Thanks for being so open about your rage and stuff.
Raw as a red dragon, at times. Aint it?
What can ya do?
I know Raf.
Thanks for trying it again tho.
G-bye, I guess. (shrugs)
Ok, heerz another little rant:
(seein as how most responses have very little to do with the method I described in the first post)
Re: all this rejecting and accepting,
all this attacking and defending...
Honestly, and Doctrinally, how can the Christians justify all this?
Where did all these "holy" methods of problem solving come from, anyway?
Who really taught these standards?
And how well are they working?
I mean, are you not "man enough" to sit down with the publicans and sinners without "choosing" who is who? Give up your chief seat. Do you represent the prince of peace or war?
If your antagonists are so feeble and broken and ignorant and weak and godless,
then heal them, for God's sake. Feed them. Help clothe their poor souls, why don't ya?
Fill your "enemies" with warmth, if you've the heart to do it. The will?
Otherwise, I suggest you stop name-dropping, and for your sake, more than anything.
No one is ever gonna hurt your Jesus again anyway, and perhaps all your irritating flies will go away (not the people, but the irritations).
Ya see what I mean?
If the "infidels do it first," which justifies the "children of God" doing it til the day Jesus flies back, have you really learned any new laws since Egypt or The Woods?
We gotta new deal, right?
Perhaps you simply do not know how. Knowledge is not a given, after all, right?
Try the tea, for starters. I'm not joking. Really. ;)-->
Or maybe you think "it" is a fool's errand, or completely unwise as a "future" investment, and so all this soul-stabbing is completely justified in the courtroom of God, in order to protect your assets and the assets of your closest friends. I can understand this. Big time. Heck, we came from the same ocCULTtic migraine, remember? And the world is full of it, all this eating each other alive like fish eating fish eating fish eatng fish. Stuck somewhere in a spiritual food chain. There are always bigger fish (and smaller ones).
I do hope I have poked and stirred something in you all.
I won't press on this hardened, sore spot very long.
But perhaps long enough to help "break it up" so things can flow.
Besides, it seems hard to find stimulating Christian conversation any more (SSDD).
And so I have to stimulate it myself, like a dancing fool in his underwear if thats what it takes.
Chuck, I defended you on another thread from what I felt was a personal attack. I want to be honest with you though. You sound irrational at this time. I hope whatever it is that is troubling you can get resolved in your mind and that you can gain some peace. My prayers are with you and I am very sorry to hear about the hardships that you have faced lately.
Chuck, I defended you on another thread from what I felt was a personal attack. I want to be honest with you though. You sound irrational at this time. I hope whatever it is that is troubling you can get resolved in your mind and that you can gain some peace. My prayers are with you and I am very sorry to hear about the hardships that you have faced lately.
Mark, the reason I am being irrational is beacuse I have been dealt with in an irrational manner. If I am hated, I can only give what I have received, hate. Can you give me $1,000,000 if in fact you don't have $1,000,000 but instead have a bag of sand because that's all that anyone has given you?
I appreciate your defense of me Mark, and thanks for your prayers.
A point I would like to deal with you here (Yes here, my man; for one thing since you posted here).
quote: A person who will not defend himself when attacked deserves to be devoured. ..... And if you are one of the party members I am bashing, please be man enough to take it up with me directly over there.
:)-->Hi cknapp3, I'm so sorry that you got hurt and hope I wasn't one of those who hurt you, its not fun at all. But you know Jesus said
"love those who hate you" Paraphrasing now. Its easy to love those who love you but for the love of God its so hard to love the one's who hate you, not an easy thing to do, but I did it and it feels so good not to have hate/resentment garbage in our heads.
--> --> this is me before I learned to forgive others and remember that others had to forgive me too, cuz I know that I've hurt others, never intentionally to be mean but usually because I was back into a corner and I lashed out to get away.
Cknapp be kind to yourself, your worth it. And try to be kind to others even if you don't think they are worth, God does. Love,Dovey :P-->
I don't know where to post this, but this seems as good a place as any (I've chosen two threads: mods, please forgive the cross-posting).
