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They did have kids in 'Get Smart', Sudo, twins if memory serves. I was thinking triplets, but I may be thinking of the triplets in 'My 3 Sons, that Robbie and Katie had ( to maintain the '3 sons', since Don grady appeared very little on the show by that time-which had already been on several years too long-but I digress).

'Get Smart' kinda 'jumped the shark' when Max and 99 got married. It almost became a domestic comedy. The show also switched networks, from NBC to CBS at that point.

I saw Don Adams a few years ago at a 'nostalgia show', where 'has been' tv stars show up to sign pictures and stuff. He was looking poor at the time, with liver spots on his face and hands, but hey, it was still Don Adams.

A fine, fine, comedian.

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Dear Kathy,

I feel your pain...

About 6 years ago I was approached about teaching. I had no formal teaching training nor experience. But, several teachers came to me over the years and said...WHY AREN'T YOU TEACHING?

I'd always give the same excuse...I'm not a TEACHER. They said..so! YOU CAN DO IT!

I went to the principal...she called the Board Office... she then interviewed me and I was hired at a supply/occasional teacher. This all happened in about a couple of weeks... and

There I was standing in front of a classroom before I knew it.


Now, I do teach in an area where there is a shortage of teachers...being french teachers, but just the same. I have done long-term contracts, taught outside of the french environment, I've done reports ... you name it.

Yes it's high stress at times.... and yes....I've made mistakes and learnt 'on the job' basically...but I've never had a complaint.

I believe, after this experience, some people are capable of doing some jobs, even without any formal education in the field. They just 'have it' as some would say.

I believe your peers see something in you that they know would work. They see the potential you have. You need to trust them as I did the teachers.

Because, believe you me, I did not see what they saw. I thought... GET OUT OF TOWN!!! I couldn't teach?" But, you know what... I get requested so much that they often fight over me at schools...and that feels good! Kids also make a fuss when I go into the schools...which for a supply (sub) teacher... is downright a miracle! One year in September, I was offered 6 different full time jobs.

Now, I'm not trying to boast here...it's just the way it is. I don't think I'm a fantastic teacher, but I do connect with the children and I have fun. Which I believe makes all the difference and I have fun, because I love what I do.

Oh, and the biggest key... I let those who hired me know.. how nervous I was... how much I felt unqualified and how much I felt 'unsure' of what I was doing... and everyone said... Don't worry, we'll help you. And they did.

I can't tell you what it has done for me working in this environment. I FINALLY felt like... YES, I get to do something I love to do...and that comes NATURALLY to me. Therefore, I feel so comfortable in this environment that the work is not stressful...cause I'm at home.

Go for it.. put in that resume...the worst that can happen is you say no. The experience will be amazing for you and you can always start and if it doesn't work out... well you can always say... It didn't work out.. and I feel I've made a mistake...

Just remember, let whomever know how you feel and what your concerns are. I always think that's the best approach...and therefore, those involved won't have any surprises.

i love you and i'm excited for you about this opportunity.

Edited by A la prochaine
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Hey, I DON'T know who said that-I'll take an 'educated' guess and say Birdman.

I dig your Alex Ross produced 'Green Lantern' avatar, George. DC comics, after a decade of insanity where they 'killed' off most of the characters that made them, found a way to bring ol' Hal Jordan back to life.

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Don't know if it's on the same album, but I spent a fair amount of time in my teen years trying to look down on the woman in the whipped cream. :D

As for title, artist, I'll say it was A Sample of Bee Product and the artist was a co-founder of A&M Records.

Guess this'll learn me to read the thread before posting, eh? :angry:

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Oh, but if you were male.. she was eye candy to behold... and that "come hither" look on her face as she was licking her finger. Ummm-ummm.

And guys... a little present for you. But especially for Rick who voiced his concerns... look at what you now get when you post a reply. I guess I know people in high places :D


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Okay I wasn't going to mention this here but the folks around me are still enjoying it so I thought what the heck.


One=top man for corporation

Two=in the top under One

Three=my boss who is under Two

Four=someone that works here that I don't know

I was sitting in Two's office while he was making some final changes to work I'd done for him. He was completely focused and making critical changes so I dared not tell him I needed to pee like a racehorse. So his cell phone rang and I could tell from his response he may be a moment so thought it a great time to go take care of business.

I then ran out of his office right smack into One who was knocked off balance and bumped into Four who was following behind too closely IMHO. Who was carrying his hot lunch. The lunch flew out of his hands and onto the wall. So I have One standing there while Four looks at the back of One and himself to make sure nothing hit them and the food dripping down the wall. OMG! I quickly apologize to both, hastily make my way to the kitchen and return with things to clean up the mess. I then offered to go out and buy Four some lunch which he was gracious and refused.

All this while STILL having to use the restroom!

I take care of business and then compose myself and return to the office of Two who is probably wondering what in the world happened to me. When who do I see but One standing in Two's office. When he sees me he starts backing up into Two's desk saying you stay away from me!. Two starts to laugh so hard I thought he was going to have an accident. I replied all I wanted to do was use the restroom and turned and returned to my office and again composed myself while I waited for Two to let me know when to return.

The next day I see One near the restroom I'm heading to and he looks at me and smiles big. I told him I promised not to mow him over again. And he said good because I don't think I could handle being ran over twice in one week. I then said that intersection (and pointed to the crime of the scene) will forever hold memories for me. He then looked at me with this fatherly look although still smiling and said so does that mean you won't be running down the hallways anymore? To which I assured him I wouldn't.

Well I have overheard the bosses discussing it and laughing all over the building and although enjoyable it's also dang embarrassing.

And this is the place that wants me still.

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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
Here's one that probably only hiway29 will get (if anyone):

What cartoon character used the following phrase at least once an episode:

Your weapons cannot harm me; my wings are like a shield of steel!


Okay, fine. Since hiway didn't know and Steve! isn't around anymore (growing up near Chicago when I did, he might have seen this EARLY Saturday mornings), the answer is Bat-Fink!

Bat-Fink was actually a wingless bat. He had an Asian sidekick named Karate. (How blissfully un-PC we were!) Karate's dad was a blacksmith who made Bat-Fink steel wings. Whenever someone would shoot at him, Bat-Fink would curl his wing in front and use the line above. (Except for the time he was shot with an amnesia ray. Then it was, "Your thing-a-ma-jig cannot harm me; my whatchacallits are like a something of, er, you know!") He also drove the "Batillac," which was equiped with a "thermonuclear, plutonium-insulated, (fill in the blank) shield.

As silly as The Tick, and pre-dated him by about forty years.


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Maybe I was a bit harsh. But comparing Bat-Fink to Courageous cat is pretty accurate I think.

That's not to say they're the WORST cartoons. I watched more Courageous Cat than I care to remember as a kid, largely because it was 'created' by Bob Kane, who 'created' Batman. Except Bob Kane wasn't really the creative force behind Batman, and quickly found a way take the credit for the work of others, but that's another story.

For worst cartoon ever, I'd nominate Spunky and Tadpole off the top of my head.

Aren't you all glad I'm back from vacation and rambling on about cartoons again?

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