Oops, when I originally posted this I was under totw so I added to my post and it was then under SaintGeorge. And have you noticed that it keeps making the original post time later everytime you post something else. :blink:
I loved this one although now I have to shake my head at myself. WAV
When we were dating, it really annoyed my wife that all my friends would call me a "wild man." She finally got over it, though, and one Valentine's day got me this big stuffed bear that plays "Wild Thing" when you grab its paws.
Does anybody else remember the 1967 parody of "Wild Thing" done by the Hardly Worthit Players? They imitated Bobby Kennedy singing "Wild Thing." ("Not so ruthless, Senator.") :D :B)
It's curious that the only other 'hit' the Troggs had that I know of is the wimpy 'Love is all around"-a far cry from 'wild thing"
There's a hilarious cd out called "celebrities at their worst', that captures moments like a drunken John Wayne speaking to college students, old Colonel Sanders not being able to get through a commercial for his chicken, and Orson Welles ranting while taping commercials.
One extended piece has the Troggs in a recording session, unable to get it together, and turning on each other. It's not really funny ha-ha, but funny in it's revealing nature.
Reason I posted it, Hiway29 mentioned a song called Love is all Around. Well, the same artist that did this song did one that I always thought was called Love is all Around, but I found out it's called Little ol' song about Love. It was on the B side of Saturday Morning Confusion, but I always thought it was a much better song.
Bobby Russell died sometime in the 90's I think. I can't find ANY of his stuff on CD, at least not stuff that he sang. But even if you have never heard his name, you have heard his songs. Among others, he wrote Little Green Apples, Honey, (OK, I didn't say you would LIKE them, just that you've HEARD them :) ) and the song Vicki Lawrence sang, The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia. Oh, he was also Vicki's husband.
Great tunes! And would know it'd all get posted on a weekend I'm outa' town! Hey guys! Got back from Ole Miss this afternoon. It was the red-blue game and my fraternity's annual Ole Man River party with all you can eat crawfish (until they ran out :( ) and brewski fest. Yep.. Carol and I and son Nathan all had a great time.
In line with this thread.. you all can just call me 'wild thang'.
Cowgirl, thanks for the Rod Stewart songs. I love 'Forever Young'. I had never heard him sing 'Your Song', quite different from most of his works.
I remember one awards nite, he sang 'Forever Young' and had this cute little boy singing with him. I cant remember if that was his son, but dont think that it was.
You all have a wonderful day. The sun is shining here.
Chatty, I cant believe you dont like Rod Stewart. Hubby doesnt either!!! :(
This is so AWESOME, that you mentioned the "Marshall Tucker Band" There was a song that I used to love listening to when I was growing up and for the life of me I couldn't remember the title or who did it, and there it was under the Marshall Tucker Band!! This is too
COOL!! The song is called "24 hrs At A Time" I'm just heading out for a run right now, I'll share with you why this particular song meant so much to me way back when and I'll post it also so you can give a listen !!
This is fanastic, thanks for mentioning the band !!!!!!
But is it historical, and now I see the part you're talking about the word silver rather than magic. :)
Chatty Kathy = Maxwell's Silver Hammer is historical.
I'll get the link for you later. There really was a Maxwell Edson majoring in medicine. he did kill people with a hammer. He was up for parole a few years back in merry ole England. BC 31 refers to the detective that went to the first crime scene ( i think - if memory serves me right,)
Now how do I know this? my teenager told me and we looked it up together.
Paul Mc Cartney wanted to do a campy littel song about the trial - hence the line,
"Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery, "Maxwell must go free.."
Chatty, I cant believe you dont like Rod Stewart. Hubby doesnt either!!! :(
Ok, how about some Marshall Tucker Band?????????
Yup, you have a good man there. :)
But I do like some MT Band myself.
Chatty Kathy = Maxwell's Silver Hammer is historical.
I'll get the link for you later. There really was a Maxwell Edson majoring in medicine. he did kill people with a hammer. He was up for parole a few years back in merry ole England. BC 31 refers to the detective that went to the first crime scene ( i think - if memory serves me right,)
Now how do I know this? my teenager told me and we looked it up together.
Paul Mc Cartney wanted to do a campy littel song about the trial - hence the line,
"Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery, "Maxwell must go free.."
Thank you very much. That makes a lot of sense then for that song. I wish I were diligent to research the origin of songs more. Ted Ferrell is big on that I know. And actually Rick is pretty smart about that stuff too but I suspect he'll be humble and deny it if you asked. :)
Cowgirl, this is just too wild!!! '24 hrs @ a time' is the exact song that was on my mind.
When I was dating my twi boyfriend (in 1975), he would put that 8-track tape in the tape player in his Camaro and sing that song to me!!!
What is even more wild: I had forgotten about that song till one day I remembered it. Hubby & I lived in Memphis, but our business was in Arkansas. The song talks about Arkansas, Houston, etc. Hubby's name is HOUSTON and our business was in ARKANSAS. Anyway, I thought, my, how times change!!!!
When I was younger, my brother owned a boat, and we would all go boating. He loved Marshall Tucker also and played their music all the time. I cant think of his favorite right now because I am still listening to '24 hrs @ a time'!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again. I think we are on the same wavelength.
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But I hung on longer than you I bet. :unsure:
Have you seen it?
Oops, when I originally posted this I was under totw so I added to my post and it was then under SaintGeorge. And have you noticed that it keeps making the original post time later everytime you post something else. :blink:
I know this was of most importance.
As I make it later in post time. :unsure:
(then I had to edit it :blink: )
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Here are a couple songs that might seem Nostalgic to our younger ones since it was before they were born.
I loved this one although now I have to shake my head at myself.
