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An appeal to the Christians who want to leave the GSC...


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..and Christians in general, and whomever else wants to read.

A shot in the dark is like a lamp on a hill, I suppose.

Better to light one candle than curse the darkness.


So here is a simple cup of tea, brewed to help soothe all these acceptions and rejections that have come to trouble the GSC. Though even the untroubled will benefit, if they wish.

Its medium is familiar. It is pneuma hagion.

I assume that all this “leaving” of the GSC is for similar reasons (but different for each, of course), and all this “staying” is for different reasons (but similar of each, of course). I can also assume that the “want-to-leavers” are wanting to do so for what they consider to be Christian reasons based on Christian principle. After all, is there any other reason for a Christian?

As an obvious yacker of various things Christ, and as a visiting frequenter of this here caf?I write this now in hopes that you “leavers” either taking these words with you in the spirit of peace (if leaving is what you do), or stay in the spirit of peace, and work out the things you claim to want in the spirit of reason, if whom you insist is your Master has indeed shown you how.

And so, in peace and grace, with barest chest …

I say this with the most Christian language I can muster.

Not a doctrine, but an open practice to all.

Thus, the forum I chose.


I ask, who here cannot feel that pain deep in your soul?

That pulsating ache that never seems to go away?

Increasing as the years wear on?

Don’t worry.

Its just that our soul is pregnant with a new Spirit of Love, which is the Christ of God.

And just like birth of the flesh, the good news is that there IS joy on the other side of the tears and pangs of pain.

So do not resist what is causing this pain.

You mothers already know whereof I speak.

Perhaps we all just need a spiritual midwife to help us through the "great tribulation" of Christ's coming. icon_wink.gif;)-->

And so, when it comes to bearing such a Kid, it is better to ache with this unborn Love than not to ache at all. Or worse yet is to cover oneself in armor and draw lines in the sand because the slightest prick feels like a stab to the heart. We may remain barren.

Besides, like Jesus demonstrated...a stab to the heart need not kill you.

Or stir you to hatred. Let me show what I mean.

And he did. Quite explicitly, no?

So whose Christ can you accept?

And whose Christ can you reject?

Such a choice reminds me of choosing whose baby lives and whose baby dies.

Only a cruel master would do such a thing.

So I will give you mine. As I always try to do.

And I have already accepted yours, many times.

Even though you may not want to do the same.

Do you know what I mean?

That is, if you have even conceived of this kind of Love.

I’m sure you have, but conception is NOT the same as birth, is it?

There is an unmistakable period of transformation in between the two.

Do you want it, or not, depends on whether you seek such a thing.

Sometimes we seek only the pleasing and comfort of one's own self.

And so, I say, seek to learn to manifest Love like you wish you could.

For to do so, is to become an apostle, introducing a new light to the world.

Nothing is worth more to you, and everyone else.

It is a pure white gold intent, if you will.

Pain, like questions, will lead you through the darkness.

Pain will reveal all your personal edges.

Perhaps you say, “I would if I could, but I can’t so I won’t, and so before Christ, my Lord,

I am justified in all my rejections and isolation from and cursings and accusations and offenses of my "enemies."”

This illness, or feebleness of soul is what this cup of tea was originally made for.

A method to stir this unborn ember I speak of and we read of,

be it currently a burning sun or smoldering spark.

It will make no difference in the end.

It is a recipe of the ancients, brewed from the simplest leave and herbs from the tree of life. But masters the world over have perfected it for thousands of years.

Even Jesus, the Christ of the world, whom our deeply offended claim to serve.

I am just a wanderer who picked up the recipe from a traveller.

And so I pass it on.

So enjoy, if you dare. icon_wink.gif;)-->

And if you do, practice making it yourself.


The Art of Sending and Taking

The breath of life is one of the most powerful tools we have.

When we breath, we stimulate the subtle energies of the soul.

We shape and reshape the qualities of the currents of electricity, light, water, blood.

Our body and mind are shaped by these simple things.

Our emotions.

Our desires.

But Christ taught us to breathe like this.

He exhaled his spirit onto his students, and told them to receive it.

And we also read how he took on all the darknesses of the world.

Am I wrong?

It works like this:

Breathe OUT all the goodness and light you can muster.

Make friend and enemy alike sparkle in your radiant intent.