I set up the LES message board as a place Christians can go to with the presumption that the other posters are Christian and/or expressing Christian principles. It was never intended to be an "either/or" proposition. I do not ask or expect anyone to leave Greasespot in order to come to the LES board. Individual decisions to do one or the other are just that, individual decisions.
My individual decision is to be active on both boards.
And I hope you don't think/thought I think/thought you think/thought the other way (being, that you were trying to play some sort of pied piper with your site).
This thread was a general appeal to the trend. Not to stop the trend, but to address it "at the well-spring," and even moreso, to offer a real-time practical tool that one can take whether they leave or not.
Chuck, regardless of what the "jesus/bible/god says" thing, I say you are NOT limited to give only what you have received. You already have and are so much, regardless. And we are not really dealing with sand or bags of money, but the very medium (yes, a tangible medium) of human compassion and understanding, patience, friendship, peacemaking, etc...
Sure, these things have limits and bounds, but you are the primary developer of those borders. In the end, it is foolish to get angry at anger (just as its ok to be a fool, too). For no one really chooses to be angry. But we can choose whether we are driven by it. Sometimes, we can just step back and watch our own anger flare up like a passive witness of a shooting star. Count to 10, they say. Or 1000.
Anger overcomes us. It makes us irrational. It sweeps us off our feet. But who can resist such a thing once it has bitten us in the heart? So why blame your enemy for being angry with you? IMO, all the brawlers have simply been snuck up on and clubbed over the head while you weren't looking (so, trying looking - ask yourself what triggered "their" anger - it had to be something - don't judge it, just see it, then take it in as if you were them).
The sooner we see this part of it, the sooner we can move pass (or better yet, escape) the blame game (blaming ourselves, too). Its the blame game that keeps us going in circles (like a cage match). Its the trial that never wants to end. It just peters out when everyone is too emotionally exhausted to say another word. Drunk on blood, to put it mildly. Last man to topple over wins the game. yahoo. -->
And the hangover is a b!tch, too.
"Dude, where's my car?"
Who the heck knows.
So, try the tea for a day or two. Think of it as an ancient chinese secret.
And yeah, Duv,
It sucks for us, more than anyone, to have a swollen red darkness in our head.
Which makes us even more uncomfortable and more irritable and more defensive when another like-inflicted voice bumps into us. Though we like to say the source of our anger is out there somewhere in the darkness. Or better yet, "here is the culprit now!" ;)-->
Better to consume the darkness in the fires of our own heart,
then to continually produce it and desperately try to find a place to dump it all.
Its like sending nuclear waste to the sun rather than in your neighbor's yard.
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread (even regardles of content).
Keeps it popping to the top.
Please, let me know how/if the method works, if you like (I know, its kinda naked).
Cuz sure, it may sound good in writing.
It may fill our thoughts with light (which is wonderful - beautiful).
But what is that compared to bringing a real transformation towards an ideal?
Compared to transforming our relationships with our children, spouses, co-workers, strangers, enemies, folks on the TV, our own selves?
In the beginning, it is only us we are changing.
And this gets hard to say after a while, because everyone else begins to look different too.
But in the end, it is not only us who are changed. Because it is contagious.
I see that PART of the dilemna is quoting something from another site. It is almost impossible to get the complete context.
As OE said, (paraphrasing) What I do outside of GS is my business. That is so true. I don't think it is fair to anyone to quote from one site and then post on it. The JW site has it's own set of rules (and yes it does have rules) and Raf's site has a set of rules and depending on who you talk to GS either has too many or not enough.
JW site is quoting from GS and LES. I can't and won't stop something that is a person's right. I posted something at LES to make a point to a number of people that seemed angry about GS not being a Christian site and it is seeping over here. I hadn't really thought about that since it really only addressed issues that some of the newer posters at Raf's site had and none of the information was secret or new. Cross forum quoting is new to GS and I don't know if it is a problem or not. The biggest issue that I see is "context".
So all that I can do is deal with this site. I joined Raf's site as a means of support and may post occasionally, just as I did on 1000screen name's site (his site is still open by the way, keeping us all abreast on a daily basis of the number of shopping days until Christmas). I don't have the time to join the JW site, although I have read some of the posts. I know what this site is about and don't want to be like any of the other sites.