This one we talked about once but I don't know if we ever linked it. And I saw it in my stuff and thought what the hey. :) WAV
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Everytime lately that I hear the second one, I always think of "The Big Chill", one of my favorite movies.
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The Big Chill? Every time I hear it I think of Easy Rider.
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I enjoyed both of those movies but can't remember many details except I hated that Jack Nicholson was killed as he was. :(
It's pretty outside but there is ice on the grass.
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When we were dating, it really annoyed my wife that all my friends would call me a "wild man." She finally got over it, though, and one Valentine's day got me this big stuffed bear that plays "Wild Thing" when you grab its paws.
Does anybody else remember the 1967 parody of "Wild Thing" done by the Hardly Worthit Players? They imitated Bobby Kennedy singing "Wild Thing." ("Not so ruthless, Senator.") :D :B)
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Not I wild man. :)
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I never heard that parody either.
It's curious that the only other 'hit' the Troggs had that I know of is the wimpy 'Love is all around"-a far cry from 'wild thing"
There's a hilarious cd out called "celebrities at their worst', that captures moments like a drunken John Wayne speaking to college students, old Colonel Sanders not being able to get through a commercial for his chicken, and Orson Welles ranting while taping commercials.
One extended piece has the Troggs in a recording session, unable to get it together, and turning on each other. It's not really funny ha-ha, but funny in it's revealing nature.
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hiwayman, I shall own it soon. :)
The sun has turned the frozen grass to beautiful green again and that is wonderful because it's time for the brown and grays to go away now.
And "love is all around" is not my thing either. <_<
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OK, does anyone remember THIS song?
Reason I posted it, Hiway29 mentioned a song called Love is all Around. Well, the same artist that did this song did one that I always thought was called Love is all Around, but I found out it's called Little ol' song about Love. It was on the B side of Saturday Morning Confusion, but I always thought it was a much better song.
Bobby Russell died sometime in the 90's I think. I can't find ANY of his stuff on CD, at least not stuff that he sang. But even if you have never heard his name, you have heard his songs. Among others, he wrote Little Green Apples, Honey, (OK, I didn't say you would LIKE them, just that you've HEARD them :) ) and the song Vicki Lawrence sang, The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia. Oh, he was also Vicki's husband.
One other tune by him that I'd like to post: 1432 FRANKLIN PIKE CIRCLE HERO is a KILLER tune.
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I'm concerned about you Rick.
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Great tunes! And would know it'd all get posted on a weekend I'm outa' town! Hey guys! Got back from Ole Miss this afternoon. It was the red-blue game and my fraternity's annual Ole Man River party with all you can eat crawfish (until they ran out :( ) and brewski fest. Yep.. Carol and I and son Nathan all had a great time.
In line with this thread.. you all can just call me 'wild thang'.
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I bet his version was great Abi. :)
Was that really Sushi I wonder. :unsure:
Why did I edit the dang thing when I only had to add something to it.
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I'm not. But those songs were...unusual. Sort of like Ray Stevens on 'ludes.
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Bluze-I love those songs: Honey was a favorite.
Don't let them rib you-you're alright in my book.
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I'll never catch up with him totw. :blink:
But you're right. He's alright. :)
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Cowgirl, thanks for the Rod Stewart songs. I love 'Forever Young'. I had never heard him sing 'Your Song', quite different from most of his works.
I remember one awards nite, he sang 'Forever Young' and had this cute little boy singing with him. I cant remember if that was his son, but dont think that it was.
You all have a wonderful day. The sun is shining here.
Chatty, I cant believe you dont like Rod Stewart. Hubby doesnt either!!! :(
Ok, how about some Marshall Tucker Band?????????
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Hi Act2 !!
This is so AWESOME, that you mentioned the "Marshall Tucker Band" There was a song that I used to love listening to when I was growing up and for the life of me I couldn't remember the title or who did it, and there it was under the Marshall Tucker Band!! This is too
COOL!! The song is called "24 hrs At A Time" I'm just heading out for a run right now, I'll share with you why this particular song meant so much to me way back when and I'll post it also so you can give a listen !!
This is fanastic, thanks for mentioning the band !!!!!!
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Chatty Kathy = Maxwell's Silver Hammer is historical.
I'll get the link for you later. There really was a Maxwell Edson majoring in medicine. he did kill people with a hammer. He was up for parole a few years back in merry ole England. BC 31 refers to the detective that went to the first crime scene ( i think - if memory serves me right,)
Now how do I know this? my teenager told me and we looked it up together.
Paul Mc Cartney wanted to do a campy littel song about the trial - hence the line,
"Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery, "Maxwell must go free.."
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How very nice to see you. I can't stay though so will reply as soon as I can.
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Yup, you have a good man there. :)
But I do like some MT Band myself.
Thank you very much. That makes a lot of sense then for that song. I wish I were diligent to research the origin of songs more. Ted Ferrell is big on that I know. And actually Rick is pretty smart about that stuff too but I suspect he'll be humble and deny it if you asked. :)
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Mannnnnnnnnnnn, does that song ever bring back memories !!
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Cowgirl, this is just too wild!!! '24 hrs @ a time' is the exact song that was on my mind.
When I was dating my twi boyfriend (in 1975), he would put that 8-track tape in the tape player in his Camaro and sing that song to me!!!
What is even more wild: I had forgotten about that song till one day I remembered it. Hubby & I lived in Memphis, but our business was in Arkansas. The song talks about Arkansas, Houston, etc. Hubby's name is HOUSTON and our business was in ARKANSAS. Anyway, I thought, my, how times change!!!!
When I was younger, my brother owned a boat, and we would all go boating. He loved Marshall Tucker also and played their music all the time. I cant think of his favorite right now because I am still listening to '24 hrs @ a time'!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again. I think we are on the same wavelength.
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