Wowzer...Where do I start?...I have no inclination to post on the JW's site since I never practiced their religion,therefore I don't see what possible healing in my life can be derived from BS Bible discussions with them...I did,however,read the thread in question....
Some things surprise me here,and some things don't...First,I'm not at all surprised that Zixar started this thread and provided a link....While many people are amused at such things as internet flame-wars(probably the same way some people enjoy video golf,virtual reality or cyber-sex),I can't help but wonder if this thread wasn't started to draw some unfavorable attention to some of Zixar's former nemeses....While the debating part of the thread reminds me of Don Rickles holding a thesaurus,(press button on laughtrack),the one issue there that keeps bothering me is how heartless Chuck has been addressed after the recent loss of his brother...
There are things that are real,and there are things that are not....This isn't a "real" cafe...But I suppose real people post here...Sometimes,I'm a little confused myself as to what defines "flaming","harassment","inappropriate behaviour" etal. on the internet...
Death is real...People don't have a restart button or an alternate power button...And if you don't believe the Bible,you have to accept the fact that you will never,ever see that person again...Frankly,Satori should be ashamed of himself....To continue his debating with an obviously grieving and understandably angry man for what? not appear a fool on an ex-Jehovah's witnesses message board?...I've always liked Satori,but it surprises me that he didn't recognize the difference between debating for jollies' sake, and having the human decency to let a grieving brother(I don't mean brother in Christ) lash out at the world...Maybe it would be better if Chuck took out his anger on the rest of his family,or his boss,or maybe the next guy that cuts him off in traffic...After all,by golly,this is cyberspace and if you ask for trouble you're going to get it...and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen...and if you you can't bark with the big dogs,stay on the porch...
I'm also surprised Laleo wasn't more nouthetic(hey! I used a big word!)in how she would have spoken to Chuck differently than Satori...I consider Laleo to be sensible and articulate,but maybe she doesn't want to be the subject of Satori's wrath...Perhaps she lacks the time,or maybe this bit of "insensitivity" shown by Satori went over her head,through the woods and all the way to gramma's house...
I'm not surprised Zixar is numbed to Chuck's feelings...He always seemed to have trouble distinguishing the real world from the cyber world...
I suppose I'll get my due now,but frankly,I expected better out of you three...Have fun doing your armchair anal-ysis...after all,the game's more important than the players....
Abigail: I think "backstabbing" is the correct term. These little anti-GreaseSpot forums have cropped up from time to time, usually by one or more disgruntled posters who find some sort of satisfaction in spilling every putrid thought from their brains into the universe via their computer screens. The only difference here, that I can tell, is that the disgruntled few joined up with an existing disgruntled board. As best I can tell, the JWO forum was formed as an anti-ex-Jehovah's Witness Discussion Board. The thing I can't figure out (any insight, Zixar?) is why they spend so much time discussing what they can't discuss on the other JW board, rather than just discussing what can't be discussed.
I'm not sure I have an answer to your question ("Why must one post here about people and issues from over there? and vice verse?"), except to say that if Zixar (et. al.) is being trashed over there, I think he should be given a voice over here, if he feels the need to speak. Some posters are very content to ignore every derogatory comment made about them. They aren't fazed by misrepresentation, or even outright lies. Others need a place to put it all into perspective, to think out loud, or to take the sting out of it. To each his own. I don't really feel sickened reading that stuff, but I also wouldn't want a regular diet of it. However, I don't see the benefit in pretending that board doesn't exist. They're talking about us. Fine. Now I've got a few things to say about them.
Tom: When you said that we were circumventing the rules by posting this thread at GreaseSpot, and that there is a prohibition against cross-site posting (since when? I'm not aware of that rule), and also admonished us to "Let it go," it seemed to me to be an attempt on your part to silence this thread. Hence, "censorship." Now, as far as I know, you and Zixar may be best friends, former college roommates, and even brothers-in-law. But as I remember it, six months ago you were following him around, undermining him on practically every post he had written. It doesn't seem like much has changed. I agree that all you are doing is "posting your thoughts." That's fine with me. But your "thoughts" seem to include a strong suggestion to end this thread. That isn't fine with me. So I posted MY thoughts. Okay?
Why is it you aren't posting over there? I know you and Refiner aren't getting along but that kind of thing hasn't stopped you before.
