Hiway...sorry, I only had that version. The program I use to convert wouldn't convert this one, but I'm going to try to find something to convert it to a wav or something.
The Stand was Great...I loved the movie...but as I'm sure you know, if you read the book, it just is never the same when they make it into a movie!
Couldn't convert Kathy's song? Why bother converting it when the MP3 version is all over the internet? Yep.. just went and downloaded it and man was the traffic heavy. Everyone was wanting a copy and no wonder... click HERE! and you'll see why.
So Kathy.. that somg that sounded like a cavalry charge to you?? The one Geo had recognized as being so ardous for the trumpet or bugle and reminded him of the Canadian Brass? The one that 1K names said sounded like something from the Great White North?? Well, I'm going to give it (HERE!) away now. It's the theme to the Dudley Do-Right cartoons that were shown on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. That's what George was talking about when he mentioned Brendan Fraser and the movie version they made of it a few years ago.
I'm trying to play a little catch up on the thread before I go. I hope I haven't left anyone out.
You see guys... I'm not going to be around for the next 10 days :(-->. Carol and I are leaving on a jet plane don't know when we'll be back again... oh, hold on, yes.. we'll be back on Sunday the 25th. We're going on a 7 day cruise to Bermuda and I don't *think* I'm going to have internet access on the cruise ship. If it is available then I might get to post some but if not... you guys won't see my font for a while.
Rick... you're gonna' have to take up the slack. Enough time goofing off. Maybe you can get Wasway to help out but 'fer sure I'm not going to be posting for a while. I'll have to post some pics when I get back, huh? I'm going to miss this thread but I'm sure things will go on as before. Kathy... are you still going to be doing morning greetings for everyone?? I'll have to get another waving smiley posted, I guess. -->
Have fun guys and behave yourselves on the Nostalgia thread... I'll be back before you know it.
Have a good trip Sudo and Andy. I'll see if I can get with Rick somehow and post some of my favorites. But since I have some rather eclectic tastes in music, I don't know if it will really qualify as "Nostalgia".
Love your heart you posted in Ruth (doctrine). And I know little of Martha yet I use to have big thoughts about it all. Maybe I'll do some searching this weekend okay.
Originally posted by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames:
Have a good trip Sudo and Andy. I'll see if I can get with Rick somehow and post some of my favorites. But since I have some rather eclectic tastes in music, I don't know if it will really qualify as "Nostalgia".
Ah Ted, gosh you know how I feel. You swore to me folks wouldn't laugh too hard at me when I sang to them facing the wall behind me. --> You were encouraging in ways only those who've had the privilege of being close to you could fully realize. Gosh, what to say to all that ya know! Words fail me.
But then you also know I don't think my voice is good at all so it's been for me one interesting ride. And I did you an injustice that I'd like to be public. With you I tried to be perfect, I wanted to be perfect and I could never be perfect. My gawd you did everything but have it written on the studio walls that you didn't want that yet I couldn't hear or see it. With Rick he has heard me sound like total crap (loads) and we laugh and I don't feel I have to be perfect anymore. I love singing now Ted, more than I ever have in my lifetime. Had it not been for you that took the hand of that wounded bird (your exact words for me years ago) then I'd not be here now speaking of this.
this world have.It's called heart And to be quite honest with you I would rather hear you sing more so than all of the so called greats.
I do not consider myself to be a great singer or musician and if I had listened to some folks I would have hung it up long ago.But can't and will not do that. Long as I can crawl upon the band stand by God's mercy and grace I shall do so.
When a song is in our hearts regardless of what we or others may think or say.We need to let that song be heard And Kathy for sure you are dong that and I'm so thankful you are.
There is a song Karen C.sang many years ago called Sing A Song and that's the name of that tune.
Good morning, everyone!!! Hearing your song, Kathy, brought back memories of the first time I received the CD's from you and Ted. I told you at that time that you have a beautiful voice, you just needed confidence to 'let it rip!!!'
Ted, you have been a GREAT blessing to many people's lives. Sometimes I take you for granted that you will always be here. So, I am saying for the record for all to see: I love your singing, your heart, your love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, your compassion, and your giving. You are truly a wonderful brother and I thank you for all you do to further His Truth by your singing. God bless you, Ted. :)-->
I gotta share this with you guys here...since I don't know who else to tell.
