welcome back, p-mosh. I never knew you left. But the bluebonnets are starting to bloom, so maybe you'll get to see them. ;)-->
Thanks. I'll actually be working for a large company that is probably close to where I think you live.
I left at the end of last summer by my wife and I packing all of our stuff up, me taking a job in Ohio, and us trying to work some with the Kerry campaign here. Unfortunately for me, I forgot what winter was like, and so I've had my resume out there to look to see when I could go somewhere further south again. Texas seemed like the best solution because we're already residents and have all of our stuff in storage there.
I will put in my two weeks notice on Monday, and we'll see how the boss takes it. He's a bit strange sometimes so he may take it personal and see me as a traitor. No big deal for me though, because the company I am going to work for may even end up turning my job full time and it's in an industry that seems to be doing well. Plus, Texas makes a lot more sense to me than Ohio. :)--> I can live a lot more comfortably down there.
Well heehaw and howdy pardner! Welcome back to where there is no winter, you can get REAL BBQ, and evrybody carries a gun. ;)-->tcat
I'll let you in on a secret. I actually prefer the BBQ that you can get in North Carolina over anywhere else. Still, I do own guns so I can fit in fine.
All it requires is finding a source of income, then everything else can fall into place. That's how it's working for me, and I've been preparing to find a job like this for a few weeks or so now.
I'm envious P-mosh. I would love to live in Texas again and feel the warmth!!!!!
20 inches of snow and a possibility of more this weekend and your moving to Texas...
I wish you happiness and luck in your move.
The thing I have to laugh about is that I would have appreciated it more if I could have moved down there already a month or two ago, when it was snowing a lot here in Ohio. Currently, the weather is just rainy but fairly ok. In two weeks, it will probably be even warmer and when I get to Texas it will be hot and humid. Even then, you can still go out at night to bars/restaurants/clubs/etc so it's all good. When it's winter, you are pretty much stuck inside, especially at night.
Mr. P -- Hey, am wishing you luck there, and hope the new job is everything you expect it to be.
I am even wishing you luck on working on the next campaign (for Hillary, or whomever *your* party nominates) ;)--> cause it will be a tougher *sell* down there than in Ohio.
It is said that a man's convictions, and his determination to follow them are his legacy, and most admirable trait.
In most things -- you are on the opposite side of the fence from me -- but I would attribute that statement to you any day of the week -- cause you certainly are the embodiement of it.
Hope the move back home is smooth, and successful. :)-->
Mr. P -- Hey, am wishing you luck there, and hope the new job is everything you expect it to be.
It sounds like a good place, and I'll actually end up working with a guy and then replacing him because of how bad of a job he's done (e.g. not showing up for work days at a time with no excuse.) If this guy can get away with that much stuff and still keep his job this long, it sounds like they are fairly laid back. So, I look forward to going there and I hope to knock their socks off with the speed and efficiency of my programming. We'll see how it goes, but there is a chance this could become full time and I'd like to settle somewhat for a while.
Originally posted by dmiller:
I am even wishing you luck on working on the next campaign (for Hillary, or whomever *your* party nominates) ;)--> cause it will be a tougher *sell* down there than in Ohio.
I hope it's not Hillary, because some comes from a wing of the Democrats that I think are a huge part of the problem. Howard Dean was the best that they had to offer up but they rejected him for the most part, and lost.
Also, it's not really "my" party, because I disagree with them on quite a bit as well, I just don't like the people who have taken over the Republicans as of late. I'd rather see people like Colin Powell for example, be an example of a typical Republican a lot more than folks like John Ashcroft. Still, we'll see what happens in the next elections, because both parties may choose to continue to give us a choice between an evil moron and a scatterbrained moron like the last two elections.
Originally posted by dmiller:
It is said that a man's convictions, and his determination to follow them are his legacy, and most admirable trait.
In most things -- you are on the opposite side of the fence from me -- but I would attribute that statement to you any day of the week -- cause you certainly are the embodiement of it.
Thanks, and even though we disagree on a lot of issues politically, I think we have more in common morally than you may realize. In either case, I appreciate the compliment. I think it's mostly a matter of what information you've seen vs. the information I've seen.
