for me sometimes I realize I have a choice--- hummm eat chips? tap? eat chips?... tap? ahh dang-- I just want the chips! . So ... I need to tap on not tapping!!
hey-- after the craving for the chips-- tap for being bored- and anxious! As Gary Craig says--- just tap on EVERYTHING!! Sometimes it works-- it might not--- just play and enjoy!!
Humorous. Kind of an after-school special feel, but for adults (cussing, smoking, drinking, etc...). Done in a voice fit for the market it was intended. I liked the irreverent delivery, most of all. Kooky cast. Tip of the tip of the iceberg, though. Well-placed and helpful conceptual hints.
Oh, and I walked and worked and hung out on most every street corner where it was filmed. It was kinda fun to recognize my hometown while watching, rather than knowing beforehand.
2life, re: breathwork
I'll add my understatement of the week...
To follow the breath is like following that rabbit down the hole. :D-->
About a year ago, after my first real plateau in breathwork, I quit smokes, coffee, garbage sugar, radically changed my diet such. All at once, all in one week! no ****. It was kinda easy (but the after-effects and reactions have been kinda wild).
It seems, the more I understood and experienced, the more effective it became/becomes, because the incentive/expectation factors from the gift of air/prana whatever increased/es dramatically (seeing/feeling/etc... is believing). I can honestly say that the diversity and effectiveness with which I practice with breath has grown at least a hundred-fold since I started. Now, I am more into cutting back and polishing practices and such. Integrating.
ok. Sorry for derail.
Movie-Granny wisdom says...
Go see the movie.
Don't expect to understand it all.
But expect it to shake ya somewhere where it just might count.
Oh yeah, don't join any new cults for longer than a visit.
I found this "review" (from iMDB's website) worth repeating. I may see WTB? anyway, because I like fantasies, but this guy's words ring familiar - remembering all the "experts" that TWI marched across the stage over the years, there to stifle questions more than answer them.
"They know more than YOU, and they believe, so what's YOUR problem," comes the voice from behind the curtain. End of questions.
It's been pretty well exposed that this film is an infomercial for the Ramtha School of Enlightenment... which is nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for JZ Knight.
RSE is a New Age movement that is based on nonsense that goes in exponential orders beyond the bits of pseudoscientific nonsense in the film. It would appear that John Hagelin, one of the "scientists" is a devotee of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, whose Transcendental Meditation movement is nothing more than a moneymaking scam, the likes of which has attracted (for obvious financial reasons) other half-*** failures of medical practitioners such as Deepak Chopra. Hagelin was also the Natural Law Party's presidential candidate in 2000.
It seems that both the Maharishi University of Management and the Ramtha School of Enlightenment come from a long line of moneymaking quack schemes that began centuries ago, but were popularized in modern "New Age" form by Edgar Cayce.
Most of the "scientists" in the film, and all three of the producer/directors are devotees of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
What I found most hilarious was the Dispenza guy sitting in front of the fireplace... How on earth can anyone take a film seriously when it pitches a chiropractor, that's right... a chiropractor, as an "expert" authority on anything relating to quantum physics or even causality in general?
Interesting information, Satori. I saw the movie recently and I didn't get any type of marketing message from the movie. I've even looked around on the website and didn't see anything about that school until I looked up Ramtha.
Rotten Tomatoes has about 1/2 good and 1/2 bad reviews. All pretty extreme in their like or dislike of it.
Me? Personally, I had already been learning some of the things covered in the movie and it was enjoyable and informative to me. I particularly admire Candace Pert and have already read her books, so I was thrilled to see her in the movie. The guy who developed the Unified Field Theory was in the movie and the others I had never heard of. I was interested in what they had to say, but I can't say I considered them experts, but rather, people who have a great deal of experience with the theories presented.
I suppose it's one of those movies that people either really like or really hate and, based on what you say, could lead some people into giving up money and power to this JZ and her school. Thankfully, most of us here are keen enough to avoid those kinds of groups anymore.
Believing=Receiving dressed up in a psychedelic lab coat.
The scientific theory/theories presented were OK for the armchair scientist. In fact, the discussion on neuropeptides was most interesting and presented a piece of knowledge I have been struggling to find because I didn't know by name what I was looking for.