Remember a few nights ago...I mentioned a singer that I had just heard on television. His name was Amos Lee.
I believe it was Sudo who did one of his fancy manoeuvres and linked one of Amos' Lee's songs called 'Arms Of a Woman' on this thread.
A few of you didn't think it was your type or style of music, a few of you liked it. That's ok.
Anyhow, my big long winded story is this...that that night, as I was sitting on the couch, listening and watching this video, there was also a contest you could enter to see Amos Lee at one of his concerts. He is starting a North American Tour on Oct. 3. So I entered the contest. (I have NEVER done this before in my life ...but being the 'coming out of the closet' music junkie that I am, I try to at all costs to attend any music event possible).
So, this morning I 'ALAPROCHAINE', received a phone call from MUCH MUSIC telling me that I am the grand prize winner of the Amos Lee contest. :D--> :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :P-->
Me and one other person will be flown to any of the one destinations across North America (all expenses paid) to attend an Amos Lee concert. I will also be given spending money. The destination will be decided in another week. He is playing from NYC to LA and 3 destinations in Canada.
Yes, I too at times have not always understood Chatty and her way with words. But after awhile, you begin to get into that 'groove' of speaking that she is in.
Let me translate: I want it to be tonight cause my brain is fried!
I want this evening to come quickly because all this talk about me singing and all the nice things that people are saying is really freaking me out.
Translation according to 'ala'. :D-->
I guess I can say I'm Tri-lingual now...English, French and Chatty. :D-->
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well, i woulda listened to Kathy but I don't have the proper coordinates
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Hiway...sorry, I only had that version. The program I use to convert wouldn't convert this one, but I'm going to try to find something to convert it to a wav or something.
The Stand was Great...I loved the movie...but as I'm sure you know, if you read the book, it just is never the same when they make it into a movie!
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A la prochaine
I heard Chatty...
I heard Chatty ... me who usually can't get anything to work...IT WORKED ... IT WORKED ...
Me having fun!
So nice...so nice...so nice...so nice!!!
Keep up the beautiful work girl!
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Geeze Rick..
Couldn't convert Kathy's song? Why bother converting it when the MP3 version is all over the internet? Yep.. just went and downloaded it and man was the traffic heavy. Everyone was wanting a copy and no wonder... click HERE! and you'll see why.
So Kathy.. that somg that sounded like a cavalry charge to you?? The one Geo had recognized as being so ardous for the trumpet or bugle and reminded him of the Canadian Brass? The one that 1K names said sounded like something from the Great White North?? Well, I'm going to give it (HERE!) away now. It's the theme to the Dudley Do-Right cartoons that were shown on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. That's what George was talking about when he mentioned Brendan Fraser and the movie version they made of it a few years ago.
I'm trying to play a little catch up on the thread before I go. I hope I haven't left anyone out.
You see guys... I'm not going to be around for the next 10 days
:(-->. Carol and I are leaving on a jet plane don't know when we'll be back again... oh, hold on, yes.. we'll be back on Sunday the 25th. We're going on a 7 day cruise to Bermuda and I don't *think* I'm going to have internet access on the cruise ship. If it is available then I might get to post some but if not... you guys won't see my font for a while.
Rick... you're gonna' have to take up the slack. Enough time goofing off. Maybe you can get Wasway to help out but 'fer sure I'm not going to be posting for a while. I'll have to post some pics when I get back, huh? I'm going to miss this thread but I'm sure things will go on as before. Kathy... are you still going to be doing morning greetings for everyone?? I'll have to get another waving smiley posted, I guess.
Have fun guys and behave yourselves on the Nostalgia thread... I'll be back before you know it.
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I'll be gone the same days as you sudo, only I'm headed for New England. I'm sure the room can use a break from cartoons.
Have a good trip.
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I was able to listen. That's such a beautiful song and your voice is a joy to listen to. Thank you for the blessing of you.
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Sudo, I'll help for sure. And have great fun and thank you for all you do around here, it's such a nice place. Be well and safe!!!!!
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Have a good trip Sudo and Andy. I'll see if I can get with Rick somehow and post some of my favorites. But since I have some rather eclectic tastes in music, I don't know if it will really qualify as "Nostalgia".
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Kathy did you oversleep this morning?
