Ex, I think you'd really like it. My cousin says it changed her life. I'm so jealous that she's seen it and I can't even find a flippin place around here to see it.
My cousin thinks this is going to be a catalyst for a great spiritual awakening in the US if not the world.
I'm very interested to see what Zixar thinks about the movie. It seems to be along the lines of Stephen Hawking meets Paul.
Chuck, thanks for the link! I home Imbus posts more information on what she got out of it.
It looks like it will be in Atlanta in on Sept 10 so I think I'll see it then.
As far as the idea of this being "catalyst for a great spiritual awakening in the US if not the world."- All I think is oh boy another cult to join. :)-->
woohoo! Showtime has been extended 17 weeks where I am. My employer just saw it and had nothing to say. Cuz he was speechless. "Just see it," was all he could say (with a grin).
As far as it being a catalyst for a great spiritual awakening...
....perhaps it is more like a product of an already ongoing awakening.
Besides, all spiritual awakenings are destined to come down with a crash, it seems. From day to day to day the everlapping tides of the ages roll in and out, bringing something new in Christ, every time. No, not cultic or occultic. More like yet another anthropological shift in the weather.
Ok, slight derail:
This movie reminded me of another product of this, our constant awakening, using another cutting edge medium we take for granted. I posted a link to this game a while back...The Wild Divine Project...and I have finally had a chance to play it a bit.
It is amazing, but simple. You basically use things like breath and mental imagery to adjust your heartbeat and the electricity your body produces to do things like: juggle balls, open doors, build bridges, shoot arrows, etc... In the end, practicing the game stimulates plenty of healthy inner "things" (i.e. "devil spirits" to some).
Its not easy to play/practice, either. I've sat for a half hour trying to open a single door. Sometimes, the harder you try, the slower you go (like the ole' tortoise and hair race). The game rewards are things like further lessons and teachers who teach you new tricks and techniques to help you through the game.
And check out the links and "the science" and "what the experts say" on this one too. A very integrated collaborative project.
(But the game is about 200 bucks, so you might have to come to my house to play it. ;)-->)
This movie and this game are just two of many such more or less embryonic techs of this old/new-east/west weaving. There is another one I am interested in (that has previously only been medical or academic) that allows you to record and observe your own alpha, beta, theta and delta brainwaves. This has some huge potential for the field of meditation. A good way to research the field and check your progress.
I remember, when in TWI, we used to fantasize about what would happen if we "spoke in tongues" while hooked up to an EEG. Well, not nearly as much as what happens if a 20-year adept in things like non-dual pellucid dreaming hooks up to a souped-up cutting-edge EEG. Talk about scientific confirmation...
Anyway, "What the Bleep..." seems like an accomplishment in the integration of many fields worth being excited about. Too bad this and other parts of the world don't seem ready for it yet. Well, at least nothing is ever forgotten forever. Perhaps those people being born today will not be as afraid of new things.
I saw the Movie and it changed my perspective on how to make better decisions. It is so full of intrging stuff that make so much sence. Also I don't care who the authors are, I just take what resinates with me and leave the rest.
I would hope after TWI that we would have better judgment as to what we swallow and how not to allow any extremes in our lives.
I loved the film and would buy it in a heart beat. But that is just me. :D-->
geo, yer funny. A classic anti-seeker. A cult of one. I know yer still "lancing," just try not to let the oozing puss of your bad ex-twi experience stain everything else you touch, ok? I can only imagine how you were with things outside of your realm as innie. -->
This is a good enlightening film.
And yes, it will probably pick up a cult following too.
Tolkien wrote some good stories and people named their kids in elvish.
My reaction to this film (or, actually to the buzz about it) is about the same as if there were a film perported to be about gourmet cooking and I found out that Jeffrey Dahmer was listed as a contributing editor.
My advice to anyone? Go see the film if you want. By all means. Just be aware of the highly suspect nature of the producers.
You liked it. Wonderful. If it comes out on video (and it's on the "bargain" rack), I might even give it a viewing. But it would be with a very jaundiced eye, I assure you.
George-- you are too funny! Hey-- I tried to subcribe to that magazine--- could not find the $7.50 deal--- only $30 for four issues.
Satori--- have I ever told ya I really really like your name?!! Humm... I have never taken a Shaman course .. yet...but that vision quest stuff sounds interesting though!!
I do not feel 'compelled' to seek--- or look for new/better/bigger 'beliefs'-- I just like to play.......... and feel.... and I don't want to be a skeptic. Skepticism (to me) just feels a bit restrictive-- and dull.
