Dang Andrea, you just described my life....OMG, I cannot believe that he beat you for the groceries running out.....you bring back to memorty all of the years of intense fears of not measuring up....Realizing a week before my wedding that I had made a huge mistake.... not having the courage to stop the whole ordeal.
I remember being so puzzled at the abrupt change in my husband to be`s behavior when we went from being great friends to engaged....all of a sudden, he was responsible to bring me up to snuff spiritually....every screw up on my part would reflect badly on him...He was to be my teacher....my corpes coordinator...in charge of my spiritual growth ....t.c. and spouse all rolled into one...poor guy now that I think of it, was a heavy load to bear.
Is it any wonder that it took 10 years for me to percieve myself as a partner or equal in any way?
Most of this stuff was simply attempting to live up to the standard that twi insisted was Godly.....
I knew deep down inside that I was unworthey for the title *corpes* spouse and spent many years desperatly hiding my inadequacies and fears so as not to betray my husbands confidence ...I mean if he was wrong....if I screwed up or was found to be anything less than stellar in my conduct....in my mind I was forever going to brand him as spiritually inept.
No, I never was physically beaten, my spouse has always been just been coldly disaproving....letting me know in no uncertain terms that I have greatly disgusted him.
I am so sorry for what you went through ATF, as rough a road that it has been, most of the intentional cruelty for me seems to have been linked to his drinking after leaving more so than twi... (though twi teaching made it easy to justify himself) it simply takes years to sort through all of the crap that we learned in twi, to come to a place where we are healthy.
I forget that many of my marriage troubles might have been unique as a corpes spouse.
Agreed Shell, the pressures that I felt were due to twi teaching....Mark never said anything, he never had too, I was way to hard on myself....
We were just two people trying to live up to what we believed was a Godly standard.
It has taken many years to realise that most of it was impossible and rediculous....it wasn`t what I expected out of him or he of me necessarily .....but of what we believed was a Godly standard learned in twi.....
Andrea, you are rigt, it was the poor children and animals who suffered.
I have to answere for the stupidity of trying to raise my children in the opressive manner dictated by twi.....for years even after leaving.....they were required to obey instantly, any imput from them was regarded as back talk and delt with swiftly....poor kiddoes, thankfully they are forgiving.
Fortunately, I was out of twi by 1987...but even in the "early years", this same doctrine of wives submitting was taught...Of course, it was not implemented nor enforced the way it was after madman martindale took the reins.
I don't blame the women for feeling the way that they do about this issue. Oldies....I'm sure that there were probably a few marriages where the woman was "quietly dominant" behind the scenes, but those examples are far and few between...I think that perhaps your little icon with the whip is reflective of your own sexual proclivities?
As far as it goes, the twi doctrine for marriages was dreadfully oppressive. Twi destroyed hundreds, perhaps thousands of marriages with their WRONG TEACHINGS. Of course, leave it to Mark to try to justify this despicable doctrine...and all this is based on what again? Oh yeah, I remember...Paul wrote a letter to some Christians 2 thousand years ago that lived in an entirely different culture than ours. The integrity of the word? I don't think so...I think it's a case of people turning Paul's letters into something they were never meant to be. Perhaps Mark would feel more comfortable living in Iran, where his wife would wear a veil over her face and walk 10 feet behind him...they also agree with twi doctrine.
Sure, it makes sense that TWI taught that its OK for a husband to physically and mentally abuse his wife. It makes sense that TWI taught that its OK for a husband to commit spiritual and physical adultery as well. And it also makes sense that TWI taught that the wife had to simply submit to all of this abuse. After all, we don't have to pay attention to the life of CHrist. That part was written to a bunch of dirty Jews, not to the true sons of God. After all, the true Sons of God don't have to look to Christ for the example of how to live their lives, Christ is no longer present, he is absent and so doesn't count.
This statement is a mischaracterization of twi-1. I wouldn't have been involved if this were the case.
Perhaps it was true of twi-2, as Radar said, but if that's the case, I wish folks would make that distinction and stop communicating misinformation about twi-1.