There was one huge, gigantic, unfortunate scene that I had hoped scientists would know better than to allow (that is, if the scientists had any say about it)...and reminded me so much of twi...
The scene where the woman tossed her prescribed medication into the trash after having "found it".
Yes, it was medicine prescribed by a mental health professional for mental health issues.
This is a dangerous message to send to anybody taking prescribed medication, but particularly dangerous to anybody taking medication prescribed to treat mental illness...because it is the tendency for such people to get to feeling better and thinking they do not need the medicine any they quit taking it...and then they don't feel better any longer...
And any medication not prescribed to be taken on an "as needed" basis can have dire effects if stopped suddenly.
The spiritual theory/theories presented...well, imo: "There's a sucker born every minute."
Sartori, the key word in my post is most. ;)--> I think the vast majority of people here have learned from their experiences and are a lot sharper and less na? that they were pre-TWI. Some people I don’t hold out much hope for.
CW, interesting comments. Not quite what I was expecting to hear from you. :)--> Very astute observations that I did not even think about.
quote:Believing=Receiving dressed up in a psychedelic lab coat.
LOL! You have quite a way with words. I can see how the movie might trigger those teachings, but it didn’t for me. (I have LOTS of trigger words, situations and such.) I think it may be because I have been reading and studying this type of thing since getting out of TWI.
Candace Pert is the woman with the dark hair in the movie. She wrote “The Molecules of Emotion” which is a fascinating book about how the mind, body and emotions interact with each other. Candace Pert discovered the opium receptor in the cells of the human body and has received world-wide acclaim for her truly scientific work .
What she started seeing as she was working on the cells in the body, neuropeptides and how the body takes care of itself at the cellular level is what has lead her to realizing the importance of our emotional well-being to our physical well-being. She has helped document or inspire other scientific experiments that have documented the effectiveness of some alternative therapies that were previously discounted as hocus pocus by the mainstream. It would be too much for me to type out now, and I probably wouldn’t do a very good job anyway. Anyway, having this limited background knowledge and the perspective that maybe, just maybe there’s more to metaphysics that I thought.
Being fresh out of TWI, I’m still working hard on un-learning and redirecting my life. Therapy has been a great resource for me and my therapist couldn’t be better match for my needs. What I have realized since all this started is that I had truly become a different person while I was in TWI and married. I compromised on so many things that I didn’t really know who I was and I wasn’t very happy with myself, but didn’t realize it because I was “living the more abundant life.” I kept telling myself that and, on some level, I believed it. So if believing = receiving then I should have really been living the more abundant life, but I wasn’t.
I’ve learned through Candace Pert’s book and others as well as therapy and friends that I really have to love myself and I really have to have a better attitude and perspective on things. Only when it’s real do we see the real effects.
Example: Before I got involved with TWI and met my future husband I had a great figure, good hair days, a great job and life was good. I mean really good. I hardly got sick and never had headaches (unless it was a hangover). Any bumps in the road could be handled and weren’t too much of a distraction because, well, life is good and we all have to deal with crap sometimes.
Exit TWI and a controlling marriage many years later. I’ve gained almost 80 lbs. I hate my hair and have been through the mill on job situations. I seemed to be constantly battling some sort of physical ailment. (I actually started worrying that I was possessed with the spirit of hypochondria!) I developed a negative attitude about people and how stupid they are. I lost patience with everything. The smallest thing can set me off and I developed a sick, degrading mental dialog with myself. (Much like Marlee Matlin in the movie)
I realized that I have to change my dialog with myself and I have to learn to love myself, warts and all. Think about family members or best friends that you absolutely adore and love with all your heart. They have faults, right? They do things that are annoying, don’t they? They screw up? You love them anyway, don’t you? Then why can’t we do that with ourselves? Isn’t that one of the major keys to peace? Loving ourselves first and then we’re free-er to love our neighbors. After all that verse does say, “love your neighbor as yourself”. We’re special. And we’re important to God and the universe. We just have to remind ourselves of that.
I did get annoyed with some of the aspects of the movie and I totally think that Ramtha chick is wacko, but for the most part, I was seeing things in a way I hadn’t seen or thought of them. I may not subscribe to any of them, or maybe I will. Regardless, I appreciated the stimulation of the grey matter and, especially, getting to hear Candace Pert.