Then breath IN the darknesses between and around you.

Like a black, smoky tar, inhale them deep into your heart.

Try to do this, from breath to breath to breath.

It sounds simple. Because it is.

If we think it is a meaningless gesture of our imagination,

we understand little of the nature of breath and power of love,

or of the subtler realms of the soul and spirit.

We understand little of how love and intent moves and shapes atoms and molecules.

We understand little of how our very thoughts and emotions are made of the same stuff as the rest of our body.


And this practice takes courage, believe it or not.

To breathe in darkness?

You bet.

It may even make you nauseous at first.

But if you cannot do it, you might wanna ask yourself why?

More than a conquerer, huh?

Show me.

It takes an openness.

A true nakedness of soul.

And as you develop in it, what it does is transform you.

It stimulates and cultivates the deepest YOU, most of all.

And breathe life into that unborn Love gestating within the womb of your soul.

Using basic elements like oxygen, electricity, light, water, which is carried by your blood.

In the end, we are basically working with physical realities. Nothing more, nothing less.

To the degree you practice and explore with it,

you will gradually become that unflinching Lover of all.

Emotional pain does not go away, but it becomes ever so bearable.

Enabling us to rise above more than before.

The heart of a different kind of warrior will emerge and unfold.

Like burning away old hand-me-downs and donning a new cloak that is inflammable.

No, the world will not change. But our view of it will.

So practice breathing goodness when you exhale.

Try not to puke your darkness all over, like when you sigh with anger or seeth with hate.

Try not to gasp for goodness like a desperate and drowning fish.

Reverse the flow, and develop more ways of courageous being.

The power of this practice will unfold very rapidly in your life if you give yourself to it.

And most women already know this, naturally.

You mothers especially.

For it is the way of giving birth to a child.

And we all must be born again, right?

And so perhaps we are not as spiritually “far along” as we thought, or as we claim.

Especially if we want to keep our Christ hiding with us in a private cave.

But see that there is a divine offspring of Love kicking at the walls of our heart.

We can feel it. It is unmistakable. Especially as it grows until it is out of room.

Perhaps we can partake in a true transformation of the human soul, not just another fairy tale.

What, do you think the darkness may hurt the Christ?

I think Jesus proved Christ’s threshhold for pain, as well as his indestructability.

Darkness makes this capacity for true love shine ever brighter.

Fans its flames by blowing its light out into the darkness,

So that it shines like a lamp on a hill, or a star in the sky.

And so breathe out your goodness without exception.

As often as you remember. Do not quench the spirit.

Give freely of it in any way you can imagine.

Fill your enemies with warmth and light as you do,

Whether they are your religious antagonist, or the dumb-a$$ blocking traffic.

And always try to include yourself in its light.

And be brave enough to take in whatever darknesses you can feel and see,

Let these pains and tribulations be consumed upon the fires of your heart.

Whether they be the mutual frustrations of your religious antagonist,

Or the mutual impatience of all us dumb-a$$es stuck in traffic.

And always try to include your own darkness.

Ok, so it may not be “your cup of tea.”

But this pain some are so driven to avoid is the guardian of the gate.

Besides, its not like your gonna go get yourself crucified in the flesh, or something.

Or give all your money and time to an occultic cabal.

All we are playing with is our breath, really. Kids toys.

Something that belongs to us and no other.

Against such, there is no law.

If indeed we are trying to change the intent of our hearts.

What have we got to lose but our own light?

Why must we reject every darkness, if Christ is within?


Is our God-given breath of life nothing more than a ticking clock?

To tell someone else when we are dead?

I hope not. And I doubt it.

I look forward to feedback from,

as well as further discussion of.




p.s. there are many more “brews” like this in scriptures, which correspond with other eastern sciences and practices. But this one is very direct. Very effective. A staple, if you will. To use a familiar framework, its focus is on the heart and Christ and the Cross, which is our center of being (were the great union is), and so puts it in the category of “gifts of healing,” which requires us to eat the fruit of “longsuffering.” And so we meet him in the air. As always, Christ is closer than we think.

Edited by sirguessalot
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Todd for me your words are some of the most loving and inspiring ever written at greasespot. and today they had a much deeper effect on me, like i heard them with both my ears instead of one of my ears.

thank you. i really needed to hear you.