Originally posted by dmiller:
Hope the move back home is smooth, and successful. :)-->
Thanks. We just have to get rid of everything that doesn't fit in the Corolla (which is basically just some clothes, books, the laptop, and the dog) and drive down there to stay in a hotel for a while until we find an apartment. I am very positive about this job and look forward to it.
That looks a whole lot like Ohio for the past few months. Still, if it happens once every few years that's nice. I just don't like to have half a year of it every year.
Hey Mr. P. Are you going to be working/living in the North part of Houston? Spring/Woodlands area? If so, I'd be happy to show you around.... ;)-->
Indeed I will. My wife and I will be in The Woodlands, although we haven't found a place to live yet. We're going to be staying at a Residence Inn first, and then look for apartments. The place we lived previously is too far so we won't go back there again.
In any case, once we're down there I'll send you a private topic. I appreciate you offering to show us around.
This is a notice to everyone that doesnt live in Texas.
1. It gets hotter than hell in the summer. German POW's from WWII stated that it was hotter than north africa.
2. It gets cold here. the river froze over here in the winter 89-90. It got down to 0 3 nights in a row.
3. When it rains. It rains a lot. Mother in law has been flooded out 3 times since 98.
4. When it doesnt rain. Well it doesnt rain for a long time. In 2000 it went 90 days with no measurable rain. The river flow was down to 15cfs and looked like a cess pool. And thats the water we drink.
5. The people here arn't friendly. We cant be. Own so many guns.
6. The only professional sports worth watching is the San Antonio Spurs. GO SPURS GO
7. Freeways are all clogged up with cars. Mainly those who have moved in from out of state.
8. Driving in the country is a drag. All the deer on the road. I only hit four since 98. Had to dodge two cars yesterday stopping to take pictures of the wild flowers. Don't worry once youve seen a field of blue bonnets youve seen a field of blue bonnets.
9. High school football is played here on friday nights and season tickets cost $25 each. Thats highway robery.
So everyone remember that you don't want to move here. I say that mainly because I'm afraid I'll have to move again to get away from all of you. They added three traffic lights last year. Mainly for those blasted big city stores moving in.
You forgot to mention the snake problem. I have never seen so many snakes in my life, as I have since moving here.
Anyway, at least it doesn't snow here hardly ever, and it's not hot yet, and I got gas for under $2 a gallon the other day. And the Astros have a decent chance at a good season. -->
Well, after having spent about 2 years in Ohio, I'd think moving to Texas as nigh unto moving to heaven.
I wouldn't go back to Wapakoneta if they put a gun to my head. Sorry to those that know and love it, but I think it's a dump (in fact most anything east of the Rockies doesn't thrill me too damn much - well, NYC is cool - other than that, BAH!).
Ya ex10 I'm feelin a little grumpy. Didn't get to go shootin this past weekend and I want to put a hurt on somethin.
So since you brought up the lastros. Don't worry they will manage to mess up everything by the end of the season. The last time they had a really good team was 1980.
Corse I remember the good old days in Houston when the favorite bumper sticker in Houston was would the last person out of Michigan please turn out the lights. Seems every other license plate was from there. They was all huntin for jobs. Seems nobody was makin cars in the motor city anymore. They wanted them refinery jobs.
You forgot to mention the snake problem. I have never seen so many snakes in my life, as I have since moving here.
Anyway, at least it doesn't snow here hardly ever, and it's not hot yet, and I got gas for under $2 a gallon the other day. And the Astros have a decent chance at a good season. -->
Hey, just a few miles south of you, we in Brazoria County not only have all four poisonous snakes indigenous to the US, but we're also the most fire-ant-infested county in the country. At least the "killer bees" never took hold.
And the Disastros do have great pitching, but I doubt they have the hitting to make it to the pennant this year.
What is all this talk about a snake problem. Seeum Killum.
I really don't know what kind of snake it was. It had fangs and it was inside the shop. It was then dead. So what that it was only 15' from my office door. Please note that the shop at that location was air conditionied and heated.
Besides I've never been biten by a snake. That brown recluse was another story.