I have my mission and to be honest, it was designed for people to get info and if they want stay and if they don't move on. Many friendships have been made at the cafe and if the forums closed today, it would have been well worth it. But it is not going to close. I am not going to ban people that post BS about GS on other sites. I don't have the time or energy to even think about that.
As far as "selectively" enforcing the rules, if I am guilty of that, I truly apologize. I always have expected this site to be a great experience for all that come here. I miss things as do the moderators. It is not intentional. And if it does happen, please email me or alert me.
If you are leaving the site and are dissatisfied, drop me a line and tell me why if you have the time.
I get about an equal number of complaints that I am too involved and make too many rules. Strangely enough I get about the same number of compliments that the rules are great and the hands off approach is wonderful. So based on feedback, I am always clear as mud on how everyone feels. I follow what I think is the best way to deal with situations. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have a number of friends that are all members of the board that I run things by. I generally try to look at any "rule" through the eyes of others. It is ultimately subjective. Sometimes people give me ideas that accomplish the task and disarm the poster with humor.
I'll be back later with some more... BBQ... I have my priorities.
quote:As OE said, (paraphrasing) What I do outside of GS is my business. That is so true. I don't think it is fair to anyone to quote from one site and then post on it.
You are a wise man. Please forgive me for any trouble I may have caused you personally and GS. This is your site and you make the rules, I can respect that. I spoke against someone on another site but not against you or GS. The quote from the other site that was copied here made it sound a lot worse than it was.
I agree that keeping things in context is important but beyond that. If your man enough to speak about someone behind their back then be man enough to stand by your words when the repercussions come. Other wise these sites will just become free sniping zones where you can go and insult people while keeping your smiley status protected elsewhere.
If I had 50 emails telling me I'm too harsh.....and 50 telling me I'm too lienient (sp?)I think I'd be happy as a clam.....I'm right in the middle.....taking the middle of the road.
Rock on Mr Pawtucket sir! I ain't going anywhere soon.....I enjoy Rafael's sight for what it is...and I enjoy this one for what it is. I doesn't get any sweeter than that!
I've never heard of Knowles, but I will look it up.
Tea-Chi/Tea-ching...yuk yuk. ;)-->
Haven't had a chance to study Tai-Chi much yet either.
I have found that this method has been given so many names, and can be traced back to antiquity.
"Tonglen" is the Tibetan name for it, for example, but the practice is itself is beyond names.
Its form has surfaced in countless places (such as Knowles and Tai-Chi, obviously).
It is both art and science of the human body and mind.
The process of visualization is more powerful than we often realize.
With it, we can move and arrange energies of our own body, but also beyond our own body.
If we can feel it, it is real, right?
Also, an "exercise" is a fine description, but it doesn't quite capture the full purpose.
Maybe "tool" or "device" (both of which can also serve as exercises).
But this is not just mental gymnastics. It is a transforming practice.
There is "a witness" in the outcome.
Our breathing and our ability to visualize are some of the most powerful tools we have in our human anatomy. Problem is, we usually only live with the accidental versions of both.
Education is the key to reversing this trend, if we can ever get over the cultural/scriptural taboos.
The highest inner sciences that Jesus used were already developed before the flood even washed Noah's world away.
Our deepest strengths unfolds with the intent of giving life from within ourselves.
Blasphemy against the pneuma hagion is the one not forgiven, right?
I have to forget myself to do it-or should I say stumble through it. And remember who to trust with all my heart. Breathing in the darkness...somehow it makes sense.
The christ...a burning fire within.
Will it change me? Scarey thought. Or perhaps even transform....
But there is something to this. Funny, you really can't do just one of them and live that life within. Just breath....
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Hi Chuck.
Truly sorry about your brother.
Thanks for being so open about your rage and stuff.
Raw as a red dragon, at times. Aint it?
What can ya do?
I know Raf.
Thanks for trying it again tho.
