I'm reading a really good book you might be interested in....The Self-Revealed Knoweldge that Liberates the Spirit: A nadbook of essential information for experiencing a conscious relathionship with the infinite and restoring soul awareness to wholeness by Roy Eugene Davis.
Apparently I should refrain from posting when I've been sipping the mint juleps. My fingers were too liberated, but not knowledgeable enough to spell handbook correctly and started lithping over relationships.
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Refiner........what do you want, a standing ovation? !!
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excathedra, I posted earlier....
Apparently I should refrain from posting when I've been sipping the mint juleps. My fingers were too liberated, but not knowledgeable enough to spell handbook correctly and started lithping over relationships.
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I would think you'd display better knoweldge than that.
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a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you are so funny belle
and thank you for the book recommendation. i must put it on my list with imbus's
lithping ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Raf, That's the kind of learning one gets when they use a crow bar to pry it into a person's thick skull.
excathedra, it's a good book if I even got the durn title right albeit mis-spelled.
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