Hey---my experience in TWI taught me that I NEVER EVER want to be THAT RIGHT again. I know what it feels like to have/know all the answers- Interesting experience-- don't want to do it again!!
So-- yep--- I'm as open and interested as they come!!
I know it was up there a day or two ago. I guess they've moved all the back issues they wanted.
Anyway, re: "I don't want to be a skeptic. Skepticism (to me) just feels a bit restrictive-- and dull."
I can only say "huh?"
I think you misunderstand the whole concept. A skeptic is not closed minded, he simply wants (and expects) PROOF! Not all that hard to understand. And I take issue with the idea of a "healthy amount" of skepticism. Geeze, does anyone think there's such a thing as a "healthy amount" of gullibility? I would hope not.
From where I sit, I see two basic ways of gathering information. You can either question things, figure out a little about how they work, what makes them tick, decide whether the whole concept is viable or not - or - you can accept it at face value.
A skeptic doesn't neccessarily have to be dull (though the charge has been leveled at me on occasion). He just doesn't spend a lot of time wondering down blind alleys or buying snakeoil.
The only restriction you may encounter is that you're far less likely to play the fool for anyone.
laughing........there is a link from the avatar site to skeptics.com also!!
George------ my 'adult' mind says you are probably right. I have wandered down some blind alleys----and enjoyed some 'snake oil' in my time!! Some work-- some don't! But I have the tales to tell!!
EFT is the silliest of them all. But I have found that if I can get even my most skepical friends/clients to 'tap' (they don't have to believe it-- ) some of them have been amazed at what happens!! Even my medical Dr--- who is now laughing as she sends some of her patients my way! ( just a very special few!!)
Now-- I suspect the 'proof' of why all that works (for SOME) may not be around for awhile........(lol!!)... or may never pass the current sciencetific tests so it did take a 'healthy measure of gullibly' to even try it!!
(Mikes lost about 45 lbs-- me 20)
But -- I thank you!! There is a balance in there somewhere----- and its nice to know there are those who keep the the rest of us 'grounded'!!
I mentioned this movie to a relative that lives in the bay area and is a personal coach helping people with their personal development. She had read a review of the movie in the local paper that was negative. She went on my suggestion and has told me she found it interesting and that had a lot of the concepts she had learned from the Hendricks (not the TWI Hendricks!) - here a couple of links to their stuff-
She also said the presentation was interesting – going from shots of experts or talking heads to dramatization with Marlee Matlin to computer special effects to illustrate points.
From what she said this movie will potentially have the greatest impact on those who have had the least exposure to the ideas of personal growth, development, healing, etc. Those who have knowledge and experience with it will probably recognize what they already know presented in a different way.
I wish it was coming closer to my location so i could see it. I guess I'll have to wait until it's for sale on their site. Please let us know what you think when you do get to see it.
And, ckeer, thanks for the words of wisdom. I do maintain what I think is a healthy skepticism (sp?) about most everything these days. ;)-->
2Life, I'd love to chat with you sometime about the things you've studied. I downloaded the EFT information and can't wait to look at it.
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Imbus has seen it and mentioned it at the end of this thread.
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Thumbs up on this one.
Though I haven't seen it yet, I'm familiar with and recognize its processes.
It has come up in more than one circle I frequent.
I am still hunting for a showing, myself.
For those interested, be sure to browse around the home page a bit.
Check out things like the scientists involved, the DC studies, the links page and such.
Good stuff. And there is soooo much like it going on.
Where new-tech and old-tech play very well together.
The matrix has you, America,
And the veil is lifting, more quickly than before.
Blood, fire and vapour of smoke...oh my!
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web page is fascinating. i have to see this movie.
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Ex, I think you'd really like it. My cousin says it changed her life. I'm so jealous that she's seen it and I can't even find a flippin place around here to see it.
My cousin thinks this is going to be a catalyst for a great spiritual awakening in the US if not the world.
I'm very interested to see what Zixar thinks about the movie. It seems to be along the lines of Stephen Hawking meets Paul.
Chuck, thanks for the link! I home Imbus posts more information on what she got out of it.
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It looks like it will be in Atlanta in on Sept 10 so I think I'll see it then.
As far as the idea of this being "catalyst for a great spiritual awakening in the US if not the world."- All I think is oh boy another cult to join.
I am interested though-
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following is link for getting information on when the movie is showing where
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Thanks for the info!!
I absoulutly LOVE things/ideas that have the potential to impact my life!!
great website------ interesting links .....
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woohoo! Showtime has been extended 17 weeks where I am. My employer just saw it and had nothing to say. Cuz he was speechless. "Just see it," was all he could say (with a grin).
As far as it being a catalyst for a great spiritual awakening...
