Don't know if you saw the Peeps on CBS Sunday Morning, but this ought to keep you out of trouble for a few hours:
Peeps –- those sweet (literally), enduring and ubiquitous little mashmallow chicks and bunnies that have been gracing Easter baskets for over 50 years -– are the subject of a Rita Braver CBS News Sunday Morning story. But more than just a profile of the Peeps themselves, Braver details the astonishing cult following that Peeps have developed. Go on the Web, and you’ll find hundreds of sites devoted to Peeps. We tracked down the people behind three of them – an artist who creates art using only Peeps; two librarians who used Peeps instead of students to observe library behavior; and a young man who is making a documentary about Peeps. Our story also includes a reference to a fourth Web site.
And may you have a chocolatey day, Krysilis! Smooth chocolate bunnies, melting in your mouth!
jardinero, thanks! Cools sites. I didn't see that program this morning but it sounds like the word is out! The Power of the Peeps! Always good to meet a fellow Peep!
We have a small basket this year. Peeps rule! Here's one of those links jardinero to their site - I recommend a visit to PEEPSVILLE!
for anyone who hasn't been there!
Peeps are year round goodness, too, available in a wide variety of styles and shapes! Nothing beats the little yellow birdies though, they're lip smacking sugar shacking good and always a delight!
Mr. H, that's SOME fun!! :)--> I've never tried that!
Shaz, you're more than welcome. Enjoy!
Chas! Cadbury's eggs! Masqueraders!!!! Posing as Peeps of Light!
Accept no substitutes! Counterfeits abound!
Fun things to do with Peeps -
Eat 3 Peeps, quickly.
Drink 1 - 1/2 glass of soda (preferably Coke or Pepsi, but for maximum benefits - 7-Up. If it's your first time, reduce soda amount by half again).
Eat 1 more Peep, starting at head and nibbling down left, then right side.
Eat 2 more, realizing you have several boxes left.
Several swallows of 7-Up.
Note the rise in temperature, flushed feeling around face and the way colors look brighter and sounds are more vibrant.
If possible, go outside, but dont' drive or operate machinery. Let the energy flow! Good time to write all those letters and emails you've been putting off!
That's the best plug for peeps I've ever heard. Mmmmmm, peeps. Any good candy should be bad, very bad. Spawn of Satan? They must be some of the best sh!t out there.
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Radar OReilly
Yummy!! I love peeps
Thanks to you Mr. Socks.....and a kiss to the lovely Mrs.
Happy Bunny Day to all!!!
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Back at ya Radar!

--> Peeps, SO good!
Excie, I know it's been awhile since I had any new peeps so I wanted to bring these special ones. Soft, sugary and SWEET!
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The only thing better than peeps is chocolate!
Thanks Mr. Socks!
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And Happy Easter to you too, Mr. Socks!
Don't know if you saw the Peeps on CBS Sunday Morning, but this ought to keep you out of trouble for a few hours:
Peeps –- those sweet (literally), enduring and ubiquitous little mashmallow chicks and bunnies that have been gracing Easter baskets for over 50 years -– are the subject of a Rita Braver CBS News Sunday Morning story. But more than just a profile of the Peeps themselves, Braver details the astonishing cult following that Peeps have developed. Go on the Web, and you’ll find hundreds of sites devoted to Peeps. We tracked down the people behind three of them – an artist who creates art using only Peeps; two librarians who used Peeps instead of students to observe library behavior; and a young man who is making a documentary about Peeps. Our story also includes a reference to a fourth Web site.
For More Information:
(the official Web site Just Born, Inc., the manufacturer of Peeps)
(artist David Ottogalli)
Power of the Peep (documentarian Matthew Beals)
(library research)
Sorry - - can't figure out the URL thingy here, but you can figure it out, I'm sure....
J. (a little peep)
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And may you have a chocolatey day, Krysilis! Smooth chocolate bunnies, melting in your mouth!
jardinero, thanks! Cools sites. I didn't see that program this morning but it sounds like the word is out! The Power of the Peeps! Always good to meet a fellow Peep!
We have a small basket this year. Peeps rule! Here's one of those links jardinero to their site - I recommend a visit to PEEPSVILLE!
for anyone who hasn't been there!
Peeps are year round goodness, too, available in a wide variety of styles and shapes! Nothing beats the little yellow birdies though, they're lip smacking sugar shacking good and always a delight!
Happy East-ah all! Check it out - He's Risen!
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Glorified marshmellows - that's all those things are!
Gimme Cadbury's Caramel Eggs any day - that's real candy!
Peeps are evil!
Marshmellow spawn of Satan, I say!
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Well, happy Easter, Socks and gang..
Peeps are fun too. My kids used to put them in the microwave and watch them "blow up".
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No-no, Chas, Dove eggs! Rarer, but worth finding.
Thanks for the Peeps, socks!
Happy Easter,
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Mr. H, that's SOME fun!!
:)--> I've never tried that!
Shaz, you're more than welcome. Enjoy!
Chas! Cadbury's eggs! Masqueraders!!!! Posing as Peeps of Light!
Accept no substitutes! Counterfeits abound!
Fun things to do with Peeps -
Eat 3 Peeps, quickly.
Drink 1 - 1/2 glass of soda (preferably Coke or Pepsi, but for maximum benefits - 7-Up. If it's your first time, reduce soda amount by half again).
Eat 1 more Peep, starting at head and nibbling down left, then right side.
Eat 2 more, realizing you have several boxes left.
Several swallows of 7-Up.
Note the rise in temperature, flushed feeling around face and the way colors look brighter and sounds are more vibrant.
If possible, go outside, but dont' drive or operate machinery. Let the energy flow! Good time to write all those letters and emails you've been putting off!
Peeps rule!!!!!!
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Cadbury eggs for me!
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Thanks dmiller! Easter Detante! The Cadbury's and the Peeps shall live in peace!!
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DOVE EGGS!!!!!....Oh I don't think so there will be none of that.
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That's the best plug for peeps I've ever heard. Mmmmmm, peeps. Any good candy should be bad, very bad. Spawn of Satan? They must be some of the best sh!t out there.
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Aw, Dovey, your bird just left something on my keyboard, and it warn't no egg!
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Shaz that was just a little promo for his new website the Birdspot
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Here's proof Peeps are evil!
Here's a Peep dressed as Gandolf the Grey...
Peeps as Wizards = EVIL!
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Peeps must BURN!
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Dove at 12 o'clock! Incoming!!! (Nice dove Whitedove!)
Toasted Peeps!!!?????
Best thing about Peeps?
They're cheep!
Cheep cheep cheep!
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Thanks Easter Bunny...bawk! bawk!
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What do you call two graham crackers with roasted peeps and chocolate in the middle?
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Sacrilege! but it sounds pretty good.
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mz, I'm hangin', waddya call them?
Wizard Peeps are a tasty breed! Frodo, look out!!!
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