Haven't voted yet, cuz I'm not sure. Reason being -- I just scrolled back though time to December of '03, when I stopped lurking, and joined GS. The topics "back then" sure were different.
Topics then (and I did not stop on every page), were less explosive - unless you count that exploding whale thread, (page 24 of the Open Forum - I believe). The topics mentioned from then to now, seem to escalate in intensity, but with a whole lot of "fun" ones tossed in too.
Someone, somewhere said "these things go in cycles", and I for one tend to agree. I'm a living example of that. I came in here, and went off on subjects like same sex marriage, 10 commandments, is JC pre-existant, movies, you name it. Because of GS, and the opportunity afforded me to discuss things, I now have a revolving opinion.
(yea - I'm now going in circles! :P-->)
So I don't know if changes will work (are they needed)?;
It is different today than it was 7 months ago, but that can be construed as progress;
And I would never vote for a spanking.
Am working on a new fiddle tune for an up-coming contest, but I put the fiddle down for a bit, to answer. Things keep changing, and be that good or bad, change happens.
No - I just shave his beard! That's wirey and coarse and sometimes that's painful enough.
NOW may I please suggest we get back to the business of this poll before it gets moved to the Silly Forum - I know - I started it - but this is a real poll and deserves respect as such!
I'm truly sorry for the choo choo zix - I just couldn't resist.
Here are my thoughts:
GreaseSpot changes. It does go through cycles - but it changes too - especially the Open Forum. I suppose that's where most folks - especially those new here first feel comfortable.
More people get involved with the Internet every day - and technology advances every day [i'm specifically thinking of the statement Paw posted to Cnapp that perhaps he should change his password - I doubt that was said to placate him or "in jest".
Do you remember the day the Political Forum began? It was shortly after 9/11/2001 and after the horror and shock abated some - we were discussing items of security and other nations political views. It took up so much room - that Paw opened a separate forum for that - and look how that forum has changed and evolved. Almost nothing there is related to it's origins.
Pawtucket is a technology geek and he keeps his eyes open for better stuff - he always has - not just now.
I remember why these forums are here too. We play on them..share pictures...music---explore doctrine etc. But it originated as a lifeboat for those seeking a way out of twi. It's taken on another function of warning folks about it (twi) I hope that will always be a part of G'Spot...a big part. The biggest single function of this Cafe is the healing it promotes among those who were broken by the organization and others who need to heal from other organizations.
I'm more comefortable now about G'Spot than I was 12 hours ago - but I never considered that it would ever fold - until it's purpose no longer exists, perhaps, and I'm not sure that would cause it to fold.
hmm, I can't pick any of those answers, a typical Zix poll again. wonder what he will claim this one proves. I didn't see zixar's issues as having any bearing on the state of GS, but if it shuts him up then it is an improvement I would say.
quote: Whatever. As long as it shuts Zix up, Paw can spank my *** and call me Charlie.
That was the last choice Hape4!
I don't see any reason any longer for this attitude...at least here - on this thread. But - maybe you're so angry or hurt that anything he writes isn't read carefully?
The biggest single function of this Cafe is the healing it promotes among those who were broken by the organization and others who need to heal from other organizations.
I still have not voted, and now I doubt that I will.
For what it is worth -- and this is just an IMHO only!! -- here is what I think about the need for this, and my poll.
They should not be needed. I was being facetious, (tho somewhat serious) when I posted mine, however I doubt that Zixar felt the same way, and was deadly serious.
Every last somebody has something to offer here, and toes are gonna get stepped on. I got out my steel-toe boots, dusted 'em off, put them on, and started posting, when I saw how things worked here 7 months ago.
Opinions are just that, an opinion. And they are going to vary. There is one-hell-uva-lot-of-us who see things differently, but we came from the same "mold" -- (read "mold' anyway you like), and now -- here on this site, opinions seem to count.
I, for one, vote for GreaseSpot. "Changes" and all. It is a lively, "happening" place, and we are lucky to have it.
Krys- you can think anything you wish, but please don't vote for me. (its illegal in most states except chicago I guess, and maybe Florida.)