That's what I don't understand. Zix himself has taken quite a beating over there. I won't go into details, but a quick look at the topics shows one that asks if Zix bears any resemblance to a certain unpleasant medical condition.
quote:I'm also surprised Laleo wasn't more nouthetic(hey! I used a big word!)in how she would have spoken to Chuck differently than Satori...I consider Laleo to be sensible and articulate,but maybe she doesn't want to be the subject of Satori's wrath...Perhaps she lacks the time,or maybe this bit of "insensitivity" shown by Satori went over her head,through the woods and all the way to gramma's house...
In my own defense . . .
No, Simon, it didn't go over my head. But satori said he didn't know Chuck lost his brother. If he didn't know, then he didn't know. After explaining that, and acknowledging Chuck's loss, Chuck continued to lash out at him. (I'm relying on memory, and don't feel like rereading the thread, so if it happened differently than what I'm saying, then I misunderstood the sequence of posts the first time around). Now, obviously, as far as what *I* would have said to Chuck . . . yes, the conversation would have been much different.
I very much agree with you about death. In fact, I just found out today that my closest friend died. Her obit was in the paper. I'm not big on the afterlife, and spirituality, and that sort of stuff, but, funny, I had a dream about her two nights ago (the night she died), and woke up full of regret that I hadn't kept in touch with her. I don't have many beliefs about God, but I do believe that people come into our lives at a time when we need them, and I was so very grateful to have her friendship when I did. However, we lost touch over the past few years -- mostly because I got involved in so many GreaseSpot dramas, and didn't make as much time for her. Then today I found out she was dead. Anyway, I do understand the anger. I've been ticked off all day. And the sadness. And the finality of it all.
Having said that, I also think that if you put yourself in Zixar's shoes for a moment and read those JWO posts as if they are directed at you, you would understand why Zixar NEEDS a thread like this. It's a place to work it all out. Just like Chuck needs his space, give a little to Zixar, too.
I'm not sure what to say about avoiding satori's wrath. I'm not trying to avoid it on any conscious level. Satori's going to say what he's going to say. This is his fight, not mine. Besides, I did let him know what I thought about his interaction with Chuck. He read it, understood, responded, and that is that.
If you don't mind being a little more specific, what is it you expect from me? I'm curious, if you're willing to explain.
I think Zixar thinks Of Greas spot as his home his own trusted forum with friends and companions he cares about. this is clearly shown in his posts and that is why he naturally would post about something that is upseting him about grease spot.
fights? I have been watching one all week at my job ( really bad nasty cops sex booze and Im going to kill you kind of stuff)
between two girls connected to two guys that work here.
it is horid as they come, and never ending. well you know what I get talked to by the owner today( who may actualy lose his business over the trouble these two woman have made this last week , because his landlord has had enough of the scenes) well he tells me not to gossip .
I thought about it and I said hell no this is not gossip because the whole place is talking about the employees involved and one has gone to the owner complaining about how it has changed his position with other employees . both woman have secrets about dude he doesnt want everyone to know so if he shuts me up I hear both sides then maybe it will end.
back stabbing well let me say he would not be in this position if he didnt have the mess with these two woman and darn right Im talking about it it makes work stressful and at times dangerous and I frankly do not need this at work.
i am going to get involved too. he says well why cant you stick up for(the companys name) instead of taking her side neither woman work for the company but all these scenes take place at my work between these two woman . his crap the girls boyfriend isnt the company I told the owner and just because he has a girlfriend and works here does not mean I will lie or say something happened in a manner different from the truth of what I saw and heard.
I might lose my job tommorrow . i do not care I am not going to lie for this idiot , I wouldnt want someone to do that to me .
geez fights why? on top of it the guy is a filthy scum bad drunk idiot. but he is kissing the owners butt alot and the owner who doesnt have a clue about what is happening takes his word for it.
I do not I have heard both sides and I believe it takes two to fight and I will not give false witness even about a stranger that is angry, he is lying about her and I wont back him up .
god I hope I wont lose my job tommorrow. people who so afriad of gossip are cowards really gossip isnt truth it is slander and lies what I say is the truth and he is nervous about the information this girl has about him and Im listening . my bad or his I say? I guess I will find out.