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welcome back, p-mosh. I never knew you left. But the bluebonnets are starting to bloom, so maybe you'll get to see them.
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Re:"I never knew you left"
You can checkout anytime you like but you can never leave.
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Mr. P.
I'm with ya brotha! I'm thinking about the same.
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I'm envious P-mosh. I would love to live in Texas again and feel the warmth!!!!!
20 inches of snow and a possibility of more this weekend and your moving to Texas...
I wish you happiness and luck in your move.
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Well heehaw and howdy pardner! Welcome back to where there is no winter, you can get REAL BBQ, and evrybody carries a gun.
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Mister P-Mosh
Thanks. I'll actually be working for a large company that is probably close to where I think you live.
I left at the end of last summer by my wife and I packing all of our stuff up, me taking a job in Ohio, and us trying to work some with the Kerry campaign here. Unfortunately for me, I forgot what winter was like, and so I've had my resume out there to look to see when I could go somewhere further south again. Texas seemed like the best solution because we're already residents and have all of our stuff in storage there.
I will put in my two weeks notice on Monday, and we'll see how the boss takes it. He's a bit strange sometimes so he may take it personal and see me as a traitor. No big deal for me though, because the company I am going to work for may even end up turning my job full time and it's in an industry that seems to be doing well. Plus, Texas makes a lot more sense to me than Ohio.
:)--> I can live a lot more comfortably down there.
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Mister P-Mosh
I'll let you in on a secret. I actually prefer the BBQ that you can get in North Carolina over anywhere else. Still, I do own guns so I can fit in fine.
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Mister P-Mosh
All it requires is finding a source of income, then everything else can fall into place. That's how it's working for me, and I've been preparing to find a job like this for a few weeks or so now.
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Mister P-Mosh
The thing I have to laugh about is that I would have appreciated it more if I could have moved down there already a month or two ago, when it was snowing a lot here in Ohio. Currently, the weather is just rainy but fairly ok. In two weeks, it will probably be even warmer and when I get to Texas it will be hot and humid. Even then, you can still go out at night to bars/restaurants/clubs/etc so it's all good. When it's winter, you are pretty much stuck inside, especially at night.
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Moving to Texas doesn't necessarily mean avoiding snow, Mr. P! Check out my pictures thread.
White Christmas in Brazoria County, TX
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Ahhhhh. I was in Texas just today; it's still there, and still the best place on Earth.
Sunshine, a decent glass of iced tea, or maybe a red draw; what more could one ask?
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Mr. P -- Hey, am wishing you luck there, and hope the new job is everything you expect it to be.
I am even wishing you luck on working on the next campaign (for Hillary, or whomever *your* party nominates)
;)--> cause it will be a tougher *sell* down there than in Ohio.
It is said that a man's convictions, and his determination to follow them are his legacy, and most admirable trait.
In most things -- you are on the opposite side of the fence from me -- but I would attribute that statement to you any day of the week -- cause you certainly are the embodiement of it.
Hope the move back home is smooth, and successful.
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Mister P-Mosh
It sounds like a good place, and I'll actually end up working with a guy and then replacing him because of how bad of a job he's done (e.g. not showing up for work days at a time with no excuse.) If this guy can get away with that much stuff and still keep his job this long, it sounds like they are fairly laid back. So, I look forward to going there and I hope to knock their socks off with the speed and efficiency of my programming. We'll see how it goes, but there is a chance this could become full time and I'd like to settle somewhat for a while.
I hope it's not Hillary, because some comes from a wing of the Democrats that I think are a huge part of the problem. Howard Dean was the best that they had to offer up but they rejected him for the most part, and lost.
Also, it's not really "my" party, because I disagree with them on quite a bit as well, I just don't like the people who have taken over the Republicans as of late. I'd rather see people like Colin Powell for example, be an example of a typical Republican a lot more than folks like John Ashcroft. Still, we'll see what happens in the next elections, because both parties may choose to continue to give us a choice between an evil moron and a scatterbrained moron like the last two elections.
Thanks, and even though we disagree on a lot of issues politically, I think we have more in common morally than you may realize. In either case, I appreciate the compliment. I think it's mostly a matter of what information you've seen vs. the information I've seen.