I admit to being tired of Zixars methods and manipulating attempts, but as to my not reading his poll, you are wrong. I cannot vote the last option, because if I do not agree with everything Paw does, I will not submit to being spanked or called names by him. (not that I think Paw has ANY desire to spank me) --> None of these vote options fit my views. Kinda like the current (and also the previous) presidential race. At least here, there is no consequence for not voting.
It IS Paws board, and he can do what he wants. This is MY computer, and I can punch any URL I want. If Paw's or Zixar's actions are disagreeable enough to me I can stop coming to GS, or I can ignore Zix (which I mostly do now until this thread).
The issues Zix raised in his first poll were not issues of concern to me. When I voted on it, my vote was negative, but was based on an entirely different issues than what he later said were his issues. The way the poll results were read by the originator, my vote was counted as agreeing with his issues. In fact, I was angry at losing several fun folks over another issue in the chat area. I was not even aware of the JW controversy, and was unaware of Chuck's supposed post, as I do not read doctrinal nor many About the Way threads.
I have tired of Zix in the politics threads, and rarely post there anymore. That leaves chat as one of the rare places he doesn't impart his most holy wisdoms.
It is possible that GS is falling away from my interest, but that does not mean it is not a viable site or that it is going downhill, only that it ceases to hold much interest for ME. Inspite of these or other poll results, this has nothing to do with GS's success or failure. I am not part of its target audience , goals or aims. Oh well, should I go, few would notice. Few have noticed Suz's absence either.
Hurt? nah, I won't even go there. Geesh, I am not hurt, how am I hurt by an website which I am not forced to come to, and whose stated goals have nothing to do with why I have been here? silly. GS had other ancillary areas which kept my interest, those areas have been impacted by a few incidents which therefore make it less interesting to me.
I appreciate different thoughts, The Strange guy is pointed but entertaining, P-Mosh provides interesting views also. Excat is a fun read. Raf keeps you thinking. Radar has much to add to any thread. Rocky was fun too, but Zix got under his skin too far and Rocky crossed the line. I feel Zix crossed the line, but apparently Paw did not. that is allright. I do however miss reading Rocky's posts, and chatting with Ala and with Suz and some other late nighters who have left GS in full or in part. C'est la vie.
I only come here to play, to track old friends, and to discuss politics. Some posters make this fun, some do not. It has nothing to do with their views, but everything to do with the way they interact with others. Some have those skills, some do not. Oh well, such is true on any board.
Hope you understand now why I refuse to vote on this poll.
The biggest single function of this Cafe is the healing it promotes among those who were broken by the organization and others who need to heal from other organizations.
Agreed, especially the first part, but I would add it may have a bigger impact on those who might have BECOME entrapped by TWI if not for the info provided on GS's main page.
All that aside, if chat is not fun, and the forums are not fun, those of us who are long past being hurt or helped by TWI will have little to afford us at GS. But as I was writing while you posted this, GS's ability to keep my interest has little to do with its goals nor its success, uphill or downhill.
I have voted NO. Actually Zix's original poll was his concern that Greasespot was going downhill. IMHO, if Zix continues on the course he is taking, he could end up being the very one to destroy Greasespot, and he would have nobody to thank but himself.
Incidently while we are on that subject, Greasespot has some formidable competition at Jehovah's Witnesses Online. http://www.jehovahswitnessonline.com . There is a forum that ironcially guarantees your freedom of speech, and there is absolutely no censorship whatsoever. You can use all the "filthy" words you want to. (I think their only policy is you can't threaten to physically hurt anyone, or post information that can lead to such activity) They even have an X rated forum where you can post dirty pictures :D--> :D--> :D--> (no child porn allowed of course) I find many Greasespotters have gone over there including myself. I think it was Refiner who came here from there and many have found that site because of him. I encourage everyone who believes in free speech to click on the link provided and join up.
Chuck: You have a very overinflated view of your own importance. So you had a post deleted, big deal. Cry about "freedom of speech" somewhere else. Maybe you can find a new forum where you can be a smarmy jerk and have people slobber all over you for it.
You know where the door is. Don't let it hit you in the ***.
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Hiya Zix.
Haven't voted yet, cuz I'm not sure. Reason being -- I just scrolled back though time to December of '03, when I stopped lurking, and joined GS. The topics "back then" sure were different.
