Been a good weekend for me and judging by the activity here its been pretty good for everybody else, too. I've got a new one to post but first a few things to clear up...
Hiway29, You're taking me WAY too seriously. This thread is all about fun, remembering the good times, getting to know our fellow posters a lot better and all that. You know that "movie" I posted and asked everyone to name the actors?? The one of me and my new puppy? Yeah, you found out it wasn't a real movie at all. You thought it must have been one of those 'Best Of Show' thingees. That's because you probably thought I was crazy or something. Then you realized I was pulling everyone's leg but since you're the new guy you didn't know what I really looked like.
Well, Kathy's pic of the hinge is another example. I said I saw 'angel wings' so the song had to be Johnny Angel but then I posted an out-of-the-blue-not-in-any-way-related music clip. What I was doing, Hiway29, was winking at Kathy and letting her know I knew what she had in mind all along... and it wasn't Johnny Angel ;)-->. Now go back and listen to my clip again and think of the name of the band that did it :D-->. Funny. We must be about the same age (I'm 52) because when I think of that song, I think drugs and rock and roll, too.
1Kscreennames... I'm glad you've figured it out so now take a guess at some. I'm now expecting to see more of your font around here, you know
Now for the new TV theme. Oh, I think it may have been posted here before but it's one of my favorites. Not that I was crazy about the show but its pure nostalgia for me. It came on Friday nights during the 1966-1967 season. I remember it so well because that's when I went over to Sue Howard's house to obstensibly watch TV. But we watched very little TV because we were smooching on the couch . We were in the 9th grade. I remember thinking that I would never ever forget that moment in time when we first kissed. It was my first real kiss.
ok-I'm going back to the hinge and the song, and of course it is 'Iron Butterfly'-the song of course being In a Gadda da vita.
Finally it all makes sense.
I liked the tv theme better than the show itself (I can say that about alot of tv themes). I always managed to tune in to the opening, liking the song, and the animated frames, then being so so about the show. I never quite understood why, because the show was cool on paper, and should of grabbed me. I liked it a t times, but just felt it was missing something.
Not that I was any better with my alternative choices. Friday nights in the 60's meant Time Tunnel, Green Hornet,bad 3rd season Star Trek,and I think-Burke's law.
Man of mucho faces, it'd be funny to hear that song sang to that tune. And you'd be inspired to alter quite a bit. I use to think we were singing about someone named Andy. I asked my mom once who he was and she corrected me on it being "and he". A song about Andy in the garden. Nah, ain't getting anything. :)-->
You guys knew this one (HERE!) alright but perhaps that's because I give such good narratives?? --> Hee-hee! Hey Kathy... liked the height clue.
Yes, I can still close my eyes and see Sue Howard's brown eyes as we were lip to lip. I thought it was Heaven. BTW.. I ran into Sue about 10 years ago. She's done well.. got married, raised a passel of mealy-mouthed brats (wondering if anybody recognizes the line) and generally was doing OK, I'd say. I would have loved to have asked her if she remembered The Wild Wild West on Friday nights. Probably not.
And all this got me to thinking about another show that was on that year. One that my sister and her friends watched because they thought the co-star was so cute. That's what's important to pre-pubescent girls, you know.. the guys have to be "cute". Like Davy Jones of The Monkees or Paul McCartney kind of cute. Not Antonio Banderas kind of cute. Which is really humerous because this wasn't a little girls' kind of show.
But click on the "cute" guy pic below that they had a crush on and see if ya'll remember this one. Oh, I know Wasway will remember it as I do think he's posted it before.
The blond fellow is another instance where a minor character out 'populars' the star of the show. In the earliest episodes, he was just a secondary backdrop character, comparable to the early Fonzie appearances in Happy Days.
Prior to this show, he also turned in fine performances in 'The Great Escape', and the "Outer Limits', but this show landed him on teen magazines around the same time as Davy Jones. In my book-the Russian had it all over the Brit in this case.
His rise in popularity made the title of the show a tad confusing, since it refers to one person, while there are 2 stars.
The links between the Stephanie Powers spinoff, and this show were the organization, and Leo G Carroll, who appeared on both programs.
Leo seemed astonishingly old to me then. I was still watching him in grainy old 'Topper' reruns from the fifties. He seemed to be in his 60's even then, with alot of black dye in his hair and mustache. By the time of this show, his face seemed to have stretched and elongated somehow.
This has made me curious about what the young Leo G Carroll looked like, and acted in. Think I'll do some research.
Oh-and Stephanie Powers made even a bad show watchable. Her version really was a weak version of the original, but I watched it every week anyway-while it lasted.
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it's hard to read by gas, thanks for the welcome.
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Hey guys!!
Been a good weekend for me and judging by the activity here its been pretty good for everybody else, too. I've got a new one to post but first a few things to clear up...
Hiway29, You're taking me WAY too seriously. This thread is all about fun, remembering the good times, getting to know our fellow posters a lot better and all that. You know that "movie" I posted and asked everyone to name the actors?? The one of me and my new puppy? Yeah, you found out it wasn't a real movie at all. You thought it must have been one of those 'Best Of Show' thingees. That's because you probably thought I was crazy or something. Then you realized I was pulling everyone's leg but since you're the new guy you didn't know what I really looked like.