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What a beautiful thing(s) to say. icon_smile.gif:)--> It was just the thing I needed to hear and so simple too. Breath in the darkness which surrounds us and breath out the love of God. It will bless you enormously and bless others friend or foe. Thank you so much for these words of wisdom sirguessalot. I'm gonna print it and put it wherever I know I will see it everyday. anim-smile.gificon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:--> and I got plenty of places to hang it, like every room in the house, and yes the bathroom too! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_eek.gif

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What as wonderful way to live....always changing the atmosphere we're in and leaving it lighter, more peaceful than before!

One never knows where this healing will lead us - and we may not ever know the healing effect it has on those around us who may just be passing by.

Thanks Todd

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Thanks, you guys, for the reviews of the brew.

And please share any results you experience, if and when.

Like I said, it gets very directly to the heart of the matter (our matter),

both coming and going. icon_smile.gif:)-->

Not that I don't like watching a good brawl every now and then,

(it can be a beautiful thing to behold, like watching a fight on Animal Planet)

I only wish the troubled Christians (Mike, too) would at least pop in to sample.

Would it help if I made the title more bold and offensive?



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You know, I'm beginning to think that all the Christians should go to Raf's site, everyone else go to the ex-JWs site, and we all urge pawtucket to close GS message boards down. I was browsing Raf's site when I came across this gem:


Upon email from a friend, I went over to that Jehovah's Witness site and was thoroughly disgusted at what I found there. The same people who are always giving me hell at GSC are over there reveling in the contention on GS--laughing at what they started. If any of you were ever inclined to give Refiner, CKnapp, P-Mosh, excathedra, or Onion Eater the benefit of the doubt should go read the vile things they're posting over there.

What vile things have I posted, and what did I start that I have laughed about? Yes, I don't like Christianity in the way most people act who believe it, but I try to use restraint when expressing that in mixed company so I don't offend anyone. Yes, CKnapp3 is giving you hell over there and I think he wants you to go there to argue with him. Other than that, I don't think most of the people on your list complained about you specifically or anything else. Perhaps they have since I last looked since the site is blocked from where I work. Of course, it gets better:


I'm not trying to tell Paw or Raf their business, but I strongly urge the both of them to watch all of them closely. I've seen cross-site troll wars start up before, and this is exactly how they begin. Go over there, read what's going on, and then decide for yourselves if their accounts should be locked or at least placed under moderation immediately. Let them wail and gnash their teeth over there, but don't let a word of it into your forums. Most of the time those who wish you evil are cowardly in solitude, but quickly emboldened when egged on by a mob. The only way to keep them from busting up the joint is never to let them in the front door.

Now you're asking pawtucket to kick all of us off the site and calling us trolls. How many of the threads about GreaseSpot going downhill have I started? None. How many posts in those threads have I made? Relatively few, and none are meant to attack anyone. In fact, the only naming of someone here was of a former/current user here who was part of the reason Rocky got kicked out. If anything, what I said should have deflected attention from you and to the other person.

It's not like I should have expected better, but it's sad to see a so-called "Christian" site exist so users of this one can go off and be backstabbers towards other members of this one. It's bad when non-Christians do it on the JWO site, but Christians are the ones that claim to follow the morals of the bible. I know Raf didn't set up his site to be "complain about your least favorite GS users" but it looks like it is getting that way. It's particularly sad that a former user here equates the discussion of atheism with rape as well.

If they want to consider all of us that don't toe the line with Christianity as rapists, trolls, whatever that's their right. However, they could at least do it on a forum that we can respond on. Personally, I'm agreeing with Raf's idea that he runs a Christian website and I won't go there and argue with people. However, I'll call it out here instead.

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I was wondering when someone would get around to posting that.

I'd quote the filth that elicited that post, except that:

a) It wouldn't make it past the moderators due to all the obscene language, and

b) It's still available for public view here and here as well as a couple of other threads.

If you weren't involved in the trolling there, P-Mosh, I'd apologize, except that now you're starting a new troll off of Raf's site instead. Looks like the list was correct in the first place.

But, please, report it to the site moderators for appropriate action. By all means. The site obviously needs less of people like me and more of people like you. Maybe you can teach Todd how to say "monkeyc***", too. Lord knows we don't see much of that around here now.