Topics then (and I did not stop on every page), were less explosive - unless you count that exploding whale thread, (page 24 of the Open Forum - I believe). The topics mentioned from then to now, seem to escalate in intensity, but with a whole lot of "fun" ones tossed in too.
Someone, somewhere said "these things go in cycles", and I for one tend to agree. I'm a living example of that. I came in here, and went off on subjects like same sex marriage, 10 commandments, is JC pre-existant, movies, you name it. Because of GS, and the opportunity afforded me to discuss things, I now have a revolving opinion.
(yea - I'm now going in circles!
So I don't know if changes will work (are they needed)?;
It is different today than it was 7 months ago, but that can be construed as progress;
And I would never vote for a spanking.
Am working on a new fiddle tune for an up-coming contest, but I put the fiddle down for a bit, to answer. Things keep changing, and be that good or bad, change happens.
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I always vote for a spanking.
Plus, Charlie just sounds so much better than Lindy. Lindy is kind of girly, you know.
Thank you sir, may I have another.
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You've never been spanked by me! wink wink
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Give me another 6 months here. I'm sure you'll find something!
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MEOW, Krys, you shaver of THE.
Are you also the spanker of THE, or do you just prep THE for a good spanking? Whatever it is it sure sounds like fun.
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No - I just shave his beard! That's wirey and coarse and sometimes that's painful enough.
NOW may I please suggest we get back to the business of this poll before it gets moved to the Silly Forum - I know - I started it - but this is a real poll and deserves respect as such!
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You would shave a man's beard?!
Now I can't vote for "B" either.
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I'm truly sorry for the choo choo zix - I just couldn't resist.
Here are my thoughts:
GreaseSpot changes. It does go through cycles - but it changes too - especially the Open Forum. I suppose that's where most folks - especially those new here first feel comfortable.
More people get involved with the Internet every day - and technology advances every day [i'm specifically thinking of the statement Paw posted to Cnapp that perhaps he should change his password - I doubt that was said to placate him or "in jest".
Do you remember the day the Political Forum began? It was shortly after 9/11/2001 and after the horror and shock abated some - we were discussing items of security and other nations political views. It took up so much room - that Paw opened a separate forum for that - and look how that forum has changed and evolved. Almost nothing there is related to it's origins.
Pawtucket is a technology geek and he keeps his eyes open for better stuff - he always has - not just now.
I remember why these forums are here too. We play on them..share pictures...music---explore doctrine etc. But it originated as a lifeboat for those seeking a way out of twi. It's taken on another function of warning folks about it (twi) I hope that will always be a part of G'Spot...a big part. The biggest single function of this Cafe is the healing it promotes among those who were broken by the organization and others who need to heal from other organizations.
I'm more comefortable now about G'Spot than I was 12 hours ago - but I never considered that it would ever fold - until it's purpose no longer exists, perhaps, and I'm not sure that would cause it to fold.
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hmm, I can't pick any of those answers, a typical Zix poll again. wonder what he will claim this one proves. I didn't see zixar's issues as having any bearing on the state of GS, but if it shuts him up then it is an improvement I would say.
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That was the last choice Hape4!
I don't see any reason any longer for this attitude...at least here - on this thread. But - maybe you're so angry or hurt that anything he writes isn't read carefully?
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I still have not voted, and now I doubt that I will.
For what it is worth -- and this is just an IMHO only!! -- here is what I think about the need for this, and my poll.
They should not be needed. I was being facetious, (tho somewhat serious) when I posted mine, however I doubt that Zixar felt the same way, and was deadly serious.
Every last somebody has something to offer here, and toes are gonna get stepped on. I got out my steel-toe boots, dusted 'em off, put them on, and started posting, when I saw how things worked here 7 months ago.
Opinions are just that, an opinion. And they are going to vary. There is one-hell-uva-lot-of-us who see things differently, but we came from the same "mold" -- (read "mold' anyway you like), and now -- here on this site, opinions seem to count.
I, for one, vote for GreaseSpot. "Changes" and all. It is a lively, "happening" place, and we are lucky to have it.
Perhaps that should be the next poll ---
GreaseSpot? Yea or nay?
I would vote Yea.
