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GreaseSpot Cafe

Chuck Berry


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Well. I finally made the effort to see him perform. He's 78 yrs old and he plays live once a month at this night club he part owns called Blueberry Hill. The campus of Washington University is nearby and Delmar St is to Wash U what Telegraph Ave is to UC Berkley; neat atmosphere. Figured he might die on me if I didn't see him.

I didn't really expect much. He's a legendary kind of performer and I just wanted to see him since he lives in the area and all. Well, he played for 1 hour 20 minutes and he can still do that duck walk thing and he actually does play his guitar. Every so often he's play the wrong chord and be lost for a measure or 2, but he's still ever the showman.

The place is small; holds 100 people, limited seating, but very enthusiastic crowd. He did several hits: Mabeline, Johnny B. Good, Nadine, Sweet little 16, Roll over Beethoven, Hail hail rock and roll, My ding-a-ling, Around and around. Few others. So now I can die happy, I guess. It was fun.

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Go, Chuck! I'm glad you got to see him. He's truly one of a kind.

Hahahaha. I saw him in 1968 in Los Angeles and thought that "he still did okay for an old guy." Ah, the arroagance of (my) youth. He must have been all of 37 or 38, my son's age!

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Linda: Age truly doesn't mean what it once did. As I was waiting in line to get in there were 2 teens, a few of us 40/50 somethings, and even a few 70 somethings drink in hand. I don't remember being really prejudiced against older people when I was a teen, but back then a lot of older people (30 and up) seemed to really hate the whole rock and roll scene. Last year I went to Ozzfest and the teens around me were OK; they asked me who I was there to see and seemed impressed that I would show up to something like that.

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Vickles: He was grinning like a little kid while he did that ding-a-ling song. It occurred to me that besides his being famous and having enough money to live well, it must be incredible for someone his age to still be able to give and receive like that on a regular basis.

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