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Oh, there's more from another ex-GS user:


I absolutely agree with him on this. And yes it is ultimatley the site owner who will run things the way they see fit but I believe what Sevenar is saying and I believe they come bearing destruction. If you build it THEY will come and the best ofense is a good defense. Get ready to shut them down or your site will be something even you do not feel comfortable visiting. I feel it as well. Strongly.

I don't come here "bearing destruction" I came here like pretty much everyone else did. I wanted more information about the cult that f*cked up my life and my family's life for so many years. I don't care for your religion, but I'll be glad to discuss it and I'm glad it makes you happy, just don't hold me to a higher standard than you are held to when you compare atheism to rape and then having the gall to complain when we get mad and say something back.

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This is part of what I posted over there in response to that first quote (with emphases here in bold)

It's no secret that I got quite upset with Refiner because he said things about Greasespot posters on a board where they were not members. I don't think that's right. As a matter of principle, I think it's wrong to discuss posters who are not members of the board on which you're posting.

With the understanding of the context of the above message, and without the desire to squelch honest discussion and debate, I would ask that in the future we do not discuss posters who are not members of this board. In our forum rules, I ask them to give us (Christian posters) our space. Thus far, they have complied (and I have every reason to believe that their compliance is respectful). I'm not passing judgment on the above post. It's in a context and the context makes sense. I simply think I would be a hypocrite if I did not raise an objection to discussing posters who are not members of this site.

How do I say this without violating my own principle? I don't know, but I'll try:

I'm not at all happy with what I've read on the JWO site. But if we were to do here what we criticize them for doing there, we would be no better than the things we criticize.

The Christians are welcome here. All are welcome at Greasespot (moderated) and all are welcome at JWO (unmoderated).

Just something to think about.

People can read the thread for themselves to see if they agree with what I said about the context of that statement. Also, I was posting as me, not as admin or moderator.

As for the second quote, I ask that everyone allow LES to be a Christian site.

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Originally posted by Zixar:

I was wondering when someone would get around to posting that.

I'm glad to have helped you get such an important thing off your mind then.

Originally posted by Zixar:

I'd quote the filth that elicited that post, except that:

a) It wouldn't make it past the moderators due to all the obscene language, and

If you're referring to what I said, you said on another thread:

Originally posted by Zixar:

P-Mosh: In the interests of full disclosure, I did think it was a well-crafted vulgarity.

That doesn't sound too disapproving to me.

Originally posted by Zixar:

b) It's still available for public view http://www.jehovahswitnessonline.com/viewt...der=asc&start=0 and http://www.jehovahswitnessonline.com/viewtopic.php?t=5177 as well as a couple of other threads.

I can't really comment on those as the site is blocked from where I work. Maybe later if I feel like it, but probably not.

Originally posted by Zixar:

If you weren't involved in the trolling there, P-Mosh, I'd apologize, except that now you're starting a new troll off of Raf's site instead. Looks like the list was correct in the first place.

Dismissing it as trolling won't work, as I am simply responding to accusations against me posted on a site where I am not welcome. You would be the one who is trolling simply for naming names in order to bait all of us into an argument with you. For the most part on the JWO site I've tried to remain civil except for a few things I've said, but I haven't participated in complaining about how I hate specific users or anything. In fact, the only things I've said there that I wouldn't here are words that are blocked here.

Originally posted by Zixar:

But, please, report it to the site moderators for appropriate action. By all means. The site obviously needs less of people like me and more of people like you. Maybe you can teach Todd how to say "monkeyc***", too. Lord knows we don't see much of that around here now.

Unlike you, I don't like the idea of banning people who disagree with me. It's not an either or situation, I'd be perfectly happy to see you stay here as long as I do too, but I don't like the idea of people suggesting I be booted from this site behind my back when it should be said openly here if you really believe that list of people should be booted. That's why I said pawtucket should just shut the whole thing down. There are people on JWO that would like to see you booted, and you and others on Raf's board want to see others here booted. Why not grant everyone's wish and shut the site down? Imagine how happy you could be if you prevented non-Christians from ever posting here again.

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Originally posted by Raf:

People can read the thread for themselves to see if they agree with what I said about the context of that statement. Also, I was posting as _me,_ not as admin or moderator.