What did I expect from you?...I'm not sure,really....
I consider you,Zixar and Satori among the best here at putting your thoughts into words in a very eloquent manner,which is why,I suppose,I included you...While some less articulate posters may be resigned to just saying "Satori is an insensitive prick",I think somehow you're more capable of helping diffuse a situation that's getting pretty ugly...I don't care about the flame wars...Some people relish being in them....But I don't recall Chuck being one of your typical heavy hitting debaters until his brother passed...He's still getting beat up on this thread...And unfortunately,he's in the middle of this "war",which would be nothing more than a game had he not suffered such a devastating loss...
I don't really appreciate what the disgruntled posters are doing over there,either....Which is another reason I have no interest in going over there...I think you and Sudo wondered why Zixar didn't post over at JWs....I wondered that myself...Wouldn't it make more sense for him to answer his accusers at the place where they're accusing him,rather than where they are banned?
I don't really concern myself with what other people say about me when,for whatever reason,we part ways...It's out of my hands...I think Gs's top guns going after Jw's top guns could be a pretty cool thing,actually...I guess I feel this war would have been better left there since Chuck is in the middle of it...And I suppose,since I also respect your viewpoint,I expected you to be a little more taken aback by Satori's continuing debating with Chuck,even after he was made aware that his brother had recently passed....
Zixar should post his thoughts about JWO on that site, if he has a problem with anyone. I'm not naive enough to think that Zizar has done nothing to stir up these people. Why he has to post here to try to gather sympathy rather than face his critics like a man, beats me.
My statement of disgust at this back stabbing, cross posting stuff was not aimed at Zixar, but over the whole thing, starting with the threads I've seen here which called out them and including the thread over there which calls out Zix.
There is no dealing with someone that truly believes Zixar has the magical ability to get someone banned from this site.
Bet they soiled themselves when Satori showed up over there!
But don’t get me wrong, I am glad they found a new playground for them to continue their elementary school shenanigans on. They claimed all sorts of things such as favoritism, the rules and so forth worked against them. Now they have a (cough) level playing field, what will their excuse be?
And yes the victim card, played frequently over the years by that same poster. How unfortunate the death of a brother is used that way......................
Some things surprise me here,and some things don't...First,I'm not at all surprised that Zixar started this thread and provided a link....While many people are amused at such things as internet flame-wars(probably the same way some people enjoy video golf,virtual reality or cyber-sex),I can't help but wonder if this thread wasn't started to draw some unfavorable attention to some of Zixar's former nemeses....
Well, Simon, it's not like *I* wrote it. I think some folks who may have supported some of the banned posters should see what kind of people they were defending. I clearly disclaimed the whole thing at the start, I even went back in and enlarged it in red text so no one would inadvertently be offended by this thread.
While the debating part of the thread reminds me of Don Rickles holding a thesaurus,(press button on laughtrack),the one issue there that keeps bothering me is how heartless Chuck has been addressed after the recent loss of his brother...
No one's saying the loss of his brother wasn't a tragedy. What I'm saying is that it's despicable that Chuck would use that tragedy to justify his tantrums. I have zero tolerance for that kind of crap.
I'm also surprised Laleo wasn't more nouthetic(hey! I used a big word!)in how she would have spoken to Chuck differently than Satori...I consider Laleo to be sensible and articulate,but maybe she doesn't want to be the subject of Satori's wrath...Perhaps she lacks the time,or maybe this bit of "insensitivity" shown by Satori went over her head,through the woods and all the way to gramma's house...
I'm not surprised Zixar is numbed to Chuck's feelings...He always seemed to have trouble distinguishing the real world from the cyber world...
I suppose I'll get my due now,but frankly,I expected better out of you three...Have fun doing your armchair anal-ysis...after all,the game's more important than the players....
Simon, how is it that when YOU "anal-yze" laleo's and my motives, that's ok, but when I do it, that's somehow a bad thing? How is that not hypocritical of you?
I don't think Grizzy was implying that Chuck was lying about the time of his brother's death. He's saying this isn't the first time Chuck's used some problem of his as a Victim Card.
and the "victim card" or whatever you said is total crap zixar - you are so cruel and you defened your bible and your Xianity - hypocrite
Sweetheart, you've got more than a few of those Victim Cards in your deck, too. As for hypocrisy, you know the term "Xianity" offends me, yet you use it anyway. But of course, it's okay if you do it, because I'm sure you're just lashing out due to some personal tragedy.
