Mary Cate you are a riot girl. Gonna miss your posts. Actually Grease Spot needs someone with spunk and a sense of humor to match like you have shown the last few days.
Sorry to see you leave here. :(--> You have added a lot. Some decisions are not easily reached, but from having met you, I realize you must have put time and thought in reaching this conclusion/ course of action.
Maybe GS is going "downhill", just like water goes down hill to the sea, seeking release from the narrow river banks, to the more wide open water. Every river has it's rapids as well. This "GS river" just hit some "rapids", but true to form, the water continues on, undeterred. When canoeing, and running the rapids on rivers, the safest place to be is right in the middle of things where the "V" is formed.
There are two ways to survive on the river. Put yourself in the middle of the turbulence, or pull over, beach the canoe, and walk it past the hard part. Both methods of dealing with the situation are correct.
Some turbulence I have encountered on the rivers caused me to beach the canoe, and lead it by a rope, because what was in front of me was too much for me to handle, but once I was past the danger zone, I got back in and paddled on.
Will miss your posts, and I hope you get past the rapids quickly. Walking a canoe on a rope is like taking a "pet rock" out for a walk! :D-->
"The moderators cannot read your private messages"
Yeah, ri-i-i-i-i-ight. Just like personal attacks will not be tolerated. Is that all without exception or all without distinction or whatever that Piffle crap was?
I received a private topic post from another GSer today. When I hit reply, the return email was to GreasespotModerator. I told the person to use my email address and stop going through private topics. I don't trust or respect this forum's management and they have no business knowing the contents of my reply.
I got a call from a currently out of favor, but not yet banned GSer that told me what had happened to him. More info that I am glad to have about this site that I weighed when making my decision.
Those if you have posted (except for the lying moderator), thanks for your kind words and I have enjoyed getting to know many of you. It is time for me to haul the canoe out of the water, hoist it on the truck, get in and drive home. And find another lake next time I feel like I want to row.
Life is just too short for bad coffee, bad whiskey and dealing with liars and hypocrites.
When you hit "Reply" when responding to a Private Topic message, there is no "return email" - anybody: go ahead and try it, you get the same kind of box that you get when replying on a regular thread. You were sending an email
All I can say is her response was very,very rude especially to our wonderful moderators. They don't deserve to be called liars then run away before they can respond to her.
I think our moderators do a great job and according to her a pretty thankless job at that.
Why is it that everytime somebody wants to leave the GS, they have to give a big speech about it first?
Sounds to me like somebody is taking themselves too seriously.
The folks who run this site have always been fair and honest in their dealings with posters. If somebody wants to leave because they can't make personal attacks, well, don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out.
Used to be, that every last somebody, could check out private topics, not just moderators. Then this whole site switched over to a "new, and better" thing.
Before the site got switched over, I always wondered why there were so many "hits" on my PT's. Seemed like the entire GS community was looking at what I had to say to someone else.
Well -- Thankfully that has changed. I have no problem with a moderator reading what is in my PT. Moderators are there for a reason, and not there to "snoop".
To go back to the "river" analogy, Pawtucket is the headwaters, the Moderators are the banks of the river, we are the water, and we hit both rapids and "clear sailing" -- ie. Pt, and threads.
Moderators (imo) keep the water from straying too far off course, and headed for the "open sea". Water is a fractious lot, (just like us) and without boundaries, would go anywhere.
With that being said, I'm glad that it is only moderators that can access my PT messages. I'm not given to attack anyone, so mine are pretty innocent. Mine are probably passed over, as being too boring! :D-->
when you get a "private topic" so to speak in email, i believe it is just a notification and cannot be replied to. well i guess it could be, but since the notification comes from greasespot, a return email would probably go back to greasespot.
to reply you have to be on this website
mary cate, i think you are really terrific, and i so wish you would change your mind. but i've felt the way you feel.
We have been told more than once a PT was not read by Pawtucket or the moderators. I took it at face value then and am glad to see it hasn't changed. :)-->
Well, I, for one, feel that MC should get a refund for every cent of her Greasespot dues.
