My deepest apologies, my friend. Mi scusi, mi dispiace.
I meant no harm. It's just that things, you know, things happen. I'd hate to see anything, you know, happen to anyone as nice as you. That's all. Health is so important. When you got your health, you got everything, right? No health, waddya got?
You're a smart guy. Just be smart. That's all I'm saying.
Oh my God... :o--> and all this time I thought it was a serious thread. You mean there's no such thing as OLM's and briney souls and SOM and and and and ... (as she runs away crying and sobbing).
Socks...explain, please explain. You mean to tell me you really didn't have that rabbit experience in the dessert? -->
All will be well. When we can meet and talk like this, with respect, like honorable people, we can always work out our differences. We have made a peace here today.
But at times...I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall someone - if he was to be say hit by a fudgcicle while riding a bike, or suddenly find coffee spilled on his best pants... or if he should be struck by a spitwad- then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room; and then I do not forgive. But with that said, I pledge - on the souls of my grandchildren - that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today.
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new threads can't be started in the silly forum, yet.
I was using it as a place to put silly threads and let them live a life of their own free from the clutter of real life situations.
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And yet, THE and the Amzing Sea Monkeys remain in the Open Forum.
Sometimes, I tell ya.
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I see, makes sense, thanks.
Hey hey hey hey hey heyyyyyy!
Raf, don't go there. Like your legs the way they bend now? Elbows that work? 10 fingers and 10 toes?
Leave the Amazing Sea Monkeys out of this
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Is that a threat? It's the RULES OF WAR ™ for you!
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Now wait just a cotton-pickin minute.
THE belongs in THE Open Forum, based upon long tradition.
Don't go messin with THE. THEm's fightin' words, THEm is. Anyone messin with THE gets placed into enemy status.
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Good topic for another poll...[click] Hey, that thing's not loaded, is it?
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My deepest apologies, my friend. Mi scusi, mi dispiace.
I meant no harm. It's just that things, you know, things happen. I'd hate to see anything, you know, happen to anyone as nice as you. That's all. Health is so important. When you got your health, you got everything, right? No health, waddya got?
You're a smart guy. Just be smart. That's all I'm saying.
Be smart.
Ciao, volere bene.
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Was that the cue for the mandolin solo?
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*shudder!* God forbid!!
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A la prochaine
AmazingSeaMonkeys silly?
Oh my God...
:o--> and all this time I thought it was a serious thread. You mean there's no such thing as OLM's and briney souls and SOM and and and and ... (as she runs away crying and sobbing).
Socks...explain, please explain. You mean to tell me you really didn't have that rabbit experience in the dessert?
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Tom Strange
Ala... you've got it all wrong! socks is saying it isn't silly... it's Amazing doncha know!
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HOw can you even suggest that The Amazing Sea Monkeys are "silly" ?
To many folks they are very real and border upon being the very meaning or essence of life itself.
Prepare yourself for some serious reproof from fundamentalist ASMB's (Amazing Sea Monkey Believers.)
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A la prochaine
I knew I could count on your support Goey.
You are very compassionate toward those Amazing Sea Monkey and this little minkee appreciates it!
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Grazie, grazie, Goey.
All will be well. When we can meet and talk like this, with respect, like honorable people, we can always work out our differences. We have made a peace here today.
But at times...I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall someone - if he was to be say hit by a fudgcicle while riding a bike, or suddenly find coffee spilled on his best pants... or if he should be struck by a spitwad- then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room; and then I do not forgive. But with that said, I pledge - on the souls of my grandchildren - that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today.
Ci sar?ace. Sia bene, sia bene
don cornholio
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