I'm sure you'll fit right in over at JWO. Why don't you just stay there and join in with the lofty intellectual toilet-joke crowd of ex-GSers?
No, it isn't so much of a "war" with Chuck. Sometimes he used personal problems to garner sympathy instead of defend sociopathic behavior, but it differs only in degree. I don't know if Grizzy has the same examples I do, but [...edited out later...] are just two of the personal problems he's mentioned to me in the past, both while discussing completely unrelated topics.
As far as the "victim card" goes, would you forgive every single time you thought I had attacked you in some way if I revealed I had some tragedy in MY life? Of course not. EVERYONE's had tragedy in their lives, and while it might explain certain acute sociopathy, it never really excuses it.
Besides, Chuck's not the only one singing in the little obscenity chorus--what's their excuse? All the flap over Chuck's Victim Card has nicely obscured that. Still think it's not a ploy? Fine. But people accuse ME of being manipulative? Sheesh.
sweetheart, the way you live your xianity offends me
Well, it's a good thing we have you around to judge me then, isn't it? I mean, as long as your using offensive terms is completely justified, then how long will it be before you start calling me a "church nigger"?
I thought I was more making observations than anal-ysing somebody's motives...Would you refer to Chuck differently if he was a real member of a church you went to?...You would have zero tolerance for his anger and tantrums?...
It sure seemed the way Grizzy wrote his post that one could conclude that Chuck's been hiding behind his brother's death for years...Is a death any less of a tragedy to the surviving brother because some people think he's a whiner and a big baby?
Girl From Oz/Jim: Do you really want me to go over there and give those disgruntled few more fodder for their tiresome rants? Doesn't JWO have enough nastiness there already without me contributing to more?
laleo: I don't exactly consider this thread to be therapeutic. It's not that I felt I needed to answer any of the childish taunts leveled at me--if I had, I would have certainly gone over there and given it to them. I didn't even bring up my involvement in it until someone else did, if you'll notice.
It's just that there is a certain educational value to watching how a typical flame war starts. If people don't want to watch, that's their choice, but there are lessons that can be learned to avoid them in the future, or at least recognize when you're being baited, manipulated, or goaded. If nothing else, at least people can now watch for the Victim Card.
Simon: What is this speculation about our motives, then, if not your "anal-ysis"? :
quote:I consider Laleo to be sensible and articulate,but maybe she doesn't want to be the subject of Satori's wrath...Perhaps she lacks the time,or maybe this bit of "insensitivity" shown by Satori went over her head,through the woods and all the way to gramma's house...
I'm not surprised Zixar is numbed to Chuck's feelings...He always seemed to have trouble distinguishing the real world from the cyber world...
Listen carefully, please. The fact that Chuck's brother is dead does NOT make him a whiner or a crybaby. What makes him a despicable human being is that he uses his own brother's death to justify his vile behavior.
But you'll have to forgive me, I stubbed my favorite toe the other night, so that lets me call you a "goatf*****g t**********" and if you don't like that, you're an insensitive "goatf*****g t***b******", because it was my FAVORITE toe!
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Dangit! I knew that! I'm gonna go edit it just for that... sorry Laleo! forgive me my sin...
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Wowzer...Where do I start?...I have no inclination to post on the JW's site since I never practiced their religion,therefore I don't see what possible healing in my life can be derived from BS Bible discussions with them...I did,however,read the thread in question....
Some things surprise me here,and some things don't...First,I'm not at all surprised that Zixar started this thread and provided a link....While many people are amused at such things as internet flame-wars(probably the same way some people enjoy video golf,virtual reality or cyber-sex),I can't help but wonder if this thread wasn't started to draw some unfavorable attention to some of Zixar's former nemeses....While the debating part of the thread reminds me of Don Rickles holding a thesaurus,(press button on laughtrack),the one issue there that keeps bothering me is how heartless Chuck has been addressed after the recent loss of his brother...
There are things that are real,and there are things that are not....This isn't a "real" cafe...But I suppose real people post here...Sometimes,I'm a little confused myself as to what defines "flaming","harassment","inappropriate behaviour" etal. on the internet...