Of course, leave it to Mark to try to justify this despicable doctrine...and all this is based on what again? Oh yeah, I remember...Paul wrote a letter to some Christians 2 thousand years ago that lived in an entirely different culture than ours. The integrity of the word? I don't think so...I think it's a case of people turning Paul's letters into something they were never meant to be. Perhaps Mark would feel more comfortable living in Iran, where his wife would wear a veil over her face and walk 10 feet behind him...they also agree with twi doctrine.
Of all people to misread and mischaracterize my earlier post, why, Hairy, am I completely unsurprised that it would be you? Please do everybody a favor and try reading what is posted rather than reading one line and then jumping to a conclusion and your keyboard. You'll tend to make a little less of a fool of yourself.
If anyone truly believes that marriages were not abusive in TWI-1...they are as dilusional as the husbands who believed they were upholding "the standard" as they abused their wives and family.
I remember in 1980 that a certain clergy was sent to our area. Previously him, his wife and step-daughter were on staff at HQ.
One of the reasons that they were sent out on the field to look after us --> was because he had been having a relationship with the then 12 yr. old stepdaughter.
After he arrived here, things did not stop. He continued his ways with my 18 yr. old wow sister and many other young and married women as well.
Throughout all these ordeals, his wife sat by his side...sitting through countless meetings when things were unveiled and never saying a thing. She was 'supporting' him I guess. -->
So, I can say as early as 1978 that these particular ways and behaviours were enforced and supported in TWI-1.
If anyone truly believes that marriages were not abusive in TWI-1...they are as dilusional as the husbands who believed they were upholding "the standard" as they abused their wives and family.
...yeah, just ask the likes of these wives: D. Wierwille, E. All*n, S. Wr*nn, N. T*wnsend, C. Bishop, J. M*lmb*erg, D. St*ndage, etc., etc., etc. and the numerous children we've had to intervene for to save them from parental abuse.
Perhaps it was true of twi-2, as Radar said, but if that's the case, I wish folks would make that distinction and stop communicating misinformation about twi-1.
What is the difference betwins TWI1 and TWINow~~~ a matter of seconds that turn into years?
even if one had quintuplets, they are from the same womb and born one right after another~~~
I saw wives being physically and mentally abused by LEADERS in a group setting. This was in 1974. All the wives did was ask for a little logic to be injected in a supposed group decision being made. "Deserved" it- yeah, right. I would not dream of telling anybody to "just get over it"- not in a million years.
Ah, it just makes me long for the "good old days".. they NEVER EXISTED.
Maybe 1974 is not TWI-1ish enough for some people.. good grief.
It happened, and I saw it. I was just a young punk, too scared to even know what just happened- for a while.
The only thing my husband has the right to tell me in a marriage relationship is how he's working more on loving me as Christ loved the church. That's his part. In fact, I'd rather he just show me because words are cheap.
Just play the submit card, men, if you want to get on the fast track to totally losing your wife's respect. It's the ultimate destructive blame game. She's not your daughter, she's your partner. Treat her with respect. She's the most important person in your life.
Why not treat yourself with respect also by realizing you chose her as a life partner. Why would you want someone you can just push around? Strong relationships are built by the friction that exists between two people when both speak their minds and both listen to the other's views. That's what friends do. If your wife isn't your friend, boy are you in trouble.
If you just want someone you can manipulate, get a dog.
The seeds of twi's "doctrine of dominance" were planted during the early years of twi. I was married in 1977 and was bombarded with this horrible teaching of being the "head of the house"...and my wife being "in subjugation". It went against my own inclinations and my personality. I had to literally force myself to "assume my responsibilities" as twi put it. My wife was made to feel inferior, when in fact, she was just as capable, if not more, than I was in certain "leadership" categories.
Twi had no business sticking their nose into anyone's relationship. Every couple is different and should work "things" out between themselves...instead of some snot nosed corps grad ( whose entire experience with a woman was confined to a Hustler magazine and a jar of vaseline)...sitting there telling you how to treat your wife. It was sick. Twi destroyed more marriages than most people imagine. Wierwille's attitude towards women was imposed on everyone in twi. The man was an adulterer and a tyrant.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a jar of vaseline. i would have preferred that over vic. i would have gladly eaten it
can i post without reading ? please
i was fortunate that i had a great husband even though we divorced and rightfully so
man oh man when i saw wierwille "talk" to barbara geer i thought the antichrist had landed in new knoxville. and when i saw chris allow it i knew the antichrist had landed
You know what is weird to me in all of this? The women I heard and knew who so diligently taught the doctrine of submitting women were gals with great big cojones! Their husbands might teach how they had their women in subjection, but they were only the head of the household as long as the wife said so!