Jeeze Pete, why does everything have to be a farking soap opera? It's a freaking website, run at no cost to the participants (and at a rather sizeable cost to the administrator, I would guess) for THEIR benefit. In order to keep the level of catfighting to a minimum, a few rules were necessary. Maybe the rules - or their enforcement - aren't to your liking. So whadaya want fer nuthin'?
I agree george, but people have needs that are suppose to be met on the internet forum for ex-twi ya know. when needs are not met as we calcute they should be, disappointment and anger often is the result.
George a question for you ....
How can your God dam folks as you order him to do so in your above post, if you do not believe in any god?
I refuse to take the class again because they do not like me anymore geo.
what figure is it ? I guess you need to break it down as Im very meek but indeed quite stupid when it comes to the intellect of the bible and all the applied or implied rules of operation when it comes to rightly dividing it..
I just believed everything the experts know the real researchers who had the power to bless and dam etc.
so tell me please.
it is a genuine need and want. I think they may be paraell if I can figure out how to spell it ( you know like railroad tracks going along side of one another in the same direction) that I have learned is an important key as well.
Noone can read your private topics but the invited members. When you get an email notification, you should come to the site to do the reply. The email is just a notification and not a means of replying unless you click on the link that brings you to the message.
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I am sorry that you feel that way.
I have began to rather enjoy reading your posts.
I have found that even while many regulars here on Greasespot do carry very negative attitudes, some others are fairly nice.
I hope everything works out for you, good luck and May G-d bless you.
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The moderators cannot read your private messages
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Mark Sanguinetti
Mary Cate you are a riot girl. Gonna miss your posts. Actually Grease Spot needs someone with spunk and a sense of humor to match like you have shown the last few days.
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we LOVE YOU MARY CATE PLEASE DON'T GO. Please please please
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--> Mary Cate Please don't go. WE love you and want to see more posts darlin. 
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Edited by LGLink to comment
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Mary --
Ditto to Mark, and Galen's comments.
Sorry to see you leave here.
:(--> You have added a lot. Some decisions are not easily reached, but from having met you, I realize you must have put time and thought in reaching this conclusion/ course of action.
Maybe GS is going "downhill", just like water goes down hill to the sea, seeking release from the narrow river banks, to the more wide open water. Every river has it's rapids as well. This "GS river" just hit some "rapids", but true to form, the water continues on, undeterred. When canoeing, and running the rapids on rivers, the safest place to be is right in the middle of things where the "V" is formed.
There are two ways to survive on the river. Put yourself in the middle of the turbulence, or pull over, beach the canoe, and walk it past the hard part. Both methods of dealing with the situation are correct.
Some turbulence I have encountered on the rivers caused me to beach the canoe, and lead it by a rope, because what was in front of me was too much for me to handle, but once I was past the danger zone, I got back in and paddled on.
Will miss your posts, and I hope you get past the rapids quickly. Walking a canoe on a rope is like taking a "pet rock" out for a walk!
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Mary Cate
"The moderators cannot read your private messages"
Yeah, ri-i-i-i-i-ight. Just like personal attacks will not be tolerated. Is that all without exception or all without distinction or whatever that Piffle crap was?
I received a private topic post from another GSer today. When I hit reply, the return email was to GreasespotModerator. I told the person to use my email address and stop going through private topics. I don't trust or respect this forum's management and they have no business knowing the contents of my reply.
I got a call from a currently out of favor, but not yet banned GSer that told me what had happened to him. More info that I am glad to have about this site that I weighed when making my decision.
Those if you have posted (except for the lying moderator), thanks for your kind words and I have enjoyed getting to know many of you. It is time for me to haul the canoe out of the water, hoist it on the truck, get in and drive home. And find another lake next time I feel like I want to row.
Life is just too short for bad coffee, bad whiskey and dealing with liars and hypocrites.
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Mod Kirk
When you hit "Reply" when responding to a Private Topic message, there is no "return email" - anybody: go ahead and try it, you get the same kind of box that you get when replying on a regular thread. You were sending an email
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All I can say is her response was very,very rude especially to our wonderful moderators. They don't deserve to be called liars then run away before they can respond to her.