Death is real...People don't have a restart button or an alternate power button...And if you don't believe the Bible,you have to accept the fact that you will never,ever see that person again...Frankly,Satori should be ashamed of himself....To continue his debating with an obviously grieving and understandably angry man for what? not appear a fool on an ex-Jehovah's witnesses message board?...I've always liked Satori,but it surprises me that he didn't recognize the difference between debating for jollies' sake, and having the human decency to let a grieving brother(I don't mean brother in Christ) lash out at the world...Maybe it would be better if Chuck took out his anger on the rest of his family,or his boss,or maybe the next guy that cuts him off in traffic...After all,by golly,this is cyberspace and if you ask for trouble you're going to get it...and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen...and if you you can't bark with the big dogs,stay on the porch...
I'm also surprised Laleo wasn't more nouthetic(hey! I used a big word!)in how she would have spoken to Chuck differently than Satori...I consider Laleo to be sensible and articulate,but maybe she doesn't want to be the subject of Satori's wrath...Perhaps she lacks the time,or maybe this bit of "insensitivity" shown by Satori went over her head,through the woods and all the way to gramma's house...
I'm not surprised Zixar is numbed to Chuck's feelings...He always seemed to have trouble distinguishing the real world from the cyber world...
I suppose I'll get my due now,but frankly,I expected better out of you three...Have fun doing your armchair anal-ysis...after all,the game's more important than the players....
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Abigail: I think "backstabbing" is the correct term. These little anti-GreaseSpot forums have cropped up from time to time, usually by one or more disgruntled posters who find some sort of satisfaction in spilling every putrid thought from their brains into the universe via their computer screens. The only difference here, that I can tell, is that the disgruntled few joined up with an existing disgruntled board. As best I can tell, the JWO forum was formed as an anti-ex-Jehovah's Witness Discussion Board. The thing I can't figure out (any insight, Zixar?) is why they spend so much time discussing what they can't discuss on the other JW board, rather than just discussing what can't be discussed.
I'm not sure I have an answer to your question ("Why must one post here about people and issues from over there? and vice verse?"), except to say that if Zixar (et. al.) is being trashed over there, I think he should be given a voice over here, if he feels the need to speak. Some posters are very content to ignore every derogatory comment made about them. They aren't fazed by misrepresentation, or even outright lies. Others need a place to put it all into perspective, to think out loud, or to take the sting out of it. To each his own. I don't really feel sickened reading that stuff, but I also wouldn't want a regular diet of it. However, I don't see the benefit in pretending that board doesn't exist. They're talking about us. Fine. Now I've got a few things to say about them.
Tom: When you said that we were circumventing the rules by posting this thread at GreaseSpot, and that there is a prohibition against cross-site posting (since when? I'm not aware of that rule), and also admonished us to "Let it go," it seemed to me to be an attempt on your part to silence this thread. Hence, "censorship." Now, as far as I know, you and Zixar may be best friends, former college roommates, and even brothers-in-law. But as I remember it, six months ago you were following him around, undermining him on practically every post he had written. It doesn't seem like much has changed. I agree that all you are doing is "posting your thoughts." That's fine with me. But your "thoughts" seem to include a strong suggestion to end this thread. That isn't fine with me. So I posted MY thoughts. Okay?
Zixar: More on your analysis later.
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That's what I don't understand. Zix himself has taken quite a beating over there. I won't go into details, but a quick look at the topics shows one that asks if Zix bears any resemblance to a certain unpleasant medical condition.
Is the Padawan Magi out of magic?
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In my own defense . . .
No, Simon, it didn't go over my head. But satori said he didn't know Chuck lost his brother. If he didn't know, then he didn't know. After explaining that, and acknowledging Chuck's loss, Chuck continued to lash out at him. (I'm relying on memory, and don't feel like rereading the thread, so if it happened differently than what I'm saying, then I misunderstood the sequence of posts the first time around). Now, obviously, as far as what *I* would have said to Chuck . . . yes, the conversation would have been much different.