G-bye, I guess. (shrugs)
Ok, heerz another little rant:
(seein as how most responses have very little to do with the method I described in the first post)
Re: all this rejecting and accepting,
all this attacking and defending...
Honestly, and Doctrinally, how can the Christians justify all this?
Where did all these "holy" methods of problem solving come from, anyway?
Who really taught these standards?
And how well are they working?
I mean, are you not "man enough" to sit down with the publicans and sinners without "choosing" who is who? Give up your chief seat. Do you represent the prince of peace or war?
If your antagonists are so feeble and broken and ignorant and weak and godless,
then heal them, for God's sake. Feed them. Help clothe their poor souls, why don't ya?
Fill your "enemies" with warmth, if you've the heart to do it. The will?
Otherwise, I suggest you stop name-dropping, and for your sake, more than anything.
No one is ever gonna hurt your Jesus again anyway, and perhaps all your irritating flies will go away (not the people, but the irritations).
Ya see what I mean?
If the "infidels do it first," which justifies the "children of God" doing it til the day Jesus flies back, have you really learned any new laws since Egypt or The Woods?
We gotta new deal, right?
Perhaps you simply do not know how. Knowledge is not a given, after all, right?
Try the tea, for starters. I'm not joking. Really.
Or maybe you think "it" is a fool's errand, or completely unwise as a "future" investment, and so all this soul-stabbing is completely justified in the courtroom of God, in order to protect your assets and the assets of your closest friends. I can understand this. Big time. Heck, we came from the same ocCULTtic migraine, remember? And the world is full of it, all this eating each other alive like fish eating fish eating fish eatng fish. Stuck somewhere in a spiritual food chain. There are always bigger fish (and smaller ones).
I do hope I have poked and stirred something in you all.
I won't press on this hardened, sore spot very long.
But perhaps long enough to help "break it up" so things can flow.
Besides, it seems hard to find stimulating Christian conversation any more (SSDD).
And so I have to stimulate it myself, like a dancing fool in his underwear if thats what it takes.
Edited by sirguessalotLink to comment
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but the ice water sounded good about now Garth
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Mark Sanguinetti
Chuck, I defended you on another thread from what I felt was a personal attack. I want to be honest with you though. You sound irrational at this time. I hope whatever it is that is troubling you can get resolved in your mind and that you can gain some peace. My prayers are with you and I am very sorry to hear about the hardships that you have faced lately.
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If anyone's attacking me on another board,
I don't know of it, if they are, I wish they'd stop, and I don't care
enough about it to launch an investigation or to wade into insult-fests
You may consider that whatever you want. I don't have enough time or
inclination to investigate what people MIGHT say about me.
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WW "I don't have enough time or inclination to investigate what people might be saying about me....."
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Mark, the reason I am being irrational is beacuse I have been dealt with in an irrational manner. If I am hated, I can only give what I have received, hate. Can you give me $1,000,000 if in fact you don't have $1,000,000 but instead have a bag of sand because that's all that anyone has given you?
I appreciate your defense of me Mark, and thanks for your prayers.
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Garth, Private Topic
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"love those who hate you" Paraphrasing now. Its easy to love those who love you but for the love of God its so hard to love the one's who hate you, not an easy thing to do, but I did it and it feels so good not to have hate/resentment garbage in our heads.
Cknapp be kind to yourself, your worth it. And try to be kind to others even if you don't think they are worth, God does. Love,Dovey
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Linda Z
Dovey. you're a gem among gems.
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I don't know where to post this, but this seems as good a place as any (I've chosen two threads: mods, please forgive the cross-posting).
I set up the LES message board as a place Christians can go to with the presumption that the other posters are Christian and/or expressing Christian principles. It was never intended to be an "either/or" proposition. I do not ask or expect anyone to leave Greasespot in order to come to the LES board. Individual decisions to do one or the other are just that, individual decisions.
My individual decision is to be active on both boards.
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Thanks Raf. I hear ya. Makes sense. Good stuff.
And I hope you don't think/thought I think/thought you think/thought the other way (being, that you were trying to play some sort of pied piper with your site).