Thanks. We just have to get rid of everything that doesn't fit in the Corolla (which is basically just some clothes, books, the laptop, and the dog) and drive down there to stay in a hotel for a while until we find an apartment. I am very positive about this job and look forward to it.
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Mister P-Mosh
That looks a whole lot like Ohio for the past few months. Still, if it happens once every few years that's nice. I just don't like to have half a year of it every year.
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I have to agree with this. I am finding less (these days) that attracts me to the Republicans as well.
Heh heh -- a *Corolla* is hardly my idea of a moving van!
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Hey Mr. P. Are you going to be working/living in the North part of Houston? Spring/Woodlands area? If so, I'd be happy to show you around....
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Mister P-Mosh
Indeed I will. My wife and I will be in The Woodlands, although we haven't found a place to live yet. We're going to be staying at a Residence Inn first, and then look for apartments. The place we lived previously is too far so we won't go back there again.
In any case, once we're down there I'll send you a private topic. I appreciate you offering to show us around.
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Cool, Mr. P! I live in the Woodlands, although I work at Willowbrook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you get here!
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This is a notice to everyone that doesnt live in Texas.
1. It gets hotter than hell in the summer. German POW's from WWII stated that it was hotter than north africa.
2. It gets cold here. the river froze over here in the winter 89-90. It got down to 0 3 nights in a row.
3. When it rains. It rains a lot. Mother in law has been flooded out 3 times since 98.
4. When it doesnt rain. Well it doesnt rain for a long time. In 2000 it went 90 days with no measurable rain. The river flow was down to 15cfs and looked like a cess pool. And thats the water we drink.
5. The people here arn't friendly. We cant be. Own so many guns.
6. The only professional sports worth watching is the San Antonio Spurs. GO SPURS GO
7. Freeways are all clogged up with cars. Mainly those who have moved in from out of state.
8. Driving in the country is a drag. All the deer on the road. I only hit four since 98. Had to dodge two cars yesterday stopping to take pictures of the wild flowers. Don't worry once youve seen a field of blue bonnets youve seen a field of blue bonnets.
9. High school football is played here on friday nights and season tickets cost $25 each. Thats highway robery.
So everyone remember that you don't want to move here. I say that mainly because I'm afraid I'll have to move again to get away from all of you. They added three traffic lights last year. Mainly for those blasted big city stores moving in.
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Feeling a little grumpy today, ex70's?
You forgot to mention the snake problem. I have never seen so many snakes in my life, as I have since moving here.
Anyway, at least it doesn't snow here hardly ever, and it's not hot yet, and I got gas for under $2 a gallon the other day. And the Astros have a decent chance at a good season.
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George Aar
Well, after having spent about 2 years in Ohio, I'd think moving to Texas as nigh unto moving to heaven.
I wouldn't go back to Wapakoneta if they put a gun to my head. Sorry to those that know and love it, but I think it's a dump (in fact most anything east of the Rockies doesn't thrill me too damn much - well, NYC is cool - other than that, BAH!).
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Ya ex10 I'm feelin a little grumpy. Didn't get to go shootin this past weekend and I want to put a hurt on somethin.
So since you brought up the lastros. Don't worry they will manage to mess up everything by the end of the season. The last time they had a really good team was 1980.
Corse I remember the good old days in Houston when the favorite bumper sticker in Houston was would the last person out of Michigan please turn out the lights. Seems every other license plate was from there. They was all huntin for jobs. Seems nobody was makin cars in the motor city anymore. They wanted them refinery jobs.
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Hey, just a few miles south of you, we in Brazoria County not only have all four poisonous snakes indigenous to the US, but we're also the most fire-ant-infested county in the country. At least the "killer bees" never took hold.
And the Disastros do have great pitching, but I doubt they have the hitting to make it to the pennant this year.
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What is all this talk about a snake problem. Seeum Killum.
I really don't know what kind of snake it was. It had fangs and it was inside the shop. It was then dead. So what that it was only 15' from my office door. Please note that the shop at that location was air conditionied and heated.
Besides I've never been biten by a snake. That brown recluse was another story.
Killer bee's are a very real thing. Trust me.
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