I think this doctrine has done me personally more harm than any other. Oddly enough, it is not a doctrine to which my husband subscribes. I know a lot of times he wishes I'd just go do something instead of asking him to make the decision.
In 1994 or so, when we lived in latte' land, apparently some middle management type decided we had a bad marriage relationship. We were sat down and bleated at about communication or something, left with puzzled looks, and a couple months later, in someone's home, with our illustrious branch leader in attendance, he said to me something like the following:
"Well you certainly seem to be doing well!"
Me: "Yes, we are fine, thank you so much for asking, oh great and wonderful Man of God." (not really ;)--> )
Him (in a sort of self-congratulatory way) "See? all you have to do is have better communication in your marriage and do what you are supposed to do and things just work out great!"
Me, smiling like a mule eating sour briers: "You are so right! They certainly do!"
I have NO idea now nor did I then, what that was all about. I suspect the HFC's had told him about this extensive counselling session they had had with us in some detail, and some of the details may well have been embroidered a bit.
Even in the military, there are many times that as you deligate various jobs out to others to do, many of those jobs are still things that you do yourself.
It 'seems' that a common image, is that someone 'in charge' to is be a bossy butt-hole sending everyone else off to do everything. But, come on now, who would realistically put their neck-out on the line for someone like that?
From my limited observations, a 'good' leader is among other things still very busy himself, commonly the most busy guy around.
I have no objections to being in charge and still scrubbing the floors, doing laundry, meeting with school principals, even washing the dog; I dont see that these things in any way subtract from my being the 'head'.
"You know what is weird to me in all of this? The women I heard and knew who so diligently taught the doctrine of submitting women were gals with great big cojones! Their husbands might teach how they had their women in subjection, but they were only the head of the household as long as the wife said so!"
I think that it takes an extremely confident woman and maybe with big cojones too, to teach, beleive and desire to be in subjeciton to her husband.
On the other hand, a 'person' can only be in charge, if and when everyone else agrees.
I can not be the head, simply because I say so.
Bonnie is very strong, and independant. I would be a fool to not recognize her wisdom and talents.
I seem to be limited in explaining this except to give the example of the military. A Commanding Officer is only made the greater, when everyone working for him is in top condition, and has the best training, and is confident. For him to ignore, or belittle, or insult, or do anything to subtract from his sub-ordinates; only subtracts from him.
If a married couple is to become 'one-flesh', they need to look at themselves as being a single-household too. Maybe? The better any member is, the better the whole. I dont see how a strong woman could possibly detract from the greatness of a household.
"I think this doctrine has done me personally more harm than any other. Oddly enough, it is not a doctrine to which my husband subscribes. I know a lot of times he wishes I'd just go do something instead of asking him to make the decision."
So make decisions. I have gone away for months at a time, many times during my marriage. Bonnie msut be able to make daily decisions on her own without me. She has bought houses in my name, cars, whatever she has needed to be able to better function. And that is okay. I trust her. I fill-out a new Power-of-attorney every couple years so she always carrys a fresh one. We talk, we each offer advice to the other, if there is something that Bonnie does not feel comfortable deciding then she asks me. No big deal.
A Commanding Officer is only made the greater, when everyone working for him is in top condition, and has the best training, and is confident. For him to ignore, or belittle, or insult, or do anything to subtract from his sub-ordinates; only subtracts from him.
...All of this makes me think of that demented weekend of torture that was known as "Christian Family and Sex". Oh, how they lauded it to the sky..."the greatest teaching on this subject ever, etc, etc, blah blah blah."...Looking back, this had to be twi's ultimate trash class. Sophmoric at best, Wierwille's teaching on "Every woman in the kingdom belongs to the king" came out of this one, if I'm not mistaken...and of course, the particular delight that Vic seemed to display when describing the "slang words"...which of course makes perfect sense that an Ohio cornfield preacher would know so many "slang words", that the rest of us 22 year old hippies had never heard before... -->
...And then the hypocracy of Wierwille...as he goes on and teaches his wonderful little ditty about putting his wife on a "pedestal"...treating her like his "queen". Giving the impression that he was a dutiful and caring husband, who adored his wife...yeah right. All the while degrading and abusing her, as he escorted young girls into the back of the motorcoach. Wierwille spoke of love...the truth of the matter is that NO man can treat his wife that way and be anything more than a scum bag. Wierwille loved himself and that's it. He loved being the "great one", he loved all the adoration heaped upon him...it was always about him. Christian family and sex?...Could there have been a man less qualified to teach that subject, than grifter Vic?