I think our moderators do a great job and according to her a pretty thankless job at that.
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Mod Kirk
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Why is it that everytime somebody wants to leave the GS, they have to give a big speech about it first?
Sounds to me like somebody is taking themselves too seriously.
The folks who run this site have always been fair and honest in their dealings with posters. If somebody wants to leave because they can't make personal attacks, well, don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out.
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What are the "new guidelines" that are so repressive? (my word, not Mary Cate's)
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Uncle Hairy
I am not trying to be contentious here, I am just trying to give an 'outsiders' view that is 'non partisan', I hope you take this as such.
You Wrote
Maybe it is because of things like this,
You Wrote
Bold Mine for clarity.
Mary Cate Wrote
Bold Mine for clarity.
The two statements are not exactly the same are they?
From this point on, if you are quoted, something entirely different to what Mary Cate said will be the norm, and vice versa.
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Used to be, that every last somebody, could check out private topics, not just moderators. Then this whole site switched over to a "new, and better" thing.
Before the site got switched over, I always wondered why there were so many "hits" on my PT's. Seemed like the entire GS community was looking at what I had to say to someone else.
Well -- Thankfully that has changed. I have no problem with a moderator reading what is in my PT. Moderators are there for a reason, and not there to "snoop".
To go back to the "river" analogy, Pawtucket is the headwaters, the Moderators are the banks of the river, we are the water, and we hit both rapids and "clear sailing" -- ie. Pt, and threads.
Moderators (imo) keep the water from straying too far off course, and headed for the "open sea". Water is a fractious lot, (just like us) and without boundaries, would go anywhere.
With that being said, I'm glad that it is only moderators that can access my PT messages. I'm not given to attack anyone, so mine are pretty innocent. Mine are probably passed over, as being too boring!
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when you get a "private topic" so to speak in email, i believe it is just a notification and cannot be replied to. well i guess it could be, but since the notification comes from greasespot, a return email would probably go back to greasespot.
to reply you have to be on this website
mary cate, i think you are really terrific, and i so wish you would change your mind. but i've felt the way you feel.
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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The pm MC refers to was an email sent by her with the wrong addy in the address bar. I suggest double checking that in the future.
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We have been told more than once a PT was not read by Pawtucket or the moderators. I took it at face value then and am glad to see it hasn't changed.
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George Aar
Well, I, for one, feel that MC should get a refund for every cent of her Greasespot dues.
Jeeze Pete, why does everything have to be a farking soap opera? It's a freaking website, run at no cost to the participants (and at a rather sizeable cost to the administrator, I would guess) for THEIR benefit. In order to keep the level of catfighting to a minimum, a few rules were necessary. Maybe the rules - or their enforcement - aren't to your liking. So whadaya want fer nuthin'?
Goddam, get a freaking grip already...
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I agree george, but people have needs that are suppose to be met on the internet forum for ex-twi ya know. when needs are not met as we calcute they should be, disappointment and anger often is the result.
George a question for you ....
How can your God dam folks as you order him to do so in your above post, if you do not believe in any god?
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George Aar
"How can your God dam folks as you order him to do so in your above post, if you do not believe in any god?"
Hey! It's a figure of speech! (Boy, you really need to take THE CLASS again, sheesh)
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I refuse to take the class again because they do not like me anymore geo.
what figure is it ? I guess you need to break it down as Im very meek but indeed quite stupid when it comes to the intellect of the bible and all the applied or implied rules of operation when it comes to rightly dividing it..
I just believed everything the experts know the real researchers who had the power to bless and dam etc.
so tell me please.
it is a genuine need and want. I think they may be paraell if I can figure out how to spell it ( you know like railroad tracks going along side of one another in the same direction) that I have learned is an important key as well.
thank you
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George Aar
"what figure is it?"
I think it's "derogatorio", but I'll have to check my AC syllabus...
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I haven't put any new guidelines in.
Noone can read your private topics but the invited members. When you get an email notification, you should come to the site to do the reply. The email is just a notification and not a means of replying unless you click on the link that brings you to the message.
Enforcement is not selective.
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