Well, Kathy's pic of the hinge is another example. I said I saw 'angel wings' so the song had to be Johnny Angel but then I posted an out-of-the-blue-not-in-any-way-related music clip. What I was doing, Hiway29, was winking at Kathy and letting her know I knew what she had in mind all along... and it wasn't Johnny Angel
;)-->. Now go back and listen to my clip again and think of the name of the band that did it
:D-->. Funny. We must be about the same age (I'm 52) because when I think of that song, I think drugs and rock and roll, too.
Pawnbroker.. I THOUGHT I had that movie. I'm an old movie buff though not nearly as knowedgable as you, I'm sure. Stick around and we'll find your real niché. If you'e a classic TV buff you might know the one I'm about to post.
1Kscreennames... I'm glad you've figured it out so now take a guess at some. I'm now expecting to see more of your font around here, you know
Now for the new TV theme. Oh, I think it may have been posted here before but it's one of my favorites. Not that I was crazy about the show but its pure nostalgia for me. It came on Friday nights during the 1966-1967 season. I remember it so well because that's when I went over to Sue Howard's house to obstensibly watch TV. But we watched very little TV because we were smooching on the couch
. We were in the 9th grade. I remember thinking that I would never ever forget that moment in time when we first kissed. It was my first real kiss.
Click HERE! and have at it.
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Some men are anal about their height I understand.
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Pappy Boyington vs migalito lovelace
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ok-I'm going back to the hinge and the song, and of course it is 'Iron Butterfly'-the song of course being In a Gadda da vita.
Finally it all makes sense.
I liked the tv theme better than the show itself (I can say that about alot of tv themes). I always managed to tune in to the opening, liking the song, and the animated frames, then being so so about the show. I never quite understood why, because the show was cool on paper, and should of grabbed me. I liked it a t times, but just felt it was missing something.
Not that I was any better with my alternative choices. Friday nights in the 60's meant Time Tunnel, Green Hornet,bad 3rd season Star Trek,and I think-Burke's law.
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hiway29, yup you got the hinge one. Did you recognize the song I posted a verse of?
And did I see that many named dude sneak in here?
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My wife would kill for that dress!
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
This is probably common knowledge, but I've heard what they were actually singing was (or attempting to), In The Garden Of Eden.
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Man of mucho faces, it'd be funny to hear that song sang to that tune. And you'd be inspired to alter quite a bit. I use to think we were singing about someone named Andy. I asked my mom once who he was and she corrected me on it being "and he". A song about Andy in the garden. Nah, ain't getting anything.
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Then she would stand on a balcony right?
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with her arms raised to the sky.
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Who could blame her for the trip?
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You and Pawnbroker are making me cry.
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39 hats, 45 pair of shoes and 56 pairs of earring
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Sometimes it's very difficult to keep momentum when it's you that you are following.
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You guys knew this one (HERE!) alright but perhaps that's because I give such good narratives??
--> Hee-hee! Hey Kathy... liked the height clue.
Yes, I can still close my eyes and see Sue Howard's brown eyes as we were lip to lip. I thought it was Heaven. BTW.. I ran into Sue about 10 years ago. She's done well.. got married, raised a passel of mealy-mouthed brats (wondering if anybody recognizes the line) and generally was doing OK, I'd say. I would have loved to have asked her if she remembered The Wild Wild West on Friday nights. Probably not.
And all this got me to thinking about another show that was on that year. One that my sister and her friends watched because they thought the co-star was so cute. That's what's important to pre-pubescent girls, you know.. the guys have to be "cute". Like Davy Jones of The Monkees or Paul McCartney kind of cute. Not Antonio Banderas kind of cute. Which is really humerous because this wasn't a little girls' kind of show.
But click on the "cute" guy pic below that they had a crush on and see if ya'll remember this one. Oh, I know Wasway will remember it as I do think he's posted it before.
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The next harvest is scheduled for the 20th. Today is the 17th. That gives you three days.
Exactly three days; that's a relief. I thought it was going to be a rush job.
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The blond fellow is another instance where a minor character out 'populars' the star of the show. In the earliest episodes, he was just a secondary backdrop character, comparable to the early Fonzie appearances in Happy Days.
Prior to this show, he also turned in fine performances in 'The Great Escape', and the "Outer Limits', but this show landed him on teen magazines around the same time as Davy Jones. In my book-the Russian had it all over the Brit in this case.
His rise in popularity made the title of the show a tad confusing, since it refers to one person, while there are 2 stars.
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All the girls loved Illya and all the guys were sure that he had to be gay.
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Stefanie Powers starred in a short-lived spinoff of that show.
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I think one of those guys had a Napoleon complex or something . . .
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The links between the Stephanie Powers spinoff, and this show were the organization, and Leo G Carroll, who appeared on both programs.
Leo seemed astonishingly old to me then. I was still watching him in grainy old 'Topper' reruns from the fifties. He seemed to be in his 60's even then, with alot of black dye in his hair and mustache. By the time of this show, his face seemed to have stretched and elongated somehow.
This has made me curious about what the young Leo G Carroll looked like, and acted in. Think I'll do some research.
Oh-and Stephanie Powers made even a bad show watchable. Her version really was a weak version of the original, but I watched it every week anyway-while it lasted.
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