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  Sudo said:

Hmmmm.. seems you have a little answering to do... beings as you've been away doing NOTHING all this time. So kindly click HERE and let everyone know the famous TV show if you would???

sudo (who loves razzing Mrs. Ted :love3: )

Excellent choice! :)

  Sushi said:
Serious congratulations, Mrs. Ferrel. I wish you half the happiness Abi and I share.


(three, that establishes it, right?)

Um, well it's the other three that establishes :dance::dance:

This three completes it :dance::dance::dance:

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Yup, now come around that screen hiwayman and see your date while we play the Dating Game theme. :)

I always wondered if the woman or man asking the questions had someone in the audience sticking their fingers up to clue them which to pick on looks alone. :unsure:

And sometimes their look of disappointment was so obvious you felt bad for the chosen one.

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those looks of dismay were uncomfortable.

They were barely 'dates' tho, since they sent 'chaperones' along.

Today we have 'Elimidate', where the women just about have sex with the guy while they trip over each other in order not to be eliminated by some mindless bozo.

Perhaps the happy medium was reached with 'Love Connection'.

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I never watched Love Connection and can't recall why.

I don't watch much television and partially because what seems to be entertainment offends the heck out of me to be frank. I had stopped before reality TV but had I not that would have done it.

Some things I'm so thankful to be 53 for. Because in the era I grew up I still had some harmless entertainment whereas today there seems to be a contest on who can be the most disgusting inwardly due to stupid actions outwardly being feed as proper image building.

Like I said had I not stopped TV already realty would have had me sell the box.

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Re:"I never watched Love Connection and can't recall why."

Click HERE! and see if it wasn't kinda' embarrassing? Hearing intimate details of their first date??? :blink:

I recorded one of my mom's favorite movies last night on TCM and we'll be watching it when everyone's over here for Mother's day tomorrow. I'll be barbecuing some spare ribs and chicken. They are marinating in a brined apple cidar-vinegar solution in the outside fridge right now. Ummm..

So what is this movie we're gonna' watch? Click HERE! for the intro. The first 6 seconds should give you the studio. After that... anyone know that tune??? One of Pat O'Brian's best roles. :)

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Ahhh!! Now I remember! We were comparing one "Professor" Harold Hill with another "Doctor" who both happened to be in the same line of work. Yes yes.. its coming back to me now but you indeed have shown me up big time. That clip is marvelous. Kristin Chenoweth is amazing and I had never even heard of her! The voice reminds me of Julie Andrews'. Thank you, Raf, for posting that. It really is thrilling.

sudo (coming up short)
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  Sudo said:
So what is this movie we're gonna' watch? Click (removed) for the intro. The first 6 seconds should give you the studio. After that... anyone know that tune??? One of Pat O'Brian's best roles. :)


Did a president acquire a nick name because of this movie?

Raf, it's great to see you here and that woman has a lovely voice.

My zaps from the man in the hat picture was from a movie that came to mind when reading you two guys exchange, anyone recognize it?

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I love this version!!!!!


Indeed you know the clip and it was The Mother-in-Laws with Eve Arden and Kaye Ballard that ran in the late 60's. I watched it but recall thinking they were the most abrasive women. :unsure:

I'm impressed with your posting a link also! :wink2:

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Oh, CK... c'mon.... "delicately"?

Let it rip already, will ya?

(I bet it will be fun and funny!) :biglaugh:

George -- You can bet that Mathman now has a new anthem thanks to your little link to "Mother-In-Law"! LOL! PERFECT! (He's so far in the dog house that his a$$ has a permenant 90 degree angle in it!) :biglaugh:

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Well, I have to admit that that was even more entertaining than the "Bobby Kennedy" version!

Ah, Jessica... Uses a Playboy spread to proclaim that "I am not a bimbo." Then, at Playboy's expense, gets $10,000 of plastic surgery, to do yet another spread. (It WAS nice work, incidentally, but I'm sure the $10,000 could have been better spent.) I seem to recall some sort of topless RADIO show she did, as well. She's not a bimbo; she's a moron.


Chas, is Mathman your husband? I'm not up on all these things.

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I honestly don't know how to talk about it but it was full of very sensual moves and I'm not talking about the female. Although one male is plenty so it really is overkill. <_<

She made a few dollars off that body I reckon. Wouldn't be my choice. Nor would I fight for her honor of not being degraded, she liked the stuff. (but then I'm not one to cry that she screws up all of womankind due it either)

And I actually have to follow suit with Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School when his professor (Sam Kinison) did his screaming thing and Dangerfield said I like this guy. :)

Joe Perry was looking especially hot though. :redface2:

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