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The Cleanse


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I recently watched a friend drink "liquid chlorophyll," and it reminded me of "the cleanse" that was popular in TWI (especially among Corps) about twenty years ago.

Basically, "the cleanse" involved drinking a slurry of volcanic ash, along with fasting. If that didn't "clean you out," an enema was also suggested.

What was your experience?


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I was living with some WC who were really into colon health and got talked into trying a cleanse...

The first week was hell. I had NEVER done drugs in my life, other than cigs and caffeine, and felt like I was going through the dt's that a crack addict would have experienced... I swear I "re-had" every cold, flu and other bug I'd ever had in my life. YUCK!

The second week was better - things evened out. The last couple of days I started back on real food - that is, sauerkraut. It was the best pickled cabbage I've ever tasted. When it was all over I'd lost about 10+lbs and (this sounds gross but...) I'd always had a number of tiny warts on my hands - they were just gone! Poof!

If I ever have two weeks that I know I'll have a bathroom all to myself, a couple of cases of tp, and a vat of sauerkraut, I'd be glad to do it again!

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I was in Fellow Laborers in CA and we all went on it together.

I tried it a couple of other times but it was harder to stay on doing it alone.

My skin cleared up and I lost some weight and I felt great. But I do remember how good that donut shop smelled that was nearby.

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I remember a apartment mate of mine who did it. the only things I remember are his hunger and the fact that he had a lot of gas while doing it.

Me. I was to much of a if it feels good do it kind of person. I like FOOD. Specialy mexican food. Well more correctly Tex-Mex. I never had enciladas in Mexico and the tamales were completly differant.

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