I totally didn’t think about the medicine scene like that, CW. But, I was focused on other aspects of what was going on around the scene. I do hope people don’t go throwing away their medicines because of the movie.
We all applauded at the end of the movie...everybody in the audience applauded, including me and my friend. (We went to the matinee (saved 2 bucks lol) so the theatre was not full, but was about half full.)
However, once out into the light of day, I recognized the believing=receiving thing immediately.
And no, believing does not = receiving. There are bunches of threads here discussing that twi doctrine.
Candace Pert is the one who interested me the most, too.
I'm going to have to look into her some more...check out what she's saying some more...
I go real slow with something as initially grabbing as this movie is...because it's too easy to fall back into the stuff that kept me in twi for far too long...and kept my brain from getting over know what I mean?...gotta change those neuropeptide receivers...or whatever they ;)-->
I thought it was great--- and I have enjoyed the forums at the website!
Someone posted earlier (sorry-- I have short term memory loss!) tht it was just TWI's believing=recieving stuff (which in my opinion was pretty much superstition and bullstuff)
Not even close! I think this was about waking up and REALLY living and playing in your life!!
I have the belief that this takes a bit of work-- and exploration! and joyfully taking responsibility.
I think this movie will be to some like the Passion (the mel gibson film) was to certain Christian groups.
It was pretty neat to see certain concepts validated on the BIG screen. Of course-- the people who are attracted to this stuff will probably not be out there 'witnessing ' it and buying hugh blocks of tickets!!
There will probably just be a slight nudge along the lines of 'hey-- life not working for ya? got questions? Consider this.
I am just sort of blown away that this was even in the theatre!
I went to see the movie because someone called me and told me how life-changing it was for so many people.
In all honesty, there have been some things from the movie that have stuck in my head and have been working for me. I didn't expect this at fact, was pretty sure I'd forget most of the information in a week or so.
The friend who went with me to see the movie has made some life-changing choices since seeing the movie. Not just because of the movie, but the movie was the catalyst.
The idea of how easily controlled some out-of-control habits can be is simply amazing to me.
"Her story is appealing to those who are not comfortable in today's world. The past must have been better. It must have been safer then, and people must have been nobler. This message is especially appealing to people who feel like misfits."
One part of the movie that itched at the back of my mind was a scene where the main character was urged to travel back in her mind and remember herself doing something very well and then bring that energy and that ability to the here and now.
Later on the movie goes even further and states that in our minds there is no past or future...our minds only perceive the here and now...and what we think about is, to our minds, real and happening now.
On a literal and hard core look at the idea, it's "true".
But without the concept of linear time, people tend to go insane.
Much like anything else, this movie pulls out snippets of information and lets one believe that those snippets can stand on their own...and there is no other picture and no big picture.
Indeed, as is all pseudo-science, IMHO. People throw away their medication in demonstration of their "believing", deny their children proper treatment for fear of their getting "possessed", persecute those that don't fit their model of "spiritual" wholeness, and the list goes on.
The long and the short of it is, those who are willing to give credence to the bizarre and flakey without any evidence scare hell outta me...
I hear ya George...I plan on seeing this movie as soon as I finish my Momentus training, that is, if my twig coordinator will allow it...but then again, I don't want to miss my weekly psychoanalysis appointment or my practice sessions at "spoon bending"...decisions, decisions...
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ckeer!!! That is so cool!!!! Keep in touch!!
It seems in the beginning it helps to use it on somewhat tangible/measurable 'stuff'.....
like..."even though I really want those potato chips...." and then "even though I STILL really really want those potato chips....."
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2life- That is the sort of thing I am focusing on,
Drink a lot less soda eat a little less food- when hungry not bored/anxious
Does it work if my reminder phrase is "even thought I'm Still Chewing on these potato Chips",
And finaly "even though I finished that Jumbo bag of chips"
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let me know!!
for me sometimes I realize I have a choice--- hummm eat chips? tap? eat chips?... tap? ahh dang-- I just want the chips!
. So ... I need to tap on not tapping!!
hey-- after the craving for the chips-- tap for being bored- and anxious! As Gary Craig says--- just tap on EVERYTHING!! Sometimes it works-- it might not--- just play and enjoy!!