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Dang Andrea, you just described my life....OMG, I cannot believe that he beat you for the groceries running out.....you bring back to memorty all of the years of intense fears of not measuring up....Realizing a week before my wedding that I had made a huge mistake.... not having the courage to stop the whole ordeal.
I remember being so puzzled at the abrupt change in my husband to be`s behavior when we went from being great friends to engaged....all of a sudden, he was responsible to bring me up to snuff spiritually....every screw up on my part would reflect badly on him...He was to be my teacher....my corpes coordinator...in charge of my spiritual growth ....t.c. and spouse all rolled into one...poor guy now that I think of it, was a heavy load to bear.
Is it any wonder that it took 10 years for me to percieve myself as a partner or equal in any way?
Most of this stuff was simply attempting to live up to the standard that twi insisted was Godly.....
I knew deep down inside that I was unworthey for the title *corpes* spouse and spent many years desperatly hiding my inadequacies and fears so as not to betray my husbands confidence ...I mean if he was wrong....if I screwed up or was found to be anything less than stellar in my conduct....in my mind I was forever going to brand him as spiritually inept.
No, I never was physically beaten, my spouse has always been just been coldly disaproving....letting me know in no uncertain terms that I have greatly disgusted him.
I am so sorry for what you went through ATF, as rough a road that it has been, most of the intentional cruelty for me seems to have been linked to his drinking after leaving more so than twi... (though twi teaching made it easy to justify himself) it simply takes years to sort through all of the crap that we learned in twi, to come to a place where we are healthy.
I forget that many of my marriage troubles might have been unique as a corpes spouse.
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Agreed Shell, the pressures that I felt were due to twi teaching....Mark never said anything, he never had too, I was way to hard on myself....
We were just two people trying to live up to what we believed was a Godly standard.
It has taken many years to realise that most of it was impossible and rediculous....it wasn`t what I expected out of him or he of me necessarily .....but of what we believed was a Godly standard learned in twi.....
Andrea, you are rigt, it was the poor children and animals who suffered.
I have to answere for the stupidity of trying to raise my children in the opressive manner dictated by twi.....for years even after leaving.....they were required to obey instantly, any imput from them was regarded as back talk and delt with swiftly....poor kiddoes, thankfully they are forgiving.
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Fortunately, I was out of twi by 1987...but even in the "early years", this same doctrine of wives submitting was taught...Of course, it was not implemented nor enforced the way it was after madman martindale took the reins.
I don't blame the women for feeling the way that they do about this issue. Oldies....I'm sure that there were probably a few marriages where the woman was "quietly dominant" behind the scenes, but those examples are far and few between...I think that perhaps your little icon with the whip is reflective of your own sexual proclivities?
As far as it goes, the twi doctrine for marriages was dreadfully oppressive. Twi destroyed hundreds, perhaps thousands of marriages with their WRONG TEACHINGS. Of course, leave it to Mark to try to justify this despicable doctrine...and all this is based on what again? Oh yeah, I remember...Paul wrote a letter to some Christians 2 thousand years ago that lived in an entirely different culture than ours. The integrity of the word? I don't think so...I think it's a case of people turning Paul's letters into something they were never meant to be. Perhaps Mark would feel more comfortable living in Iran, where his wife would wear a veil over her face and walk 10 feet behind him...they also agree with twi doctrine.
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This statement is a mischaracterization of twi-1. I wouldn't have been involved if this were the case.
Perhaps it was true of twi-2, as Radar said, but if that's the case, I wish folks would make that distinction and stop communicating misinformation about twi-1.
Just my two cents worth.
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I DID make that distinction oldies, married in 86 ....Andrea in 88 as well...but you don`t want to hear that.
Ours were not the only stories that have been shared here about abuse recieved in twi 1.....