This thread was a general appeal to the trend. Not to stop the trend, but to address it "at the well-spring," and even moreso, to offer a real-time practical tool that one can take whether they leave or not.
Chuck, regardless of what the "jesus/bible/god says" thing, I say you are NOT limited to give only what you have received. You already have and are so much, regardless. And we are not really dealing with sand or bags of money, but the very medium (yes, a tangible medium) of human compassion and understanding, patience, friendship, peacemaking, etc...
Sure, these things have limits and bounds, but you are the primary developer of those borders. In the end, it is foolish to get angry at anger (just as its ok to be a fool, too). For no one really chooses to be angry. But we can choose whether we are driven by it. Sometimes, we can just step back and watch our own anger flare up like a passive witness of a shooting star. Count to 10, they say. Or 1000.
Anger overcomes us. It makes us irrational. It sweeps us off our feet. But who can resist such a thing once it has bitten us in the heart? So why blame your enemy for being angry with you? IMO, all the brawlers have simply been snuck up on and clubbed over the head while you weren't looking (so, trying looking - ask yourself what triggered "their" anger - it had to be something - don't judge it, just see it, then take it in as if you were them).
The sooner we see this part of it, the sooner we can move pass (or better yet, escape) the blame game (blaming ourselves, too). Its the blame game that keeps us going in circles (like a cage match). Its the trial that never wants to end. It just peters out when everyone is too emotionally exhausted to say another word. Drunk on blood, to put it mildly. Last man to topple over wins the game. yahoo.
And the hangover is a b!tch, too.
"Dude, where's my car?"
Who the heck knows.
So, try the tea for a day or two. Think of it as an ancient chinese secret.
And yeah, Duv,
It sucks for us, more than anyone, to have a swollen red darkness in our head.
Which makes us even more uncomfortable and more irritable and more defensive when another like-inflicted voice bumps into us. Though we like to say the source of our anger is out there somewhere in the darkness. Or better yet, "here is the culprit now!"
Better to consume the darkness in the fires of our own heart,
then to continually produce it and desperately try to find a place to dump it all.
Its like sending nuclear waste to the sun rather than in your neighbor's yard.
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread (even regardles of content).
Keeps it popping to the top.
Please, let me know how/if the method works, if you like (I know, its kinda naked).
Cuz sure, it may sound good in writing.
It may fill our thoughts with light (which is wonderful - beautiful).
But what is that compared to bringing a real transformation towards an ideal?
Compared to transforming our relationships with our children, spouses, co-workers, strangers, enemies, folks on the TV, our own selves?
In the beginning, it is only us we are changing.
And this gets hard to say after a while, because everyone else begins to look different too.
But in the end, it is not only us who are changed. Because it is contagious.
Share the tea.
Pay it forward.
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Some Ramblings
I see that PART of the dilemna is quoting something from another site. It is almost impossible to get the complete context.
As OE said, (paraphrasing) What I do outside of GS is my business. That is so true. I don't think it is fair to anyone to quote from one site and then post on it. The JW site has it's own set of rules (and yes it does have rules) and Raf's site has a set of rules and depending on who you talk to GS either has too many or not enough.
JW site is quoting from GS and LES. I can't and won't stop something that is a person's right. I posted something at LES to make a point to a number of people that seemed angry about GS not being a Christian site and it is seeping over here. I hadn't really thought about that since it really only addressed issues that some of the newer posters at Raf's site had and none of the information was secret or new. Cross forum quoting is new to GS and I don't know if it is a problem or not. The biggest issue that I see is "context".
So all that I can do is deal with this site. I joined Raf's site as a means of support and may post occasionally, just as I did on 1000screen name's site (his site is still open by the way, keeping us all abreast on a daily basis of the number of shopping days until Christmas). I don't have the time to join the JW site, although I have read some of the posts. I know what this site is about and don't want to be like any of the other sites.
I have my mission and to be honest, it was designed for people to get info and if they want stay and if they don't move on. Many friendships have been made at the cafe and if the forums closed today, it would have been well worth it. But it is not going to close. I am not going to ban people that post BS about GS on other sites. I don't have the time or energy to even think about that.