....perhaps it is more like a product of an already ongoing awakening.
Besides, all spiritual awakenings are destined to come down with a crash, it seems. From day to day to day the everlapping tides of the ages roll in and out, bringing something new in Christ, every time. No, not cultic or occultic. More like yet another anthropological shift in the weather.
Ok, slight derail:
This movie reminded me of another product of this, our constant awakening, using another cutting edge medium we take for granted. I posted a link to this game a while back...The Wild Divine Project...and I have finally had a chance to play it a bit.
It is amazing, but simple. You basically use things like breath and mental imagery to adjust your heartbeat and the electricity your body produces to do things like: juggle balls, open doors, build bridges, shoot arrows, etc... In the end, practicing the game stimulates plenty of healthy inner "things" (i.e. "devil spirits" to some).
Its not easy to play/practice, either. I've sat for a half hour trying to open a single door. Sometimes, the harder you try, the slower you go (like the ole' tortoise and hair race). The game rewards are things like further lessons and teachers who teach you new tricks and techniques to help you through the game.
And check out the links and "the science" and "what the experts say" on this one too. A very integrated collaborative project.
(But the game is about 200 bucks, so you might have to come to my house to play it.
This movie and this game are just two of many such more or less embryonic techs of this old/new-east/west weaving. There is another one I am interested in (that has previously only been medical or academic) that allows you to record and observe your own alpha, beta, theta and delta brainwaves. This has some huge potential for the field of meditation. A good way to research the field and check your progress.
I remember, when in TWI, we used to fantasize about what would happen if we "spoke in tongues" while hooked up to an EEG. Well, not nearly as much as what happens if a 20-year adept in things like non-dual pellucid dreaming hooks up to a souped-up cutting-edge EEG.
Talk about scientific confirmation...
Anyway, "What the Bleep..." seems like an accomplishment in the integration of many fields worth being excited about. Too bad this and other parts of the world don't seem ready for it yet. Well, at least nothing is ever forgotten forever. Perhaps those people being born today will not be as afraid of new things.
love you guys.
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What ever happened with that shaman (?) course you were taking? Can you at least levitate?
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George Aar
Cheezus people, look at who's on their list of contributors - RAMTHA fer chrissake.
That and a decidely large number of Phd.s from Berkeley is all I need to set my Charlatan phaser on "Destroy".
Am I exhibiting an extreme prejudice and bigotry with regards to this film? Indeed, and not without reason.
Gawd, did you guys learn ANYTHING from your cult involvement?
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I saw the Movie and it changed my perspective on how to make better decisions. It is so full of intrging stuff that make so much sence. Also I don't care who the authors are, I just take what resinates with me and leave the rest.
I would hope after TWI that we would have better judgment as to what we swallow and how not to allow any extremes in our lives.
I loved the film and would buy it in a heart beat. But that is just me.
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geo, yer funny. A classic anti-seeker. A cult of one. I know yer still "lancing," just try not to let the oozing puss of your bad ex-twi experience stain everything else you touch, ok? I can only imagine how you were with things outside of your realm as innie.
This is a good enlightening film.
And yes, it will probably pick up a cult following too.
Tolkien wrote some good stories and people named their kids in elvish.
Big freaking deal.
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George Aar
My reaction to this film (or, actually to the buzz about it) is about the same as if there were a film perported to be about gourmet cooking and I found out that Jeffrey Dahmer was listed as a contributing editor.
My advice to anyone? Go see the film if you want. By all means. Just be aware of the highly suspect nature of the producers.
You liked it. Wonderful. If it comes out on video (and it's on the "bargain" rack), I might even give it a viewing. But it would be with a very jaundiced eye, I assure you.
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George Aar
"A classic anti-seeker"?
I didn't know there was such a thing (is there?).
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Yeah, I think we all became classic anti-seekers while in TWI.
Which is to answer: Did you guys learn ANYTHING from your cult involvement?
Yeah, how NOT to seek, and how to poo poo and naysay quite consistently.
btw/fyi - Ramtha and Berkely professors are NOT Jeffrey Dahmer (are they?).
peace, geo.
I hope you at least find it on the bargain rack.
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George Aar
First stop I'd recommend for any potential "seeker":
Hey, four issues for $7.50!
Get a glimpse how REAL skeptics think...
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georgie i'm going to give you a big special hug when i meet you on a cloud in heaven
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George-- you are too funny! Hey-- I tried to subcribe to that magazine--- could not find the $7.50 deal--- only $30 for four issues.
Satori--- have I ever told ya I really really like your name?!! Humm... I have never taken a Shaman course .. yet...but that vision quest stuff sounds interesting though!!