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2life- The last part of my post was meant in fun, Godd advice though
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Hi all.
Saw What the Bleep last week...
Humorous. Kind of an after-school special feel, but for adults (cussing, smoking, drinking, etc...). Done in a voice fit for the market it was intended. I liked the irreverent delivery, most of all. Kooky cast. Tip of the tip of the iceberg, though. Well-placed and helpful conceptual hints.
Oh, and I walked and worked and hung out on most every street corner where it was filmed. It was kinda fun to recognize my hometown while watching, rather than knowing beforehand.
2life, re: breathwork
I'll add my understatement of the week...
To follow the breath is like following that rabbit down the hole.
About a year ago, after my first real plateau in breathwork, I quit smokes, coffee, garbage sugar, radically changed my diet such. All at once, all in one week! no ****. It was kinda easy (but the after-effects and reactions have been kinda wild).
It seems, the more I understood and experienced, the more effective it became/becomes, because the incentive/expectation factors from the gift of air/prana whatever increased/es dramatically (seeing/feeling/etc... is believing). I can honestly say that the diversity and effectiveness with which I practice with breath has grown at least a hundred-fold since I started. Now, I am more into cutting back and polishing practices and such. Integrating.
ok. Sorry for derail.
Movie-Granny wisdom says...
Go see the movie.
Don't expect to understand it all.
But expect it to shake ya somewhere where it just might count.
Oh yeah, don't join any new cults for longer than a visit.
Ramtha is a trip.
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sirguessalot--- tell me more!! Where did you begin 'following the rabbit'?
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In the womb, sometime shortly after conception.
I heard my mother's breath like the winds of heaven above my head.
And felt her breath pulse and flow to my belly and heart through a silvery cord.
But, so as not to derail, I'll post more on the holy spirit thread in doctrinal.
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I found this "review" (from iMDB's website) worth repeating. I may see WTB? anyway, because I like fantasies, but this guy's words ring familiar - remembering all the "experts" that TWI marched across the stage over the years, there to stifle questions more than answer them.
"They know more than YOU, and they believe, so what's YOUR problem," comes the voice from behind the curtain. End of questions.
It's been pretty well exposed that this film is an infomercial for the Ramtha School of Enlightenment... which is nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for JZ Knight.
RSE is a New Age movement that is based on nonsense that goes in exponential orders beyond the bits of pseudoscientific nonsense in the film. It would appear that John Hagelin, one of the "scientists" is a devotee of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, whose Transcendental Meditation movement is nothing more than a moneymaking scam, the likes of which has attracted (for obvious financial reasons) other half-*** failures of medical practitioners such as Deepak Chopra. Hagelin was also the Natural Law Party's presidential candidate in 2000.
It seems that both the Maharishi University of Management and the Ramtha School of Enlightenment come from a long line of moneymaking quack schemes that began centuries ago, but were popularized in modern "New Age" form by Edgar Cayce.
Most of the "scientists" in the film, and all three of the producer/directors are devotees of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
What I found most hilarious was the Dispenza guy sitting in front of the fireplace... How on earth can anyone take a film seriously when it pitches a chiropractor, that's right... a chiropractor, as an "expert" authority on anything relating to quantum physics or even causality in general?
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Interesting information, Satori. I saw the movie recently and I didn't get any type of marketing message from the movie. I've even looked around on the website and didn't see anything about that school until I looked up Ramtha.
Rotten Tomatoes has about 1/2 good and 1/2 bad reviews. All pretty extreme in their like or dislike of it.
Me? Personally, I had already been learning some of the things covered in the movie and it was enjoyable and informative to me. I particularly admire Candace Pert and have already read her books, so I was thrilled to see her in the movie. The guy who developed the Unified Field Theory was in the movie and the others I had never heard of. I was interested in what they had to say, but I can't say I considered them experts, but rather, people who have a great deal of experience with the theories presented.
I suppose it's one of those movies that people either really like or really hate and, based on what you say, could lead some people into giving up money and power to this JZ and her school. Thankfully, most of us here are keen enough to avoid those kinds of groups anymore.
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Thanks for your comments on the movie. I will enjoy it I think.