As far as "selectively" enforcing the rules, if I am guilty of that, I truly apologize. I always have expected this site to be a great experience for all that come here. I miss things as do the moderators. It is not intentional. And if it does happen, please email me or alert me.
If you are leaving the site and are dissatisfied, drop me a line and tell me why if you have the time.
I get about an equal number of complaints that I am too involved and make too many rules. Strangely enough I get about the same number of compliments that the rules are great and the hands off approach is wonderful. So based on feedback, I am always clear as mud on how everyone feels. I follow what I think is the best way to deal with situations. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have a number of friends that are all members of the board that I run things by. I generally try to look at any "rule" through the eyes of others. It is ultimately subjective. Sometimes people give me ideas that accomplish the task and disarm the poster with humor.
I'll be back later with some more... BBQ... I have my priorities.
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Tom Strange
why thank you Mr. Miahgi... I have some reading to catch up on here...
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You are a wise man. Please forgive me for any trouble I may have caused you personally and GS. This is your site and you make the rules, I can respect that. I spoke against someone on another site but not against you or GS. The quote from the other site that was copied here made it sound a lot worse than it was.
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I agree that keeping things in context is important but beyond that. If your man enough to speak about someone behind their back then be man enough to stand by your words when the repercussions come. Other wise these sites will just become free sniping zones where you can go and insult people while keeping your smiley status protected elsewhere.
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If I had 50 emails telling me I'm too harsh.....and 50 telling me I'm too lienient (sp?)I think I'd be happy as a clam.....I'm right in the middle.....taking the middle of the road.
Rock on Mr Pawtucket sir! I ain't going anywhere soon.....I enjoy Rafael's sight for what it is...and I enjoy this one for what it is. I doesn't get any sweeter than that!
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Sir guess- well I see your improved Knowles breathing has caused some of the smoldering embers to flare up. It is a great visualization exercise.
Would you call it a Tea-Chi exercise, or a Tea-ching technique?
(These puns would probably get me kicked off the Tea-Gong show)
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Hi, ckeer.
I've never heard of Knowles, but I will look it up.
Tea-Chi/Tea-ching...yuk yuk.
Haven't had a chance to study Tai-Chi much yet either.
I have found that this method has been given so many names, and can be traced back to antiquity.
"Tonglen" is the Tibetan name for it, for example, but the practice is itself is beyond names.
Its form has surfaced in countless places (such as Knowles and Tai-Chi, obviously).
It is both art and science of the human body and mind.
The process of visualization is more powerful than we often realize.
With it, we can move and arrange energies of our own body, but also beyond our own body.
If we can feel it, it is real, right?
Also, an "exercise" is a fine description, but it doesn't quite capture the full purpose.
Maybe "tool" or "device" (both of which can also serve as exercises).
But this is not just mental gymnastics. It is a transforming practice.
There is "a witness" in the outcome.
Our breathing and our ability to visualize are some of the most powerful tools we have in our human anatomy. Problem is, we usually only live with the accidental versions of both.
Education is the key to reversing this trend, if we can ever get over the cultural/scriptural taboos.
The highest inner sciences that Jesus used were already developed before the flood even washed Noah's world away.
Our deepest strengths unfolds with the intent of giving life from within ourselves.
Blasphemy against the pneuma hagion is the one not forgiven, right?
Why not? Because its like holding your breath.
One way or another, we always lose.
Sorry, didn't mean to sound so corrective.
It wasn't my purpose for posting it.
Hey, I heard a good one tonight:
We are not humans trying to be spiritual beings.
But spiritual beings trying to be human.
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Vertical Limit
Breathing in the darkness
Breathing out the love and light
Painful---Yep both of 'em.
I have to forget myself to do it-or should I say stumble through it. And remember who to trust with all my heart. Breathing in the darkness...somehow it makes sense.
The christ...a burning fire within.
Will it change me? Scarey thought. Or perhaps even transform....
But there is something to this. Funny, you really can't do just one of them and live that life within. Just breath....
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Like a daystar rising in our hearts, I think.
Its really good to see ya, VL.
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