I very much agree with you about death. In fact, I just found out today that my closest friend died. Her obit was in the paper. I'm not big on the afterlife, and spirituality, and that sort of stuff, but, funny, I had a dream about her two nights ago (the night she died), and woke up full of regret that I hadn't kept in touch with her. I don't have many beliefs about God, but I do believe that people come into our lives at a time when we need them, and I was so very grateful to have her friendship when I did. However, we lost touch over the past few years -- mostly because I got involved in so many GreaseSpot dramas, and didn't make as much time for her. Then today I found out she was dead. Anyway, I do understand the anger. I've been ticked off all day. And the sadness. And the finality of it all.
Having said that, I also think that if you put yourself in Zixar's shoes for a moment and read those JWO posts as if they are directed at you, you would understand why Zixar NEEDS a thread like this. It's a place to work it all out. Just like Chuck needs his space, give a little to Zixar, too.
I'm not sure what to say about avoiding satori's wrath. I'm not trying to avoid it on any conscious level. Satori's going to say what he's going to say. This is his fight, not mine. Besides, I did let him know what I thought about his interaction with Chuck. He read it, understood, responded, and that is that.
If you don't mind being a little more specific, what is it you expect from me? I'm curious, if you're willing to explain.
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I think Zixar thinks Of Greas spot as his home his own trusted forum with friends and companions he cares about. this is clearly shown in his posts and that is why he naturally would post about something that is upseting him about grease spot.
fights? I have been watching one all week at my job ( really bad nasty cops sex booze and Im going to kill you kind of stuff)
between two girls connected to two guys that work here.
it is horid as they come, and never ending. well you know what I get talked to by the owner today( who may actualy lose his business over the trouble these two woman have made this last week , because his landlord has had enough of the scenes) well he tells me not to gossip .
I thought about it and I said hell no this is not gossip because the whole place is talking about the employees involved and one has gone to the owner complaining about how it has changed his position with other employees . both woman have secrets about dude he doesnt want everyone to know so if he shuts me up I hear both sides then maybe it will end.
back stabbing well let me say he would not be in this position if he didnt have the mess with these two woman and darn right Im talking about it it makes work stressful and at times dangerous and I frankly do not need this at work.
i am going to get involved too. he says well why cant you stick up for(the companys name) instead of taking her side neither woman work for the company but all these scenes take place at my work between these two woman . his crap the girls boyfriend isnt the company I told the owner and just because he has a girlfriend and works here does not mean I will lie or say something happened in a manner different from the truth of what I saw and heard.
I might lose my job tommorrow . i do not care I am not going to lie for this idiot , I wouldnt want someone to do that to me .
geez fights why? on top of it the guy is a filthy scum bad drunk idiot. but he is kissing the owners butt alot and the owner who doesnt have a clue about what is happening takes his word for it.
I do not I have heard both sides and I believe it takes two to fight and I will not give false witness even about a stranger that is angry, he is lying about her and I wont back him up .
god I hope I wont lose my job tommorrow. people who so afriad of gossip are cowards really gossip isnt truth it is slander and lies what I say is the truth and he is nervous about the information this girl has about him and Im listening . my bad or his I say? I guess I will find out.
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What did I expect from you?...I'm not sure,really....
I consider you,Zixar and Satori among the best here at putting your thoughts into words in a very eloquent manner,which is why,I suppose,I included you...While some less articulate posters may be resigned to just saying "Satori is an insensitive prick",I think somehow you're more capable of helping diffuse a situation that's getting pretty ugly...I don't care about the flame wars...Some people relish being in them....But I don't recall Chuck being one of your typical heavy hitting debaters until his brother passed...He's still getting beat up on this thread...And unfortunately,he's in the middle of this "war",which would be nothing more than a game had he not suffered such a devastating loss...
I don't really appreciate what the disgruntled posters are doing over there,either....Which is another reason I have no interest in going over there...I think you and Sudo wondered why Zixar didn't post over at JWs....I wondered that myself...Wouldn't it make more sense for him to answer his accusers at the place where they're accusing him,rather than where they are banned?
I don't really concern myself with what other people say about me when,for whatever reason,we part ways...It's out of my hands...I think Gs's top guns going after Jw's top guns could be a pretty cool thing,actually...I guess I feel this war would have been better left there since Chuck is in the middle of it...And I suppose,since I also respect your viewpoint,I expected you to be a little more taken aback by Satori's continuing debating with Chuck,even after he was made aware that his brother had recently passed....