As for the second quote, I ask that everyone allow LES to be a Christian site.

I actually think that you and pawtucket made noble and honest statements over there, and I agree that the "fight" shouldn't be taken to your site, and I really don't think it should be taken to JWO either unless both parties register there.

In fact, I was mostly trying to avoid this whole spectacle, but since I was called out personally, I have no choice but to be involved. In fact, I didn't like what Chuck was doing since Zixar didn't register there, but I wanted to stay out of it. Since I have been lumped into a group with those that I have been lumped in with, that makes it my responsibility now to defend my own name (well, internet nickname) as well as theirs. I haven't always agreed with the people on Zixar's list in what they've done and said, but it doesn't matter now because I've been forced to pick a side in a stupid message board war that should have never started in the first place. When I am pushed I will push back, that's it. When someone is nice to me I am nice back. There's no other way for me to respond.

It's not a Christian vs. non-Christian thing even though some people want to paint it that way. You and I, for example, have never had an argument on here that I can think of. You're Christian, and I'm not, but I don't insult you for being one and you don't insult me for not being one. I think that's how people should act, and I try to except when backed into a corner.

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How happy I'd be? Are you nuts? The only non-Christians I absolutely don't want here are those who have to get their jollies by abusing Christians.

I also don't want people, Christians or non-Christians alike, publicly trying to incite a cross-site flame war. I don't see any other reason for your post than doing so. Perhaps what I posted on Raf's site was a bit broad in including you at the time, but after this, I don't think it is now.

Who said you were banned from Raf's site anyway? Why did you pick this thread to derail?

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Nice post Sir Guess. I think you are getting better with age. icon_wink.gif;)-->

A shot in the dark is like a lamp on a hill, I suppose.

I guess it is hard to see when one's own hill of beans is blocking their view......

"But this is our hill and these are our beans..." LOL

Thanks anyway...

nice posts on that other thread on Revelations as well....very interesting....even if I don't believe the Bible, that is very good stuff.

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A couple of other notes, just so that a few things are clear:

1. Mr. P is quoting comments that are addressed directly to pawtucket. One of the foundational principles of interpretation is "get 'to whom' correct." If you did not laugh at the preceding statement, I cannot help you.

2. Mr. P-Mosh is not banned from the site. No one is banned. The forum's rules specifically ask atheists and agnostics to give us our space, and I think it is kind of them to respectfully comply with that request. The fact that their compliance left them with no outlet to respond to what is said about them no doubt led Mr. P to post his comments here: appropriate since we are all members here.

3. In my itty bitty little insignificant opinion, this is not a derail (sirguess can tell me if he disagrees). The thread is addressed to Christians who want to leave GSC. Some of the people who fit that description are now registered on LES. We (I use the term broardly) are being quoted to show (accuse?) that we are not adhering to the standards expressed by sirguess in his very well-written opening post, or by the standards of our faith. I could be wrong, I could be right, but I don't think that's a derail.

4. I have a no GS-bashing rule on the LES site. However, I recognize (and I hope Paw understands) that there will be occasions of venting. In this particular case, the comments were specifically directed at Paw.

I'm going to refrain from saying anything else unless asked, but I want to be perfectly clear that I support Paw, I support GSCafe, I have not urged anyone to LEAVE here, and I expect to continue posting here until I am no longer welcome or able. Paw is the sole relevant judge of whether I am welcome, though, of course, tons and tons of factors can make me unable.

For example, badmouthing sea monkeys.

But that would be a derail.

Carry on.

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Originally posted by Zixar:

How happy I'd be? Are you nuts? The only non-Christians I absolutely don't want here are those who have to get their jollies by abusing Christians.

What about Christians who get their jollies by abusing non-Christians?

Originally posted by Zixar:

I also don't want people, Christians or non-Christians alike, publicly trying to incite a cross-site flame war. I don't see any other reason for your post than doing so.

I posted it here because as a non-Christian Raf's site is not for me. In fact, you were the one that started this by naming people who are not members of Raf's site. If you had not specifically named people (particularly me) then I would have left your post alone over there and not posted it here.

Originally posted by Zixar:

Perhaps what I posted on Raf's site was a bit broad in including you _at the time,_ but after this, I don't think it is _now._

You should include yourself, since you are the one who started naming names.

