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Thanks Moon Girl, I've observed the same. I trust you are well and warmer than us, as well protected. I spoke with my mother-in-law last night and they are still without power but her phone had been restored. She said it looked like a war zone, 100 year old trees uprooted lying in the middle of the road, lines at the gas station ran 4-5 hours in wait. No ice to be bought therefore no storing of food and of course all was lost that was refrigerated naturally. She said the McDonalds opened back up and she had a cup of coffee and it had to be one of the finest things she'd tasted. She was thankful for what she had but was notably stressed.

It looks like everything has been guessed at if I'm not mistaken. :)

As for Sean Connery.....the guy just gets better!

As for hair....one of the sexiest men alive is Patrick Stewart. ;)

I loved Night Court. The characters were just outstanding.

I agree Sudo that it'd be nice if you could guess for a change. I'll be away but let me talk myself into messing with this dang thing that hinders my posting more songs. Ala, sure you can pick my brain at your own risk of course. :)

Y'all have a wonderful morning please.

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"It looks like everything has been guessed at if I'm not mistaken"


I asked a question but no one has even tried to answer it. ( I know it's a very remote question...but I thought it was a cool one) ...

: (

I'm sorry Ala. What was the question again?

I found it, I went looking cause I couldn't remember. Well it was a whole day ago Ala, I mean what ya want from me huh! :P ;)

OK... I'll leave you guys and gals with one little trivia question:

Who is Norah Jones' and her Handsome Bands' all time favourite band? :P

And I don't know the answer still, sorry! :huh:

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I would try to answer the question but I don't know who Norah Jones is. You are disappointed that folks just ignored you but that's the nature of a thread like this so you CAN'T take it personally, hun. It used to happen to me all the time back when Rick and Wasway were also posting tunes. Sometimes there'd be 5 or 6 unanswered posts and we'd have to ask... "Is that all of them?". This thread has been around for many years now. Pirate is the one who seems to remember when it all started but I lose track. Funny, because I'm the one who started it in the first place way back on WayDale. Initially, it was just old TV theme songs but expanded to movies.

Now we're more a group of folks who like a place to hang out. That's fine with me but with all the chit chat, questions like yours often get overlooked, Ala. Just like they used to. 'Ya can't get your feelings hurt because even if folks want to answer.. there are lots of things that come up that distract. Kinda' like thread derailing... a thread gets started over something but soon enough it turns into a thread about something entirely different. It just happens. I'm sorry I didn't answer but as I said.. I don't know Norah :( .

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Moon Girl, sadly my memory is definitely aging. :(

Sudo, that was a lovely way of describing that.

Abi, I was just fixin' to reply to ya also. Could it be you are Sushi? You two crack me up! :)

Too funny, I waited too long to reply.

Oh yeah, I was gonna say we saw him in concert in the early 70's in Philly. He was awesome!

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OH MY GOD!!!! What a mess I've made here! :huh:

Leave it to good ole' LUCY here to get herself into such a KAFUFFLE!!!


You need not explain... I completely understand... I wasn't upset about it at all... I was just being my silly self... I guess you took me seriously... I"M SO SORRY



Sushi...you are very very funny... but unfortunately you are not correct...but thanks for the guess.

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That's priceless!!!

Thank YOU.... I sometimes feel I act like her.. believe you me... and I know a few of you have seen it here on GS. <_<

My favourite episode is the one where she is working in the chocolat factory and she's on this assembly line and she gets behind... and then suddenly to not let the chocolats pass unwrapped ... she starts popping them in her mouth.

The funniest darn thing ever!!!

You beat me to it Chatty... oh my I forgot... she also popped them down her top .... hahahahahahhahh :lol:

Edited by A la prochaine
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Ala, I'm glad you think I'm very funny. :)

My comment wasn't quite as flippant as it might appear at first blush. Norah Jones is the daughter of Ravi Shankar, master of the sitar. For what it's worth, being master of the sitar is pretty much like being master of pig cosmetology, imnsho. :P

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That was funny! But he was great to listen to in the day. It was tied to hippie thinking on my part though.

Moon Girl,

When you're in the post mode see that little picture of a tree between the Insert email and Wrap in a Quote icons? Well that's where you'll post the properties/location of your picture. I copy it and paste it inside there.

I gather then you know how to locate and obtain those since you're posting the thumbnail versions.

If not holler and I'll walk ya thru that as well.


Cute but it's almost like Moon Girl and I are guessing your Halloween tune in Open like it was one posted here. :)

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Go check your pic on the Halloween thread. Looks like Anglefire doesn't allow their images to be posted elsewhere. What I do in situations like that, is save the pic to the hard drive.. upload it to mail.bluzecentral.net ... and then link to it THERE!

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Check your email please. And thanks, cause I see the image so I didn't realize y'all didn't. :(

I still really wish it wouldn't show edit one second later. Well perhaps if I learnt' how ta spellll it'd help me! :unsure:

Okay so I need to get away from here but ain't it funny how you can now edit your post earlier than you posted it! Yup, I find that to be fun. :rolleyes:

Edited by ChattyKathy
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I laughed... yes... and I did know she was his daughter.

Now, this Amos Lee I will be seeing next week in Vancouver... is very much tied, in ways to Norah.

He opened for her all last year on her tour.

His album was produced by her bass player.

As well, her guitarist Adam Levy, the bassist Lee Alexander as well as Norah all play on his album.

I thought this to be impressive for a young lad who'd just come out with his debue album in March of this year.

OK.. I know it's obscure... but no one able to answer my question of who is Norah Jones and Her Handsome band's favourite band?

CLUE... This 'BAND' danced their "LAST DANCE" in 1978 where little chatty kathy's all time favourite musician plays with them.

have fun.


Wow...what a pick for your favourite Norah song... I love it....

I was watching her DVD the other day...this woman just drops into a song... no lead in ... nothing.. just boom...she's there...


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