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Uh huh I did!
Love your heart you posted in Ruth (doctrine). And I know little of Martha yet I use to have big thoughts about it all. Maybe I'll do some searching this weekend okay.
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Is there qualifiers?
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That was Kathy singing? Cool!!
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I'm so glad you fine folks returned regardless of Rick and Sudo's links.
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TED Ferrell
Chatty K.
Love it love it that bluzeman put your song on for all to hear.
See I told you stick with me kid and I will make you a star sign here______________________________
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Ah Ted, gosh you know how I feel. You swore to me folks wouldn't laugh too hard at me when I sang to them facing the wall behind me.
--> You were encouraging in ways only those who've had the privilege of being close to you could fully realize. Gosh, what to say to all that ya know! Words fail me.
But then you also know I don't think my voice is good at all so it's been for me one interesting ride. And I did you an injustice that I'd like to be public. With you I tried to be perfect, I wanted to be perfect and I could never be perfect. My gawd you did everything but have it written on the studio walls that you didn't want that yet I couldn't hear or see it. With Rick he has heard me sound like total crap (loads) and we laugh and I don't feel I have to be perfect anymore. I love singing now Ted, more than I ever have in my lifetime. Had it not been for you that took the hand of that wounded bird (your exact words for me years ago) then I'd not be here now speaking of this.
There is an old song called To Sir With Love!
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TED Ferrell
There is one special quality you have that few in
this world have.It's called heart And to be quite honest with you I would rather hear you sing more so than all of the so called greats.
I do not consider myself to be a great singer or musician and if I had listened to some folks I would have hung it up long ago.But can't and will not do that. Long as I can crawl upon the band stand by God's mercy and grace I shall do so.
When a song is in our hearts regardless of what we or others may think or say.We need to let that song be heard And Kathy for sure you are dong that and I'm so thankful you are.
There is a song Karen C.sang many years ago called Sing A Song and that's the name of that tune.
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Good morning, everyone!!! Hearing your song, Kathy, brought back memories of the first time I received the CD's from you and Ted. I told you at that time that you have a beautiful voice, you just needed confidence to 'let it rip!!!'
Ted, you have been a GREAT blessing to many people's lives. Sometimes I take you for granted that you will always be here. So, I am saying for the record for all to see: I love your singing, your heart, your love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, your compassion, and your giving. You are truly a wonderful brother and I thank you for all you do to further His Truth by your singing. God bless you, Ted.
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Y'all are very gracious with your words and I thank you for them.
I want it to be tonight cause my brain is fried!
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A la prochaine
Chatty --->
(brains fried)
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You want what to be tonight?
Whatcha doing tonight?
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A la prochaine
I gotta share this with you guys here...since I don't know who else to tell.
Remember a few nights ago...I mentioned a singer that I had just heard on television. His name was Amos Lee.
I believe it was Sudo who did one of his fancy manoeuvres and linked one of Amos' Lee's songs called 'Arms Of a Woman' on this thread.
A few of you didn't think it was your type or style of music, a few of you liked it. That's ok.
Anyhow, my big long winded story is this...that that night, as I was sitting on the couch, listening and watching this video, there was also a contest you could enter to see Amos Lee at one of his concerts. He is starting a North American Tour on Oct. 3. So I entered the contest. (I have NEVER done this before in my life
...but being the 'coming out of the closet' music junkie that I am, I try to at all costs to attend any music event possible).
So, this morning I 'ALAPROCHAINE', received a phone call from MUCH MUSIC telling me that I am the grand prize winner of the Amos Lee contest.
Me and one other person will be flown to any of the one destinations across North America (all expenses paid) to attend an Amos Lee concert. I will also be given spending money. The destination will be decided in another week. He is playing from NYC to LA and 3 destinations in Canada.
So, to say the least...as Chatty said...
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A la prochaine
Shell I had to laugh when I saw your question.
Yes, I too at times have not always understood Chatty and her way with words. But after awhile, you begin to get into that 'groove' of speaking that she is in.
Let me translate: I want it to be tonight cause my brain is fried!
I want this evening to come quickly because all this talk about me singing and all the nice things that people are saying is really freaking me out.
Translation according to 'ala'.
I guess I can say I'm Tri-lingual now...English, French and Chatty.
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