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A la prochaine
If anyone truly believes that marriages were not abusive in TWI-1...they are as dilusional as the husbands who believed they were upholding "the standard" as they abused their wives and family.
I remember in 1980 that a certain clergy was sent to our area. Previously him, his wife and step-daughter were on staff at HQ.
One of the reasons that they were sent out on the field to look after us
--> was because he had been having a relationship with the then 12 yr. old stepdaughter.
After he arrived here, things did not stop. He continued his ways with my 18 yr. old wow sister and many other young and married women as well.
Throughout all these ordeals, his wife sat by his side...sitting through countless meetings when things were unveiled and never saying a thing. She was 'supporting' him I guess.
So, I can say as early as 1978 that these particular ways and behaviours were enforced and supported in TWI-1.
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...yeah, just ask the likes of these wives: D. Wierwille, E. All*n, S. Wr*nn, N. T*wnsend, C. Bishop, J. M*lmb*erg, D. St*ndage, etc., etc., etc. and the numerous children we've had to intervene for to save them from parental abuse.
Dilusional doesn't even begin to describe it.
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What is the difference betwins TWI1 and TWINow~~~ a matter of seconds that turn into years?
even if one had quintuplets, they are from the same womb and born one right after another~~~
doncha ya just love your chillin om
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I saw wives being physically and mentally abused by LEADERS in a group setting. This was in 1974. All the wives did was ask for a little logic to be injected in a supposed group decision being made. "Deserved" it- yeah, right. I would not dream of telling anybody to "just get over it"- not in a million years.
Ah, it just makes me long for the "good old days".. they NEVER EXISTED.
Maybe 1974 is not TWI-1ish enough for some people.. good grief.
It happened, and I saw it. I was just a young punk, too scared to even know what just happened- for a while.
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there's always the good ole daze Mr. H~~~ i also remember this morning
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"helpless "vic"tim routine!?!?!" you way off your rocker dude
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The only thing my husband has the right to tell me in a marriage relationship is how he's working more on loving me as Christ loved the church. That's his part. In fact, I'd rather he just show me because words are cheap.
Just play the submit card, men, if you want to get on the fast track to totally losing your wife's respect. It's the ultimate destructive blame game. She's not your daughter, she's your partner. Treat her with respect. She's the most important person in your life.
Why not treat yourself with respect also by realizing you chose her as a life partner. Why would you want someone you can just push around? Strong relationships are built by the friction that exists between two people when both speak their minds and both listen to the other's views. That's what friends do. If your wife isn't your friend, boy are you in trouble.
If you just want someone you can manipulate, get a dog.
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The seeds of twi's "doctrine of dominance" were planted during the early years of twi. I was married in 1977 and was bombarded with this horrible teaching of being the "head of the house"...and my wife being "in subjugation". It went against my own inclinations and my personality. I had to literally force myself to "assume my responsibilities" as twi put it. My wife was made to feel inferior, when in fact, she was just as capable, if not more, than I was in certain "leadership" categories.
Twi had no business sticking their nose into anyone's relationship. Every couple is different and should work "things" out between themselves...instead of some snot nosed corps grad ( whose entire experience with a woman was confined to a Hustler magazine and a jar of vaseline)...sitting there telling you how to treat your wife. It was sick. Twi destroyed more marriages than most people imagine. Wierwille's attitude towards women was imposed on everyone in twi. The man was an adulterer and a tyrant.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a jar of vaseline. i would have preferred that over vic. i would have gladly eaten it
can i post without reading ? please
i was fortunate that i had a great husband even though we divorced and rightfully so
man oh man when i saw wierwille "talk" to barbara geer i thought the antichrist had landed in new knoxville. and when i saw chris allow it i knew the antichrist had landed
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I am the head of our household, and I have my wife's permission to say so, and to think so.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha galen, that's what my ex always used to say
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Watered Garden
You know what is weird to me in all of this? The women I heard and knew who so diligently taught the doctrine of submitting women were gals with great big cojones! Their husbands might teach how they had their women in subjection, but they were only the head of the household as long as the wife said so!
I think this doctrine has done me personally more harm than any other. Oddly enough, it is not a doctrine to which my husband subscribes. I know a lot of times he wishes I'd just go do something instead of asking him to make the decision.