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i love chiropractors !!!
well at least mine
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Just saw the movie yesterday with a good friend.
My initial gut reaction?
Believing=Receiving dressed up in a psychedelic lab coat.
The scientific theory/theories presented were OK for the armchair scientist. In fact, the discussion on neuropeptides was most interesting and presented a piece of knowledge I have been struggling to find because I didn't know by name what I was looking for.
There was one huge, gigantic, unfortunate scene that I had hoped scientists would know better than to allow (that is, if the scientists had any say about it)...and reminded me so much of twi...
The scene where the woman tossed her prescribed medication into the trash after having "found it".
Yes, it was medicine prescribed by a mental health professional for mental health issues.
This is a dangerous message to send to anybody taking prescribed medication, but particularly dangerous to anybody taking medication prescribed to treat mental illness...because it is the tendency for such people to get to feeling better and thinking they do not need the medicine any they quit taking it...and then they don't feel better any longer...
And any medication not prescribed to be taken on an "as needed" basis can have dire effects if stopped suddenly.
The spiritual theory/theories presented...well, imo: "There's a sucker born every minute."
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and some born more than once
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Sartori, the key word in my post is most.
;)--> I think the vast majority of people here have learned from their experiences and are a lot sharper and less na? that they were pre-TWI. Some people I don’t hold out much hope for.
CW, interesting comments. Not quite what I was expecting to hear from you.
:)--> Very astute observations that I did not even think about.
LOL! You have quite a way with words. I can see how the movie might trigger those teachings, but it didn’t for me. (I have LOTS of trigger words, situations and such.) I think it may be because I have been reading and studying this type of thing since getting out of TWI.
Candace Pert is the woman with the dark hair in the movie. She wrote “The Molecules of Emotion” which is a fascinating book about how the mind, body and emotions interact with each other. Candace Pert discovered the opium receptor in the cells of the human body and has received world-wide acclaim for her truly scientific work .
What she started seeing as she was working on the cells in the body, neuropeptides and how the body takes care of itself at the cellular level is what has lead her to realizing the importance of our emotional well-being to our physical well-being. She has helped document or inspire other scientific experiments that have documented the effectiveness of some alternative therapies that were previously discounted as hocus pocus by the mainstream. It would be too much for me to type out now, and I probably wouldn’t do a very good job anyway. Anyway, having this limited background knowledge and the perspective that maybe, just maybe there’s more to metaphysics that I thought.
Being fresh out of TWI, I’m still working hard on un-learning and redirecting my life. Therapy has been a great resource for me and my therapist couldn’t be better match for my needs. What I have realized since all this started is that I had truly become a different person while I was in TWI and married. I compromised on so many things that I didn’t really know who I was and I wasn’t very happy with myself, but didn’t realize it because I was “living the more abundant life.” I kept telling myself that and, on some level, I believed it. So if believing = receiving then I should have really been living the more abundant life, but I wasn’t.
I’ve learned through Candace Pert’s book and others as well as therapy and friends that I really have to love myself and I really have to have a better attitude and perspective on things. Only when it’s real do we see the real effects.
Example: Before I got involved with TWI and met my future husband I had a great figure, good hair days, a great job and life was good. I mean really good. I hardly got sick and never had headaches (unless it was a hangover). Any bumps in the road could be handled and weren’t too much of a distraction because, well, life is good and we all have to deal with crap sometimes.
Exit TWI and a controlling marriage many years later. I’ve gained almost 80 lbs. I hate my hair and have been through the mill on job situations. I seemed to be constantly battling some sort of physical ailment. (I actually started worrying that I was possessed with the spirit of hypochondria!) I developed a negative attitude about people and how stupid they are. I lost patience with everything. The smallest thing can set me off and I developed a sick, degrading mental dialog with myself. (Much like Marlee Matlin in the movie)
I realized that I have to change my dialog with myself and I have to learn to love myself, warts and all. Think about family members or best friends that you absolutely adore and love with all your heart. They have faults, right? They do things that are annoying, don’t they? They screw up? You love them anyway, don’t you? Then why can’t we do that with ourselves? Isn’t that one of the major keys to peace? Loving ourselves first and then we’re free-er to love our neighbors. After all that verse does say, “love your neighbor as yourself”. We’re special. And we’re important to God and the universe. We just have to remind ourselves of that.