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The Girl From Oz
I think this thread should be moved to JPS.
Zixar should post his thoughts about JWO on that site, if he has a problem with anyone. I'm not naive enough to think that Zizar has done nothing to stir up these people. Why he has to post here to try to gather sympathy rather than face his critics like a man, beats me.
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To clarify...
My statement of disgust at this back stabbing, cross posting stuff was not aimed at Zixar, but over the whole thing, starting with the threads I've seen here which called out them and including the thread over there which calls out Zix.
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i don't think you can really compare chuck losing his little brother and zixar being called a hemorrhoid
there were heartless people in the way and now a lot of them are exway
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and the "victim card" or whatever you said is total crap zixar - you are so cruel and you defened your bible and your Xianity - hypocrite
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There is no dealing with someone that truly believes Zixar has the magical ability to get someone banned from this site.
Bet they soiled themselves when Satori showed up over there!
But don’t get me wrong, I am glad they found a new playground for them to continue their elementary school shenanigans on. They claimed all sorts of things such as favoritism, the rules and so forth worked against them. Now they have a (cough) level playing field, what will their excuse be?
And yes the victim card, played frequently over the years by that same poster. How unfortunate the death of a brother is used that way......................
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Are you saying that Chuck's brother's "recent" death was years ago?....That would certainly change things a little...
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I don't think Grizzy was implying that Chuck was lying about the time of his brother's death. He's saying this isn't the first time Chuck's used some problem of his as a Victim Card.
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so there's been some ongoing war with chuck over the years ? i must have missed it
and i still don't understand the victim card thing at all
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I'm sure you'll fit right in over at JWO. Why don't you just stay there and join in with the lofty intellectual toilet-joke crowd of ex-GSers?
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sweetheart, the way you live your xianity offends me
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No, it isn't so much of a "war" with Chuck. Sometimes he used personal problems to garner sympathy instead of defend sociopathic behavior, but it differs only in degree. I don't know if Grizzy has the same examples I do, but [...edited out later...] are just two of the personal problems he's mentioned to me in the past, both while discussing completely unrelated topics.
As far as the "victim card" goes, would you forgive every single time you thought I had attacked you in some way if I revealed I had some tragedy in MY life? Of course not. EVERYONE's had tragedy in their lives, and while it might explain certain acute sociopathy, it never really excuses it.
Besides, Chuck's not the only one singing in the little obscenity chorus--what's their excuse? All the flap over Chuck's Victim Card has nicely obscured that. Still think it's not a ploy? Fine. But people accuse ME of being manipulative? Sheesh.
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I thought I was more making observations than anal-ysing somebody's motives...Would you refer to Chuck differently if he was a real member of a church you went to?...You would have zero tolerance for his anger and tantrums?...
It sure seemed the way Grizzy wrote his post that one could conclude that Chuck's been hiding behind his brother's death for years...Is a death any less of a tragedy to the surviving brother because some people think he's a whiner and a big baby?
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Girl From Oz/Jim: Do you really want me to go over there and give those disgruntled few more fodder for their tiresome rants? Doesn't JWO have enough nastiness there already without me contributing to more?
laleo: I don't exactly consider this thread to be therapeutic. It's not that I felt I needed to answer any of the childish taunts leveled at me--if I had, I would have certainly gone over there and given it to them. I didn't even bring up my involvement in it until someone else did, if you'll notice.
It's just that there is a certain educational value to watching how a typical flame war starts. If people don't want to watch, that's their choice, but there are lessons that can be learned to avoid them in the future, or at least recognize when you're being baited, manipulated, or goaded. If nothing else, at least people can now watch for the Victim Card.
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Simon: What is this speculation about our motives, then, if not your "anal-ysis"? :
Listen carefully, please. The fact that Chuck's brother is dead does NOT make him a whiner or a crybaby. What makes him a despicable human being is that he uses his own brother's death to justify his vile behavior.
But you'll have to forgive me, I stubbed my favorite toe the other night, so that lets me call you a "goatf*****g t**********" and if you don't like that, you're an insensitive "goatf*****g t***b******", because it was my FAVORITE toe!
Oh, the humanity!
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so a sibling's death is like stubbing a toe ?
that must be the sting talked about huh ?
oh the humanity! oh the xianity!
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