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Well Merry Christmas Everyone (I just LOVE saying that)....During this time I always find it comforting to dig into my holiday library and share some of the more unique Holiday tunes to brighten the gloomy December skies. HERE is one that always seems to cheer me up as I do my weekly review of the credit card bills.. :asdf:

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Ohh.. just lookie... Good tune, Rick.. folks know it, too. Good going Pawtuckett! And what do you win?? Click HERE! for the Harry Chapin song. In good MP3 format. :D


P.S. GREAT to see you Wasway! I remember your song from before, too. Glad you had time to pop in as I know you're working 7 days a week now for a while.

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That's one of my favorite Christmas songs, wasway.

Thanks for the cudos, Sudo. I can be completely befuddled when I don't know an answer though.I admit it is fun to have an outlet for all this mishmash of useless knowledge .Just don't ask me to hook up an entertainment system or fix a car, or anything that's really useful.

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[quote Pawtuckett Sez:

I collect comedy have for decades. I was listening to this the other day and realized, other than the name of the shows, it reflected today's viewpoint.

Nah, Sudo. That was a nice gesture but HERE is his REAL pize! I bet he will even know the artist!

Now, we gotta come up with prizes for Morgan and Sushi who also knew it!


OK, for those of you who clicked on it and got a dead link, I forgot to ftp it to the server. D-oh!


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That is too freaking fun! :D


Yours was quite enjoyable and also great to see you. Are you buried yet? It's coming down heavy, what are we expecting do you know?


Harry Chapin. :wub:


You know stuff!


I have to think cause the flag brings lots of songs to mind but my favorite would be Ray Charles doing America.

And Rick all I can say to your commercial which was awesome to see is...


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I hope you don't get too upset with us about this. I've looked at quilting... and the American flag.. scratching my head but.. heck, I don't know. And really.... I'm not that good at that sort of thing anyways. You know how some people are really good at crossword puzzles, scrabble or other verbal games? I always was low man on the pole. My wife watches Wheel Of Fortune and can get those puzzles WAY before I can. However, I clean her clock when we watch Jeopardy! Like Hiway29, I just know a lot of stuff. You'd want me on your team if we were playing Trivial Persuit.

I'm telling you all this because we ALL like having you here. You're a big asset. And I don't want you getting your feelings hurt because it appears that nobody's playing with you. I'm just no good at that game is all. Really. :redface:

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Wasway: Nice song. Never heard it before.

Cowgirl: Never saw the movie. I do vaguely seem to recall hearing of it though. Don't quit playing.

Bluzeman: I always loved those "anthology" bits (my favorite, of course, being "Batman's Grandmother"). This one was a little before my time, though I love the idea of Little Richard as the President!


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I never heard of it either, but if you recommend it I'll look for it. I'm no good at those Trivial Pursuit type games. My ex-husband and I both really just sat there whenever we tried to play it with friends back in the 80's. We just told ourselves we knew important stuff, that trivia wasn't our thing. Yeah, that worked.

I did get that game Scene It and played it with bow jr and his girlfriend this Thanksgiving and had a blast. I knew about as much of that as anyone else.

I looked at all your clues and didn't get it either. It makes perfect sense tho, now that I know what it is. LOL

Edited by bowtwi
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I copied your link and Sudo's just to show you how you wanted it to appear should this be of help.

http://www.bluzecentral.net/~madmartigan/PCID.mp3 (Sudo's)

ftp://www.bluzecentral.net/public_html/~madmartigan/PCID.mp3 (yours)

Interesting version also. And didn't we talk about this recently? Or is that my memory messing with me! And if so what did we say? :huh:


Cool then. I just wanted to make sure cause it don't bother me to be ignored but sometimes it does other folks.

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