I did get annoyed with some of the aspects of the movie and I totally think that Ramtha chick is wacko, but for the most part, I was seeing things in a way I hadn’t seen or thought of them. I may not subscribe to any of them, or maybe I will. Regardless, I appreciated the stimulation of the grey matter and, especially, getting to hear Candace Pert.
I totally didn’t think about the medicine scene like that, CW. But, I was focused on other aspects of what was going on around the scene. I do hope people don’t go throwing away their medicines because of the movie.
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We all applauded at the end of the movie...everybody in the audience applauded, including me and my friend. (We went to the matinee (saved 2 bucks lol) so the theatre was not full, but was about half full.)
However, once out into the light of day, I recognized the believing=receiving thing immediately.
And no, believing does not = receiving. There are bunches of threads here discussing that twi doctrine.
Candace Pert is the one who interested me the most, too.
I'm going to have to look into her some more...check out what she's saying some more...
I go real slow with something as initially grabbing as this movie is...because it's too easy to fall back into the stuff that kept me in twi for far too long...and kept my brain from getting over know what I mean?...gotta change those neuropeptide receivers...or whatever they
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Saw the movie last night!
I thought it was great--- and I have enjoyed the forums at the website!
Someone posted earlier (sorry-- I have short term memory loss!) tht it was just TWI's believing=recieving stuff (which in my opinion was pretty much superstition and bullstuff)
Not even close! I think this was about waking up and REALLY living and playing in your life!!
I have the belief that this takes a bit of work-- and exploration! and joyfully taking responsibility.
I think this movie will be to some like the Passion (the mel gibson film) was to certain Christian groups.
It was pretty neat to see certain concepts validated on the BIG screen. Of course-- the people who are attracted to this stuff will probably not be out there 'witnessing ' it and buying hugh blocks of tickets!!
There will probably just be a slight nudge along the lines of 'hey-- life not working for ya? got questions? Consider this.
I am just sort of blown away that this was even in the theatre!
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I went to see the movie because someone called me and told me how life-changing it was for so many people.
In all honesty, there have been some things from the movie that have stuck in my head and have been working for me. I didn't expect this at fact, was pretty sure I'd forget most of the information in a week or so.
The friend who went with me to see the movie has made some life-changing choices since seeing the movie. Not just because of the movie, but the movie was the catalyst.
The idea of how easily controlled some out-of-control habits can be is simply amazing to me.
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That movie does grow on ya! I am going to Ashville with friends to see it again!
I wish it would come to Charlotte............
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George Aar
For your futher reading enjoyment:
One point that I thought particularly sanguine:
"Her story is appealing to those who are not comfortable in today's world. The past must have been better. It must have been safer then, and people must have been nobler. This message is especially appealing to people who feel like misfits."
But then, what the "bleep" do I know?
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Looking forward to reading the article!
(no time) BUT JZ Knight was jsut a small part in that entire movie......... one of MANY!!
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One part of the movie that itched at the back of my mind was a scene where the main character was urged to travel back in her mind and remember herself doing something very well and then bring that energy and that ability to the here and now.
Later on the movie goes even further and states that in our minds there is no past or future...our minds only perceive the here and now...and what we think about is, to our minds, real and happening now.
On a literal and hard core look at the idea, it's "true".
But without the concept of linear time, people tend to go insane.
Much like anything else, this movie pulls out snippets of information and lets one believe that those snippets can stand on their own...and there is no other picture and no big picture.
That's dangerous thinking...
Ya know?
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George Aar
"That's dangerous thinking...
Ya know?"
Indeed, as is all pseudo-science, IMHO. People throw away their medication in demonstration of their "believing", deny their children proper treatment for fear of their getting "possessed", persecute those that don't fit their model of "spiritual" wholeness, and the list goes on.
The long and the short of it is, those who are willing to give credence to the bizarre and flakey without any evidence scare hell outta me...
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I hear ya George...I plan on seeing this movie as soon as I finish my Momentus training, that is, if my twig coordinator will allow it...but then again, I don't want to miss my weekly psychoanalysis appointment or my practice sessions at "spoon bending"...decisions, decisions...
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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