I do not feel 'compelled' to seek--- or look for new/better/bigger 'beliefs'-- I just like to play.......... and feel.... and I don't want to be a skeptic. Skepticism (to me) just feels a bit restrictive-- and dull.
Hey---my experience in TWI taught me that I NEVER EVER want to be THAT RIGHT again. I know what it feels like to have/know all the answers- Interesting experience-- don't want to do it again!!
So-- yep--- I'm as open and interested as they come!!
Satori-- I think you might be refering to the EFT stuff which has been amazing. (www.emofree.com) .. or maybe the Avatar stuff (www.avataroverdrive.com) -- or maybe the Laughing stuff!! (www.worldlaughtertour.com)... or maybe the.....
clown stuff... or maybe.....!!!!!!
so--- definitly looking forward to this movie!!!
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George Aar
Hell, I can't find the $7.50 deal now either.
I know it was up there a day or two ago. I guess they've moved all the back issues they wanted.
Anyway, re: "I don't want to be a skeptic. Skepticism (to me) just feels a bit restrictive-- and dull."
I can only say "huh?"
I think you misunderstand the whole concept. A skeptic is not closed minded, he simply wants (and expects) PROOF! Not all that hard to understand. And I take issue with the idea of a "healthy amount" of skepticism. Geeze, does anyone think there's such a thing as a "healthy amount" of gullibility? I would hope not.
From where I sit, I see two basic ways of gathering information. You can either question things, figure out a little about how they work, what makes them tick, decide whether the whole concept is viable or not - or - you can accept it at face value.
A skeptic doesn't neccessarily have to be dull (though the charge has been leveled at me on occasion). He just doesn't spend a lot of time wondering down blind alleys or buying snakeoil.
The only restriction you may encounter is that you're far less likely to play the fool for anyone.
Gee, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make...
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George Aar
And for anyone who's interested, here's a great primer on "Critical Thinking":
Some short lessons on the basics of how it's done (and NOT done). Gawd, is the internet amazing 'er what?
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laughing........there is a link from the avatar site to skeptics.com also!!
George------ my 'adult' mind says you are probably right. I have wandered down some blind alleys----and enjoyed some 'snake oil' in my time!! Some work-- some don't! But I have the tales to tell!!
EFT is the silliest of them all. But I have found that if I can get even my most skepical friends/clients to 'tap' (they don't have to believe it-- ) some of them have been amazed at what happens!! Even my medical Dr--- who is now laughing as she sends some of her patients my way! ( just a very special few!!)
Now-- I suspect the 'proof' of why all that works (for SOME) may not be around for awhile........(lol!!)... or may never pass the current sciencetific tests so it did take a 'healthy measure of gullibly' to even try it!!
(Mikes lost about 45 lbs-- me 20)
But -- I thank you!! There is a balance in there somewhere----- and its nice to know there are those who keep the the rest of us 'grounded'!!
so about this movie.....................
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I mentioned this movie to a relative that lives in the bay area and is a personal coach helping people with their personal development. She had read a review of the movie in the local paper that was negative. She went on my suggestion and has told me she found it interesting and that had a lot of the concepts she had learned from the Hendricks (not the TWI Hendricks!) - here a couple of links to their stuff-
She also said the presentation was interesting – going from shots of experts or talking heads to dramatization with Marlee Matlin to computer special effects to illustrate points.
From what she said this movie will potentially have the greatest impact on those who have had the least exposure to the ideas of personal growth, development, healing, etc. Those who have knowledge and experience with it will probably recognize what they already know presented in a different way.
I’m still planning on checking it out.
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Thanks, y'all!
I wish it was coming closer to my location so i could see it. I guess I'll have to wait until it's for sale on their site. Please let us know what you think when you do get to see it.
And, ckeer, thanks for the words of wisdom. I do maintain what I think is a healthy skepticism (sp?) about most everything these days.
2Life, I'd love to chat with you sometime about the things you've studied. I downloaded the EFT information and can't wait to look at it.
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I would LOVE to chat!! e mail me!! Jdono44@hotmail.com
EFT. I would love to hear your experiences with it! Did you know there are about a billion Chinese people using a form of this everyday?!!
It is so simple------ in fact-- I thought that I could not be possibly doing it 'right' so I made an apt with an ND just to make sure.
Duh--- and that cost me $100!! So-- what you are getting for FREE------ is it! and thats all of it!! OH-- and definitly subscribe to his newsletter!
Thanks for the info about the movie! Definitly looking forward to it.
ckeer-- thanks for those links----- interesting stuff. I have been thinking about breath work lately-----
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