Thanks all!!! I spent last week-end in NYC. My son lives in SoHo. We went to the Yankee Game on Saturday. A-Rod hit a tape measure shot to left field upper deck. They said it was one of the longest ever hit at Yankee Stadium to left field. From my angle it was still on the rise when it hit the seats. Who knows how long it would have been if it was at someplace like Fenway Park?
Get this ..from Rochester NY to NYC round trip via Jet Blue ...only 128 dollars. I couldn't drive for that value. With tolls and parking it would have been a lot more to drive.
I actually had a good time walking around super liberal SoHo. I bumped into Allen Combs from FoxNews. He was walking his dog. I noticed he was carrying a pooperscooper with disposable bag attachment to keep the streets of SoHo free of any dog $hitt. What a good liberal environmentalist. Somehow conservative lardass was let free to roam the streets..must have been my likeable disposition? hehehe
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Tom Strange
Happening Day to you bro!
(we have the stRangers! we don't need no stinking Yankees!)
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Happy B'day, bro!!!!!
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Happy Birthday, Hills.
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Hills Bro
Thanks all!!! I spent last week-end in NYC. My son lives in SoHo. We went to the Yankee Game on Saturday. A-Rod hit a tape measure shot to left field upper deck. They said it was one of the longest ever hit at Yankee Stadium to left field. From my angle it was still on the rise when it hit the seats. Who knows how long it would have been if it was at someplace like Fenway Park?
Get this ..from Rochester NY to NYC round trip via Jet Blue ...only 128 dollars. I couldn't drive for that value. With tolls and parking it would have been a lot more to drive.
I actually had a good time walking around super liberal SoHo. I bumped into Allen Combs from FoxNews. He was walking his dog. I noticed he was carrying a pooperscooper with disposable bag attachment to keep the streets of SoHo free of any dog $hitt. What a good liberal environmentalist. Somehow conservative lardass was let free to roam the streets..must have been my likeable disposition? hehehe
Thanks again !! Jim
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I'm gladd you had a good weekend!
Happy Birthday and may all your coffees be sweet.
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Hills Bro
NYC Trip My youngest son A.J.and I in front of Rock Center Cafe
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Hills Bro
My oldest son Josh left and AJ youngest right. We got hammered at Stans Grill across from Yankee Stadium before the game. lol
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Hills Bro
Historic Yankee Stadium and the boys Josh and AJ. Yankees won...again lol
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Hills Bro
My daughter Jessica napping with our chocolate lab puppy Lexis. Rough Life!! Lexis is 9 weeks old today.
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Hills Bro
Hopefully you guys are seeing the pics. Let me know.
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Tom Strange
yeah they're here... (but the Yankees still suck!... even if it is your birthday thread!)
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Happy birthday Hills!! Hoping it's a good one for you!
The pics look great.
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Kit Sober
congratulations on such a nice family!
(It's obvious no one can say, "get a life" to you. You have a fine one
:)--> )
Thanks for letting us see.
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Happy Birthday Hills ! Your family looks like they enjoyed the visit too with Dad to Yankee stadium !
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Glad it was a happy b-day J
Good to see your name. Long time...
Kat W
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