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Krys- you can think anything you wish, but please don't vote for me. (its illegal in most states except chicago I guess, and maybe Florida.)
I admit to being tired of Zixars methods and manipulating attempts, but as to my not reading his poll, you are wrong. I cannot vote the last option, because if I do not agree with everything Paw does, I will not submit to being spanked or called names by him. (not that I think Paw has ANY desire to spank me)
--> None of these vote options fit my views. Kinda like the current (and also the previous) presidential race. At least here, there is no consequence for not voting.
It IS Paws board, and he can do what he wants. This is MY computer, and I can punch any URL I want. If Paw's or Zixar's actions are disagreeable enough to me I can stop coming to GS, or I can ignore Zix (which I mostly do now until this thread).
The issues Zix raised in his first poll were not issues of concern to me. When I voted on it, my vote was negative, but was based on an entirely different issues than what he later said were his issues. The way the poll results were read by the originator, my vote was counted as agreeing with his issues. In fact, I was angry at losing several fun folks over another issue in the chat area. I was not even aware of the JW controversy, and was unaware of Chuck's supposed post, as I do not read doctrinal nor many About the Way threads.
I have tired of Zix in the politics threads, and rarely post there anymore. That leaves chat as one of the rare places he doesn't impart his most holy wisdoms.
It is possible that GS is falling away from my interest, but that does not mean it is not a viable site or that it is going downhill, only that it ceases to hold much interest for ME. Inspite of these or other poll results, this has nothing to do with GS's success or failure. I am not part of its target audience , goals or aims. Oh well, should I go, few would notice. Few have noticed Suz's absence either.
Hurt? nah, I won't even go there. Geesh, I am not hurt, how am I hurt by an website which I am not forced to come to, and whose stated goals have nothing to do with why I have been here? silly. GS had other ancillary areas which kept my interest, those areas have been impacted by a few incidents which therefore make it less interesting to me.
I appreciate different thoughts, The Strange guy is pointed but entertaining, P-Mosh provides interesting views also. Excat is a fun read. Raf keeps you thinking. Radar has much to add to any thread. Rocky was fun too, but Zix got under his skin too far and Rocky crossed the line. I feel Zix crossed the line, but apparently Paw did not. that is allright. I do however miss reading Rocky's posts, and chatting with Ala and with Suz and some other late nighters who have left GS in full or in part. C'est la vie.
I only come here to play, to track old friends, and to discuss politics. Some posters make this fun, some do not. It has nothing to do with their views, but everything to do with the way they interact with others. Some have those skills, some do not. Oh well, such is true on any board.
Hope you understand now why I refuse to vote on this poll.
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Agreed, especially the first part, but I would add it may have a bigger impact on those who might have BECOME entrapped by TWI if not for the info provided on GS's main page.
All that aside, if chat is not fun, and the forums are not fun, those of us who are long past being hurt or helped by TWI will have little to afford us at GS. But as I was writing while you posted this, GS's ability to keep my interest has little to do with its goals nor its success, uphill or downhill.
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I have voted NO. Actually Zix's original poll was his concern that Greasespot was going downhill. IMHO, if Zix continues on the course he is taking, he could end up being the very one to destroy Greasespot, and he would have nobody to thank but himself.
Incidently while we are on that subject, Greasespot has some formidable competition at Jehovah's Witnesses Online. http://www.jehovahswitnessonline.com . There is a forum that ironcially guarantees your freedom of speech, and there is absolutely no censorship whatsoever. You can use all the "filthy" words you want to. (I think their only policy is you can't threaten to physically hurt anyone, or post information that can lead to such activity) They even have an X rated forum where you can post dirty pictures
:D--> (no child porn allowed of course) I find many Greasespotters have gone over there including myself. I think it was Refiner who came here from there and many have found that site because of him. I encourage everyone who believes in free speech to click on the link provided and join up.
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Too soon to tell. Ask me in 3 months.
I need to view the next wave of threads and posts to make an informed
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Chuck: You have a very overinflated view of your own importance. So you had a post deleted, big deal. Cry about "freedom of speech" somewhere else. Maybe you can find a new forum where you can be a smarmy jerk and have people slobber all over you for it.
You know where the door is. Don't let it hit you in the ***.
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