In 1994 or so, when we lived in latte' land, apparently some middle management type decided we had a bad marriage relationship. We were sat down and bleated at about communication or something, left with puzzled looks, and a couple months later, in someone's home, with our illustrious branch leader in attendance, he said to me something like the following:
"Well you certainly seem to be doing well!"
Me: "Yes, we are fine, thank you so much for asking, oh great and wonderful Man of God." (not really
;)--> )
Him (in a sort of self-congratulatory way) "See? all you have to do is have better communication in your marriage and do what you are supposed to do and things just work out great!"
Me, smiling like a mule eating sour briers: "You are so right! They certainly do!"
I have NO idea now nor did I then, what that was all about. I suspect the HFC's had told him about this extensive counselling session they had had with us in some detail, and some of the details may well have been embroidered a bit.
Weird. Real weird.
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Even in the military, there are many times that as you deligate various jobs out to others to do, many of those jobs are still things that you do yourself.
It 'seems' that a common image, is that someone 'in charge' to is be a bossy butt-hole sending everyone else off to do everything. But, come on now, who would realistically put their neck-out on the line for someone like that?
From my limited observations, a 'good' leader is among other things still very busy himself, commonly the most busy guy around.
I have no objections to being in charge and still scrubbing the floors, doing laundry, meeting with school principals, even washing the dog; I dont see that these things in any way subtract from my being the 'head'.
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Watered Garden:
"You know what is weird to me in all of this? The women I heard and knew who so diligently taught the doctrine of submitting women were gals with great big cojones! Their husbands might teach how they had their women in subjection, but they were only the head of the household as long as the wife said so!"
I think that it takes an extremely confident woman and maybe with big cojones too, to teach, beleive and desire to be in subjeciton to her husband.
On the other hand, a 'person' can only be in charge, if and when everyone else agrees.
I can not be the head, simply because I say so.
Bonnie is very strong, and independant. I would be a fool to not recognize her wisdom and talents.
I seem to be limited in explaining this except to give the example of the military. A Commanding Officer is only made the greater, when everyone working for him is in top condition, and has the best training, and is confident. For him to ignore, or belittle, or insult, or do anything to subtract from his sub-ordinates; only subtracts from him.
If a married couple is to become 'one-flesh', they need to look at themselves as being a single-household too. Maybe? The better any member is, the better the whole. I dont see how a strong woman could possibly detract from the greatness of a household.
"I think this doctrine has done me personally more harm than any other. Oddly enough, it is not a doctrine to which my husband subscribes. I know a lot of times he wishes I'd just go do something instead of asking him to make the decision."
So make decisions. I have gone away for months at a time, many times during my marriage. Bonnie msut be able to make daily decisions on her own without me. She has bought houses in my name, cars, whatever she has needed to be able to better function. And that is okay. I trust her. I fill-out a new Power-of-attorney every couple years so she always carrys a fresh one. We talk, we each offer advice to the other, if there is something that Bonnie does not feel comfortable deciding then she asks me. No big deal.
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Gosh, what a great analogy, Galen.
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Thank you, your sweet.
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...All of this makes me think of that demented weekend of torture that was known as "Christian Family and Sex". Oh, how they lauded it to the sky..."the greatest teaching on this subject ever, etc, etc, blah blah blah."...Looking back, this had to be twi's ultimate trash class. Sophmoric at best, Wierwille's teaching on "Every woman in the kingdom belongs to the king" came out of this one, if I'm not mistaken...and of course, the particular delight that Vic seemed to display when describing the "slang words"...which of course makes perfect sense that an Ohio cornfield preacher would know so many "slang words", that the rest of us 22 year old hippies had never heard before...
...And then the hypocracy of Wierwille...as he goes on and teaches his wonderful little ditty about putting his wife on a "pedestal"...treating her like his "queen". Giving the impression that he was a dutiful and caring husband, who adored his wife...yeah right. All the while degrading and abusing her, as he escorted young girls into the back of the motorcoach. Wierwille spoke of love...the truth of the matter is that NO man can treat his wife that way and be anything more than a scum bag. Wierwille loved himself and that's it. He loved being the "great one", he loved all the adoration heaped upon him...it was always about him. Christian family and sex?...Could there have been a man less qualified to teach that subject, than grifter Vic?
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