggling.

I guess it didn't hurt that I discovered them while attending film classes in college , and was usually stoned in class. But that's another story.

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She has one of those voices that you think is beautiful whether you like the style or not I suspect. I've always enjoyed her music. She has some tender songs.


It truly is a delightful song. And I loved those old black and whites with the couples dancing. And what about those spectacular water dancing movies. But I'm peculiar about those movies because too much singing in some movies has made me turn it off and others I love.


I knew a guy that had this little dog with those bouncing heads that are held on by a swirled wire in his car. And inside the body of the dog was always full of joints. No one would think to pull the head off and look he figured. We did an occasional lunch break in the back part of the parking lot. I still have no idea how I avoided being busted sometimes.


It was nice wasn't it. :wink2:


Have I said hello to you in here yet? :)

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  Cowgirl said:
Topoftheworld...............dang, I should've dedicated this song to you!

Chas....How did you end up in New Brunswick and what area? I have tons of relatives living all over the place there.


We were in St. John, mostly. We drove there from NH - wasn't too bad, really. Maine had some bad roads - after you get past the Bangor area. But St John was great - Loved it! Then we went over to Digby, Nova Scotia - by ferry and loved that, too. The people were super nice and it was soooo clean! We still talk about it all the time and what a great trip it was - I'd love for us to have a summer home there or something. It's not like anywhere I've ever been before...

One of our favorite things - touring the Tory cemetary in St. John - no kidding. It was very interesting and so beautiful - like a park - with hydrangia (sp - sorry) flowers everywhere, and old men playing chess. We love wandering in cemetaries and that was one of the best! (Sick... I know...) :blink:

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Here's a real nostalgia one, in fact, it dates back to 1864. I absolutely love this piece, probably one of my most favourite instrumental pieces, absolutely beautiful, when ever I listen to it, it warms me up on the inside, makes my insides smile!!

The only clue I will give you, is it's an old old hymn. Can anyone guess it?????



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Sorry about that, I can't seem to get that file to work, so I'll have to do it this way and you'll be able to see the title and only hear a tidbit of it, dang !!


Maybe Bluzeman can get it up and running so you can hear the whole thing, it is so pretty !!

The file is called aser.m4a


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For the beauty of the earth

For the glory of the skies,

For the love which from our birth

Over and around us lies.


Lord of all, to Thee we raise,

This our hymn of grateful praise.

For the beauty of each hour,

Of the day and of the night,

Hill and vale, and tree and flower,

Sun and moon, and stars of light.


For the joy of ear and eye,

For the heart and mind’s delight,

For the mystic harmony

Linking sense to sound and sight.


For the joy of human love,

Brother, sister, parent, child,

Friends on earth and friends above,

For all gentle thoughts and mild.


For Thy Church, that evermore

Lifteth holy hands above,

Offering up on every shore

Her pure sacrifice of love.


For the martyrs’ crown of light,

For Thy prophets’ eagle eye,

For Thy bold confessors’ might,

For the lips of infancy.


For Thy virgins’ robes of snow,

For Thy maiden mother mild,

For Thyself, with hearts aglow,

Jesu, Victim undefiled.


For each perfect gift of Thine,

To our race so freely given,

Graces human and divine,

Flowers of earth and buds of Heaven.


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Have I said hello to you in here yet?"

I think so, Kathy. I try to follow the rules of the road (thread). I have been enjoying all of the contributions tremendously: I just don't have the ability to contribute my own favorites yet, so I just stick my toe in now and then. Hope you don't mind. :unsure:

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