Originally posted by Zixar:

Who said you were banned from Raf's site anyway? Why did you pick this thread to derail?

I don't need to be banned, I respect Raf's request that it be a site for Christians. I'm not a Christian, so I don't sign up there.

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Thanks for the props of the hat, Lindy.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the wine.

Did I put mushrooms in it or something? icon_redface.gif:o-->

icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gif:D-->

I see us trying to casually take another sip as the desperate trio smashes through our table like a cartoon cloud. I can hardly stop myself from grinning too (did you put mushrooms in mine? icon_eek.gif). But I kinda saw it coming, but wasn’t quite sure how and when this wonder would present itself.

But honestly, guys. I don't mind, really.

You guys really crack me up sumtimes.

Cuz you aint hurting this thread much.

Its like an ice-sculpture to me.

Just please, put some clothes on or something. I can’t tell whether to dub it a courtroom of white-wigged barristers hurling and breathing reams of foul evidence at each other’s darkness, or a drunken frat orgy (with some man-on-man action, I might add). Ya know. I think if I didn't know how to laugh, I think I'd cry all the freakin time!

icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_razz.gif:P-->

I really wish you would stay and talk longer. I will try not to reject you. Please. Sit. At least try and talk about the friggin tea. icon_wink.gif;)--> Its not like I wasn't specific.

I know you guys can be smart and cool and good and all that, when and if you aren't so compelled by other things. Perhaps we can get to the heart of the matter. Or have you lost hope in that?

As E would say, mwah!


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Ok, thanks for the attempt, Raf. I just caught it.

And, in a way, you guys are kinda addressing the topic I started, from some wierd angle, I guess. It might even be called better than nothing.

Anywa, you guys are all over the place, and quickly, and I gotta go for awhile.

btw - what is monkeyc***, Zix?

If I'm in it, I at least want inside the joke.


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Well, I'm going to be honest with everyone here.

Yes, I have been dropping names over at JWO. However I am not doing it in a cowardly manner since it's not like those people are absolutely incapable of defending themselves. I invite and challenge those people whose names I've dropped to come over there and do just that.

And yes those posts as well as myself are full of rage. Add that to the fact that I lost my younger brother 2 weeks ago, so maybe I have alot to vent. A person who will not defend himself when attacked deserves to be devoured.

Therefore a person who reads what I say about him at JWO and then, instead of being man enough to join the forum and counterattack me directly, goes to another site and drops my name in a place where I am virtually forbidden to defend myself (Thanx BTW Rafi for your response to that icon_smile.gif:)--> ) is indeed the COWARD that I say he is.

I had promised Paw that I would post no more flammatory remarks here, personal or otherwise, so I have been making them over at JWO.

And you are all welcome to go over there and read them. And if you are one of the party members I am bashing, please be man enough to take it up with me directly over there.

Consider this also, you can banish me from a forum or a chatroom, but when we meet face to face on judgement day, how are you going to be able to banish me then? At that time you could wind up being my duck dinner! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Quotes should not be allowed from other boards if GS members are involved!!! I do not appreciate it as it is not exactly what it seems to be. What I say and do outside GS is MY business and no one elses. If you want to read it go there.

Do I have to list all the sites I post to in order to be here? Would you all like to know what I said at a LAPIDARY board, or maybe a GEOLOGY board I post to? I also belong to a PROFFESIONAL JEWELERS board and what I say about diamonds there is private.

Edited by OnionEater
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A point I would like to deal with you here (Yes here, my man; for one thing since you posted here).

A person who will not defend himself when attacked deserves to be devoured. ..... And if you are one of the party members I am bashing, please be man enough to take it up with me directly over there.

Hey! So I guess that means that Mahatma Ghandi ought to be the prime rib special of the day to you, ehh? Christmas! What is this about the testosterone routine about seeing who is man enough to going to another board just to fend off personal attacks against them? ... Like the insulting parties can't just get a job instead and do something *constructive* with their lives. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

Also keep in mind that, while we live in the U.S.A. with all of our Constitutional rights and all, guess what else is a Constitutional right? ... The right to forbid/throw out people out of one's private home/board/chat room/whatever. A-yup. Paw, Constitutionally speaking, cold throw our butts out if we don't praise the THE threads.

Otherwise, be cool, dude.

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